• Published 20th Mar 2016
  • 1,199 Views, 7 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Rubicon - Jongoji245

As graduation approaches for the Humane Seven, they and their allies prepare for the biggest battle of their lives.

  • ...

Code of Harmony

The following evening, in the Tamer Residence of Great Valley Drive, among many books scattered across a room, one journal sat in the light of a desk lamp. Sunset Shimmer opens the book to the most recent unwritten page. She aimed the ink pen at the upper left corner.

Dear Princess Twilight,

It’s been a long while since you have written back to me. If you ever get this message, know that we have done everything we could very well without you. But each day, the battle goes on and on. And I feel like we are fighting amongst ourselves. Is it just our human nature to fight? Or is there something deeper in your world that we haven’t quite grasped yet?

An old enemy of ours has returned, and I worry that her knowledge of Equestria will tip the balance on their hands. Right now, I am taking the necessary precautions, if I can manage the stress between classes and fighting. One way or another, this will end soon.

Your Friend,

Sunset Shimmer...

In a forested region far away, a few wild rabbits browsed for the most tender shoots. All except one, who stood at the top of a fallen branch. It stood erect, as it turned its satellite-like ears to a stick being crushed. the other rabbits turned to the sound as well and bounded away. The sentry jumped down and prepared for a leap when a metallic paw caught it’s fluffy tail between the claws.

The small animal squirmed as it was lifted off the ground. As much as the duty of a sentry is for the safety of the warren, the rabbit couldn’t help but cry for help as it was drawn to a steel beak. The mouth opened wide, adding an orange tinge to the rabbit’s brown fur as the breath became hotter and brighter. So concentrated was the beast that it didn’t notice the Changeling steal its prey.

For the past few days, Chrysalis, Sombra, Grogar, Heka, their Predacon associates, and their Changeling army kept to the isolated regions of Colorado. Their base of operations sacked, they can’t produce more Changeling clones nor have the means to rebuild the technology akin to what they had. While food is trivial to Sombra and Heka, the others struggled to maintain a healthy diet. Every catch of available meat was stolen and brought to Chrysalis. Grogar and a few Preds such as Darksteel and even the logical Skystalker fought like dogs. Rep, thanks to his camouflage abilities, managed to steal a few scraps between fights.The Ursagryph, frustrated with his kill stolen, looked to a flock of geese. He opened his mouth and aimed his dragon fire when an obsidian dome caged him. The beast spun around as smoke seeped from the grass, revealing to him a pair of green and red eyes.

“Us or you?” Sombra growled. Darksteel squinted, defeated by the more powerful mutate. Sombra destroyed the dome as the wind carried his corporeal self.

In the trees, a gray squirrel watched the camp of misfits. With a twitch of a tail, the arboreal rodent scurried across the branch, picking up speed before it made it’s grand leap to another tree branch. Or it would have when a violet and black blur snatched it in midair. Blackarachnia ended the squirrel’s life as she swallowed it whole. As she did, she was pushed forward by Porcina.

“That was supposed to be mine!” She complained; the ability to make duplicates doesn’t add well when catching small prey.

The insect girl turned around, “Well would you want to be served well done?” Blackarachnia chirped. As she saw Porcina show her smaller tusks, the winged being echoed the forest with her buzzing.

“Enough!” The Predacons turned to the enraged Chrysalis “It was your incompetence that cost our home!”

Hearing that at earshot, Caterina pounced at the taller mutate.

“And who's idea was it to make us into circus animals!? Where's our cure!?” Her answer merely a glare from the Queen, the feline raised her paw. When she unsheathed her claws, she felt something grab her wrist. She turned to see Skystalker being the one responsible for holding her wrist.

“Caterina, with our facilities compromised and the constant need to move, the chance of a retromutagen is currently out of the question.”

“But not out of your grasp.”

The entire band of criminal misfits looked back. Before them stood three monstrous beings that weren't their origin. To their right was a brown and blue beast with hooks for her hands and feet, spikes on her belly, three large dorsal fins on her back, and a glass cap over her one eye. To their left was a larger, armored insect with wing covers, and drills in place of her massive forearms. Her face isn't even remotely human, just a set of eyes, venomous fangs, and a massive horn like a rhinoceros beetle.

“And who might you be?” Chrysalis asked the stranger at the center, a blue, bat-like creature with dry blue eyes in deep black eye sockets.

“Roma Candle.” The demon walks down the hill, eying each adult and youthful mutate. All accounted for except one, she leans by a tree overlooking the city. “Not that it matters. But I know of a princess who can make your wishes come true. All I want is to be your leader.”

Darksteel and Skystalker looked at each other before the former asks, “And what makes you boss?”

Spreading her wings, Roma spun around, placing her hands on her forehead and blinked, revealing a pair of swirls in place of her eyes. Several swirling rings hovered over their heads, but the beasts didn't succumb to mind control, rather annoyed instead. Roma stopped the enchantment, blinking to find Sombra, Chrysalis and Grogar approaching her. The first raised his arm, ready to backhand her when Sierra and Lorraine came to their master's side, pointing their melee weapons at Grogar and Chrysalis respectively. Roma clasped her hands together, generating a fireball as she spread them apart.

“You have the mind of a killer.” Sombra purred as he lowered his arm “What can you possibly offer us?”

Roma raised the fireball and tossed it at an old tree. The crystalline man narrowed his eyes at the sight of the fire spreading to another tree. The demon, having their attention, curled her horrid lips back.

“A winning edge.”

Inside Canterlot High, classes of all years came to their lockers, grabbed their books and ran back to their studies. This is one of those difficult times in school: midterms. For lower class men, it's not that much to worry aside from making or breaking a grade. For the Seniors especially, though, passing the tests is a secure way to graduate with flying colors. Granted those that have vouched to do a “Senior Project,” even such projects must periodically be shown progress to the faculty to avoid any suspicious brows.

