The Perfect Dinosaur

by Jongoji245

First published

Sensing five new energy signatures for the first time in eight years, Victor Veloci turns his hunt over to Estes Park. What he will find may prove beneficial.

Sixty Five Million BCE , amongst heavy volcanic activity, an asteroid crashed into the Yucatan Peninsula, wiping out the worlds dinosaur population.

Except two Dakotaraptors. The impact of the asteroid also triggered a magical well that trapped the beasts in a state of suspended animation. Over the years, the magic changed their DNA, allowing them to change their forms at will.

Upon awakening, they found themselves in a world dominated by mammals, especially humans. Seeing this as a disgrace, the male Dakotaraptor, going by the identity Victor Veloci, vowed to rid the world of humans by any means, even changing the global climate. The female, believing that brute force gave way to harmony, left Veloci, going under the identity Joanne Moynihan.

After over two decades of foiling Veloci's plans, the Dino Squad has grown up and split up for their own college. Since then, there hasn't been as much as a blip on Veloci's radar.

Until now...


Part of the multi-crossover story arc, "Other Visits," occurring in the New Timeline after "Friendship Games". In this case, Dino Squad.

Victor Veloci

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Boston, Massachusetts, 9/4/2015

One of the most respected corporations in the United States, RaptorDyne’s niche is intense bio-research. In the Equestria Girls world, this is where several medicines similar to that of Advil, Dayquil, and common cold vaccines were synthesized. For the past eight years, however, there have been cases of employees from Raptordyne making arriving into town unannounced, the premise being, “contaminant clean-up.” Likewise, reports from witnesses seeing dinosaurs at the same area of said clean up. Some such witnesses have attempted to record the event, but viewing the footage to the public proved to be a problem.

Deep inside the corporate towers tells a darker story. A dark laboratory, illuminated by tubes of yellow, was hard at work at creating experiments for Victor Veloci’s ulterior motive: to terraform the world back into what should be rightfully his: a world dominated by dinosaurs. During said years, his first major step (and practically his own enemies) was the perfect recreation of four dinosaurs and a Pteranodon. Previous experiments have merely produced hybrids from large animals such as rhinos, whales, and moose. Time and again he was very close to capturing at least one before the entire pack would arrive to save the day.

Now in the present, Veloci sat in his office chair, looking at his computer for any biosignature of those “perfect dinosaurs.” One particular brow raiser is that one moment their biosignatures would be shown on radar for a few minutes then disappearing. In the present, no such signature was present for a long time.

“Victor’s log: It’s been eight years now since the last occurrence of those perfect dinosaurs. With the jurisdiction that such events have happened along the east coast, I will attempt to flush them out much further inland.” - Veloci presses a PA button - “Dump primordial ooze batch 09092015.”

Inside the labs, foot soldiers turned the wheel, releasing a yellow batch into the sewer systems.

Veloci walked over to a commissioned drawing of a light green dromaeosaur with navy blue stripes and mane, “In time, we will meet again, and when I do, I will unlock all of your secrets that would make you seem so perfect.”

Over the course of the next two months, the ooze went out of the sewer lines, through the rivers away from the densely populated East Coast to the Midwest. Some of the ooze seeped into the soil of an oxbow lake, making the dew of the grass yellow as a few grazing cattle nip the grass before being herded onto a delivery truck. For this batch of bovines, the journey was made for a few to make it to the slaughterhouse. These “mutantsaurs” would storm out of the truck upon arrival before being shot and butchered and later made...

Estes Park, Colorado, November 4th, 2015

Into one of the many ingredients for a roast beef sandwich, five to be exact. Even though the Friendship Games have been over for almost four weeks now, the fact that the games ended up in a tie was a real turning point for the school, alongside the fact that their world’s Twilight Sparkle transferred over from Crystal Prep. She still does her magic studies, but a slightly less private level. Renovating the section of the hall with terrible ceiling lights into a more elaborate laboratory than the storage closet she used back at Crystal Prep, Twilight and Sunset together have delved into the realm of science. With or without the Equestria Twilight, they have uncovered the basics of magic in this world.

With the other Rainbooms mastering how to Pony Up, it's time that they move on to other classmates, the Maximals next then the Crusaders than the Dazzlings. The reason being, if there were more magical beings in this world, more help can be beneficial.

Today... was another failure on their part. The Rainbooms and the Maximals sat on the same table, the latter eating a few roast beef sandwiches.

“Another bust, huh?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“We are a little rusty,” - Twilight said as she logged today’s session - “We know that magic comes from honesty, loyalty, kindness, generosity, and laughter, and the Maximals should have each.”

“I have written to Twilight… again…” - Sunset shook her head - “Hopefully she would respond with an-”

Her backpack began to vibrate, drawing quite a few eyes as she pulled out the journal.

“Yay!!” - Pinkie flared her arms up, releasing a whole bunch of confetti, littering into their hair.

“Oh thank goodness” - Rarity lowered her shoulders, lifting up a forkful of salad mix - “I thought the other Twilight-”

“It’s not her…” - Sunset raised her eyes a little from the journal - “It’s me, well the other me.”


Twilight is currently unavailable due to a rather unnecessary book rearranging in her new library. But like you, I am also good friend’s with the counterparts of the Maximals and therefore able to provide a good answer.

The presence of magic varies by species. Their counterparts, the Hipparions, Horses, Sleipnirs, and Merponies, are at most endangered, and therefore do not have much of an impact on this world. Dinosaurs, as far as I know, have no magic emphasis, but my world's Cosgrove is trying to teach him. With that in mind, you may need to find a catalyst like an alchemy symbol or a mantra.

Let me know if you need any help,

Sunset Shimmer (The Pony, not You.)

“A mantra,” - Chelsey took another bite of her sandwich - “like a catchphrase?”

“Yeah, maybe something like,” - Rainbow Dash stood up on the table before shouting out - “‘Rainbow Dash is Awesome as she is Loyal!’”

Rainbow opened her eyes, nothing happened but the bewildered looks of her friends staring right back.

