• Member Since 20th Sep, 2015


A fellow Brony, Bluthy (Don Bluth Fan), Dinosaur lover, G-Fan, and an animation student. I worked on fan fiction in Deviantart, and would like to submit them, revised, to you.

Other Visits 6 stories
  • Other Visits 6 stories Dear Princess Twilight, I know you haven't been receiving my messages lately, so I'll bring you into the loop of what has been going on. If fighting three demonized humans, playing a band battle against three Sirens, going to a world populated with dinosaurs, and almost picking up the pieces of the Friendship Games were trouble. Let me tell you: Those were localized events that we easily controlled. Now there are others out of state coming over, a business man from Boston, and another from San Diego... Giant Robots... My point is that it will be much tougher keeping your world a secret. But from these new enemies come allies. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.
    Created by Jongoji245
    - January, 2016
Found 6 stories in 34ms

Total Words: 133,119
Estimated Reading: 8 hours


  • Favourites 91 stories

  • Jongojiverse (Old Timeline) 8 stories This Library covers my works that follow in the Old Timeline. That is, they follow the original timline of the show, while also presenting OC's.

  • Jongojiverse (New Timeline) 4 stories This Library covers the rebooted adventures that occur after Discord applied his chaos magic on a space-time tear caused by the Human Twilight Sparkle during the Friendship Games. Stories that are labeled to be included in the New Timeline will be reworked before being added to the library.

  • Equestria Girls (Jongojiverse New Timeline) 4 stories With the Crystal Mirror moved to the Crystal Empire to begin with in the New Timeline, the Pony Sunset did not leave her world upon being expelled. This leaves quite a few changes to the Human World: 1) The presence of the Human Sunset Shimmer, 2) the events of the first Equestria Girls movie be somewhat modified, 3) Some OC's such as Dapplewood appear much more often.

  • Other Visits 6 stories Dear Princess Twilight, I know you haven't been receiving my messages lately, so I'll bring you into the loop of what has been going on. If fighting three demonized humans, playing a band battle against three Sirens, going to a world populated with dinosaurs, and almost picking up the pieces of the Friendship Games were trouble. Let me tell you: Those were localized events that we easily controlled. Now there are others out of state coming over, a business man from Boston, and another from San Diego... Giant Robots... My point is that it will be much tougher keeping your world a secret. But from these new enemies come allies. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.


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This story is a sequel to Heir of the Sands

Over the course of the past two years, magic has been ebbing its way into the Human World. The incident at the Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, the First Journey into the Mysterious Beyond, and especially since the Friendship Games has this become more apparent with the Crusaders and Maximals being able to Pony Up and the Predacon Attack at school. Something is going up, and as graduation approaches for the Humane Seven, everyone is getting ready for the next bit of trouble.

And rear its ugly head trouble does again. Chrysalis and Sombra prepare their own army of super soldiers and Tirek prepares to take a visit to their beloved town. Will the secret be kept, or will this be the cause for a war that will determine the fate of the world? Can the Rainbooms and their allies end this threat as they have many a time? Join me as we explore the conclusion to the "Other Visits" Saga.


Promoted: 3/20/2016

Recommended Reads

The New Timeline: The Edge, Technomagic War

The Advent of Godzilla (The New Timeline Chapters)

Equestria Girls (Jongojiverse)

A Maximal Crusader

Crossover Tag reference to characters such as Sadira (Aladdin) and Heka (Mummies Alive), may be removed based on opinion. More tags may be added as the story goes on.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to A Maximal Crusader

Ever since the official return of the Predacons, most of the school had turned their attention to our heroes. And that includes most of the Illusions. Left alone, Trixie once again felt a desire boiling in her, the desire to be famous, to gain attention, to be loved.

One mishap lands her the opportunity the magician cannot refuse.


Part of the Other Visits Saga, in this case "Aladdin," after an alternate ending to the episode "Witch Way Did She Go?"