Rainbow Dash, always on the lower spectrum of her academic career aside from athletics, grabbed two books each from her most hated (and failing) courses and began her walk towards the library. She held the books close to her body, hoping no one would see her weakness.

“Hi, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie popped from the air vent. Seeing Rainbow yelp, the party planner hung upside down as she spied the textbooks. “Oooo, chemistry and trig’, nice subjects to study. Twilight gonna-?”

“Shhh!!” Rainbow pulled Pinkie down and pulled her to an isolated corner of Canterlot High. “Not in earshot, Pinks.”

Pinkie Pie zipped her lip before joining Rainbow Dash on her journey to the library. Compared to Rainbow's current attitude, Pinkie Pie was still jovial about the midterms. Job or no job, the pink wonder managed to study well in advance. They arrive at the library and open up the doors.

“Hey, Twilight! Rainbow's-!” Pinkie Pie was shushed again, this time by other occupants using the library as a study hall. She saw Rainbow give her a glare before she continued into the hall of books. As the athlete walked around the occupied tables and stepped over study groups, Pinkie Pie would call out Twilight's name as she popped her head between bookshelves.

“Girls,” - Ms. Cheerilee stopped the two from disturbing the study groups - “Twilight isn't here. Perhaps another time would be-”

“Thank you!” Pinkie Pie shouted before leading Rainbow Dash out of the library. The library mistress rolled her eyes before continuing her work on book sorting.

In the meantime, Twilight herself was in the laboratory. For months she has tried to reconstruct her spectrometer, even though they haven't needed it. In the Friendship Games, it worked well… too well, as it sucked up magic and worse. Hypothetically so, if she could implement the specs from the Galgameth bio suit, she can provide a more “user-friendly” piece of equipment. With one little microchip in place, Twilight affixed it in place with silver solder, sealed the device cover over the miniature motherboards.

“Hi, Twilight!”

“Gah!” Twilight's reaction to Pinkie's greeting sent the new spectrometer flying across the room. If it hits the wall or the floor, all those months of work will be wasted.

“Got it!” Rainbow clutched the spectrometer as a football player would. She walked over and gave it to the scientist.

“Hey…” Pinkie Pie cooed “you remade that device that sucked up our magic, opened dangerous portals, and made you into a she-demon?”

Hearing the last part gave Twilight a guilty feeling. The first device, and her curious knowledge about magic did get her into much trouble. It's with the added threat that Principal Cinch would not send her application to Everton University that she gave in. A few nights since she relived the nightmare in her sleep, but several sessions with Zecora has brought her confidence up.

“But this time” Twilight is handed the device and presses the button, allowing it a violet glow “it will suck out magic only at will.” She wrapped the pendant around her neck, holding it parallel to the ground as each section of the lid lit up before blinking at it's two thirty.

Parking the car just a few steps away from Sweet Apple Acres, Cosgrove paced around the dirt road. The fight he had with Cogsworth still filled his mind with doubt. On one hand, He still needed to thank Apple Bloom for saving his skin. But Cogsworth’s words and the fact that the Crusader had risked death doing so placed a fine line along that apology. He began thinking long and hard: Better to come over and get yelled at, or get yelled at for not being generous?

“Just go over, say ‘thanks’, then leave.” Cosgrove began his walk into the farmland. After what happened the past few days, his body became more relaxed as he could only hear the wind rustling the trees and the birds chirping. It didn’t take long for the red house to appear. He took a deep breath through his nostrils, tubing his mouth to release the hot air. He continued to the house and raised his foot above the first step.

“She ain’t here.” Cosgrove placed his foot back on the ground and turned to find Applejack leaning on the porch beam, holding a math book on one arm and a partially eaten apple on the other.

“Oh,” - Cosgrove scratched his arm - “is she serving detention?”

“Nope” - Applejack took another bite of her apple - “She went to the hospital to visit your brother.”

Cosgrove raised an eyebrow before placing his fingers on his head. “So, Apple Bloom isn’t grounded then?”

“She is…” - Applejack’s peripheral vision saw the Maximal’s further confusion before closing the book - “Look, I was just getting fed up with Sunset losing it whenever we are at our worst. Even you feel that way, right?”

Cosgrove looked away, “Sunset is always a bit short fused whenever the stress is on her.”

He began to recall quite a few moments when Sunset acted just like that, largely from the Battle of the Bands to the Friendship Games. Applejack closed the book and walked towards him, adding a small bit of worry into Cosgrove’s mind. If anything, he should deserve a punch that would shatter his teeth. He curled back a little.

“I’ll just-” Before he could even turn around, Applejack grabbed his left arm.

“I’m not mad if that’s what you’re thinking.” Applejack released his arm.

“Okay…” - Cosgrove huffed, breathing slowly to ease his worry - “Thanks.”

As she watched Cosgrove make his leave, AJ fiddled her fingers. “Cosgrove…”

Hearing his name, the Maximal turned around. “Yes?”

A long pause between the two, Applejack pinched the edge of her hat and tilted it slightly.

“Much obliged.” Seeing him draw a small smirk before he continued his walk, Applejack opened her textbook and continued to study. Though there is still one large question running in her mind she has yet to ask.

Back at the hospital, Dapplewood had just finished a reflex test courtesy of Doctor Horse. When the doctor turned around to record his results, the boy curled his leg back into the hospital blanket. But even the blanket wasn’t enough to protect the exposed limb to the hospital's frigid air conditioning in the warming Centennial State.

“Okay, Mr. Dapplewood,” - Doctor Horse shined a light on the boy’s eye, the pupil shrinking in response - “follow the light.”

As the doctor moved the light in all possible directions, so followed the grey-violet eyeball. He placed the flashlight down and wrote the results on the file. He takes out a wooden tongue depressor.

“Say ‘ah’.” - Dapplewood, holding his frustration, opened his mouth as wide as he could to allow the doctor to place the stick on his tongue. He peeked inside, looking for any anomalies in the recovering child before recording his investigation - “Tonsils are in good health, good timing for your visitor.”

