Supporting Original Characters 1,828 members · 4,098 stories
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I thought it would be good with a thread where people can post information about their OCs, so that others might use them.
Tesla Hoof

Dusk Quill
Group Admin

Stickied this thread. This is a very good idea, and I'm surprised we haven't done an OC roster yet. I'll be sure to add a couple of mine very soon. :twilightsmile:

-- DQ

Here's Dusty's "little profile" that I just made. Enjoy and let me know if you plan to use him. I will also be updating his profile when I put in a new chapter for his story, The Bugler's Son.

This is Lumina from my fic, Awakening. The picture was done by Piecee01:

Here be (on the right, if that wasn't obvious haha) Cogwill from my HiE story, A Cog in the Machine. Drawn by dmkamikazee.

This is Lofty Dreams, who is but one of the protagonists of my fic Curses and has his own blog:

Julius "Jay" Orange, traveling salespony from Manehatten, cousin of the Apples. Main character of Double Date

Jay Orange is a confidant young salespony, maybe a little too confidant. He enjoys impressing the mares with his business achievements, no matter how trivial, and, although just an underling in the company right now, he expects one day to control his family's vast company Orange Imports. He just needs that big break and everypony to see his inner genius. He is generally honest and hard working, and he likes his extended family in the Apples, especially his cousin Macintosh. He likes good times that include mares and a fair bit of wine, but his wild streak and influence on Mac have put him in conflict with his cousin Applejack over the years.
There are two things Jay really hates: losing and his given name.


Those are some sweet designs for OCs, guys, but on the other hoof, can you summarize your OCs in three or fewer sentences? They look neat and all, but I like characters for being characters, not usually just for their looks.

So here's my chip to the pile.

From My Little Castlevania comes Shatterstorm:

There's no polite way to phrase it, but Shatterstorm is a jerk. His constant arguments and abrasive attitude make standing him a real chore for the heroes. He is however extremely loyal to those he forms strong bonds with, and will go to great lengths to protect those he cares about. Just don't expect him to thank you.

I sure can!
Her name is Lumina, not Miss Specter, not Lumina Specter, just LUMINA! She's an INFJ, and if you leave her staring at a wall long for an hour she'll probably have a grand, revelatory theory about the universe and existence... which she may or may not want to share with you. She likes her secrets to remain secrets and, like all the best cow ponies, she has daddy issues.


She might actually get along pretty well with Shatterstorm. Despite her oddness, they could probably bond over their parental issues.

I'd actually kind of like to see how they would get along. I'm not entirely sure how Lumina would interact with Shatterstorm. She would pretty much decide if he was a character she could spend time with or somepony that should be avoided almost entirely on her 'gut feelings' about him after their first encounter.

Well of course :twilightsmile:

Cogwill is motherly, determined, and a bit of a trickster; she loves children and will go out of her way to make sure that those around her feel safe and protected. She's not quite confident in her own abilities yet, but she'll quickly push her doubts aside when somepony is in need of help. She was tortured by the Flim Flam brothers, and her time with them almost crushed her spirit, but through it all she found ways to keep on smiling despite all the hardships.

In summation; a kindhearted silly filly who'll be there to help you when you fall... just don't expect her not to laugh playfully when you do :derpytongue2:

855155 Sure.

"Rocky Slopes’ Pegasus for packages, he handles all the package traffic in and between Rocky slopes and fillydelphia(unsure about that). He is quick to use informal language and has a casual/lazy nature. He tends to go with the flow, even when he needs to deliver far from Rocky Slopes, he just does it to go with the flow and because he likes to fly. "

This guy is hard for me to write for, as he was my first OC, he has served as my ponysona. But now I try to get him away from the ponysona bit and be more developed on his own(together with the rest of my fictional town's inhabitants).

Elaborated as requested.

Lieutenant Gale (background) and Captain Rime of the Royal Guards. The are the main characters of the story-within-a-story in Historical Fiction that takes place in the ancient Pegasai nation.

Gale and Rime are warriors dedicated to their country, even when it is in conflict with their king. Their names reflect their personalities: Gale is young and impetuous, while Rime is older, reserved, almost cold. They are lovers, but they put aside their desire for personal happiness to preserve their country, even though it means one of them must make the ultimate sacrifice.

This was my first attempt at writing something at even vaguely resembled serious romance, so I thought it safer to do with OCs rather than ponies from the show.

My first OC plus I couldn't add a cutie I did it in paint...with the squiggly lines, so it kinda sucks.

Name: Aqua Splash
Age: 18
Mane colors: Cerulean and Sea Green
Coat Color: Teal Blue
Eye Color: Sea Green
Race: Pegasus
Cutie Mark: A water symbol, good at things involving water, whether it's dealing with wet weather like Pegasus's do or something out in the ocean/lake etc.

She grew up in fancy Canterlot but felt like she never fit in because she just doesn't care about being all dolled up and fancy and stuff like that. She just wants a simple life, with some nice friends. She didn't make many friends in Canterlot, and no close real friends, because she just wanted to simple things even things they'd consider "below them" like sports, running around in the dirt etc. plus she is a bit shy on top of that before she gets to know a pony real well. Not like Fluttershy shy but she is a bit reserved until she gets to know a pony and gets comfotable with them. She wanted to be a normal kid, a non Canterlot normal kid. So upon turning 18 she decided she wanted to find a place she could fit in better and quickly found Ponyville and saw that pony's in ponyville weren't all fancy or snobs and seemed rather friendly. Glad she found a place relatively quickly to hopefully fit in and settle down in there was just a few million things on her mind still. Would she fit in like she hoped? Would she be able to make friends? What would she do with her life? Could she find something to be successful at in Ponyville to make a living? She'd have to now that she got a place of her own she couldn't bum money off mom and dad anymore, she is an adult now and has to find her own way. And most of all, would she be finally be happy, here in Ponyville?

Well dang, I wish I had pictures of all of the main characters from "The Dusk Guard: Rise" but as of yet, I only have a picture of one of them.

This is Sabra, as drawn by SilverWolvesForever.

Sabra is a main character in The Dusk Guard, albeit not as major as some of the viewpoint characters, and his character isn't quite as explored as some of the others in the first book, although it is developed. He still wound up as the favorite of one of my pre-readers, who contributed the artwork above. Partially because he's a zebra, and partially because he's just cool. He's a philosophical monk whose cutie mark is for navigating by sound. He's also incredibly martially skilled. So much so in fact, that he is the youngest fimbo master in over seven-hundred years. Combine that with his cutie mark, and he fights blindfolded most of the time, simply to increase the challenge.

Personality-wise, Sabra is very cool and reserved. He's a philosopher and well educated, so his responses, more often than not, tend to be peppered with varying philosophies or famous bits of wisdom from across the world stage of history. This doesn't mean that he holds with that particular school of philosophical thought (in fact, in one scene it's somewhat suggested that he's playing devil's advocate just to boggle another member of the team), but he's well educated, and more than comfortable fitting in with polite company.

As for what he's doing in the employ of the Princesses, and why he's serving on the Dusk Guard, that's a question answered in the story itself.

I'd prefer not see him show up as more than a cameo though. If you'd like to use him, let me know.

