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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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LTUE Day Two Report! · 5:22am Feb 15th, 2020

For all the typos yesterday, today may see even more. I am absolutely wrung out. Ever seen a taffy pull? That taffy is how my brain feels. And if I’ve lost my voice tomorrow morning due to speaking so much today, well …

Worth. It.

So, let’s recap, shall we?

9 AM I went to How to Ursurp a Kingdom. Yes, it was as awesome as it sounds. The panel talked about how to take over, assassinate, play political games, the works. I enjoyed it immensely.

Two works were suggested as primers during this panels. Machiavelli’s The Prince and a two-part CCPGrey video I’ll embed below.

10 AM was a panel on Oaths and Honor in societies. This panel covered a variety of topics, from how a character’s honor (or a challenge against it) can make them much more intriguing, or how characters from societies that honor different things can play off of one another (or even coexist).

More about characters with honor and how that’s a character tool than cultures steeped in honor, but nonetheless interesting.

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Comments ( 4 )

Do you know if there are or will be recordings of the panels online, and if so where one can find them? I'd really like to see the Writing Non-human POV Characters panel in particular, but if it has been posted already my looking thus far has failed to find it.

Also, you mention that in the preceding fortnight you read two books in preparation for that panel – might I ask which those are? As well as any other useful sources on the subject you've read or heard of before or since?

LTUE does have a Youtube channel, but they have not posted anything from 2020 yet. I'll be keeping my eyes on it though, because I know there's been a strong demand for recordings of some of the panels that were shown this year.

The two books I read before the panel were Year of the Griffin by Diana Wynne Jones and Mossflower by Brian Jacques, both dealing with partial or entirely non-human casts of characters.

Hopefully that panel was recorded, as there was a lot of good advice dropped during it.

Ah, glad to see that it really was just because they haven't posted any recordings yet, rather than my failing to spot something obvious during my search or such.

As for the books, in retrospect I really shouldn't've found it surprising that you meant stories rather than nonfiction; maybe it's a sign I've been reading too many research papers and not enough examples of how other people tackle the subject. I haven't read any of the Redwall books in ages, so getting to indulge in some childhood nostalgia while researching sounds quite appealing.

Oh lol. I see what you were thinking. Yeah, no non-fiction books on the topic that I'm aware of. Best you can do is read other's works and see how they do (or don't) put the reader in the body of a non-human protagonist.

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