Dapplewood cocked his head at the mentioning of “visitor,” for the last visitor he had he got called early in advance. The doctor opened the door, leaving it open as he walked outside. Replacing him was Apple Bloom, holding a small, blue, leathery lunchbox as she walked towards the bed.

“Hey there, buddy.” - She greeted, placing the storage item on the boy’s lap - “How are you feeling?”

Dapplewood responded by moving his shoulders a little, wincing as he extended his elbows and raised his knees. He then blinked, showing the Crusader his feral eyes before blinking again.

“Well,” - Apple Bloom opened the lunchbox, revealing to him a mishmash of crushed food consisting of spinach, kale, bacon, shredded carrots and apples covered in ranch dressing. The “apple” parts of the salad had no bits of husk, but in a hospital with very little patients now, it was good reason not to show the husk - “this should help you get back your strength.”

Taking a few sniffles of the sweetened coleslaw, Dapplewood held the plastic fork, lifting up part of the food, and started chewing before sending it down his healing throat. As he repeated the process, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but notice the needle to the IV unit was moved a smidge to her right, leaving a small bruise from where it was.

“Has anyone else visited you?” Apple Bloom asked, stopping the small boy eating his fill.

Though she, as can many of his friends and relatives, can understand his sign language, Dapplewood’s aching joints prevented him from forming large sentences with the practice. Instead, he reached out for a small dry erase board, red marker, and eraser. A rather clumsy way of writing, the boy carefully etched out his answer with what little space he could. He then spun the board around.

Sunset did visit me two days ago. We “talked” a little bit here and there. She went outside for a while, talked to a nurse, then came back in and removed the needle and took a sample of blood.

Apple Bloom raised her brow, “Why would she need a bit of your blood?”

Dapplewood faced the whiteboard to him, erasing the old words in a jiffy. Repeating the careful marking process, he flipped the board to her again.

I don’t know. But she did sound a little mad when she talked.

He flipped the board, erased, and wrote a new set of words that he promptly displayed to her.

Did something bad happen while I was unconscious?

Dapplewood watched Apple Bloom’s bow droop down like they were an extra pair of ears. He flipped white part of the board back to him, holding it against his chest.

“Why can’t things just be back to the way they were?” - Apple Bloom looked out the window, seeing the tranquility of her hometown, imagining what else would happen.

Dapplewood tapped a corner of the board on his lips. As he watched the look out the window, the boy thought long and hard. He popped the cap off the front end of the marker, catching her attention again as he purposefully stroked each letter with a loud squeak. He then flipped the board over.

There’s something else, isn’t it? Why else would you risk your life?

Looking at the board for a long while, Apple Bloom reached out and gave the boy a hug. At first a little skeptical as the purpose of this hug, Dapplwood’s eyes widened as the Crusader left the embrace. He looked up at her, keeping his expression of awe as Apple Bloom gave a small smile and walked towards the door. She stops and turned around.

“Take care now, okay?” She asked before walking out the door. As the Crusader walked, Dapplewood stared at the horizon. His adolescent mind having one of its many blanks, he pursed his lips a little before turning to his food. He stuffed his cheeks halfway, chewing it while he figuratively watched Apple Bloom leave the hospital.

At one of the last places she would want to visit, Sunset was hard at work. With three of her share of Zap Apples, the chemical compounds from Ms. Moynihan’s Chiller, a sample of Dapplewood’s blood, and a working centrifuge, she was on a roll with her experiment. She carved out a piece of Zap Apple, ground it to a pulp with a mortar and pestle, and placed it in a sample tube. Adding in a small of Chiller formula, she placed the tube in the centrifuge as she had with the previous five. Pressing a button, the machine spun around like a blender. When she lifted her finger off the button, the machine stopped to show the test tubes as an ice blue slushy. She took out the one labeled “test only” and looked at it.

“All right! You made the formula!” Sunset almost spilled the sample, turning around to find a flesh colored Senior Student with yellow eyes and hair of two shades of navy blue that nestled her goggles. This was Indigo Zap, one of the best athletes in Crystal Prep. Rivaled by Lightning Dust in the same department, it was Zap’s higher academic skill that sealed her place among the six Shadowbolts for the other two games.

“It’s too soon to know for certain.” - Sunset placed the tube in a holder - “There are many trials and errors before one successful tube will show.”

“And when there is” - Sunset turned to another student, a fuchsia-skinned individual with lime green/lemon yellow hair named Lemon Zest. Like Indigo Zap, she also had yellow eyes, but instead of goggles, she had red-violet wireless headphones which she lifted and placed them on Sunset’s head - “here is a victory tune.”

Lemon Zest increased the volume of her music player. So loud that that is can be heard outside, Sunset groaned as she took the earphones off. Slightly off balance from the loud tune, she resumed her work. Lemon picked up the headphones and put them back on her head. Joining her and Indigo were Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet, and Sugar Coat. The first crossed her arms.

“What’s up with her?” Sunny Flare turned to Sugar Coat, who fiddled her glasses.

“Well, she’s trying to block out how five of her closest friends have become wild things, one of them always getting injured and another in the hospital after fighting an armored individual who happens to be one of our sophomores after getting into a terrible camping accident.”

That remark, done completely without taking a breath, had Sunset turn around looking peeved.

“Were you parents wise to give you a name like that?” Sunset raised an eyebrow as she let out an “hmm?” Not getting her answer, Sunset returned to her work.

“Don’t blame her, really” - Sour Sweet said in her “sweet” tone before she crossed her arms and growled - “she was raised by wolves.” Sour Sweet regretted the complement as Sugar Coat returned a glare.