Well geez, these are quite the bunch of unique characters.
This is just a side character, so i don't into too much detail, but here is an extract from my story, A Cause to Die For that describes him:
Mr Purgley was the owner of Ponyville’s local pub and inn. He was nothing to look at, his brown skin, spots around his head body, slightly oversized belly, and his dull brown eyes all made him seem like a very unremarkable pony. But, in the working of this ponies brain was a boatload of what he thought truly mattered in life. Experience. Purgley had seen it all, from whirlwinds to earthquakes, from the posh to the poor, from the weak to the strong, Mr Purgley knew ponies better than he knew himself.

Although this topic hasn't seen some activity for a while, I figured I might as well add my main OC and perhaps get the ball rolling again.

Name: Stardust
Age: 26
Tribe: Unicorn stallion
Cutie Mark: A crumbling, shooting star, with a colorful streak of dust trailing behind it.
Special Talent: Spell Weaving - Stardust is very good at drawing out magic from other spells (thus cancelling them) as well as enchanted objects and using the raw magic to boost his own spells.
Appearance: Dark gray coat with a midnight blue mane and tail. Dark green eyes. Average height and build for his age makes him appear rather average, save for one distinctive feature - a broken horn with a scorched tip, which makes him unable to use magic.

Bio: A descendant of a noble family, whose ancestor was Princess Platinum, one of the founders of Equestria. With a family history full of mages, it was no surprise that Stardust's special talent was related to magic. Educated by the finest tutors his family could afford, he was later enrolled in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, where he quickly became among the top students of his year.

Unfortunately, because of his noble heritage, Stardust grew up in a tribalist environment, believing that unicorns are superior to other pony tribes. His ambition, arrogance and obsession with the purity of a unicorn's lineage eventually led to him losing his horn due to an accidental spell. Disowned by his family, due to the nature of the incident, Stardust wonders Equestria completely alone.

Though he is no longer the tribalist he once was, Stardust still, unintentionally, tends to look down on other pony tribes. And though he tends to try and redeem himself, his confrontational nature as well as the lingering bitterness of not being able to use magic tends to complicate things. Couple this with a tendency to quickly resort to violence and irrational thinking when angry and you have a pony who is ... problematic to deal with.

Still, whenever he is in a good mood, Stardust's company is enjoyable. As long as any sore subjects are avoided, he is well-meaning and helpful.

Hi I am New-ish here is all my OCs

The Legion will provide you with our Glorious leader.
Name: Steel Cog. Eye color: Green
Hair: Dark grey. Coat: light grey with a tinge of purple.(just a hint.) Tail: Gray and dark gray with Oil staining at the end.
Legs: three plus one artificial. also no larynx. no horn. Blood type: don't know to afraid to try and take one.
Cutie mark: Bronze Gear. Special talent: Machinery, inventions, Magic storage.
Favorite food: Red Velvet Cake. least favorite thing to eat: Pony Meat. (or any meat for that matter. Hey least she ain't a cannibal.)
Race: Unicorn (formerly???)

Brief Bio:
Now she is very much a broken pony.(Don't tell her i said this!) she has a dark cynical sense of humor. I suspect she gets night mares, might be a reason she has dark bags under her eyes? She doesn't really smile or socialize with ponies, apparently she use too but that was before now she's a head case. Had a factory 20 miles outside of Ponyville along the edge of the Everfree forest till it burnt down. Before it burnt down, her tail was sucked into the machines which kinda chewed her up...BAD. her injuries consisted of severe throat punctures (larynx), blunt force amputation(hind leg) and the shattering of her Horn (her horn!!). To this day I'm not sure if she still has magic or not but she can still some how build machinery such as her leg and artificial voice box. Fun Fact: she doesn't have to move her mouth to talk cause the sound actually comes from the device around her neck, but she does move her mouth for the sake of the ponies she talks too so it's a little less weird i guess.

If you wish to use her... just send us a story link so we can read about her. also if you have more question message us I'm sure we can help.

Why not? I'll share :scootangel:

This is a group pic of My personal OC (The large light blue pony: Calm Wind) and my four good friends here on this site. We go by the name: The Pegasus Posse, since we all randomly shared out OC's one day and all happened to be Pegasi :rainbowkiss: From left to right: Shine Struck (Scootafail), Calm Wind (Moi :raritywink:), Playbitz, Rivet, (Kestrel), and Swift Justice (Azure_Shadow)

The art is by foxenawolf

Here's a few more pics of us:

Art by: Scootafail

Art by: foxenawolf

Art by: Noble Savage (Deviant art: thatdamntenpin)
The two OC's on the left belong to CrystalMelody_kc (the blue mare) and CowgirlVK (the pink mare))

Art by: foxenawolf

About my personal OC specifically: Calm Wind is a large, oversized pegasus who spends all of his time either lifting weights or writing stories. He is very large and muscular, but quite passive and one to join conversations rather than start them. He's alright when it comes to talking to other stallions he just met, but when confronted by a mare he doesn't know he becomes ridiculously shy and doesnt know what to say. His mind tends to wander which because of his large size often leads to him bumping into other's as he moves. He is very protective of those he cares about and is quick to step in and guard those he cares about even in situations where it may not be necessary. Because of his large size and weight he actually has trouble taking off (despite his larger wings) and needs to take a running start before he can fly.

We don't have any stories about us yet... But we do currently hold a minor role in one of my stories: Piercing the Heavens (Not related to Gurren Lagaan, that was actually an accident:rainbowlaugh:)

In this particular story i actually have five other original characters:

Matteo: The enormous, stoic bald eagle Griffon. A proud warrior, but clumsy at everyday tasks (like making his bed).

Twister: An incredibly unstable weirdo who rarely does anything that makes sense

Squall: A grump who never smiles and has a massive chip on his shoulder about... something...

Storm Front: Happy and smiling despite a very rough and troubled past... seems perfect on the outside, but is he on the inside?

Little Star: A dwarf pony (she's 30) who is always incredibly cheerful, but if you piss her off... hold onto your mane because she's gonna let you have it.

Piercing the Heavens is the third part in a trilogy i have written with an intense focus on Rainbow Dash and Soarin... how they first meet... how they fall in love over time (over time, i didnt just nudge them together :derpytongue2:) and how their relationship is effected by the twists and turns life throws at them... including Dash finally getting the chance to become a wonderbolt in the third story.

The stories take place in my own universe that my fans have dubbed the "Wonderverse"

It's a pony universe that takes place in the same world as the show, and acknowledges many of the events in the show (Up to the end of season 3) but the difference is that the natural skills and natures of the three pony races... are all turned up and exaggerated.

Earth Ponies are capable of tremendous feats of strength.

Unicorn magic is capable of much more than ever shown in the show.

And Pegasi are capable of incredible precise flight skill, speed, and ability.

This gives me the freedom to make the Wonderbolts capable of things that are near impossible due to them being a select group that are considered to be amazing in a world where things are already turned up a few notches. But why am i telling you this?

Because I'd like to point out my Wonderbots as characters as well. :eeyup:

I created the personalities of Soarin, Spitfire and Fleetfoot before they were ever featured in the show (before Wonderbolt academy) So they have different and original personalities...