“As much as we appreciate your boasting,” - Rainbow droops her arms before turning around, already towering Vice Principal Luna as she looked up at the sports captain - “please refrain from standing on top of the lunch tables.”

Rainbow immediately complied, sitting down with her hands clasped together.

“Wah, wah, WAAAAAAHHHHH….” Muttered Diver before taking another bite.

Luna then turned her attention to Cosgrove, “Cosgrove, we just got a call from Great Valley Elementary.”

The person Luna talked to immediately turned around - “Dapplewood? What’s wrong?”

“He just vomited during math class.”

The Maximal second in command got up from his table, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” he said before jogging out of the cafeteria.

Zipper just finished down his sandwich before commenting, “ThisisaverydangerousdevelopmentforDapplewood, sincehehasnolarynxwedon’tknowhowbadthiswouldmakehim.”

Twilight fidgeted her glasses, “Come again?”

“It’s Dapplewood’s first time vomiting.” - Sunset corrected - “But yes, it is very dangerous for him.”

Taking the books he needed for the classes he would have to miss, Cosgrove exited the school, driving as fast as he could back to his neighborhood. Running to the school, he then pressed the intercom buzzer.


The sound picked in his ears, Cosgrove announced, “Yes, I’m here to pick up Dapplewood.”

“May I ask who?”

“Cosgrove Thunderfoot.” Waiting a while, the door locked clicked, allowing him entrance. It’s the first time in two years since he last walked through the halls. Trophies are changed, school photos removed, and of course, the mold problem of course removed.

“Now where was the-?”

“Sir?” - Cosgrove turned around to find Mrs. Hudert looking out of the office, leading him back to the Nurse's office. - “This is the first record of him vomiting on school grounds.”

“Or at any point in his life.” Cosgrove answered as Mrs. Hudert pulled the sheet, revealing a slightly paler Dapplewood trying to contain his next projectile.

“Some of the classmates also saw Dapplewood…” - She looked outside, making sure no one was watching, before turning back to him - “‘growing horns’ at the back of his head.”

After holding a raised brow for a while, Cosgrove lead Dapplewood out of school, arriving at the front lawn when the younger child's breathing became more intense. Spinning to the right, Dapplewood hocked out his half-digested meal.

“No blood yet.” Cosgrove patted his brother’s back before lifting him up and carrying him the rest of the way to his room, ignoring the orange glow the vomit left. Having tucked Dapplewood in several blankets, with safety bucket placed to his left, Cosgrove began his work on the assignments for the lessons he missed today. When he began his ecology work, his mind began to struggle; questions such as these would be easy to follow for a high school student. His ear flicked to the sound of shuffling sheets, prompting him to turn around.

“D-Dapplewood, don’t m-move.” Cosgrove strained each word he could muster.

Dapplewood slowly lifted his hand, tapping his lips before shaking his hand as his drew it forward.

“Something… not r-right… H-Hard to thi- think…” - Cosgrove looked at his studies the chair collapsed under his own weight - “Maybe… I need… a glass of… water…”

Cosgrove tried to get up, but it’s as if gravity was holding him down. Rolling onto his knees, the Maximal rose on his feet before plodding along, giving the ground a slight shake with each step. Dapplewood looked at the mirror when a pair of horns sprouted on his nose. Startled, the boy immediately grabbed the bucket.

Back at Canterlot High, Chelsey was in the middle of her economy class with Cranky when her phone buzzed. Waiting for the middle-aged teacher to move his eyes away, the tall sophomore snuck a hand into her backpack, trying desperately to grab it.

“Come on, just grab-!”

“Chelsey!” - the girl looked back up, seeing the Donkey’s human counterpart staring her down - “Can you answer what I just said?”

Chelsey looked down to her backpack, “Uhm…” - Beads of water rose from her forehead as she tried to find a reasonable answer - “Economics is politics, and politics is economics. It works like a chair, if one leg…”

Chelsey stopped talking when she, her teacher, and her classmates looked at her hands. Every last digit was six inches long and slightly hooked. The Maximal looked at her teacher making a bunch of honking sounds, shrinking her pupils as she covered her mouth, the fingertips reaching her ears. Chelsey got up, ran towards the door, held the handle weakly, opened it and ran out as fast as she could.

As has happened at the end of September, this first week of November was very warm. Out on the track course, Spitfire watched as her gym class completed one circle, and began another.

“Come on, guys!” - Spitfire yelled out - “You call that your fastest? I want to see faster!”

Zipper, despite being the fastest of the Maximals, was not trained for long distance running. On their third lap and he started to tire.

“Come on, Zip! Can’t call yourself a Wondercolt if you don’t push your limits!”

Inside, Zipper’s heart was beating so fast that it could explode. Even deeper, pieces of his genetic code were taken out, replaced with a different set of proteins, warping his lungs as additional air sacs span across his chest cavity, slowing his heart down to a steady crawl. With this sudden efficiency of breathing, Zipper immediately caught back on with the other track team.

“That’s it!” - Spitfire clapped her hands - “Keep it up!”

Zipper pushed himself so much that he ran past most of the group, even Soarin. Rainbow took notice of the Maximal running by her side, folding his arms by the sides of his body breathing normally, the direct opposite of what she is doing. An orange glow emanated from his deep black-violet eyes as his ring, second ring, and pinky fingers began to stretch to the total length of his arms, with the webbing of his fingers. With additional skin of his arm expanding as well, Zipper instinctively opened his arms and began to flap, increasing stride length before eventually his four-foot limbs lifted him off the ground and glided around the track.

“Whoa!” - Rainbow Dash stopped before calling upon her power, sprouting feathery wings from her back as she too ascended to the air and caught up to him - “That is awesome! Got me a new flying buddy!”

“What, huh?” - Snapped back into focus, the Maximal found that he is soaring like a bird well over the track - “What the-!?”

Zipper was fortunate enough to be slightly above the height of the bleachers to not give him too much of an injury as he crashed row after row. When the dust cleared, Zipper was lying on his back, deprived of his unusual features, groaning as he tried to move.

“Don’t move, kid!” - Spitfire ordered before turning to most of her classmates - “Get the stretcher!”