Squirting a drop of blood on the specimen slide, Sunset positioned it under the microscope, adjusting the lens to get a clear visual of the contaminated blood cells. With a cleaner dropper, she added the mixture to the blood. Sunset looked through the scope, watching the ice compounds float with the mashed fruit. On a microscopic level, the plant cells from the Zap Apple are also rainbow colored and true to their name, gave out a small jolt. Enough to stimulate coagulation, but never enough to hurt a human, the fruit mush caused the infected blood vessels to be freed of their mutagen bonds. Before the ooze could reattach, the ice particles fought back, crystallizing them. When adding a droplet of water, the crystal are flushed out.

“Eureka!” - Sunset shouted, holding up the sample of her newfound retromutagen.

“How so?” - Sugar Coat fondled with one of the samples - “They’ll need a lot more if they're going to bathe in it.”

“They don’t rub it on themselves,” - Sunset snatched the sample away - “they drink it. In time, the crystallized mutagen will flush out of their blood after they use the restroom.” Sunset's phone buzzed in her pocket, prompting her to pick it up. “Yes?”

Sunset returned to the HUB, watching the device continue to beep, this time pointing northwest. Likewise, the radar displayed three massive energy signatures moving closer and closer to the center.

“Why would they want to come here?” asked Twilight, watching Sunset place each vial in a package slip.

“Roma knows the portal better than Sombra and Chrysalis.” - After sealing the last slip, she turned around - “More likely as well to try to kill you.”

Twilight squinted before she spun on her chair, “Kill me?”

“She has yet to realize that you are not the Princess.” Sunset activated her magic “I need you to return to your home.”

“Sunset, I don't-” Twilight watched Sunset approach her.

“Open up a channel to everyone.” - Twilight dialed up everyone's number, showing Sunset's caller ID photo - “Everyone, I have something to tell you. Roma Candle, Lorraine, and Sierra are alive. Those who have helped out on the Fall Formal two years ago recall on her ambition to take over Earth and Equestria. It's with this fight that snowballed us into this conflict, and I will try to rectify it on my own.” - The Rainbooms, Crusaders, and Maximals responded with a loud “What!?” - “Cosgrove, Chelsey, Zipper, Diver, Dapplewood, later today you will each receive a package containing a vial of retromutagen. Drink it, and you will return to being fully human. If I don't make it back, just know that it has been a pleasure being with all of you.”

“Woah, woah, Sunset hold-!” Rainbow Dash was cut off before she was finished. She tried to call her again but got an “unavailable” message.

Cosgrove, having rejoined with his Maximal cohorts, held the vial of retromutagen in one hand, studying its glow.

“I don't understand,” Diver complained as she paced around the hallway “why does Sunset want to go it alone? Wasn't that one of our rules?”

“Yeah, it is.” Answered Chelsey “Doesn't she trust us?”

Zipper also studied his vial as tried to come up with a good answer. “Atleastshewaskindenoughtogiveusacure. ButI'mnotsureifweshould.”

“She would want us to be happy...” Cosgrove crosses his arms, showing his frustration.

“But getting herself killed will show that she’d care.” Tex rebuked “What if you five are weaker without a dino-mode?”

Tex’s question gave them something to think about. So far in the past few months, the fights have been beast-against-beast. And now with three old enemies, who they thought were dead after so long, perhaps it isn't wise to drink the formula. The five looked at their vials.

“If the past is anything,” Tremor walked into the room “is that war changes us. You are no longer children, but adults, men and women alike. The choice is up to you.”

Cosgrove looked at his tube of retromutagen before looking at each of his friends. Chelsey was the first to put the tube in her pocket, followed by Zipper, then Diver. He turns to Dapplewood, who places his tube on the tray. The leader looked at his tube, eyed away for a moment, then snuggled it in his pocket.

Outside, the rest of the Rainbooms Ponied Up and began their long trek towards the destination Sunset is heading off to.

“I can't believe Sunset would leave us like that!” Rarity chided

“Oh… And I didn't make a 'going to battle’ cake.” Pinkie Pie whined as well, riding shotgun with Applejack.

“You have a cake planned for anything, sugar cube.” Applejack looked forward, shaking her head a little “Oh boy, Sunset. You against fifteen of them.”

At the hospital, Tremor was filing for Dapplewood's clearance. His grandson and friends sat in the lobby, still a bit flustered that Sunset has gone on her own. Dapplewood himself was in among the last places he would want to be; in the resting bed of his failed assassin. He stepped close enough to see that the amulet is gone. Somehow, the armor was completely retracted, revealing a red and black, porous, jumpsuit. What remained of the armor was a chest piece wrapping around Cogsworth, with a black stripe running down his back. Dapplewood took out his vial; if zap apples healed their most serious wounds, then this wouldn't be a problem, but since Cogsworth hasn't been contaminated with mutagen, the Chiller formula in the retromutagen may poison him a little. The boy gently opened the mechanic's mouth and poured the formula in, massaging his throat to allow the liquid to rush inside. He placed his damaged Maximal charm into Cogsworths hand. As he left the room, it became illuminated with a green glow, the gears clicking and hissing as the armor extended to his toes and fingers. Cogsworth’s hand twitched, wrapping around the charm.

The warming spring sun and the melting river ice contributed to a large fog that covered much of the area outside the plaza. Even the mighty Rockies vanished completely. In such an element, evil is on the march as their glowing eyes penetrated the depths. But the fog can be used to an advantage. After hearing a soft ringing, the battalion stopped to a shot fired and Changeling screaming in agony.

“Go, search!” Ordered Chrysalis. Three of her drones moved away from the group. A fatal mistake, for they have been shot down as well.

“Fan out!” Sombra ordered. While the Changelings and their masters kept still, Roma, Lorraine, Sierra and the Predacons moved away. With none of them having a biological radar for detecting magic, they were blind in fog. Whenever he got blasted, Darksteel pounced at the point of origin and found nothing.

“I know you're here, Sunset.” Roma walked around on her clawed feet “Come out, I would love to make up for lost time.”