Not only that... but i have done the same thing for every single background Wonderbolt: Rapidfire, Silver Lining, Wave Chill, Blaze, High Winds, Fire Streak, Lightning Streak, Surprise, and Misty Fly all have been given original personalities as if they were OC's... and on top of that i created 4 more Wonderbolts from scratch :scootangel:

So if you are a fan of the Wonderbolts, check out the trilogy! :rainbowkiss:

Head in the Clouds
Flying Sky High
Piercing the Heavens

(Even if you aren't a fan of SoarinDash... there is a large, full story told in the trilogy alongside the romance with lots of twists, turns, fun, and action.:eeyup:)

Hey guys, this is a really neat forum, and a very awesome group. I ended up here when someone slid my story about Mixtape (My DJ/Anti-Vinyl Scratch) into one of your folders. Since I'm new here, I was wondering if anyone would like to give my character a once over? She's my most developed OC and I've had her for a couple of years now. (Note, most of this has come via several years of Role play on the Equestria Muck program with various other players.)


Diamond is a ten year old filly born in Manehatten. She has a silver coat, an icy blue mane and tail, and she has crystal clear blue eyes. She's a 'nudge' which is a slang term, (derogatory) for any pegasus that's an orphan. Usually a baby pegasus that was 'accidently' nudged off a cloud to a supposed death. The parents fly away, no one is the wiser, and they don't have to deal with the 'unexpected' bundle of joy a wild night of passion might have.

Diamond was found in a field as a baby on the outskirts of the city, without a scratch on her and was taken to the orphanage (Sunny Skies home for wayward foals.) As she ages, she discovers her body is an oddity of nature and genetics. While other kids got bumps and bruises and scrapes and cuts- Diamond never managed to have any, despite being a energetic little pegasus. Her skin is incredibly durable- almost (But not quite) Unbreakable. Either by freak accident of nature, or miracle, Diamond is considered a 'freak' by the rest of the children, which leads to a great number of fights on her part. This leads Diamond to the city- placing her in foster homes and different programs, but her penchant for getting into fights follows her dauntlessly. Much to the displeasure of her caretakers.

At eight years old, Diamond is kicked out of the orphanage,(To much fighting) just before she has a chance to run away. She leaves happily, in hopes to find her real parents- the only thing she wants in life- Answers to why they abandoned her, and who she really is. Instead she ran into another orphan by the name of Star Strider. Star Strider discovers Diamond's unique 'talent' to suffer enormous amounts of physical punishment without a bodily scratch. Strider teaches Diamond Dancer how to steal and how to survive on the city streets, quite a bit like Oliver Twist, as it were. He uses her as a distraction, often getting hit by a taxi or a trolly car, and creating a big spectacle, while he steals whatever food that he can. In two years, they eventually meet a run away named Sunfire, and two additional homeless colts; Punchline, the earth pony, and Criss Cross, the unicorn. They form a little ragtag band of friends and spend their days together.

One night, Star Strider remarks to Diamond, that if she wishes on a shooting star, her wish will come true. Well, at this point, all Diamond wants out of life is a real family, so she starts wishing extra super hard every night, but has no luck. At this point, Diamond becomes obsessed with the idea and decides if she can't wish on a shooting star, maybe she can catch one instead. She begins training to fly into space (no one said Diamond was a particularly bright little pony) with wing push ups, and endurance training. Her obsession drives her to work her body to exhaustion but her determination is unshakable, leading her to spend days training to fly as far and as high as possible.

Unfortunately, Diamond and company receive a horrible realization that eating out of dumpsters and sleeping in makeshift beds in dirty alleyways is no way for fillies and colts to live. Criss Cross becomes life threateningly ill, and with no money for medicine and no one to turn to, the group face the prospect of a real loss.

Meandering through the city in search of hope, Diamond stumbles across a poster for "Highest Flying Pegasus" contest sponsored by the Wonderbolts (With a great deal of prize money to boot!) and decides she's going to win. She HAS to win. Begging Criss Cross to hang on for her, she puts her all into flying as high as possible to receive the prize money needed to save her friend's life. To help hype Diamond, and get the crowd on her side, her friends launch a tiny campaign to paint Diamond as the 'under dog' giving her nick names such as "The Miracle Mare" and "The fantastic filly" and "The impossible pony" using her highly durable body as proof she is 'indestructible' and she was 'made to win' The judges decide to allow her to compete, (As a joke, and good press for the wonderbolts) Having spent years training for this very competition, Diamond promises Criss Cross that she'll save him. In the long run, Diamond manages to win through sheer determination and the oddity of her genetics. This nets her a cutie mark: a shooting star, The object of her obsession- which she takes to symbolize determination. However, while flying so high wins her the prize money needed to rescue Criss Cross from his illness, and grant her the title of "Highest Flyer in Equestira" Diamond contracts the disease "Icarus Syndrome" which is received from flying far to high for extended periods of time. The air is to thin and cold for sustained flight, and Diamond flew well past the boundaries of safety to ensure her victory.

The disease starts out as a cold, stage one, and starts it's work weaving into a pony's immunity systems. At stage two, it mutates into a bad fever, with flu like symptoms. Stage three has the body losing color, as Diamond's silvery coat is slowly being marred with black and nasty blotches like ink. Stage four is the last stage where the disease is curable. At this stage, the circulatory system is effected, leaving the extremities of the body without feeling and the senses start to waine. While not paralyzed, Diamond has lost her senses of smell, taste and touch in her limbs (adding to her 'supposed invincibility' as she can no longer feel pain.) Upon returning to earth, (In a spectacular crash-Diamond having passed out due to lack of air during her flight,) Diamond is taken to the local Hospital to assess her wounds as Diamond was knocked unconscious by the violent crash.

While in the hospital, visiting Diamond is approached by a doctor whom is curious to study the phenomenon of her body. In turn, he promises Diamond a 'cure' for her disease. Accepting the bargain, The doctor discovers Diamond is in fact, a crystal pony, but she's never been exposed to the crystal heart in order to gain her gleam. And odd occurrence at birth her left her body like her name sake, and left her highly durable to almost all things physical. While physically invulnerable, Diamond suffers from an identity crisis, and depression. She's emotionally fragile, and easy to provoke into arguments or fighting, especially on the topic of her parents.

While in the hospital, Diamond learns more about her disease. The fifth level of the disease is when it effects the brain, and the sixth, and final stage is death. She discovers that the doctor treating her has no intention of actually curing her illness, but is far more interested in replicating her surprising durability. Millions could be made from a procedure that would give ponies invulnerability. Diamond, however, flees the hospital with the help of her friends, but realizes she has little time left to live. (A little less than six months) While still capable of thought and function, Diamond leaves Manehatten to seek out Princess Luna, whom she thinks is the creator of the stars in the sky to bid her thanks. (Not wanting her friends to mourn her incoming death, Diamond refuses to tell them why shes leaving, prompting an argument leaving Diamond to storm off in an angry huff. She'd rather have them think she hated them, and to have them hate her, than to force them to watch her die, with nothing they could do about it. Diamond is kicked out of the group, and left to her own devices, as she had planned. )

Diamond seeks Princess Luna, for It was the stars and her obsession that let her do all that training, and thus, allow her to save Criss Cross. She feels she owes Princess Luna a personal thank you and her loyalty. She strikes out to Ponyville to visit the famed Everfree Forest and hunt down Princess Luna at the castle of the two sisters.