Rainbow landed a few bleachers in front of him, rubbing her chin, “Sunset better know of this.”

The last hour of class Diver had spent in guided studies, mouth agape as she stared into nothingness. Ms. Cheerilee, taking over as a substitute for Mrs. Harshwhinny, waved her hand at the stoic Maximal.

“Diver?” - Cheerilee tilted her head, not even tracking her eye - “Are you all right?”

The teacher got an answer in the form of a rumble from Diver’s beer belly.

“Uhm… Ms. Cheerilee.” - Tree Hugger beckoned in a very relaxed tone - “Maybe she is practicing a new method to clear her bad vibes. Maybe if I join in, it will ease her suffering.”

Cheerilee raised a bewildered look as the Eco Kid hummed a steady note, making a soft whinny, then repeated the chant. The substitute walked back to her desk, took out a folder and began to grade her class’ homework. With no Crusader to tease in this class, Diamond Tiara treads dangerous waters as she gently poked the Maximal on the cheek with the eraser end. With each little raise of her mouth, Diver’s canine teeth grew two inches while her lips became as if shrink wrapped to the gums. In one quick motion, she snapped the eraser clean off, creeping out Diamond as she looked at Diver’s interlocking teeth.

Inhaling through her nostrils, her teeth shrank bank before she spat out the eraser.

“Yeah, bad vibes.” She answered before taking out a copy of Robert Bakker’s book, “Raptor Red.”

With the end of the school bell, the Rainbooms and most of the Maximals gathered in the music hall, Sunset in particular with crossed arms as she looked at Chelsey with her hands in her pocket, Diver with pursed lips, and Zipper groaning in pain, not noticing that his pinky finger folding against his forearm.

“Guys, we need to talk.” - The group looked at their boss, if anything gets the Maximals in a worried state, it’s Sunset Shimmer as she pointed to Chelsey - “I overheard Cranky tell Principal Celestia that your fingers grew before you started honking like a goose.” - She then pointed to Diver - “Diamond Tiara was screaming for her life after the last bell.”

Just as Sunset pointed at Zipper, Rainbow Dash embraced him, causing him to yelp in pain.

“And Zipper flew!” - Rainbow spread her arms - “The wings were unusual, but yeah he flew!”

“That’s beside the point,” - Sunset approached them - “how did you... Pony Up?”

Chelsey, Zipper, and Diver looked at each other before answering, “We don’t know…”

Rainbow slapped her head before shaking Zipper back and forth, “What do you mean you don’t know?! I saw you do it!”

“Idon’tknowhow, iwasrunningwhensuddenlyeverythingwentblack.”

The Rainbooms looked at each other before Applejack said, “It’s true.”

Sunset’s phone vibrated in her jeans. Flipping open the screen, there is a little tab of a with a little circle cropping of a selfie with Dapplewood and the Dino Gang of Seven. Entering her password, the text read as:

Broorrewjotha iosaahfoe auswewheov.;lf Seoanoab ouaoh

Looking over her shoulder, Pinkie Pie cooed at the unusual text, “He’s learning to code!”

“It’s not coding, it’s gibberish.” - Sunset put away the phone - “We better check on them.”

Back at Boston, Victor Veloci looked through the results of his experiments last month. They are much better from what he has done eight years ago, but still a long way from achieving his dream. To his frustration, Veloci’s eyes became predatory as his fingers sprouted claws and scratching the finish.

Beep! Beep!

Veloci turned his head to a computer screen of the world map, noticing a blip on North America. With a tap of a button, the map zoomed in, splitting the blip into five, three of which converging into one location with the other two. With another tap of the button, two sets of wavelengths appeared side by side, the second of which was much more wild.

“Hmmm, the other set is much too wild compared to the five perfect dinosaurs.” - Veloci drew his lips back, revealing a set of carnivorous teeth - “This will be an interesting case.” - He pressed a button on the office phone, buzzing a set of speakers - “Prepare the truck and all assets available.” - Some such assets include two pairs of glowing red eyes behind cages - “We are going to Estes Park, Colorado.”

Back at Estes Park, Chelsey, Zipper, and Diver have driven back to their homes, having felt a similar sickness as that to Dapplewood’s. Sunset immediately knocked on Cosgrove’s door, immediately being answered by his grandfather.

“Cosgrove and Dapplewood are sleeping at the moment.”

“Have you noticed anything odd about them?” - Sunset raised the palm of her hand - “Well, besides Dapplewood vomiting for the first time.”

The elderly man raised a brow before looking back to the inside of his house, “Cosgrove did clear out the fridge while looking half asleep.”

If the other three were any indication, Cosgrove and Dapplewood had similar conditions, but at least they are contained… for the moment.

“Okay, can you watch over them until tomorrow?”

Tremor crossed his arms, looking back inside the house before answering, “Well they’re not going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Thank you.” His much younger neighbor smiled before looking down, finding Schnookums crawling back inside as the cold started to settle for the evening. As soon as Tremor closed the door, Sunset turned around, her peripheral vision noticing an orange glow in the grass. Not the first time she saw vomit, or had vomited, but never does vomit glow. Ever the scientist, she took out a bag and scooped up the residue. Her view becoming much closer until little nanites can be seen squirming around, as shown through Sunset’s electronic microscope. Attached to her desktop computer, Twilight observed their movement through a Skype chat.

“What nanotech technology be swimming around exposed stomach acid?” - The genius opened up a programming tool, typing a few lines of code to access the system. She narrowed her eyes at the unusual lines of code, one of the headers saying, “enter passcode.” Twilight typed a few lines of code in every known programming language, all receiving an “Access Denied” message - “Very complex nanotech… Here let me make a call.”

After waiting a while for the both of them, Sunset turned her eye to her computer screen again as another caller, Cogsworth, came to call.

“All right, answered your call.” - The mechanic clapped his hands - “What’s the emergency?”

“Cogsworth, do you recognize this coding?” Sunset asked before Twilight showed him the programming screen.

Cogsworth furrowed his eyes at the rows of code before answering, “This is a unique coding language on its own.”