Looking through the fog, the demonized human found a gray silhouette in the mist. With a snarl, she flapped her wings and chased after the shrouded figure. As she got closer, the figure illuminated a small, opal around a yellow-orange horn. Roma spun around, seeing the silhouette again before she pounced and missed. Infuriated, Roma charged up a fireball and flung it at another figure. Not a sound but the echo of the explosion.

“Where are you!?” She roared as she kept lobbing fireballs.

From afar, Sunset watched her former classmate descend into madness once again. Of all the people she has seen, Roma was the only one to have gone mad. Not Hydia, the Dazzlings, not even Twilight came close. The demon no doubt influenced Cogsworth while trapped in the amulet. But with a span of two years, things evolved. One such thing Sunset drew forward, aiming it at the she-demon.

Then a long, sticky tongue shot out of the fog and snatched the repaired spectrometer away. Sunset turned to see that Rep had stolen the device. He tsked thrice before putting it in his pocket. He then alerted his cohorts with a loud whistle. Sunset looked around, seeing the glowing eyes surrounding her.

“Grogar,” the massive mountain goat turned over to Chrysalis “take the Predacons to Canterlot High.”

Deep in his mind, the resurrected mutant felt a bit of joy in leading a new faction of his school's sports team. As he marched towards the city, the Changelings took a hold of Sunset, spinning her around to face the plaza. The closer they came, the beasts took pleasure in smashing windows, raiding food stores, anything to satiate their hunger for destruction as smoke billowed in town.

“Who is the real monster here?” Roma whispered into Sunset's ear. She stepped back, summoning Sierra in her place. The massive beetle aimed her drill at Sunset's back, slowly increasing revolutions per second as she inched closer.

“I'm sorry…” Sunset winced, ready to accept her fate. But to her surprise, the revolutions ceased.

“Why did you stop?!” Roma chided, but like everyone else, she too started listening to a sharp whistle, getting louder and louder as a winged silhouette appeared. That figure became none other than Rainbow Dash as she zoomed through the fog and slammed the bug so hard, she flew back a few feet.

“The monsters around here are still you guys!” Rainbow Dash answered as the rest of the cavalry arrived.

While Sombra, Roma, Lorraine and Sierra growled, Chrysalis merely chuckled and turned to her soldiers.

“Go, feed!!” With rapid speed, the Changelings flew forth, leaving a small bit of turbulence that got the Rainbooms all shaky. The six Rainbooms squared off against, five but strong enemies. Roma Candle bared her teeth at Sunset, Sierra slapped her drills twice before pointing them at Applejack, Lorraine shifted to a fighting stance at Fluttershy, Rarity and Sombra lit up their horns as Pinkie aimed a miniature party cannon, Rainbow Dash raised her fists at Chrysalis. Except for Fluttershy, they all rushed in screaming for the big fight.

Grogar and the Predacons walked through the lot next to Canterlot High as the Changelings began their assault. For the former principal, this was a means of revenge on Celestia for closing down his school. For Caterina and Porcina, getting a cure is all that matters. Skystalker is more fascinated in visiting the equine filled world. As their feet touched the asphalt, a mangled Changeling fell before them. They looked up to see Zipper soaring and screeching above them. He lands on the Wondercolt statue, issuing another screech as his Maximal and Crusader buddies lined up. Six Maximals and three Crusaders against Grogar and seven Predacons.

“So it comes to this, boy.” Grogar growls “Face to face, tooth to claw, yes. Have you anything to say?”

Cosgrove looked to his left, seeing Sweetie Belle, Chelsey, Dapplewood, and Scootaloo assuming a fighting stance. He then looked to his right, seeing Diver, Apple Bloom, Tex, and Zipper doing the same. He then looked forward at the menacing goat.

“Well I say… that's just Prime. Let's do this!” The Maximal lead the charge. Chelsey rushed at Skystalker, Tex to Darksteel, Diver to Squirk. Zipper and Blackarachnia ascended upward with claws stretched. Dapplewood lowered his head as he neared Rep. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo charged at Caterina, Porcina made another duplicate as she squealed at Apple Bloom, Cosgrove and Grogar roared as they collided with each other.

A good distance away, Twilight kept to the HUB, watching several magic signatures mix with one another on radar. Though not an experienced fighter, she can't just sit here while her friends risk themselves in battle. She looked at her reflection in the device and closed her eyes.

“Come on, Twilight.” She concentrated even harder “You can do this.”

It seemed evenly matched for a six to five battle. With her Pony Up amplifying her human strength, Applejack didn't need Rainbow's help as she delivered a few fast punches at Sierra. With her drills constantly spinning, a full on wrestling maneuver was out of the question for the farmer.

Pinkie Pie and Rarity constantly dodged the erupting and eroding crystals as Sombra slammed his fists on the ground. Rarity used her magic to lift underground boulders and threw them at the school teacher. Pinkie Pie used a more up close method; party cannons to the face, a banana peel, and her “final smash” as she calls it: speakers.

With Chrysalis being the more powerful of the three fliers present, Rainbow Dash kept to her speed as she delivered a hit and run punch. Enraged, Chrysalis changed her form to resemble that of the athlete. But even in a changed form, it's not the same recipe and was easily outdone.

Fluttershy had the worst of luck. She ran towards the forest, coming through trees and hiding behind rocks. But with her armament, Lorraine made swiss cheese out of the environment. As the bladed monster cornered the shy teenager, Fluttershy calmed herself down and bellowed in a rather scratchy voice. Harry, the “calmed grizzly,” rose out of the bushes and smacked the monster right through the eye. Fluttershy stood up, giving Lorraine a less “lethal” version of The Stare as the monster turned its damaged eye at her.

Sunset and Roma attacked and dodged with a series of quick attacks. Roma had the flight and size advantage, but not the smarts as Sunset had months of research ahead of her. The demon landed on the dirt, reeled back with a roar, charged forward, missing the fire-haired teen as she teleported the other way. Enraged, Roma charged up a fireball again. Sunset, ever the wiser, charged up a magic missile and fired it at the glowing sphere. Exploding at her face, Roma growled as she took flight again.