While there she meets several ponies, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy specifically. Pinkie Pie while friendly and hyperactive, touches Diamond's heart when she offers Diamond a free cupcake. Diamond refuses, recanting that she cannot taste anything, and Pinkie counters by offering Diamond a bowl of Oatmeal instead, saying "It doesn't really taste like anything, so we can share it together, and you aren't missing out!" Fluttershy, offers Diamond a place to spend the night while she tries to figure out how to get in contact with Princess Luna. While there, Fluttershy discovers how sickly Diamond is, and realizes she hasn't much time. She decides to visit the palace and beg for an audience for the sickly little filly. While in Fluttershy's home, Diamond is seduced into Ever Free forest by a voice promising her a reprieve from her sickness. Diamond follows the voice, terrified at the prospect of dying without being able to talk to Princess Luna, and discovers it's source: a nightmare.

The little filly is possessed and begins a campaign to destroy Ponyville but it is short lived. She is rescued by Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, using the powers of Kindness and Laughter and overall, the power of friendship to free Diamond of the nightmare's grasp. While the creature was driven away from the filly, it left a curse upon her body, leaving her in a state of perpetual undeath. In such, a way for it to return once it was recovered and seize her body once again- using Diamond's youthful appearance and her genetic oddities to be a fearsome weapon.

Diamond, now cursed and unable to die from the disease killing her, nor live life as a normal pony, unable to age or grow beyond her current state, continues her quest to hunt down Princess Luna. She succeeds and approaches Luna with the intent to thank her for the stars in the sky. In conversation, Princess Luna discovers of Diamond's past and the incredible events that lead her to the castle. Instead of a simple thank you, Diamond finds herself suddenly, in the employee of the Princess: Royal Night's Errant. An invincible little filly with a cutie mark in sheer determination might prove useful, and the princess sends Diamond all over Equestria to recover stolen artifacts or missing items of importance.

While Diamond is nothing more than a glorified errand girl for the Princess of the night, she is beside herself with joy, now that her life has a purpose, and she's working under the princess of the stars. In thanks for Diamond's services, Princess Luna has promised to help Diamond find a cure for her curse and her disease, in addition to a tiny, glowing pendant. A star from space from the princess herself! Diamond's life is a mish mash of ups and downs, and death is never more than one day away, but the little filly is slowly finding out that no matter what happens friendship is magic, and it's a magic she's come to rely on.

Diamond, bills herself as the "Impossible Pony" The "Fantastic Filly" and the "Miracle Mare from Manehatten." She boasts that she is invulnerable, and is quite content to let most ponies think that it's true, (In reality, Diamond isn't as invulnerable as she claims but she realizes the power of a good reputation) She has no sense of taste, touch or smell, and her nerve endings are woefully dysfunctional. She cannot swim without sinking like a stone, and can only fly in short radical bursts, and normally only in one direction- plummeting to the ground in a spectacular crash landing whenever she attempts to touch down. Emotionally fragile and Impulsive, Diamond would hardly seem the type to be serving under a princess.

But for all her short comings, Diamond is loyal to Luna to a fault. She loves the night, the stars in the sky, and her princess for delivering them to her. She'll take any mission handed to her by Princess Luna, if it's going to get a sandwich to delivering documents to the Gryphon Empire! Following Luna blindly, Diamond Dancer doesn't question Luna's orders, whatever they may be. She is completely devoted to the night and her princess, and the stars. This sometimes proves dangerous, when Diamond misinterprets the Princess's desires...

Things to Note:

-Diamond hangs out in the Royal Palace after visiting hours simply because she -can-. As a royal member of Princess Luna's night court, is is granted full access to the castle, and anything that may help her complete her missions from Princess Luna. This vexes the castle guards. A lot.

-Diamond's little glowing Pendant from Princess Luna is in fact, a shard of a fallen star. One percent, mind you, but still a star. The star eagerly and maliciously grants whatever Diamond may wish with the phrase "I wish" resulting , often, in hilarious situations. The Star is only one percent, so it often fails the grant the wish completely. Example One: Diamond's first wish, as for the golden horde of a dragon. It appeared- above her- and crushed her. Then the dragon that it belonged to appeared- and also crushed her. The Dragon in turn, ate Diamond Dancer whole, and she survived due to her 'invincibility' Being pushed through a 'dragon' is not a memory Diamond is happy about.

-Example Two: Diamond wished for a lollipop. The lollipop materialized out of nowhere the size of a boulder. It was, (according to the wrapper) Spider Flavored. Diamond was not pleased. Because of these incidents, Diamond tries hard not to 'wish upon her star' and in turn, wears it constantly to keep ponyville safe from it. Diamond, however, HAS figured out some usefulness to her wishes. "Wishing herself "anywhere but here." in a dangerous situation often results in her teleporting three 1/2 feet to the left, or the stallion's bathroom in the castle barracks. If she absentmindedly wishes to know where Luna is, she'll be teleported to that pony instantly to fulfill her wish. Accidentally teleporting into Luna's bathtub made Diamond seriously consider burying the star somewhere deep, deep in Equestria.

-Diamond may have highly (Very highly) durable skin and alleged invincibility but she does not have super strength to match. She is remarkably ineffective in any offensive position, as she has the strength of a ten year old girl. That being said, Diamond is often knocked around quite a bit in combat, when trying to fetch something for Luna in hostile environments. She has discovered she makes a good 'distraction' for other member of the night court, and often acts out the role of "Bait" when engaged in a mission.

-Diamond cannot feel her mouth or tongue, resulting in an very pronounced, Manehatten accent. She says "You'se " for use, and the letter "D" instead of any letter "T" "Dis" "Dat" Dank you'se" Ovah' Dare!"

-Diamond's blotches and splotches from her disease cover her muzzle, ears, wings, hooves, and neck and she has a splotch under her right eye, that resembles a tear drop. Due to this, Diamond has very few friends her age, who are willing to look past her disease for the lonely little filly that she is.

-Diamond was adopted by a pony named "Bardigan" who acts as her big brother. He's treasured by her and she regards him as her 'number one' priority. So much so, that it has caused a mental and psychological issue for Diamond. Under the impression that Bardigan is being threatened, or if she ever see's him hurt, Diamond slips into a berserk rage. It is a status that she does not enjoy, or remember, but results in her completely losing mental function and hurling herself at the perpetrator of the action. She isn't very strong, but her tenacity has no match. Regardless to bodily harm or situation, Diamond wildly attacks until the culprit is no more, and reverts back to her normal state of mind, having forgotten the incident entirely. This has caused a significant amount of problems for the two, with Bardigan trying his best to remove some of the anger Diamond is obviously carrying with her.

-While serving as a distraction for the other members of the Night Court, Diamond also, often serves as a weapon. She is thrown violently towards an enemy, and latches on to them, or slams into them. For this reason, Diamond is often teased about being the "Ballista' of the group. Ammunition when serving on the field.

-Diamond hates the fact that she cannot taste, smell or feel. She often gazes longingly at Sugar Cube Corner, wondering what it's like to taste their famous cupcakes, or smell the cookies they bake on a dayily basis. While she doesn't openly display her depression (got to keep the image of being the invincible filly) Diamond often finds herself crying, staring at the bakery, and wishing she could have a normal life.