“That’s what I figured,” - Twilight fidgeted her glasses - “Not C++, #, Visual Basic, Java…”

Cogsworth looked at the red insignia, “That logo looks familiar.”

Sunset took away the specimen and put it back in the bag, “I’m going to show this sample to Ms. Moynihan. Whatever this is, it’s affecting the other Maximals, and what we saw today maybe just the beginning.”

“Okay just…” - Cogsworth groaned in pain, pinching his forehead, raising a few eyebrows from the other two callers - “Don’t stress yourself out.”

After closing his call, Twilight looked at Sunset, “He’s been having these headaches a lot recently. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Signing off as well, Sunset watched the mixture continue to glow as she turned off the lights and went to bed.

Overnight, numerous changes have begun to occur with the other Maximals. Zipper gritted his teeth, underneath the blankets, two pairs of limbs began to sprout from his back. At Diver’s, her lips began to shrink wrap again, this time her upper and lower jaws began to stretch out into a more reptilian shape. Chelsey, as she shuffled around, kept jutting her claws through the blankets, shredding them as she turned again. Dapplewood’s hair slowly receded, his head becoming much thicker and horns grew from the back of his head. Cosgrove’s legs became more shaped like a lion as a tail grew between his legs.

Changes also occur in Sweet Apple Acres as well. In a fenced reserve for their livestock, a domestic sheep ram walked over to a river to take an evening drink. The timing couldn't have been any worse, as some remnant of primordial ooze was sucked up into its muzzles, infecting it as the animal regrew its horns that his forefathers have lost as well as becoming larger and much more feral.

A good distance away, two massive trucks stormed their way a good distance from the Appalachian Mountains. In a zeppelin above them, Victor Veloci watched the screen, all five individuals still in one location when another blip appeared a few miles away. This one's signature isn't as wild as the others.

“Hmm… It appears some of the primordial ooze has reached another location.” - Veloci chuckled - “It's great that I am… armed to the tooth.”

The zeppelin continued on course from one mountain range, slowly hovering towards another mountain range in a day's time.

The next morning, in one room of Canterlot High, Ms. Moynihan was checking yesterday's assignments when she heard a knock was heard on her door.

“Come in.” - She answered. The door opened, allowing the Rainbooms entrance into the room - “Is there anything I can help you with? Besides Rainbow Dash’ grades…”

Knowing she already has a low grade, the sport's captain rubbed the back of her head.

“No.” - Sunset took out the glowing sample, drawing Moynihan’s attention - “I need your help-”

“It can’t be…” - Moynihan took the specimen to a microscope, examining the nanites in the mixture of half-digested food - “Who’s vomit does this belong to?”

Her students looked at each other, before Rarity answered, “Dapplewood's. Why does it matter?”

Moynihan took a sample of the vomit, walking over to a hamster cage.

“This substance contains experimental DNA…” - She lifted the sample over the cage - “when applied in even a small drop.”

With a drop of primordial ooze on the small mammal, the Rainbooms’ curious faces turned the opposite direction. Fluttershy covered her eyes with her hair as the cute animal changed to a more feral one that only Dougal Dixon can be proud of.

“What… Is going on…?” Asked Sunset Shimmer, not even taking her eyes away from the animal as it snapped on the metal bars.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac was inspecting a few records when he heard a panicked sound outside. Following his ears, he found all of their sheep on one corner of the enclosure, a broken fence on the other, with the culprit leaving heavy track marks.

As much obvious the trail led him, the large farmer found one section very muddled.

“Eeyup.” - He muttered as he rubbed his chin before hearing a deep bleating noise. He flicked his eyes around when two of the trees to his left parted ways, revealing a massive Ram with sharp teeth and a somewhat massive tail. The beast rose up on his hind legs and charged at Big Mac. The farmer jumped out of the way, sparing himself, but also destroying a few trees along the way. Big Mac turned around before curling up, ready for the worst as the ram rushed at him.

When he opened his eyes, the ram was gone, disappeared. Big Mac scratched his head as a massive shadow soared over him, trailing a panicked bleating noise towards the barn.

“How cool is that!?” - Rainbow Dash screamed in excitement, much to the other’s concern - “We get to Pony up and now Dapplewood is a dinosaur through and-”

Sunset pushed Rainbow aside and ran down the halls.

“What’s got up her-?”

“Rainbow! You know full well about-” - Applejack was interrupted by a phone ringing in her skirt - “Yeah? … Okay, we’ll be right there!” She hung up her phone before starting to walk out

“Wait!” - Ms. Moynihan took out a blue and orange gun - “Use these to chill and suck up any DNA.”

She demonstrated that by pointing the blue gun at the mutant hamster as it gnawed on the wire, chilling the mammal until the ooze seeped out of its fur. Moynihan then pointed the orange one, pulling the trigger to suck up the frozen DNA.

“I may want to come with you.”

Borrowing one of the motorcycles used in the Friendship Games, Sunset rode as fast as she could back to Great Valley Drive, screeching to a halt after making the turn. Four houses in the neighborhood where her friends slept either had their doors destroyed or their roofs perforated. The Thunderfoot family themselves discussed with their neighbors about these incidents.

“Damn, I'm too late…” Sunset muttered when her helmet buzzed.

“Sugar cube, ya might want to come over to my place.” Applejack spoke with a worried tone.

Sunset took one look at the neighborhood before turning the bike around and speeding away. Just as well when one of Veloci’s trucks arrived in the neighborhood. Inside, one of Veloci’s foot soldiers read the radar.

“They have left this location, and the sixth blip has disappeared.”

“No doubt a result of predation.” - The corporate manager looked out the window, seeing the overhead view of Estes Park - “Send the trucks over to the new set of coordinates, capture them by the time of my arrival.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Oh and one more thing:” - Veloci closed his eyes, lowering his eyebrows as he a deep breath - “if you fail me again…” - He opened his glowing yellow eyes - “Don’t you dare return.”

Containing his anger is a very tough ordeal, as his foot soldiers have failed him several times these past few years, even his own lieutenant. Working with him is a literal death wish. He took another deep breath before looking at the city.

