Chapter 2: A Normal Life
"Oh dear, I hope Mister Red River is okay after that," said Fluttershy as she and Dawn approached Town Hall to settle the matter of his adoption.
"Apparently I only got a small sample of her when we met the other day," remarked Dawn, "I guess that even a master like that stallion would break if he met her in a situation where she had no reason to exercise restraint."
Fluttershy's lip twitched nervously. "Yes. Pinkie Pie can be a little...much for some ponies."
Dawn chuckled before shifting uncomfortably. This did not go unnoticed.
"Are you alright Dawn? Is your injury hurting? Oh Dear! Should we go see the doctor?"
"It's fine," answered Dawn as calmly as he usually did, "It's just that, with one wing in a cast, I have a little trouble keeping my balance."
"Oh." Fluttershy smiled and dipped her head. Before Dawn realized it, he had been lifted up and deposited on her back.
"I can walk," he protested.
"Don't worry about it," said Fluttershy, smiling over her shoulder at him, "It's okay to accept help from other ponies when you're hurt."
Dawn sighed and refrained from making any further protests, although it wasn't Fluttershy's words so much as the no-nonsense look in her eyes that stopped him.
The two arrived at Town Hall and were ushered into Mayor Mare's office. The distinguished, older earth pony listened as Fluttershy explained the situation. She smiled encouragingly when the shy pegasus finished and went over to a filing cabinet and retrieved a small number of forms.
"I am quite happy to assist you as best I can," she said, spreading the forms out on the table, "Since it seems that you have your affairs quite in order, this should go rather quickly."
The next two hours seemed to disappear in a blur of papers as Mayor Mare explained parts of the process and carefully interviewed the mother-to-be, as well as the prospective son. Questions about Fluttershy's suitability as a caretaker for the young colt were quickly and efficiently addressed, thanks to the coaching she had recieved from Twilight earlier that day.
During the entire time, Dawn noticed that, while he got the occasional odd look from the mayor, she never once mentioned his condition. He remembered getting a few odd looks from the other ponies they had passed on their way over, but nothing that even began to approach the hostility he was used to seeing. It seemed that Fluttershy had not been lying about him being safe in Ponyville. It made him wonder if there was something wrong with the towns he had been chased out of before.
Interestingly, the two mercenaries were not the only important ponies who arrived on the train from Canterlot.
To say that Rarity was off-balance would be an understatement of epic proportions. She was not unused to entertaining visitors, particularly if they were her friends or her clients. She liked to think that, no matter how distinguished or important her visitors might be, that she was able to maintain a professional attitude that would allow her and her client to conclude their business in an expedient manner.
However, having Fancy Pants of all ponies drop in out of the blue showed Rarity that she still had a ways to go.
After the near panic attack had abated, Rarity realizing that she hadn't so much as a single hem to show the stallion that might appeal to the tastes of him or his wife, she calmed after he explained that his reason for coming was not actually least, not in the typical sense.
So it was with some degree of trepidation that Rarity finished laying out her finest china and preparing the stallion some tea from her finest stock. Rarity had to admit that she was not liking the way the situation was turning out at all. After asking for the chance to speak with her, the stallion had simply sat pensively at the table, occasionally twitching his mustache as he waited for her to finish preparing tea. The only sign that he was comfortable was the fact that he'd removed his monocle and set it on the table in front of him.
"My apologies for dropping in unannounced like this," he said as he waited, "But I wanted to keep my business with you discreet."
"I understand," replied Rarity as she poured the tea for the two of them.
"Now then," said Rarity, doing her best to stifle the tremor of nervousness that threatened to creep into her voice, "How can I help you my dear sir?"
"Please, there's no need for formality Rarity," said Fancy Pants, "You're a friend of the family now. I know that Fleur is looking forward to seeing you again in the future."
"That's very lovely. How is your dear wife coming along?"
"Quite nicely," replied Fancy with a pleasant smile, "It will be another few months before the foal is due, but she's taking her pregnancy quite well."
"That's reassuring," said Rarity with a small smile.
Fancy Pants sighed before sipping the remainder of the tea in his cup. "As nice as it is to speak with you, I'm afraid that I didn't come here simply for the purpose of exchanging pleasantries."
"Whatever is the matter?" asked Rarity, "You seem so worried."
"It's just..." Fancy picked up the cup as Rarity refilled it and drained it the way most stallions drained a shot glass of whiskey when they were about to do something unpleasant. "I don't know how to break it to you Rarity, but I think we need to cut off our business relationship for a time."
Rarity was most fortunate that her own cup was scarcely an inch above the saucer, as her magic suddenly released and dropped it down with a clatter. Though the cup was undamaged, tea slopped over the sides, staining the saucer below. "What? But Fancy Pants, I thought we were doing so well..."
"We were," replied Fancy Pants, "And that is part of the problem. Please don't think that this has anything to do with the quality of your work." He sighed again. "The truth of the matter is that I'm suggesting this for your sake. You need to suspend your business, not just with me, but with all the rest of the Canterlot nobility."