-Diamond sleeps during the day, and ventures out a night. She doesn't like the sun, but is tentatively tolerant of Celestia. Although she thinks any pony who would banish her own 'sister' to the moon may not be all that she's cracked up to be.

-Diamond has a hopeless crush on the pony from her group, named "Criss Cross" but she never managed to get the nerve to tell him. She hates herself for it. She has since, tried to pretend not to have feelings for anypony, but she's emotionally fragile, and wears her heart on her 'sleeve' no matter how hard she tries.

- If she had a voice actor, it would be "Lori Petty"

-Due to her curse, Diamond is 'stuck' as a ten year old. Her body doesn't grow, and she doesn't age. She HATES the fact that she cannot die, nor grow old enough to experience life as an adult. Due to this, Diamond is exceedingly reckless, often hoping the next mission will be her 'last.' She volunteers for the most dangerous, and hostile missions that she can, only hoping she'll fall in battle. This is never the case, her invulnerability and her dedication to Luna managing to keep her up and running regardless of what Life throws at her. Due to these issues, Diamond is remarkably effective at her job as Night's Errant. she is constantly in transit between wishing for an end to her suffering, and her duty to Princess Luna. She's a complicated little girl.

-Diamond serves as an extremely useful spy, due to her age, and her loyalty. She can sneak into most places, anywhere and everywhere, pretending to be a tear stricken, lost little girl. Often, she makes great use of this for Luna, as even some of the toughest opponents will lay down there arms for a sobbing little filly.

-Despite her not being offensive in combat situations (Diamond often takes blows and attacks to tire out the enemy before moving on with her mission, counting on her invincibility to protect her from harm) She HAS developed some combat techniques in a pinch. Her "Dazzling Dash" Rockets her towards her opponent for full body contact, with Diamond not worrying for recoil damage. This leads Diamond to flying as fast as she possibly can into a foe like a 50 pound little black and white missile.

-Diamond Dancer is a 'bolt head' (A fan of the wonderbolts.) While she does not want to join their ranks, she is more than happy to watch them race. Her favorite is Fleet Foot.

That's Diamond Dancer in a nut shell! What do you think you guys? :D

Zone hunter (my oc) was born in an unknown was in the everfree forest. Spending the first 15 years of his life the. He is a black ops grade survivalist and tactician spending most of ur life in combat with monster can make you good at hoof to hoof combat. After turning 20 he left the forest home to see the world (at 15 he left and found a farm and became good friends with the ponys taking to applejack and big mac like a little sister and little brother seeing as apple bloom had not been born and applejack only 2 when his saved her and big mac from a timber wolf) back story end. he is carefree most of the time, very smart when he wants to be, and protective of the ones he cares about. And very dangerous when serious, he believes being mad is a waste of energy, and he may have lived in the woods most of his life but manner r important, also very fast Also I'm 6foot 10inchs tall so he is much bigger than big mac and build like a tank. PS all I ask is you let me know if you are using him so I can see the story what you do to him is up to u u may even use a different back-story it only there to give you a ideas of who he is

My oc is known as silver dust he is missing a few pieces but I don't know how to add cutie marks or blood in pony creator so just imagine his cutie mark is a gold pocket watch and that his back and the back of his neck are covered in little red spots
He is the spirit of a falsely executed unicorn that is over 1350 years old, he can only be seen by certain animals or if he tampers with dreams like Luna does. He has wandered alone all that time and still holds a grudge against his executer, Luna as he has a constant reminder of what she's done as he still has the injury from the blade that killed him and is still bleeding from it.

Is it cool to just link a blog post? :rainbowwild: Here!

Guess I'll post one of my Oc's since her story is open ended anyway.-If any decide to use her merel give me a Pm saying you are doing so and a Acknowledgement that she's my Oc in the story.

Oc Revamped look.

Name: Ivy Spring/Scourge.

Mane- Forest Green hue, long and wavy down her side- hides her face sometimes.

Eyes- Dark green color.

Coat- Pure white coat, a little fluffed up from years of not grooming it or trimming.

Type- Unicorn with a case of Inverted magical powers- which causes decay to all around her.

Clothes- She wears a cloak similar to that of clover the clever made from a rare plant leaves of a tree that thrives on decay.- she also makes and wears hoof shoes made from these leaves while wearing them she is able to be close to others and touch them for a small bit of time.

Clothes are gotten after main adventure- to not give away alot if any wish to know her complete first story just pm me and I'll share it.

Scourge- A unicorn cursed with a wicked raw magical power that causes her whole body to become deadly to all near her or those who touch her, As a filly she found out that she was not normal her body causeing death and decay to everything around her.

After accidently killing her Mother and harming her best friend, she chooses to hide within the everfree alone waiting till her life ends, so she could not harm another pony.

Living off the land until she is a mare, A sickly pegasus comes across her during a failed suicide attempt- both becomeing close friends afterwards when Scourge finds out the pegasus suffers from an odd curse herself.

The pegasus suffers from a condition where her body is prone to almost every and any disease though constantly overcoming each and every one, years of suffering stricking her blind in one eye , her mane withering away to nothing and constant bone breaks and lesions.

Yet being the only pony in all of equestria able to stand and touch Scourge, allows the unicorn to start to beilive in faith once more as well as think perhaps the future for her still has hope.

Scourge is strong willed, solemn, a bit quiet yet loving and kind only wishing to live a normal life, yet always forced to make heart-breaking choices.

Chaotic Note
Group Admin

Well I might as well show and tell since I'm an admin here.
This is my Ponysona/OC.

I won't go into much detail, but here's what I will tell you about him.

He's traveled around the land for quite a bit, in and out of Equestria with his friends. He met a few important canon characters, not very close friends to them but enough to be acquainted and connected. He has his share of adventures, enough to string together wild tales, which may or may not be fictional altogether. He is quite the strange character, shy around social events or even around large crowds but open and friendly when with only a few others. I suppose he is afraid of showing the world his true self while only feeling comfortable to be himself with those he knows.

However it doesn't stop him from wanting to protect his own, to be a Captain of the Vanguardians.

Here is character from my latest fanfiction: Ember Gaze

The Many Misadventures of Ember Gaze is the name of the fanfiction. If you want to know more about her, you can click the link and check out the story. Or ask me, that's okay too.

Not a pony but he is one of my favorite OCs! It is the one I took the longest time creating the concept of, perfecting his abilities, goals and motivation. Who is this beast I am talking about? Why it's none other than the dark, the malicious Radifus the Basilisk (picture courtesy of JLBDreamer).