Sunset drag strips her way to Sweet Apple Acres, but not before finding a series of footprints in the tracks leading to the farm. Applejack leaned at the entrance, her eyes opened in disbelief as they focused on the motorcyclist.

“What’s the stitch?” Sunset asked, receiving an answer with AJ casually leading her down the path towards the barn, joining up with the Rainbooms and Moynihan as the farmer pointed up.

At the roof of the barn was a charcoal black animal devouring the mutated goat with its keeled, toothed beak, swallowing chunks of mutton down its gullet. It made a small rumbling cackle before focusing its eyes on the Rainbooms. Hobbling towards the front, it spread its arms, all six of them, revealing red and yellow wings as it screeched at the intruders before crouching and pushing on the painted wood, vaulting itself into the air to attack them. It hovered around the Rainbooms, flailing its feet forward as it tried to snatch its next victim. As it inched its claws on Twilight, Rarity activated her powers, sprouting ears, and a horn.

“Stay away from her you beast!” She ordered before levitating a small rock and smacking the six-winged animal in the chest.

With an irritated screech, the beast ascends higher before turning around and soaring towards the clouds.

“Wow…” - Pinkie shook her head, fluffing up her hair - “I’ve seen weird, but this is very weird.”

“It defies logic.” - Twilight reorganized her hair - “No vertebrate has more than five limbs.”

“In the Pony world, Zipper’s a Sleipnir, and a pterosaur in the Dinosaur world.” - Sunset answered, looking up to see the flying hybrid fly ever higher - “The experimental DNA must have mutated his-”

The conversation was interrupted by a squealing sound. Turning to the source, they found a very elongate animal, balancing its equine head on an ostrich neck as it strutted towards them with heavy legs.

“Their pony forms, and are now hybrids.” - Sunset corrected as she lifted her palm upward - “Chelsey being among them.”

“Well, while you guys reconcile,” - Rainbow Dash called upon her powers, hovering a few feet above them - “I have a Sleipnirsaurus to catch!”

And with that, Rainbow took to the skies. Pinkie tapped her lip before her eyes widened.

“Oh, I get it!” - Pinkie stretched both arms to her right - “Because Zipper is part Sleipnir,” - Pinkie moved her arms to the left - “part dinosaur!”

Though Sunset and Twilight knew the obvious inaccuracy, now was not the time.

“So how do we cure them?” Sunset asks Moynihan, having run out the school before the teacher could answer.

“Well, Sugarcube.” - Applejack gave Chelsey an apple, which she took a massive chunk out with her fleshed beak before pointing to Fluttershy’s backpack - “We use the chiller and the DNA remover in the exact order and she should be healthy as” - AJ stopped for a moment, giving an awkward look - “a horse.”

Handing Sunset the chiller, she aimed it at the hybrid. Whether Chelsey’s beast mode nullified her sense of fear from a new species, or she trusted her with the weapon, she didn’t answer as she was chilled by the mist. Her skin responded by pickling itself before oozing out sweat. Rarity aims the vacuum, sucking up the perspiration. The Rainbooms stood back, waiting for their friend to return to normal, Rarity preparing a dress in case of… improper etiquette.

Nothing happened.

“Is it… working?” Fluttershy asked, slowly approaching Chelsey to pet her.

Moynihan lowered her eyes, taking off her glasses to rub her temples.

“It’s like the previous five.”

“Previous five?” Sunset Shimmer raised a brow.

“Max, Fiona, Rodger, Caruso, and Buzz had their genes mutated not just by the ooze, but by gamma contamination, making their mutations permanent.” - Moynihan looked up with remorse, once again she couldn’t be able to cure another group of her classmates.

Twilight brainstormed for a while before coming up with an idea.

“I can repair the magic radar and drain her magic.”

“True,” - Sunset rubbed her chin, unaware of Moynihan looking up at the sky, the sunlight reflecting off her glasses - “but it could take a while to take out the dinosaur and the pony.”

“Time is what we don’t have.” - Moynihan looked back to the Rainbooms with glowing, predatory eyes - “He's here.”

Suddenly, Chelsey began to screech, stepping back before revealing her two meter long claws that were kept hidden underneath sleeves of silken fur. To their left, they encountered yet another hybrid. The head was more like a mandril than a horse or a sauropod, the forefeet had one massive middle claw and two smaller claws, the hind feet were much more pillar-like, and had a large tail that was ornamented with a series of large quills. And worse, bore Cosgrove’s color scheme, albeit a few shades darker.

The approaching beast slowly rose on his hind legs and bellowed at the opponent, showing off his canine teeth. Every passing step for the both of them was taken with caution; One wrong move from Cosgrove and Chelsey could smack him with her huge claws, a wrong move for her and Cosgrove smack her to the grass with his tail and end her right there. Either scenario wasn’t safe for the Rainbooms.

“We’ve got to finder Diver and Dapplewood before-” - Sunset turned to find Ms. Moynihan missing - “Did any of you see her leave?”

“Doesn’t matter,” - Applejack ran inside the barn, coming back out with a couple lassos - “we gotta keep ‘em away from each other before they do any real harm to themselves!”

Deep in the forest, Ms. Moynihan looked around, seeing if any of them were following her.

“I hoped I didn't have to do this after all this time.” She said before closing her eyes - “(Is there anyone out there? I mean you no harm.)”

“(...Help… me….)” echoed an unusual voice.

“(Tell me where you are…)” Moynihan asked, waiting for an answer.

“(The lake… Just north from where you're standing.)”

Rainbow Dash flew through a cloud before stopping to hover. The creature she pursued was lost to her. In frustration, she placed both hands on her sides.

“I know he’s fast, but not that fast.” - Rainbow flicked her head around - “Not for long distance running anyway.”

Rainbows ears flicked to the sound of a booming howl, turning around to see the silhouette of the six-winged animal growing larger until it reaches down to Rainbow, claws clutching her hair and pulling it before flying away.