Back at Canterlot High, the battle is favoring our heroes at the moment. But if the Changelings reach the school, they will be overrun. Grogar kept Cosgrove’s snapping teeth at arm's length before slamming him to the wall.

“Admit defeat, boy!” Grogar pinched Cosgrove's throat, hearing him gag as his lungs began to starve. The Maximal resorted to flailing his elephant-like feet at the rams chest, but could only brush on the blue fur. Grogar aimed a fist at the repto-mammal's head before howling in pain as he felt two concussive blasts on his back.

The combatants looked up, seeing a dark object flying around the courtyard. It soared vertically before dropping on the ground with a large slam. It was Cogsworth, his armor free of dents and his weapons restored. One small, but nonetheless large difference, was the Predacon insignia; it resembled a wasp head rather than a demonic ram.

“You!” Grogar released his grip on Cosgrove and turned towards the more armored boy “You wish to die as well?!”

Cogsworth kept to himself, watching Grogar bare his teeth before charging. When he got close, the mechanic held the goat by the horns, pushing him back a few feet as Cogsworth wrestled the beast. The opportunity rising, Cosgrove rushed forward and held Grogar by the throat. Pulling the cork with his teeth, he forces feed the retromutagen down the goat's throat.

Grogar pushed the two aside before standing still. He felt his heart beating slower and slower. He looked at his cloven hand, watching it return to its original five digit hand when the skin shrink wrapped. His fur and horns began to recede. In time, he returned to being human. The mutagen flushed out of his body signaled his bodily functions to stop. For he was once dead flesh, and dead flesh he shall be as he collapses on the floor.

The Maximals, Crusaders, and remaining Predacons stopped their fighting, waiting for the next move. The two boys that fought each other some time ago looked at each other. On one hand, Cogsworth did provide a distraction long enough for Cosgrove to administer the retromutagen to Grogar. But on another hand, Cogsworth was dangerous enough to almost kill his brother with valley fever. Then again, it was their fault for snowballing Cogsworth into this mess.

“Are we…?” Cosgrove asked, watching Cogsworth turn his head at Apple Bloom. The mechanic approached Apple Bloom. He stood before her, watching the Crusader's ears drew back, still having her determined expression despite no longer having the Twittermite vacuum. He raised a finger at her.

“The next time you, Sweetie Belle, or Scootaloo get any ideas for any reason, think next time.”

Apple Bloom slowly nodded as she, and everyone else turned to the Changelings buzzing towards the school. The Predacons are still unsure of what to do when Cogsworth raised a hand.

“Everyone, we must defend the portal at all costs!” Cogsworth drew out a plasma cannon and aimed it at the swarm.

“What?” Squirk shook his head confusingly - “We're- after all we-!?”

“It sounds illogical, yes.” - Skystalker answers - “But is mindless fighting isn't any better?”

Now with the Predacons at their side, Cosgrove gathered his posse. “Sunset had Twilight close off the Ground Bridge. Can you hold them off till then?”

“We'll try.” Retracting one plasma cannon, the Predacon and the Maximal clasped hands, honoring themselves before parting.

“Wait!” - Rep calls out as he took out the spectrometer - “I don't know what your friend was doing with it, but it may be important.”

Tex took the device and began to run with his cohorts. The Changelings up front began to dive towards the Maximals and Crusaders.

“Darksteel. Skystalker.” Cogsworth charged up his weapons. “Provide cover fire!”

The armored boy, the dragon, and the Ursagryph unleashed their attack, parting the swarm in two as several fell screaming as they were burned alive. Blackarachnia joined Skystalker and Darksteel, ascending high enough to dive bomb into the swarm. The flightless individuals kept to the statue, picking off each Changeling that landed. Porcina provided as many duplicates as she could to even the numbers.

Back to the Rainbooms, Sombra and Chrysalis began to tire. The second of the two was tossed by Rainbow Dash to the dirt. Raising her head up, she found her swarm slowly being charbroiled. Lorraine was just smacked outside the forest, joining with her Fluttershy and Harry. The bear cooed as he was scratched behind the ears before he was sent away. With her remaining strength, Applejack lifted Sierra off the ground and tossed her aside.

Chrysalis and Sombra prepared to recover when Diver and Chelsey popped out of the bushes and caught them. Before he could become smoke, Sombra was administered with retromutagen, causing him to shed his horn and embedded crystals. He still kept his armor as he collapsed on the floor. Chrysalis lost her wings, horn, and her skin became supple. With her mutation lost to the formula, the drones halted and hovered to the ground.

Now it was just like the fight at Canterlot High; Roma, Lorraine, and Sierra watched as the Rainbooms, Maximals, and now the Crusaders surrounded them.

“It's over, Roma!” Sunset called out as her posse prepared for the last stretch.

“Yes, dearest.” Rarity added with a flick of her delicate hand “Do kindly surrender and stop being a beast.”

Hearing that in her ear, Roma tensed her face as she raised her hands.

“I am not a monster!” Roma placed her hands on her head, activating her mind control. Far away, the Changeling army stood erect and marched slowly at the portal.

“At least they break very easy.” Cogsworth drew his blade and shield and charged at the bugs.

The fight is a bit different than when it was at Canterlot. Dapplewood and Diver replaced Cosgrove and Zipper, delivering faster hit and run attacks to tire out Lorraine. Sweetie Belle followed Rarity's example and shot out a more concentrated stream of magic. With each blast from her party cannon, Pinkie Pie slowly tied the monster down with streamers.

Chelsey and Tex joined Applejack as they fought Sierra. Three strong people against the massive beetle proved quite a handful as Sierra was pushed towards Lorraine. The bug did smack Tex away, sending the pendant flying. Scootaloo, still having a desire to fly, flapped her wings rapidly, ascending two feet in the air. She picked up Apple Bloom and hovered to ramming speed. The youngest farmer lifted up her boots, shouting a "kaia" upon colliding with the exoskeleton. The bug toppled over, squirming to get up.