A creature of noble descent Radifus was always hailed as a type of a wunderkind while he was younger. His mother and father were very close to the King and Queen of Tartarus and his father was even the Grand Counselor of the King. He wanted to prepare Radifus to take his position but Radifus wanted to chose a different path in life. You see Radifus was most interested in the fields of magic, especially in the darker side of it called Umbra Magicus. For years he studied Umbra Magicus and even managed to transcend the realms of reality and dreams, a feat that was done only by one other being before (Princess Luna). While his powers weren't that great in this realm he found himself more and more fascinated. He learned of beauty and wonders that the dreams provided. However one event would change his life forever. As he was frolicking around the dreamscape, Radifus noticed a pony consisted purely of shadows. There he learned of Shadow Magic and the great powers they posses. He merged with the Shadow and adopted the name Basilisk as his new identity. After his parents died Radifus became the tutor of the King Hadeus' son Darkrim. He tried to teach him the same magic he possessed but Darkrim was far too pure so he devised a plan to exile the young prince in order to crush his spirit. A cunning and deceiving beast far too evil even for the darkest corners of Tartarus he garnishes one plan and one goal in his: to conquer Equestria and unleash his master Nightmare race and he will stop at nothing in order to achieve it. Fueled by hatred towards the Equestrian monarchs he plots to destroy not only their lives but their kingdom and everything they hold dear. His powers include: dream manipulation, hypnotic stare that can send even the strongest willed ponies into a spiraling coma, shape-shifting and high knowledge of Shadow Magic. Fear the beast with the crown of horns
First appearence here: The lone stallion

I'm not the best with naming characters, so if anyone would be kind enough to suggest a name for this that'd be great

Basically you're average dude, enjoys video games and such. He's like a stand-up comedian.

EDIT: I take that back, I used this website and got "Flare Runner"

852012 This guy was going to get his own story but I got a lot of stories to complete. So I've thought that I'll give him to someone who wants an OC for their story. Here he is:

I got a little bit of his background but if anyone wants him, you can change his background if you want.

His background:

His name is Jwrasig. He's a lizardman from another land (name of it you can decide) and was exiled from crimes he committed on his people. His weapons as you can see are all part of his body. They were forged into his skin so they cannot leave their master's side. He became a warlord in Equestria before the ponies founding. So in his mind, Equestria is his land and no ones else's. He was overthrown by the royal sisters but not until he had gave them one of the hardest fight before they defeat him with their magic. The royal placed him in Tartarus for a couple of years until he escaped and fled to the Crystal Empire which was still ruled by King Sombra. Sombra made Jwrasig his enforcer and made him watch over the slaves to make sure they were still doing their work and not trying to flee or revolt. But once again the royal sisters came and liberated the crystal ponies from the chains of their king. Before they arrived, King Sombra found out some slaves escaped and made Jwrasig go to find them and either bring them back or kill them. After returning to find the Crystal Empire gone, he stayed in the Crystal Mountains and waited till the empire returns...Which it did. However, Jwrasig was too late to arrive and help his king. But Jwrasig didn't care for now he knows what he'll be facing once he returns. His goal now is only to take the Crystal Empire and rule it as a warlord so he can have his revenge against the royal sisters.

So that's his background. But you can change it if anyone wants to use him and let me know if you do.

Meet Lightning Strike:

Borne in Manehatten, she was abandoned in a dumpster as a baby. Rescued by social services, she was eventually adopted out to an evil scientist, who also adopted her best friend to keep her cooperative while he ran experiments on her. Princess Luna rescued her and her friend however and eventually the solar sisters allowed the pair to be adopted by a dragon as part of a piece deal.

Lightning Strike was granted excessive control of electricity during the experiments she endured, which is more than a super power, it's actually super charged her personality. She is constantly moving and excited which might at least make some adults like her, if she didn't accidentally scare them off with her powers all the time. Her friend Dusk, now her broth,er has stuck with her through it all and she is SUPER protective of him. Despite Lightning's powers, she's actually into music, wanting to follow in the hoof steps of her idol DJpon3. Besides, at the ripe old age of eight, Lightning is hardly soldier pony material.

She's a main character in both Mentoring is Awesome and The Adventures of Scootaloo

Artists that made these images:

Broodmother Marsara.
(No art of her yet because I can't write for sh*t.)
Vengeful protagonist of my fic "The Zerg of Equestria".

I have a few of my OCs for my story Tides of Time and Love.

Their names are:

Captain Dark Dusk, He is the second oldest son of Queen Luna and her husband the King, and is captain of her batpony guards, he was black Half Breed Alicorn, with a short purple mane, and a cutie mark of a Shield with a rising Moon in the center and is always wearing his bat-like armor. He was once the leader the Assassin group called A.N.T.I., but left it because his wife Crimson Rose ask him. He really love his wife but tries his best not to show it in public, and is really good at Chess. He a leader by heart, and will always fight in the frontlines.

Lieutenant Crimson Rose is a dark red batpony, with a blue mane hanging up in a ponytail, she had a blood rose cutie mark and is always wearing her batpony armor. And she is the Wife of Captain Dark Dusk. she love her husband, greatly, and does whatever it takes to keep her husband in line, even if it means knocking him down, and will follow him into any battle if necessary.

Sir Ravage Blues, younger brother of Captain Dark Dusk. Sir Ravage Blues is dark purple unicorn with a navy blue mane and blood covered musical note as his cutie mark. He is the current Leader of the A.N.T.I., love his assassin work, and playing the blues. He is very fluttery, and most often play his saxophone in between battles, just for the mares. But has a problem with committing with a relationship, mostly do to putting his work ahead of all else while on mission, while stilling have time to flirt.

So if somepony want to use them just ask me. you could explore the battles the go through, or anything else.

and if somepony want draw them go head. just show me when your done


Lightning Strike's best friend and now little brother. Dusk was found abandoned in a dumpster, much like his big sister, but truth is, they have no blood relation at all. Ever since the two met in foster care, Dusk has been Lightning's constant companion. Lightning is super protective of Dusk, however being so young, Dusk really just interprets this as her being a good friend and sister to him. Dusk HATES seeing his sister hurt and has learned over time that she has a hard time being separated from him. (This is due to abandonment issues, but he doesn't understand that at the ripe old age of six.) He's constantly with Lightning, smiling when she's happy, trying to cheer her up when she's sad and even trying to fight when she's in danger.

Dusk loves dancing along with any activity to requires quiet thinking. Unless he's showing off his tap dancing skills, many ponies fail to even notice him in the room he's so quiet. He and his big sis both idolize the main six and the CMC after hearing stories about both groups from the "Great and Musical Trixie Bard". However above all ponies, for some reason, Dusk idolizes Scootaloo. Again, he's pretty quiet so only a few ponies know about his fan boying over a fellow foal, not even Scootaloo herself really seems to notice.

He appears in the following fics:
You're Wanted: I'll Always Protect You
Mentoring is Awesome
The Adventures of Scootaloo

Images made by this artist:

Here's Relic

Name: Relic
Age: 2000yrs old. Theirs a gap in his age. The forest is frozen in time, and because of that, he ages VERY slowly. Right now he would be 20 years old.
Species: Dragon Pony
Mark: A grey tablet with very faint unknown scriptures on it.
Family: Ire (Mother - Alive; Pegasus);
Deity (Father - Alive)(Dragon);
Has an older brother but he doesn't have a name quite yet (Deceased; Dragon pony)

1. Kind
2. Calm
3. Easy going
4. Laid back
5. Lazy
6. Head strong
7. Independent
8. Wise

LIKES: Reading, animals, watching the sky, flying, looking at stars, sleeping until the afternoon, quietness, exploring the forest, Winter (It cools him down).
DISLIKES: Swimming, loud noises, strong odors, crowded places, staying up late, waking up early in the morning, Summer (because summer doesn't not cool him down x3).

