Princess Skystar has heard such wonderful things about Hearth’s Warming from Silverstream that she wants to introduce it to Seaquestria. Queen Novo doesn’t mind the idea, so she’ll go research it for a minute and—what happened?
Twilight Sparkle only wants to check Sweet Apple Acres off her list of wells, but according to Applejack, some nasty little animals live near it. Bureaucracy will save the day!
Very few ponies have ever gotten a dressing-down in person from Princess Celestia. So at least Berry Punch has that going for her. Even though what she did wasn’t technically illegal.
How is Twilight supposed to figure out what the cutie map means when it chooses a cutie mark that a bunch of ponies have, and none of said ponies bother showing up?
Pinkie asks Spike to keep Maud company until she gets off work, but he can't just sit there and say nothing to Maud, right? But she barely talks back, so he continues filling the silence, and... well, he should have stayed quiet.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders find themselves as accidental stowaways on a pirate ship. All they want is some food, drink, and a fair price on their heads. Maybe the pirates should call in reinforcements.
Sonata Dusk used to have friends. They hung out together all the time and told her what to do, and that's what friends are, right? At least she has her tacos now, and she gets to hear pretty music, but Sunset Shimmer keeps looking at her funny.
Time traveling from five thousand years in the future, Twilight Sparkle—or as she prefers, Glitter-Flanks—has one mission: to establish the closed time loop that sets her and Celestia up as a couple, by flirting as aggressively as possible.
As many such things do, it all started with Discord trying to help. And now Fluttershy can't escape the apocalyptic proclamations. Next time, she'll try the trick of wishing for no wishes.
Twilight Sparkle definitely learned her lesson from her last time-travel experience. This one's not her fault. Really. Sometimes nature can be... annoying.