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Wrath of the Red Dragon

Dear Diary,

It's been almost two months since that... Anon-a-miss thing... And my brother has finally come home and sleeping like a baby. but I seem to notice Cosgrove being alone. And at a bad time too. Valentine's day is coming up, and he doesn't even have... how do they put it... a special somebody?

I have Golden Caramel, Chelsey has Tex, Flash... Maybe Twilight? My point is, he shouldn't be alone. And I know just the person he should ask.

'Tap, tap'

And why not? Since moving over to Estes Park, my brother has been in good terms with the Apples. And over the past ten years, they've taught Cosgrove a lot; horseback riding, sheep herding, and he's paid back their kindness by having him and us remove dead apple trees. And the both of them (well, me included) have magical abilities, they would make a great team against any threat.

And further

'Ring, ring!'


Hey, Dapplewood. Is your brother home?

Edit 7/4/2016: Made several changes to the story in order to make it logical. Ultimately, this isn't a romance as I had hoped it would be, so I removed the tag.

Special Thanks to Shadow rift and Oroboro for their suggestions.

Part of the Other Visits Saga. Contains a mentioning of the Anon-a-Miss incident, though elements were changed to fit the Jongojiverse. Though not containing a crossover tag, it does mention the first two stories.

Suggested Reads

Rise of the Maximals

Equestria Girls (New Timeline Version)

The Perfect Dinosaur

From Beyond the Western Gate

Rated Teen for violence and language.

Promoted 3/14/2016

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to From Beyond the Western Gate

Asteroth, Lord of the Red Dragon, one of the most revered among the "Kingdom of Anaheim," had also suffered blows with heroes. His fight with Borg and five denizens from Puck World have resulted in the losing of his pendant, rendering him unable to reveal his true self.

Now the Council of the Red Dragon have send him on a two part quest; the first being to recover the Helmet of Set. Taking the Homonculus Balthar with him, Asteroth arrives in their world, eager to become whole again. Unfortunately, such a world has an element that he has not accounted for.


The Third of the Other Visits Saga. In this case, "The Mighty Ducks" animated series (between "Dungeons and Ducks" and "The Return of Asteroth.")

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to MLP/LBT: The Stomping Grounds

Sixty Five Million BCE , amongst heavy volcanic activity, an asteroid crashed into the Yucatan Peninsula, wiping out the worlds dinosaur population.

Except two Dakotaraptors. The impact of the asteroid also triggered a magical well that trapped the beasts in a state of suspended animation. Over the years, the magic changed their DNA, allowing them to change their forms at will.

Upon awakening, they found themselves in a world dominated by mammals, especially humans. Seeing this as a disgrace, the male Dakotaraptor, going by the identity Victor Veloci, vowed to rid the world of humans by any means, even changing the global climate. The female, believing that brute force gave way to harmony, left Veloci, going under the identity Joanne Moynihan.

After over two decades of foiling Veloci's plans, the Dino Squad has grown up and split up for their own college. Since then, there hasn't been as much as a blip on Veloci's radar.

Until now...


Part of the multi-crossover story arc, "Other Visits," occurring in the New Timeline after "Friendship Games". In this case, Dino Squad.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Perfect Dinosaur

For thirty five hundred years, Scarab has sought Prince Rapses the Twelfth for two reasons: to gain control of the throne and to gain eternal youth. Both reasons have more often than not became failures for him as he fought numerous times against Rapses' spiritual descendant Presley Carnovan and his guardians Ja-Kal, Rath, Armon, and Nefer-Tina. Even with the help of additional beings, the Mummies have proven to be much more than a match.

After more than two decades in hiding, he had a vision of a Phoenix in human flesh beyond his usual territory. And with a much older Presley supervising a temporary exhibit there, Scarab senses an opportunity. Unfortunately, such a plan doesn't account for three Sophomore girls.


Second part of the Other Visits Saga. In this case, "Mummies Alive!"

Chapters (1)