"But...why?" asked Rarity, scarcely able to believe what she was hearing. Catering to the needs of Canterlot's nobles had been one of her dreams from the moment she had opened her boutique. While she wouldn't rate her desire to get in with the upper class on the same level that Rainbow Dash expressed her desire to get into the Wonderbolts, it still stood as one of the major milestones of achievement that Rarity had dreamt of since she was a little filly.
"Once again, the problem is not with you, but with us," replied Fancy cooly, "Though I wish we could celebrate your success, I very much fear that certain members of the nobility are seeking your business for the wrong reasons. Worse still, I am afraid that this problem is mostly my fault."
"How so?"
"Do you remember how we first met?" he asked.
Remember? Rarity mused, How could I forget? The memory of her first meeting with the impeccable noblestallion was burned into her memory, not only as one of her greatest moments of success, but also as a particularly embarrassing period of her life, one that still brought a light blush to her face at the thought of it. After all, though she'd finally attracted the attention and interest of the nobility, she'd done so by shunning her own small town origins before her friends reminded her that where she had come from was something to regard with pride, not shame. The fact that Fancy had supported her in this was one of the cornerstones behind Rarity's continued success in the Equestrian capital.
"Back when we first met, I invited you to attend the Wonderbolts Derby with me because I learned that you were staying at the Royal Palace, which marked you as an important guest of the Princess. I thought it an appropriate courtesy to extend an invitation to you. However, during that brief time we spent together, I came to see what a magnificent mare you were, with so much more depth than many of the other nobles I usually associated with. I couldn't help but take a liking to you. And you certainly did an excellent job of charming my associates as well.
"The problem lies in the fact that the reason I invited you continued to be seen as the reason I associated with you. Amongst the nobles, most don't conceive of associating with an unfamiliar pony unless it is for personal gain. You were a guest of Princess Celestia and it wasn't long before other found out exactly why you were a guest at the palace."
"You mean Twilight?" asked Rarity. Her friend had been the one to ask Princess Celestia to provide Rarity with a place to stay.
"Yes," said Fancy, "And this is the crux of the problem. Many of the nobility are seeking your business not because your fashions are making their mark on the Canterlot scene, but because you are friends with Princess Celestia's personal student, whom she is rumored to love like a daughter."
"Oh dear," whispered Rarity.
"And while that may seem perfectly innocuous for now, there are quite a few in the upper class who have designs on Dame Twilight Sparkle," continued Fancy Pants, "And their efforts to solicit your business are actually designs on their part to allow them to manipulate her through you."
"And so you want me to suspend my business with them?" asked Rarity, "But how could they use me to get to Twilight?"
"It might seem innocent at first," said Fancy, "Perhaps starting by inviting you to a few events and subtly suggesting you bring her along. But before long, they may start trying to force you to do their bidding by threatening your business unless you comply with their demands."
"But..." Rarity worked her mouth, struggling for words. "But to give up something I've dreamt of my entire life..."
"I understand my dear," replied Fancy, reaching out with a forehoof and gently stroking Rarity's own in a consoling gesture, "Fleur and I also desire to see you succeed, but for the right reasons, not because your boom in business has been orchestrated as part of somepony's attempt to manipulate somepony else."
"I suppose I have no choice," said Rarity, holding back a sob.
"It won't be forever," said Fancy Pants, giving Rarity his most charming smile, "You have more genuine friends amongst us Canterlot ponies than you think. Right now, I'm working with them on something that will hopefully insulate you from any future attempts at such manipulation."
"Really?" asked Rarity.
"I promise," replied Fancy Pants.
Setting down his cup, he stood up and took up his monocle again. "I must apologize for leaving as abruptly as I came, but I need to catch the next train back to Canterlot, so I can be back in the city before my absence is noticed."
"Thank you for your warning darling," said Rarity with a smile as she escorted him out the door, "I appreciate all that you're doing for me."
She watched as the stallion set off for the train station, waving lightly as he went along his way. After waving back, Rarity turned to go back inside the boutique, closing the door behind her. For a long moment, she simply sat in the center of her showroom, staring vacantly at the products of her work. With a shudder, she finally let out a despondent sigh.
The sun was well past its zenith and beginning its slow, inevitable descent towards the western horizon as Dawn and Fluttershy emerged from Town Hall, newly designated mother and son. Technically, it would be the better part of a month before the paperwork was cleared by all the proper authorities and their relationship became official, but it was enough for them. The ebony colt stifled a yawn as his turquoise eyes surveyed the scene of ponies going about their afternoon business.
"What's next?" he asked.
"Well, I thought we'd stop by the school and see about you getting signed up for class," explained Fluttershy, "Then we should stop by Sugarcube Corner and talk to Pinkie Pie about your welcome party."
"Do we have to?" asked Dawn, his memory conjuring a vivid image of a thoroughly traumatized Red River.
Fluttershy favored the colt with her best encouraging smile. "Oh, it's best if you let her do her thing. Pinkie's always nice enough to let the guest of honor have some input. She'll throw her party eventually, so at the very least, you can talk to her and keep things from getting out of hoof."
Dawn shrugged and continued walking. "I guess I will simply have to make due."
