• Member Since 14th Aug, 2018


Reading and creating stories no one cares about since god-knows-when

Savage Skye's series 10 stories
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This story is a sequel to Seasons Turning

Story 6 in the Savage Skies series.

Thanks to Twilight Sparkle's plan, Dawn Lightwing's story has been spread across Equestria. Back in Ponyville, Dawn and those close to him prepare for the inevitable fallout. However, their plan has some unexpected consequences, leading to Dawn's place in Ponyville coming under threat in the most unexpected of ways as Fluttershy must prove her fitness to be Dawn's mother.

However, there is something more at work behind the scenes. In order to protect his home and his place in Ponyville, Dawn must venture abroad with an unexpected and unwanted ally in order to bring an end to these machinations.

The series begins in Foal of the Forest.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Cold Days and Warm Hearts

The winter passes into spring, bringing with it many changes, both for good and for ill. Dawn Lightwing must contend with the pending disaster as a powerful adversary approaches with designs to end his life. Rainbow Dash finally leaves to join the Wonderbolts, but finds her dreams jeopardized by somepony from the past. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle and those close to her are drawn further into the machinations of the Noble Court.

Oh...and somepony is planning to destroy the world...probably...maybe...let me get back to you on that...

Chapters (29)

This story is a sequel to The Breaking of the Storm

In the wake of Terra Heart's attack on Ponyville, Princess Celestia leads the Royal Guard against the Cult Solar in an effort to eliminate them once and for all. But, while the cat's away, the mice will play. The Noble Court puts their own plan into action, threatening to throw Canterlot and Equestria into chaos. And behind it all, the mysterious Morning Star continues with his plans, which could spell the end of the world.

Chapters (38)

This story is a sequel to Rescue on Diamond Mountain

Story seven of the Savage Skies series. The first months of Dawn's stay in Ponyville have been tumultuous, to say the least. Fortunately, winter is coming, not only offering the colt respite from his enemies, but also giving Dawn the opportunity to enjoy the season with his new friends and family. Little does he know that this is to be a season of many firsts for him.

Meanwhile, a new pony has come to Ponyville in response to Twilight Sparkle's call for research subjects. Unfortunately, this stallion's past experiences have left him bitter and paranoid. It will be up to Rarity, of all ponies, to make this unexpected guest feel welcome in Ponyville and heal the wounds in his heart.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Dark Matter

The final story of the Savage Skies series.

The world has been saved and the years have passed. But for Dawn Lightwing, not every challenge is behind him. He finds himself faced with something possibly even more difficult than a murderous cult or a mad scientist performing a world-ending experiment, finding what it is that he truly wishes to do with his life. Both Dawn and Scootaloo will go through experiences that challenge their desires for the future and their relationship with each other as they navigate along the final stretch of the convoluted path to adulthood.

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Shadow of the Sun

Story 5 of the Savage Skies series:
Autumn has arrived in Ponyville. The harvest is in full swing and all is as it should be. After enduring the trials of the past few months, Dawn Lightwing is looking forward to what promises, hopefully, to be a peaceful season before a tumultuous winter. However, the coming season has the unwelcome effect of bringing his enemies closer than he feared. However, he is fortunate to have a loving family, good friends, and somepony who is maybe more than just a friend.
The series begins in Foal of the Forest.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Storm on the Horizon

Story 4 of the Savage Skies series.

It is well-known that the brighter the light, the deeper the shadow. Princess Celestia is unquestionably Equestria's brightest guiding light. Unfortunately, two ponies must deal with the very deep, very dark shadows that she casts.

Dawn Lightwing has overcome many trials since moving to Ponyville. However, his past and the ponies that haunted it are not as far behind him as he would like to think. Whether he likes it or not, his enemies, who draw their hatred from their irrational reverence for Princess Celestia, have found him again and he must struggle with the fact that his mere presence could a threat to his friends and his new family.

Twilight Sparkle must deal with a different shadow as she travels to Canterlot in order to learn more about the mysterious Eyes of Nightmare, as she must contend with the Noble Court, who live in the shadow of the Royal Palace itself, its members planning to use Twilight and her friends to advance their own ambitions, stopping at nothing to have her under their influence.

Thankfully, neither of them will have to deal with these obstacles alone.

However, something even more dangerous is stirring. Dark matters are afoot.

The series begins with Foal of the Forest.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Promise of a New Day

Story three of Savage Skies:
All sorts of things are brewing in the pegasus city of Cloudsdale, which is a problem for Ponyville as the one thing that isn't is a rainstorm. As the drought continues to drag on, Rainbow Dash must confront her hometown and its history, as well as her own history. But she won't do it alone, which is good, because she'll need all the help she can get.

Series starts with Foal of the Forest.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Foal of the Forest

Second story of the Savage Skies series:
Dawn Lightwing has overcome many trials in his life; persecution for his unique eyes, living amongst the monsters of the Everfree Forest. But now all of that is behind him. He's been adopted by Fluttershy, mended from his conflict with Applejack, and now sits poised to go to school and live the life of a normal foal. Unfortunately, Dawn's past is not so far behind him as he would like, as his experiences have left scars on his mind and heart that threaten everything he has gained since coming to Ponyville.

Followed by Storm on the Horizon.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (10)

First of the Savage Skies series.
After running afoul of timberwolves in the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy is saved by a mysterious young colt with a most unusual and disturbing feature. Realizing that he is alone, without anyone else to care for him, Fluttershy realizes that she must try to bring this lonely foal out of the forest and give him a life of love and friendship. The problem is that this colt's...unique qualities have made him more than a few enemies, including some who are closer to home than Fluttershy realizes.

Now with a sequel: The Promise of a New Day.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (15)