Roma wasn't going to give up easily, but with Sweetie Belle and Pinkie Pie holding down her cohorts down with magic and confetti, it was fourteen against one. Applejack, Chelsey, and Tex charged forth at the demon, who sent them flying when she lobbed a fireball in front of their feet. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo circled around her, kicking up a dust cloud to confused Roma. In the dust, Zipper flew forward and clutched Roma by the hair, dragging her several feet towards the pile before the demon slashed the pterosaurs feet.

Roma ascended into the air, but not before Diver rushed in and sank her teeth into the demon’s leg. With the added weight, Roma hovered clumsily over the Rainbooms as she thrashed her leg. Soon the hog-like teeth of the mutate Kaprosuchus gave, sending her falling to the ground with a loud thud. Before she could recover, Roma slammed her feet hard on Diver’s neck and throat.

Apple Bloom was quick to whistle to Dapplewood, getting him to come her. The boy made himself completely horizontal, allowing the Crusader to pick him up, spin around and throw him. The young Maximal’s head collided with Roma’s, staggering her a few feet back. She wrapped her hands around Dapplewood’s neck and began choking him. The fortune that his brother was there to pull Roma away. With one last lob, the demon was added to the predator trap. She struggled to get free, but the confetti clasped her wings shut.

“Now we need the spectrometer!” Said Sunset.

“Way ahead of-” When he reached his pocket, Tex’ eyes widened as he pulled each pocket.
“Where is it?!”

They looked around wildly before Scootaloo found it on the ground several meters behind them. She ran for the device the same time Roma charged up a fireball. Applejack was quick to notice and rushed to knock her out, but she was too late. The projectile volleyed over Scootaloo and collided with the spectrometer in a cloud of dust.

“No!” Sunset fell to her knees, hearing Roma’s laugh as the dust cleared. But the device remained intact, surrounded by a violet aura. Everyone looked forward, some, especially Pinkie Pie and Rarity, had their mouths agape.

It was Twilight, their Twilight, using magic for the first time. Like them, she was just as surprised as they are as she held her hand and her horn glowed. Whether she was winging it or not, Twilight flung the device over to the pile of demons. The impact flipped the lid open.

“Everyone, get clear of its blast radius!” Twilight shouted, prompting our heroes to scatter. At first as particles, the pendant generated a small, compact ball as it began the draining process. Lorraine and Sierra roared as the pendant began to peak. Roma tried to leave, but the drain made her exhausted and collapsed when a bright light shined to her. Over at Canterlot High, the Changelings stopped their advance. To Porcinas amusement, she pushed one like it was a tinker toy.

When the light ebbed, the charm closed on its own. The heroes at the other front emerged from their hiding spots. What was left of the three beasts from so long ago where a comatose Lorraine and Sierra, and a struggling Roma Candle. The last looked up, seeing Sunset approach her.

“Why…?” Roma hissed “Why couldn't I beat you?”

Sunset looked around, watching her friends give her looks of frustration, awe, and amusement, before looking back at the restored human.

“You remained in an island,” - Sunset raised her arms, emphasizing the changes that happened over two years. - “we evolved.”

Applejack took out her lasso and began to hogtie the powerless girls one by one. Everyone else turned to Twilight, admiring her new form.

“So, Twilight. How does it feel to Pony Up?” Asked Rarity.

“While I do admire the increase in power,” Twilight rubbed her horn “I’m a bit scared that I can’t turn it off.”

“It’s like relaxing a muscle.” Said Chelsey, demonstrating for the former Crystal Prep Student as her claws retracted and the veil of fur around her body receded. Twilight relaxed, drawing back her horn and ponytail.

“Though that also means that we’ll be walking the entire way home, huh?” Asked Diver, getting everyone’s attention, as the Rainbooms have forgotten to use vehicles in their rush to save Sunset.

“A pleasure stroll doesn’t sound that bad” - Cosgrove looks at the unconscious Chrysalis and Sombra - “now that it’s all over.”

Sunset looked at the general direction to Canterlot High. “Not yet.”

Indeed, even with them counted as “under influence,” the Predacons are still criminals in general. In the Estes Park Municipal Council, what remained of the population sat in the public gallery, the prisoners in the dock, with twelve witnesses Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Clamp Jaw, Mr. Belle, Mr. Dash, Cranky Doodle, Big Mac, Cheerilee, Mr. Cake, Iron Will, and Mayor Mayor at the side. Shining Armor stood as he waited for the judge to arrive. He heard the door handle jiggle and turned to the others.

“All rise.” He ordered, getting everyone to stand.

Judge Frollo slowly ascended to his bench, coughed a little before turning to the Jury.

“Has the Jury come to a decision?” He asks.

“We have, Your Honor.” Celestia looked at the public and prisoners “We find the defendants guilty.”

Squirk, Rep, and Porcina turned pale at the sound of the decision. Cogsworth and Skystalker accepted this as they lowered their heads in defeat. For the Rainbooms, Maximals, and Crusaders, this was a heavy blow; all their hard work practically wasted.

“Cogsworth, Darksteel, Skystalker, Caterina, Porcina, Rep, Blackarachnia, and Squirk.” Judge Frollo beckoned for their attention “While we do acknowledge that what you have done was inexcusable. But with the provided evidence that you are under the influence, your punishment will be reduced. I sentence you to forty-eight hours of community service to repair the damaged buildings. Court adjourned.”

With a slam of the gavel, the prisoners were lead out of the courtroom first, followed by the public. Our heroes are still a bit frustrated as they neared the front door.

“I still can’t believe they would have to do community service.” Sweetie Belle huffed “I mean, it’s not their fault entirely that they destroyed much of the town.”

