• Member Since 20th Sep, 2015


A fellow Brony, Bluthy (Don Bluth Fan), Dinosaur lover, G-Fan, and an animation student. I worked on fan fiction in Deviantart, and would like to submit them, revised, to you.

Equestria Girls (Jongojiverse New Timeline) 4 stories
  • Equestria Girls (Jongojiverse New Timeline) 4 stories With the Crystal Mirror moved to the Crystal Empire to begin with in the New Timeline, the Pony Sunset did not leave her world upon being expelled. This leaves quite a few changes to the Human World: 1) The presence of the Human Sunset Shimmer, 2) the events of the first Equestria Girls movie be somewhat modified, 3) Some OC's such as Dapplewood appear much more often.
    Created by Jongoji245
    - January, 2016
Found 4 stories in 33ms

Total Words: 64,400
Estimated Reading: 4 hours


  • Favourites 91 stories

  • Jongojiverse (Old Timeline) 8 stories This Library covers my works that follow in the Old Timeline. That is, they follow the original timline of the show, while also presenting OC's.

  • Jongojiverse (New Timeline) 4 stories This Library covers the rebooted adventures that occur after Discord applied his chaos magic on a space-time tear caused by the Human Twilight Sparkle during the Friendship Games. Stories that are labeled to be included in the New Timeline will be reworked before being added to the library.

  • Equestria Girls (Jongojiverse New Timeline) 4 stories With the Crystal Mirror moved to the Crystal Empire to begin with in the New Timeline, the Pony Sunset did not leave her world upon being expelled. This leaves quite a few changes to the Human World: 1) The presence of the Human Sunset Shimmer, 2) the events of the first Equestria Girls movie be somewhat modified, 3) Some OC's such as Dapplewood appear much more often.

  • Other Visits 6 stories Dear Princess Twilight, I know you haven't been receiving my messages lately, so I'll bring you into the loop of what has been going on. If fighting three demonized humans, playing a band battle against three Sirens, going to a world populated with dinosaurs, and almost picking up the pieces of the Friendship Games were trouble. Let me tell you: Those were localized events that we easily controlled. Now there are others out of state coming over, a business man from Boston, and another from San Diego... Giant Robots... My point is that it will be much tougher keeping your world a secret. But from these new enemies come allies. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.


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This story is a sequel to Equestria Girls (New Timeline Version)

There is this old saying: "There is nothing like an outdoor experience to bring forth a whole new you."

Or so many would think.

With July just around the corner, the Rainbooms decide to bring the Dazzlings over to Camp Friendship. But with their reputation based on just a few days in Estes Park, not everyone agrees to this. Will the camping experience bring the better of them, or will they still be even worse than before in the wild?

Occurs in the New Timeline in the summer after Rainbow Rocks and before "It Came from the Mysterious Beyond"

Promoted 2/2/2016

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to It Came from the Mysterious Beyond

Akin to the shorts released on Youtube (and later on DVD) before and after "Rainbow Rocks" and "The Friendship Games", the following short stories involve the characters from The Land Before Time interacting in the Equestria Girls Universe, learning from each other in the process.

Takes place in the New Timeline after "It Came from the Mysterious Beyond" and may overlap or even occur after "Friendship Games."

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Rise of the Maximals

While not quite yet the third anniversary of Equestria Girls, a third year is still a third year.

With the Pony Sunset Shimmer still living in Equestria in the New Timeline, you wouldn't think that magic would wind up into the Human World in the New Timeline right?

Not according to Discord and Screwball. Forming a new antagonist for their sake, Roma Candle as they call her accidentally wound up in the Crystal Empire. Knowing the potential of magic in this world, she steals the crown, sending it to an unknown world.

Twilight has three days to recover her missing headpiece. But even when she finds friends there, can our fabled princess accomplish her mission this Timeline as she has done in the Old Timeline? Or will she be doomed to wait another thirty moons?

Rated Teen for language and events of peril.

Takes place in the New Timeline after the chapter One Shall Rise.
Promoted 1/18/2016

Chapters (8)

Seventeen years ago, the human Sunset Shimmer was born into the world. But the first eight years of her life was not the same as most of her classmates. Nine months a year, school was her only get away from her adoptive mother Hydia and sisters Reeka and Draggle. But that began to change when a new family moved into town. Having made an anti bullying group at school, Sunset and Flash take him and four others under their wing. Slowly and surely, Sunset will realize that friends can be more than just friends.

Takes place in the New Timeline over a span of 17 years before the events of the New Timeline's Equestria Girls as an alternate version to "Other Voices."

Promoted 1/18/2016

Chapters (9)