
Viewing 1 - 20 of 109 results

The Similarities Between Fan Fiction and Professional Fiction · 7:41am Oct 28th, 2014

It is often remarked on how different fan fiction is from original fiction. There is definitely truth to these remarks; the amateur nature of fan fiction and the baggage of using an existing setting creates many differences.

Over time, however, I’ve noticed some similarities. One could say that some of these are reaching, or that they happen rarely, and that is not unreasonable. I thought it might be an interesting mental exercise regardless.

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Report cleverpun · 527 views · #Musings

I have breached one kilofollower. · 8:42pm Apr 17th, 2016

Which consists of a thousand single followers.

Which would be you guys. Who followed me. For your own personal reasons.

It's been a hell of a ride so far.

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The Bronycon Effect? · 9:55pm Aug 16th, 2017

Minor musing here, but the daily view-count for all my stories doubled during Bronycon, coinciding with a number of upvotes and faves. Now that Brony-con is over, I jumped onto the stat pages for a number of my largest fics (Rise, Beyond the Borderlands, and Tirek is Doomed) and noted that, yes indeed, average daily views of the fics as much as doubled during that period, though the scaling wasn't uniform across the various fics (for example, some had views almost triple

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Report Viking ZX · 406 views · #Musings #Cons

...My muse is a fickle thing · 8:51pm Aug 7th, 2018

So! Good news, bad news time!

Good news! I wrote over 6k in two days!

Bad news! ...It's for a brand new story, that has nothing to do with anything I have already published.

I'm sorry! The idea just wouldn't leave me! I already have five full chapters done, and I promise i'll start work on the next chap of Singularity today or tomorrow. So, yeah. Stay tuned.

Reaching For The Sun-Coming VERY soon


Music spotlight 8 + bonus info. · 3:45pm Mar 6th, 2016

This song . . . do I need to say anything about it?

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Report Muscle_Car_Brony · 316 views · #Muse-ic

Monthly Musing · 1:30pm Jun 1st, 2017

Purpose defines a people, but a person can redefine their purpose.

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Voting Question · 2:46am Jun 5th, 2017

It's a little perplexing to me, but sometimes I see fics that have gray voting bars. Even when someone gives an upvote or a downvote, it remains gray. At first, I thought it was because the author had made the stats invisible, but I couldn't find that option in any of my fic or account settings, so I ruled that out. Then, I figured it was because it was new, but once I uploaded a story and it got a single vote, I needed to rule that idea out as well. Finally, I just thought it was to mask fics

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Monthly Musing · 3:02pm Jan 1st, 2018

The Sentimental is remembered. The Practical is used.

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Monthly Musing · 1:39pm Aug 1st, 2017

The Hero may do the deed, but it is the Bard that makes the deed legendary.

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Who Is The Hero And Who Is The Villain? · 8:32am Oct 4th, 2019

Who is the hero and who is the villain?

It’s a question as old as time itself. We ask it to ourselves with every book or show or movie we read or watch. Sometimes you get a clear answer. In MLP, it’s always obvious that Tirek or Chrysalis, or Sombra is the villain. It’s spelled in black and white for us much of the time.

But real life isn’t black and white. Real life is a gray area.

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Really? Were You Staring At My Ass? · 10:00pm Jan 26th, 2017

I had a interesting up day at school the other day.

I'm in choir. Just about the only class I enjoy.

But after class ended I met up with a guy I thought was decent, we chatted a while about what we had planned after the day was done.

He walked me to my locker as I turned around to pick up a book when I saw it from the corner of my eye, his eyes were locked right on my ass.

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Report Decaf Coffee · 397 views · #flirt #school #fun #muse

The end of my timeline issues, and a possible first fic incoming... · 2:48am Feb 19th, 2022

Well... after what happened last time, I probably shouldn't be as hasty to declare that the issues with my timeline are over and done with... but this time, I really think they are. I had to come to a few unexpected compromises regarding some things, but the solution probably turned out for the better. Hopefully readers will like it once the relevant fics are finished and posted.

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A potential wasted Rich opportunity for a legend... · 12:06am Jan 19th, 2023

So... I'm not sure if I am on some sort of rolll regarding the Equestria Girls side of my AU, or if this is just a natural consequence of having recently made a post about the Friendship Games version of my AU once I get around to it... but thing is, today I ended up thinking about Legend of Everfree and how it would take place in my AU... and while it's relatively issue-free in my opinion, perhaps it would merit a deeper look than I intended to give it at first.

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More than three words about Three Words · 2:47pm Sep 24th, 2015

Please pardon the rambling. If you wish to read rambling about a story, click below. Also, if you haven't read the story... unmarked spoilers below.

Or click the link -> Three Words to read the story first.

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Out of Context Screenshot Theater #790! + Random Musings Blog #54 · 11:24pm Jul 8th, 2017

Reminder: If you enjoy reading my work/blogs, please consider a monthly pledge to my Patreon. You don't need to pledge a lot, just whatever you can, but there are rewards for pledging $10 or more.

Welcome to my weekly Random Musings blog!

This blog is divided into two sections:

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I wasted a great chance to keep quiet (or Timeline Issues - Part II) · 1:00am Feb 12th, 2022

So... last Monday, I made a post about the issues with a well-defined timeline, and said how I felt the biggest part of it was done.

As it turned out, I was wrong.

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Chapter 3 - Due to be out soon · 11:40am Nov 9th, 2015

Chapter 3 is undergoing peer-review pre-reading process. Hopefully kinks and other hijinks will be ironed out soon. Other than that, if you want to chat to me, or harangue me about any stories I need to update, you can pester me more directly on Skype: hackloaded

Other than that, you can send me a PM and encourage me to write faster by sending compliments to stroke my ego, or insults to lower my expectations of a positive response. Whichever tickles your fancy.

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Report sunnypack · 437 views · #update #musings #whatplot

Darnit. I need a better pony name for The Big Brick Construction company · 12:48am Jul 6th, 2018

My problem for The Big Brick Construction and Reconstruction Specialists is that it turns into TBBCRS, and that's not very punny. So let me toss this out here (eww!) and see what kind of ideas it spawns. From Farmer Bruener Has Some Ponies, which is up to about Chapter 11. If I get a really good idea, I'll post a snippet later tonight from the part where the displaced residents of Ponyville meet the Fred Felts family (Name of Topeka's most annoying family redacted for obvious lawsuit

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Just a random blog about myself · 5:47pm Dec 28th, 2016

Hangovers suck. Those who've experienced can attest to this, I'm sure of it. But the night before may or may not make that hangover worth it.

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Where You Belong · 10:28pm Mar 24th, 2020

"Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone."- "Alone" by Maya Angelou

I've been thinking a lot about loneliness, and about self-perception lately.

For most of my life I have been ruled by my thoughts. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy would tell you that you are not your thoughts, but what if they are? I mean, thoughts dictate words which dictate character, which dictate destiny, so doesn't it follow that your thoughts rule your life?

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 109 results