“That may be, Sweetie.” - Rarity interjected - “But that doesn’t change what they did, and they must be responsible for that.”


“Sweetie Belle, she’s right.” Everyone turned to Cogsworth strolling in a wheelchair, for use of the armor is still considered bringing a gun to court - “There’s no excuse who did what, I’ll be fine.”

After given a small hug from each Rainboom, Crusader, and Maximal, Cogsworth is escorted by a security guard out the door. A moment of silence before Pinkie clapped her hands.

“Welp, those midterms aren’t going to study themselves!” Pinkie Pie began to bounce towards the door, hearing the agitated groans from her friends.

“I don’t think that wouldn’t be necessary.” Everyone turned around again, finding Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna walking towards them. “In honor of your great deeds, we will pardon you from the midterms.”

Rainbow Dash, knowing of her already borderline grades, hopped up in excitement.

“But,” - Luna points to the front door - “in exchange…”

Rainbow stopped her excitement; not having to train herself mentally for the exams in exchange for more physical labor. As Cogsworth said, everyone has to take responsibility for their own actions. And the Dazzlings can only do so much before they become irritated. They all nodded to each other, accepting the terms.

Forty Seven hours later

Sombra and Chrysalis remained in a penitentiary, Sierra and Lorraine sent to a psychiatric institute to recover, Roma Candle sent to prison. She bounced a ball against the wall, hearing her prison mates jeer at her, mocking on where are her powers now. It’s a prison, true, but one that has fresh air. She continued to play with the ball as a prison guard stopped at her cell.

“Miss Candle,” - the guard watched Roma not catch the ball this time - “you have a visitor.”

Shackled wrist and ankle, Roma was lead down the cell blocks and to a narrower room divided by desks and plastic. Each seat was taken by other prison mates as they conversated with their friends, siblings, parents, or loved ones. On the other side of Roma’s spot was Twilight Sparkle, but not the one on Earth. Fitting her royal duties and the seriousness of the matter, she wore a business suit instead of her usual blue button shirt, violet skirt, and heavy boots.

“It’s been a long time, Roma. Much has changed since I last came here. The town has been partially demolished, old friendships brought back, and a zoo cage full of Changelings. I too have had my ordeals as well, and I have taken up a student under my wing even after we fought to preserve the fabric of time. My point is, as I have told Sunset, even the worst of people, human or pony, could be changed. To err is the essence of change. So I ask: you can either change your ways or let time heal the wounds.”

After a long period of silence, Roma’s lips began to quiver.

“You think your little talks of friendship will suffice the fact that our city has been demolished?” - She lifts her eyes at the Princess of Friendship - “You still have a lot to learn about the human race. I used Cogsworth to tarnish Cosgrove’s white knight reputation. Sunset was on the verge of a breakdown.” - Roma slowly stood up - “We all point fingers at each other. And our leaders among the most stupid people who ever walked the earth. Whoever holds a great resource or innovation owns the world. And the bell cannot be unrung!!” Roma slaps the glass.

“Hands off the glass!!” Shouted a police guard as he signaled the guards to pick her up.

“They know you and your world! They’ll be hungry!! And they’ll be coming!!” As she was lifted off the chair, Roma made a “ding” sound repeatedly between breaths. Twilight remained silent as Roma’s screams echoed the rooms behind her.

One hour later

With the last few nails, the Rainbooms, Crusaders, Maximals and Predacons finished the repairs of a pawn shop. Scrapper, the manager of the construction crew that monitored their progress, took out a clipboard.

“Okay guys,” He took out a packet of pens and handed it to each Predacon “you sign this and I’ll send the last of your credit hours to the judge.” With each signature along the five blacks lines separated by a comma, the Predacons have completed their service to society. “It’s been a pleasure for you to help.”

Rainbow Dash sprouted her wings and circled the air, “All right! Now we don’t have to take midterms!”

Applejack turned to the Predacons, specifically Cogsworth. “So what will you do now, hon?”

Cogsworth kept to himself, prompting Pinkie Pie to massage his shoulders. “We do plan on going to Camp Everfree. Lots of fun things to do there.”

Cogsworth still remained silent.

“You’ve never been to the dinosaur world,” Diver mentions, imagining what form the mechanic would take. “we would love to see what your inner dinosaur looks like.”

Cogsworth moves the joystick on his wheelchair, spinning around and moving away. The other Predacons either waved goodbye or in Squirk's case pointing two of his tentacles to his eyes. As the group left the area, Rarity gently tugged on her hair.

“I don’t understand.”

“Because, Rarity, it’s his life.” Sunset turned around “We need harmony to survive, but harmony without free will isn’t harmony at all. Cogsworth showed us that.” Sunset took a deep breath before rubbing Dapplewoods hair. “Let’s go home.”

Pinwheel and Shock Drive were among the first refugees to return. When they carried their luggage into their house, the first thing they saw was a banner that read, “welcome home.” Next to a table filled with treats was Cogsworth, having sat there for the next few hours to reconcile with himself. The parents stood motionless, watching their son don the armor on his legs and stand up before them. Without hesitation and tears in their eyes, they dropped their luggage and embraced the child they had not seen for so long.

“Welcome home…” - Pinwheel choked - “Welcome home…”

Tartarus Penitentiary, Denver, Colorado.

Inside the warden's office, a video plays from a laptop computer. Twelve seconds of each video displaying a Rainboom would switch over to a Maximal for another twelve seconds, then switched over to a Crusader. The screen illuminated the back of the table as the person sitting tap his fingers on the armrest.

“Is this a live feed?” Asked Tirek.

“Was a live feed.” Answered Scorpan.

“Then I’ve seen enough.” - Tirek closed the laptop and leaned back on the chair - “Get me a list of their identities, all of them.”

“Zeb’s already working on it.” Scorpan lifted the miniature computer and walked out of the office.

When the door closed, Tirek placed his fingers together, tapping each one in rhythm.