With the gulf between Sunset Shimmer and Princess Celestia growing wider by the day, Raven makes a desperate bid to connect with the young prodigy before things spiral even further.
Future universe. "Sister" Princesses Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle mourned the loss of Equestria's favorite Princesses - The royal natural-born alicorn sisters Celestia and Luna. In an attempt to win them back, they resurrect them - as fillies.
Pinkie Pie plays match maker for all her friends, including her family. Afterwards, Pinkie Pie realizes that Sunset Shimmer doesn't have one. Pinkie puts her on a dating website... Hilarity insures.
Harmonic bonds aren't the most predictable of spells. Sunset learned this the hard way with Twilight. Involving Moon Dancer will make things either extremely complicated, or extremely simple. And that has nothing to do with harmonic bonds.
Sunset Shimmer, seeking the source of a keepsake left by an old friend, finds herself at Friendship Academy. However, upon meeting the strange mare, Starlight Glimmer, her life is consumed by the myth of the alicorn and the power of miracles.
The changlings have taken over and all hope is long as none is left to stand against them. But in another world there is still one unicorn left. With the help of her old teacher's pet, Sunset must become the hero she always meant to be.
After an entertaining evening meeting Sunset’s newest friend Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia seeks an old intelligence report that may hold a secret from Equestria’s past that will forever change Equestria’s future.
Sunset Shimmer and her friends struggle to deal with recovering from Anon-A-Miss as they move forward. New friends and a doctor, thankfully, can help them along.
The holiday season has come to Canterlot High, and Sunset Shimmer finds herself the chief suspect behind the MyStable user 'Anon-A-Miss'. The real question is, can she weather this storm?