“You ain't leaving me this early!” Rainbow flew with great determination, easily flying up to eighty miles per hour to catch up with Zipper. The six-winged pterosaur heard the flaps from Rainbows feathery wings before turning back to her, colliding with the athlete and clutching her with four of his arms. Unable to get away, Rainbow kept flipping her head left and right, avoiding each snap from the toothed beak.

They weren't the only ones in the skies. Veloci's zeppelin is now in the airspace of the farm. Inside, one of the pilots read the instruments, detecting a signal.

“Dr. Veloci, we have a signal, approaching fast!”

The corporate manager approached the pilot, his face beaming with excitement.

“Estimated time of arrival?” - Just after Veloci asked that, Rainbow and Zipper slammed on the glass, unconsciously rolling forward off the blimp and continuing their fall - “Strange,” - Veloci raised an eyebrow - “that human wasn't in our scanners. Yet what unusual features. Prepare to land!”

Back on the ground, Cosgrove was roaring at Sunset, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, flailing his claws as the farmer flailed the lasso around his neck. The hybrid jerked his head back, flinging the three girls forward.

“Cosgrove,” - Applejack grabbed the lasso and hopped on top of him - “get a hold of yourself!”

With a roar, Cosgrove got back on all fours and began jumping up and down, trying to get Applejack of him.

“Twilight," - Sunset exclaimed to the farm - "how’s that invention coming?”

Inside the barn, Twilight fidgeted with the remains of the pendant she used during the Friendship Games. All she could get were a few explosive sparks.

“Not good I'm afraid.” Twilight answered.

Pinkie Pie turned over to Fluttershy, who was with Rarity and Big Mac trying to calm Chelsey as she defensively flailed her claws.

“Fluttershy, use your stare!” Pinkie looked back, ducking under to dodge Cosgrove's massive tail.

“What? I couldn't!” - Fluttershy looked away from the hybrid she fought in a panic - “Not on our friends!”

Sunset was tossed the rope from Applejack, straining herself as she pulled.

“It's worth a shot trying to calm them down!” Sunset muttered through her teeth.

The caretaker whimpers, gathering the courage before sprouting up wings and ears before ascending into the air, carefully hovering towards the beast so she could be at eye level. Fluttershy closed her eyes, heard Chelsey screech, shooting them wide open at the beast's line of sight. Prehistoric or modern, Chelsey immediately stood still as she looked at the two dark voids. Whatever horrors she saw didn't matter as her eyes changed from a glowing yellow to her natural brown-grey. After Fluttershy lowered her guard, the giant shook her slender head, wincing in pain as her sanity came back.

“Hurray!” - Rarity squeaked in delight - “Chelsey’s back!”

Just after saying that, Applejack was bucked off, landing hard on the ground.

“Yeah, that’s great and all” - Both the farmer and Sunset looked at the feral Cosgrove approaching them, teeth bared and growling - “but now’s not the time for celebratin’!”

Taking notice of her new body, Chelsey charged at her friend, using momentum to topple him over. Cosgrove struggled to get up, thrashing his tail to the side to smack Chelsey off of him to no avail. Sunset, Applejack, Big Mac, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie each grabbed a rope and tied each of Cosgrove’s limbs, effectively pinning him to the ground. Fluttershy slowly approached his face, stopping whenever he snapped his jaws.
The caretaker closed her eyes once more, opening them wide open to shoot out The Stare at the enraged beast. In time Cosgrove stopped snapping his jaws, to a loud growl, and then silence, like a broken horse.

“Is it…?” Rarity asked, still holding the rope taut should he the Maximal strike again.

Applejack, also still holding the hope, looked as Cosgrove pivoted his head up, drawing his ears back, confused as to why he is surrounded by his friends, let alone an animal sitting on top of him. She looked up at her brother, seeing him nod, before letting go of the rope. The others, though uncertain, released their grip on the rope. As soon as Chelsey stood on her hind legs, Cosgrove rocked up and down, twisting his body to get back up on all fours.

Cosgrove looked at Chelsey, studying her new form before looking at his own. Sitting on his haunches, he stretched his forelimbs, looking at his worsened hands before wrapping his tail above his feet.

“So,” - Twilight snapped her finger, stretching her pointer and middle fingers - “two down, three to-”

On cue, Rainbow crashed into an apple tree, snapping several branches before flopping on the ground. The winged athlete sat up, rubbing her head when Zipper fell on top of her, still unconscious.

Twilight, still having her mouth agape, cleared her throat before correcting herself with, “Two to go.”

Meanwhile, Ms. Moynihan journeyed deeper into the orchard following the telepathy. Soon, the teacher arrived at a clearing with a circular lake. Approaching the body of water, Moynihan noticed a glow inside, spotting movement of a semi-aquatic animal just above the glow.


Moynihan looked around, trying to find what the voice is coming from.

“(Where are you?)” - She asked before feeling a tug on her outfit. Turning around she found the being speaking to her: a young Pachycephalosaurus giving her a neutral stare - “(Dapplewood?)” - She raised an eyebrow at the rather deep voice for someone so young - “(You really have mature thoughts for someone so young.)”

“(I don’t know the sound of my own voice)” - Dapplewood answered in his brother’s own voice before changing pitch to match that of Sunset’s - “(I rely on memory from my friends.)” - The dinosaur looked at himself - “(Guess I know how Twilight and Roma Candle felt when they… How are you able to talk to me without sign language?)”

“(I am able to telepathically communicate with all dinosaurs, how… I cannot explain.)”

“(Oh that’s simple: magic.)” - Dapplewood answered in Trixie’s voice - “(Though I don’t know how it would get us out of this.)”

“(I can teach you)” - Moynihan placed her hand on Dapplewood’s bald head - “(to transform into dinosaur at will.)”

“(Transform?)” - the young Domehead cocked his head - “(At will?)”

Ms. Moynihan closed her eyes before stepping back a few paces, opening the predatory eyes once again before a glow surrounded her body. Her body shifted from a vertical to horizontal, her skull stretching forward, a stiff tail jutting out from behind, and her five fingers reduced to three. With one final screech, Moynihan for the first time in years revealed her true self: a green and violet Dakotaraptor.