RESIDES: In a place called the Nevermore forest. Because it's frozen in time, it sits on top of the Everfree forest. The forest is hidden away magically, so no one is able to notice that its actually there, their only seeing the Everfree. The only way to get to the Nevermore is by a secret passageway. What is the secret passagway? Can't tell you because it's a secret...

*Side note: Their was a Pegasus (Who was made into an Alicorn) named Quest who at the time (which was 2000 years ago) knew magic, and she sealed Relic's corrupted parents (who were the king and queen of Ancient Equestria, and basically tried to destroy the land.) in those chains, while also sealing Relic in the Nevermore so that way he wouldn't find out nor live knowing what his parents had done*

Relic was only 1 years old when he was sealed in the Nevermore forest. Since he is part dragon, he would have no problem being on his own, plus the forest animals would keep him company. As he grew to be a toddler he played with the animals, ran with them, ate berries and fruits (he eats meat now), and pulled pranks on them. Later on he followed a rabbit to the point where they were at the end of the forest. Of course the rabbit was able to go, but because of the seal, only Relic was unable to leave. This confused him, Thus, giving him the idea to find (and try) ways of getting out. The chains on him baffled him even more, since it gives off powerful dark magic, he wonders if this is the reason why he's forbidden from leaving...

As he grew to a young teenager, he had basically tried everything to escape, like burning nearby trees, holding an animal while trying to walk out, flying really high (yes he even can't fly that high. Their is a limit to that to ), and writing a short note and throwing it out, which to his dismay, no one saw it. This gave him the conclusion that their is nothing out there, and soon gave up... Until one day, while looking at the clouds on top of a tree branch, he saw a shock wave in multiple colors on it. The force of it knocked him off, and he found himself in a sunken ditch. Apparently it was closed off by trees, and the ground had eroded over time, so he completely missed this. In the ditch he found books with stories, scrolls, dairies, old building projects, poems and artworks. Most of them was written in different languages, and Relic, surprised, was able to understand, write, and speak all of it, that was when his mark appeared. Relic was really confused as to why an image of a tablet appeared on his backside (he kinda laughed too ). He later read that it was a mark of his destiny, but wonder how he was going to use it...

*Quick note about his mark: He doesn't know all of the worlds languages, he only knows the languages that was given to him in the forest.*

Relic, now a full grown dragon stallion, with more answers about the outside world and about ponies in general, continues to live his life in the Nevermore, trying to find ways of getting out, and why he was forbidden to leave in the first place... THE END.

Here's Relic

Name: Relic
Age: 2000yrs old. Theirs a gap in his age. The forest is frozen in time, and because of that, he ages VERY slowly. Right now he would be 20 years old.
Species: Dragon Pony
Mark: A grey tablet with very faint unknown scriptures on it.
Family: Ire (Mother - Alive; Pegasus);
Deity (Father - Alive)(Dragon);
Has an older brother but he doesn't have a name quite yet (Deceased; Dragon pony)

1. Kind
2. Calm
3. Easy going
4. Laid back
5. Lazy
6. Head strong
7. Independent
8. Wise

LIKES: Reading, animals, watching the sky, flying, looking at stars, sleeping until the afternoon, quietness, exploring the forest, Winter (It cools him down).
DISLIKES: Swimming, loud noises, strong odors, crowded places, staying up late, waking up early in the morning, Summer (because summer doesn't not cool him down x3).

RESIDES: In a place called the Nevermore forest. Because it's frozen in time, it sits on top of the Everfree forest. The forest is hidden away magically, so no one is able to notice that its actually there, their only seeing the Everfree. The only way to get to the Nevermore is by a secret passageway. What is the secret passagway? Can't tell you because it's a secret...

*Side note: Their was a Pegasus (Who was made into an Alicorn) named Quest who at the time (which was 2000 years ago) knew magic, and she sealed Relic's corrupted parents (who were the king and queen of Ancient Equestria, and basically tried to destroy the land.) in those chains, while also sealing Relic in the Nevermore so that way he wouldn't find out nor live knowing what his parents had done*

Relic was only 1 years old when he was sealed in the Nevermore forest. Since he is part dragon, he would have no problem being on his own, plus the forest animals would keep him company. As he grew to be a toddler he played with the animals, ran with them, ate berries and fruits (he eats meat now), and pulled pranks on them. Later on he followed a rabbit to the point where they were at the end of the forest. Of course the rabbit was able to go, but because of the seal, only Relic was unable to leave. This confused him, Thus, giving him the idea to find (and try) ways of getting out. The chains on him baffled him even more, since it gives off powerful dark magic, he wonders if this is the reason why he's forbidden from leaving...

As he grew to a young teenager, he had basically tried everything to escape, like burning nearby trees, holding an animal while trying to walk out, flying really high (yes he even can't fly that high. Their is a limit to that to ), and writing a short note and throwing it out, which to his dismay, no one saw it. This gave him the conclusion that their is nothing out there, and soon gave up... Until one day, while looking at the clouds on top of a tree branch, he saw a shock wave in multiple colors on it. The force of it knocked him off, and he found himself in a sunken ditch. Apparently it was closed off by trees, and the ground had eroded over time, so he completely missed this. In the ditch he found books with stories, scrolls, dairies, old building projects, poems and artworks. Most of them was written in different languages, and Relic, surprised, was able to understand, write, and speak all of it, that was when his mark appeared. Relic was really confused as to why an image of a tablet appeared on his backside (he kinda laughed too ). He later read that it was a mark of his destiny, but wonder how he was going to use it...

*Quick note about his mark: He doesn't know all of the worlds languages, he only knows the languages that was given to him in the forest.*

Relic, now a full grown dragon stallion, with more answers about the outside world and about ponies in general, continues to live his life in the Nevermore, trying to find ways of getting out, and why he was forbidden to leave in the first place... THE END.

I am thinking about using this for my Fanfic. If the Name is already taken, I would like suggestions for the name then.

OC #1 - Name: Trump Card

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Species: Unicorn

Appearance: His coat is Chestnut Brown. He has a Short Maroon red Mane, which he kombs it backwards. His eyes is shown to have Electric Indigo. His magical aura is Light Blue.

Allegiance: Princess Luna

Personalities: Resourceful, Independant, Smart, Slow, Impish, Arrogant

Voice: Slighter Southern Accent

Positive Traits:
- He is Cunning in Board Games & Card games.
- Above Average in some D20 Games.
- He uses stealthy means to escape conflicts.
- His IQ is above Average.
- Not Perfect, but he spends his free time Drawing Neighponese-Style.

Negative Traits:
- He has poor eyesight and even at medium sight it is blurry, so he uses glasses alot.
- He is no skilled fighter, nor is he strong.
- He only knows basic unicorn spells.
- He is not very Social with Politics.
- He can sometimes be overconfident with his luck.

Cutie Mark: Four Cards in hand, with a face up showing an Ace of Club. The backside shows the color of red, with white lines being formed as a Dragon.

Family: Spade Guard(Brother), Pure Birch(Mother), Steel Flush(Father)

Talents: Playing Card games.