The Pachycephalosaurus’ mouth was completely loose, eyes twitching at the sight of the transformed human.

“(Do not fear, child.)” - Moynihan inched her snout to his face - “(I have given up on savagery long ago.)”

“(B-bu-but no dinosaur I know can change form unless they went-)” Dapplewood turned his head to the lake - “(through the portal!)”

“(Portal?)” - Moynihan cocked her head - “(There are other worlds?)”

Before Dapplewood could answer a large glob of tar smacked his, trapping him on the grass. Moynihan looked to her right. Veloci’s goons have arrived, two of which have arrived holding weaponry.

“We have captured one of the dinosaurs, Dr. Veloci! “ - One of the guards phoned before aiming the gun at Ms. Moynihan - “Proceeding to capture the other!”

From another clearing, Veloci exited the zeppelin when he chuckled in delight.

“Excellent! Proceed to capture the others, I will arrive shortly.”

Moynihan bridged herself between Dapplewood and the soldiers, growling and lunging at them. But one of the guards chuckled deviously.

“Oh… we have something special for you…” - The soldier brought clicked a button on his helmet - “Bring out the mutantsaurs!”

From a cargo hold in the truck, five more soldiers pushed two cages containing animals somewhat similar to a dromaeosaur, but far less than perfect. Unlocking the cage, the beasts ran out, growling and hissing at Ms. Moynihan as they crept around her, the real dinosaur planning her next move. The mutant at the front jumped forward and snapped its teeth at her before being kicked back by Moynihan’s clawed feet before the mutant at the back jumped up, knocking Moynihan to her stomach, ready to sink it’s teeth to her neck when the collar on its neck zapped it to submission.

“I swear, these mutants become more hostile by the minute.” - The guard said before snaring Moynihan in a net - “Let's get these two to Veloci!”

One of the guards looked at his scanner, finding a third blip in their precise location, “Strange, there is a third reading, but it’s nowhere in sight.”

At the lake, another mutate surfaced and swam ashore, revealing a bulky, anthropomorphic crocodile with feet like a hippo, a tail like a dolphin and a mouth with wicked tusks. Freed from the friction of water, the still feral Diver shuffled faster before galloping on all fours towards on of the guards, knocking him to his rear. The guard looked up, seeing the gaping maw closing in on his visor.

“(No!)” - Moynihan communicated telepathically, stopping the mutant Kaprosuchus from attacking - “(They may be evil but they are just doing their job.)”

Without warning, Diver was dragged back by the two mutantsaurs. The Maximal twisted around, biting down hard on one of the false dinosaurs’ leg. Before the second one could strike back, Cosgrove swiped it aside with his tail. The guards looked over as Cosgrove drew his tail back, bridging himself between his friends and the enemy.

“(You shouldn’t have come alone, Cosgrove!)”

Cosgrove looked back at Moynihan, “(Ms. Moynihan!?)”

“Haven’t seen a dinosaur like that before.” - a guard asked, turning to the other - “Are our instruments wrong?”

“Who cares? Veloci wants them all captured.”

The guard aimed the gun again when Zipper and Rainbow Dash swooped down, grabbed a few guards before flinging them aside.

“Don’t let them-!” One of the guards was smacked aside by Chelsey’s claws. With a bleat, the mutant Therizinosaurus flailed her claws around, trying to at least smack a weapon out of their hands.

The mutant raptor Diver was fighting grabbed her by the neck and flung her aside, ready to pounce at her when Cosgrove smacked it aside. As he rose on his back legs, flailing his forefeet, Diver crouched down, ready to charge at him when Fluttershy stepped forward and applied her Stare, snapping her out of the feral funk.

“(What happened?)” - Diver shook her noggin before noticing the fight around her - “(How the hell-?!)”

“(Hey, I’m glad you’re back and I’m gonna let you finish)” - Chelsey continued to thwack a guard or two as she became surrounded - “(but I need a little backup!)”

Diver lunged forward, pummeling a few foot soldiers onto their feet. Now with the odds evened, Chelsey pushed forward, her sharp claws and her strength shredding the nets the guards shot out.

At the edge of the forest clearing, Veloci watched the whole battle happen, taking notice of the participants. Two perfect dinosaurs, four hybrids, and six anthro-ponies, all great cases for study. Though one instance did catch his eye. Sunset and Rarity ponied up and bringt up as much water from the lake to remove the tar off Dapplewood and Ms. Moynihan. With a blink, Veloci began to glow, changing from the human form he so despised in something much more saurian.

Cosgrove pinned the two mutantsaurs on the grass long enough for Pinkie Pie and Applejack to “chill and spill,” reverting them back to their original human state when the apple farmer noticed a red and black blur zoom by them.

“Look out!”

Sunset and Rarity looked up to see Veloci pounce at them, screeching at their faces when Moynihan broke free from her prison and latched her jaws onto him, pushing the corporate leader away before the two Dakoraptors circled around.

“(After all these years, I have finally come close to unlocking the secrets to your power.)” - Veloci turned his head to the Rainbooms - “(And with six additional anomalies, the DNA provided will give me the key to rid the world of the human filth!)”

“(You have come a long way since our last encounter, Veloci.)” - Moynihan opened her mouth slightly, letting out a small rasp - “(But there is one thing you always overlook when dealing with humans...)”

Breaking free from his asphalt prison, Dapplewood charged at Veloci, not enough to make him move, but certainly angering him as he bellowed at the young dinosaur before being smacked aside. Veloci looked up, seeing Cosgrove rising up on his hind legs, braying at the raptor before slamming his forefeet a few feet in front of him.

“(We live in herds!)” - Cosgrove finished while being joined by his brother, Chelsey, Zipper, and Diver, easily towering over the raptor.

But that didn’t deter Veloci one bit as he gave a snort, “(True, the original group of perfect dinosaurs had numbers, but now there is something you cannot cover up, with all the witnesses you have injured.)”

The hard looks of the Maximals became soft; Veloci found a little too much about the Rainbooms. If he leaves, he would be able to report it in the next tabloids. The Rainbooms watched Veloci get back onto his feet, pointing his paw at Cosgrove. Rarity and Fluttershy drew their ears back at the internal discussion.

“If only we can understand what they’re saying.” Said Rarity, rubbing the back of her head.

“I know…” - Answered Fluttershy - “They appear to be-”

Chelsey, Zipper, Diver, and Dapplewood backed away as Cosgrove and Veloci growled at each other. The Dakotaraptor jumped at Cosgrove, almost gnashing his teeth at his throat. Cosgrove spun away, balancing on his forelegs to give a swipe at him with his tail. Veloci spun around, running back as Cosgrove charged at him. The quadruped looked around, trying to find Veloci.

“Cosgrove, behind you!” Sunset shrieked.

Cosgrove turned around, spotting Veloci pounce on his back. Once again, the Maximal bucked and brushed an intruder off his back, only this one had his claws digging into his back. But compared to the great beasts of the Mesozoic, the beast of the Cenozoic were much more intuitive in their defenses. Gaining enough altitude with each bounce, Cosgrove flipped forward, landing on his back and removing Veloci. He trotted around just when Veloci bit him on the front leg, giving him a glare.

Though in pain, Cosgrove didn’t react as he should, merely lowering his head to the dromaeosaur, ears drawn back and his left brow raised. No telepathic thought, but the grim expression said otherwise. The Maximal grabbed Veloci by the neck and flung him with such force that the raptors crashed into the zeppelin. The guards slowly awoke to the growling faces of the other Maximals.

“Retreat!!” One of them screamed, shuffling on his feet and running towards the truck. The other guards had no question about that as they ran back to the truck.

The Maximals gave chase, the vehicles slowly becoming farther and farther away until they became no more. Their hometown safe once again, all of the Maximals (well, most), let out a deafening roar, startling the horses and sheep. Back at the blimp, Veloci, now restored to his human form, recovered from his fall and watched his enemies roar triumphantly.

“I may be defeated for now,” - He turned around, just about to enter the blimp - “but there will be others.”

The vehicle ascended off the ground and headed east, removing the threat once and for all.

A distance away, the Rainbooms heard the roar die down.

Rainbow Dash smacked her hands, “Now that is a sound I can like!”

Back at the barnyard, Ms. Moynihan stood before the Maximals as they sat in line. The teacher placed her hand on their shoulders, leaving a glowing silhouette of the animal each of them are supposed to represent: an Alamosaurus for Cosgrove, a Pachycephalosaurus for Dapplewood, a Therizinosaurus for Chelsey, an Ornithocheirus for Zipper, and a Kaprosuchus for Diver. Each one of them hissed in pain as their body parts popped and snapped, screaming by the time they returned all the way back to their original selves.

“Good... God...” Rarity winced, having seen the rather disgusting way of transforming compared to how they transformed.

The Maximals moaned in pain, rubbing the sore parts of each other’s respective bodies.

“So…” - Cosgrove looked forward with exhausted eyes - “Guess that’s one way to Pony Up…”

Of all the bad things that happened in this world, that statement was the opposite of what she expected from one one of the last people Sunset would ever let hurt.

“We’ll find a way…” Answered Sunset as Ms. Moynihan turned around, crossing her arms.

“After they serve detention for truancy.” - The Maximals all responded with a “what?!” - “A good excuse in place of magical beings. Now, about that portal.”

The end of the next school day, and the Maximals, including Dapplewood transferring over, for the time being, are in detention. The five individuals shuffled their fingers around, waiting for one of the last people they would meet arrive through the glass door.

The handle jiggles, turning clockwise, letting the door loose. What they saw surprised them as she sat on the desk.

“Sunset... Shimmer?” Asked Chelsey, moving her head back at the sight.

“Yes…” - this Sunset lifted a smile - “and no…”

An hour later, the Rainbooms stood by the repaired horse statue. Applejack and Pinkie Pie were playing a game of Solitaire, Rainbow Dash kicking a soccer ball in place with her knees, Rarity and Fluttershy petting Opalescence, having kept her hidden throughout the school day, Twilight and Sunset leaning on the plinth. Soon they turned to the sound of a door opening. The other Sunset walked down the stairs and towards the portal, stopping before she enters.

“It was tough… But it has been done.” And with that she entered the portal, returning to her world.

Turning back to the school, the Maximals themselves stood side by side as they shifted their weight around, taking in a deep breath.

“Maximals, Maximize!”

In a flash of lights, each one of them change form. Cosgrove became notably more muscular, his second finger bearing a massive claw, and his feet becoming elephant like. Chelsey’s arms became very shaggy, concealing her elongated claws when she folded them. Diver’s skin became scaly as her dolphin tail sprouted behind her. Zipper sprouted four more arms, both of which bore elongated, webbed fingers. Dapplewood, in general, resembled a reptilian satyr; being a dinosaur in Equestria as well, his ears didn’t elongate, but to his relief, kept them as he donned his sunglasses.

The Rainbooms looked in both shock and awe at their friend’s new forms before Rainbow Dash jumped in the air.

“That is so totally wicked!” She shrieked.

Rarity, her eyes keen on design, noticed one additional difference. “Your insignia suits your new forms as well.”

Cosgrove looked at his shoulder, the Maximal Insignia no longer resembled an abstract Pony, looking more like a ceratopsian. Back in Equestria, such a change is reflected upon that world’s Cosgrove and Dapplewood.

“Looks like it worked.” He said before he and his mud brother walked out of the schoolyard towards home.

In the biology lab at Crystal Prep, a professor was busy experimenting different formula's, while a rabbit curled back in fear as his fate approaches. She presses a recorder.

"Chrysalis' log: after testing out the foreign contaminant sample on select plant individuals, I am ready to begin experiment the impact this sample does on an animal."

Rather than spill the ooze on the animal as was its intent, she injects it into the rabbit. The small animal gave a painful squeak as the serum took effect, changing from a plump animal to a more lean beast with a nasty set of carnivorous teeth. A change that made the professor smile.

"Test... Successful..." - She finished as she lifted the glowing sample at her face - "Preparing synthesis procedures."