Location: Ponyville

Likes: Dragons, Cupcakes, D20 Games, Comic Books, Neighpon Comics

Dislikes: Stealing, Unfair Play, Terrorists, Forfeiting a Game, Monopoly Game

Short History:
* Born in Manehattan. Had poor eyesight on birth.
* Went to school, only had couple of friends, while others are most distrusting.
* Got bullied and teased for having those disability, but got his glasses later.
* He learned to play cards and various board games, with family and couple of friends.
* He learned D20 at the Camp which his parents took him.
* When father and brother got enlisted to join the war against Terrorism, Trump and Mother moves to Ponyville for safety, since Trump isn't a Fighter.
* Befriended the Cutie Mark Crusaders during School, but gained dislikes, some because he isn't a fighter, very few others due to misunderstandings during Board/Card games, thinking he cheated, but judged to be playing fair.

Rivals: Rumble(Very Bitter)

Motto: "Never forfeit until your Last Turn is Fatal!"

Name:Crescent Quartz
Species:Crystal unicorn
Appearance:white fur, and red hair and tail with orange streaks.
Personalities:eccentric, hyper, smart.
Cutie Mark: silver crescent moon is incased in a red gem
Family:father, alternate future Sombra, Mother, Berry Shine
Talents:Enchanting gems and crystals.
Short History: From an alternate future where Sombra corrupts the elements of harmony turning them into dark versions of them selves. Sent back in time to prevent that from happening.

Varla Streak
Slutty Personality
Originally was a French maid and often shipped with the infamous Aryanne. Because the French are historically notorious for surrendering, Varla has adopted the submissive sexual nature. Aryanne plays in well due to Germany's historical offensive nature; she plays the dominant role in the ship.

Well enough on that, thank you for the opportunity to present my character.
(Art by me)

852012 Here's one of my two main OCs.

Potion Bubbles:

A young batpony with a talent for chemistry, Potion has a lot of self confidence issues and isn't particularly brave with this stemming from fifteen years with some bullies in a orphanage. However, for a year now he's been adopted by Written Script and is only now starting to gain a bit more confidence in himself along with somewhat of a sarcastic streak.

Comment posted by Derek the Gamer deleted Jun 20th, 2016

OC #2 Name: Back Flip
Age: Pre-Teen
Gender: Male
Species: Earth Pony
Appearances: His Coat is Lime Green, his Cambridge Blue mane short but combed backwards and the tail shares the color very same. Lastly his eyes are Cerise Red. His body is not very bulky but not very skin, thus average. But can be considered an athlete. He wears knee/elbow pads and a helmet for safety measures if he is to fall out of balance during skating. His height is above average of the Fillies.
Allegiance: Princess Luna
Personalities: Independant, Helpful, Clever, but Lazy and Stubborn.
Cutie Mark: Pair of Rollerskates with jet rockets
Family: Frontline (Older Brother), (Unknown Father), (Unknown Mother),
Talent: He likes to use Roller Skates to speed across Ponyville and other places.
Strengths & Flaws:
+He can be very Sneaky
+Known for being a player in D20 Games
+Plays well as Rogue Class or Ranger Class (Or something alike)
+He plays other Extreme Sports.
+He plan things Unpredictable to others
-His galloping's average, but can gallop for two minutes before passing out.
-Not a Combatant unlike his older brother.
-Not very Strong or Fast.
Location: Ponyville at mostly, but moves to other places.
Birthplace: Trottingham
Likes: Skating, Cupcakes, Night Time
Dislikes: Bullies, Forfeiting, Crowded Place
Short History:
Back Flip's father was in the Military force when he was born before his older brother. It was destined by parents that the brothers both will be strong like ancestors. While his brother Frontline is fit, Back Flip is actually not. He is given drills to be fast and skillful, but only 1% of increasings. His strength and speed comes first before fighting, and Back Flip never managed to reach it before his Brother Frontline moved with him to Ponyville when that young.

During his stay at Kindergarten he meets fewer friends, and was seen to be sneaky. At his birthday he got a Pair of Rollerskates to help him move fast due to his inept skill in galloping, and Back Flip has learned to roller skate in the ring. He then moved to do this outside before growing to do tricks that is Back Flips. This impresses the other Ponies when he did his Signature, 'Smooth Backflip'. This trick earns him a Cutie mark, but only his brother Frontline isn't impressed.

Like other Schools, Back Flip has a Bully as well before, and that is Diamond Tiara. But after the Event, Diamond Tiara grows soft but shows her Tsundere look on him.

(I'll let anyone rate the OC I typed down if ya want.)

And Also there's another OC, which is on Deviantart.
Emerald Roook

(Rank or Title)Name: Eclipse

Creator: Typervader

Age: 16

Race: Pony, unicorn

Sex: Mare

(Subculture or Order)Culture/Religion: Nomad, Diest

Appearance: Shorter than average, dark green eyes, and has a black coat with a dark red mane with a dark purple strands in it. Her cutiemark is an eclipsed blood red moon, with the rest of the moon being a purple color with a black outline.

Attire: She almost always wears a cloak, and has a necklace with a star on it.

Magic Aura: Green


She has never felt emotion, and people hated her for that. Even Celestia was scared of her, and she was left behind by her family, with only a smarty pants doll named Nightbeam and necklace with her. She grew up on the streets and became what she is now. She practices Necromancy as she found a book that had that kind of magic. She now just wonders the world, doing what she pleases.


INTP/Multiple Personality Disorder

Mysterious. She’s very sarcastic, and she has no emotions. She prefers to be alone, but can handle being around others. She is also quite intelligent and a master at manipulating people to get her way. She isn’t shy, but likes to be alone.

Strengths: She is well vested in street smarts and book smarts. She is also very logical and knows most things. She is also a master manipulator and thief. A criminal.

Weaknesses: She is crazy and is quite small compared to others. She also hears 3 different voices in her head, one of which is Nightbeam.

Quirks and Habits: She always talks to her doll, Nightbeam, thinking it talks back to her. She reacts to situations around her from a logical, non-emotional point. She uses her magic in ways she shouldn’t to get her way.

Strengths: Knows more than most ponies about how to survive and doing what it takes for herself.

Weaknesses: She does not know how to handle herself in a social standing, and listens to Nightbeam way more then she should.

Nightbeam: Despite being a doll, Nightbeam is actually possessed by a demon who has become friends with Eclipse. He isn’t evil, but it's the reason she hears many voices in her head. Nightbeam uses her to do whatever he wants. He is manipulative but doesn’t have good or bad intentions.

“You cross paths with us, you better hope you aren’t a threat. Move out of my way and leave us alone.” Eclipse to passers

Make sure to let me know when she will be used! And rate her if you wish!

Name: Rainbow Spectrum


Sexuality: Straight

Type: Pegasus

Talent: Drawing

Personality: tough, determined, doesn't back down, incredibly sweet and kind, risk life for complete stranger.

Don't really need to put a pic seeing as how it's my avatar.

Name Nature: Always named after a Constellation.

Coat Color: light brown.

Mane Color: Grey with white stripes.

Mane Style: Like RD's or AJ's. Goes back and for between the two.

Cutie Mark: Any that fits him.

Personality: Optimistic, yet grim. Noble, gentle, humble, and dorky. He is adventurous, and kind. He loves to live in luxury, but refuses to treat himself any better than his friends.

Race: Earth Pony or Unicorn. Never a Pegasus.

The purpose behind his creation was originally to be an adventuring companion to my OC in my first fic, and then I started shipping him with Rarity. He is now designed as somepone to ship Rarity with, if you're not sure who she goes with.

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