His mother (It's going to take some effort to get used to thinking of her like that.) simply giggled and led the way.
When they arrived, Dawn's eyes narrowed as they took in the sight of the building, with its red walls and white trim as well as its prominent bell-tower. He had never been inside a school before, having learned everything he needed to survive and then some from his Master. However, both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had emphasized the importance of going for reasons other than the purely academic.
"Let's see," murmured Fluttershy as she stole a glance at the nearby clock tower, "Class should be getting out any minute now..." She let out an undignified squeak as the afternoon bell tolled at that exact moment, signaling the end of another day of lessons. Almost instantly, a stream of foals of varying ages spilled from the schoolhouse doors, most of them giving barely any notice to the pair of ponies standing in the yard. When the dust from the mass exodus cleared, there were three familiar fillies standing in front of them.
"Hey Dawn!" exclaimed Scootaloo, bouncing up and down in excitement, "I never thought I'd see you here. What are you doing here?"
"Apparently, I am to be enrolled," replied Dawn. He was greeted by three of the widest grins he had ever seen.
"That's awesome!" shouted Scootaloo, "We're gonna have so much fun. School can be kinda lame some times, but Miss Cheerilee is a really cool teacher."
"And after school, ya can join us when we go crusadin'!" added Apple Bloom.
"When do you start?" Sweetie Belle wanted to know.
"That's what we came to find out girls," answered Flutttershy, smiling widely at the sight of the trio of fillies so excited about going to school with Dawn. At the very least, he wouldn't be isolated from the other foals.
A small tingle went down Dawn's spine. His body might have been injured, but his senses weren't dulled in the slightest. Given the nature of his eyes, he was not unused to the gazes of other ponies. However, since coming into Ponyville, he had felt nothing other than mild curiosity and confusion. As a result, he was not surprised to feel eyes on him once again. But this time, he sensed an emotion behind the gaze that he had the misfortune to be very familiar with, hostility.
Carefully, he shifted his gaze without turning his head. It was a trick he had a great deal of practice with. Often, when being watched, it was best not to let the watcher know that you were aware of them, lest you trigger some reaction before you had a proper knowledge of the situation. In his peripheral vision, Dawn tracked down the source of the gaze and the two fillies it belonged to.
They were two earth ponies, one a pale pink color with a light purple mane and tail, which sported a broad white stripe, her head decorated with a glittering tiara. The other was a gray foal with a mane of lighter gray, wearing a pair of angled glasses on her nose. Of the two, the pink one seemed to be the more hostile, glaring not just at Dawn, but his three new friends as well. He almost chuckled at how petty her anger seemed. It didn't even approach the kind of glares Dawn was used to getting. The gray one seemed to simply be glaring because the pink one was doing it and didn't want to be left out. Dawn was left with the lingering impression of a lackey and a yes-mare.
Those two will probably make things interesting, he thought, not relishing the kind of "interesting" that those two fillies would probably bring to his life.
His musings were interrupted by the appearance of a rose-colored mare stepping out through the doors of the schoolhouse. She immediately took notice of the two ponies standing in the yard, chatting with the three most...remarkable members of her class.
"You've gotta come over and see our new place after you're done here," said Scootaloo, her cheeks beginning to ache from how hard she was grinning, "Mom got us a new house and we just finished moving in."
Dawn directed a questioning glance to Fluttershy, who nodded encouragingly. "If it's not any trouble, then we would love to come over."
Cheerilee coughed softly to get their attention. "Girls, I think those two are here to see me. You should go on and enjoy the rest of your day."
The Cutie Mark Crusaders quickly acknowledged her instructions and left so that Fluttershy and Dawn could speak to the teacher. Cheerilee gave the two her best smile and ushered them inside the building.
Once inside, Fluttershy happily explained what had happened while the teacher lent an attentive ear. Once she was finished, Cheerilee looked over at Dawn, who had been sitting calmly and silently the whole time.
"And this is what you want?" she asked.
Dawn raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you supposed to assert that this is the best thing for me?"
Cheerilee smiled. "As much as I wish it was, school isn't necessarily the best thing for everypony, especially ponies like you who have been through so much at your age. Have you even been inside a classroom before?"
Dawn shook his head.
"It's a completely different environment from anything you've experienced. You might find it difficult to adjust."
"Um, is there a way we could find out?" asked Fluttershy.
"There is," answered Cheerilee, reaching into a drawer behind her desk, "Please take a seat in the back of the room while I do some assessments. I also need to find out where Dawn is with regards to our curriculum." Cheerilee pulled out a variety of books and testing forms. After seating Dawn at one of the front desks, she laid out the materials. "Now then, I want you to read this passage if you can..."
"This is so cool!" exclaimed Scootaloo, rushing magic into her wings and lifting herself off the ground before drifting back down like a wind-blown leaf, "Dawn's gonna be in our school. I can't wait! Maybe we can even do our flying lessons during recess."
"Ya seem pretty excited to have that colt in our class," teased Apple Bloom, a mischievous grin lighting up her face, "Are ya sure ya ain't sweet on this colt."
The jibe quickly brought the orange filly back down to earth as she cast a glare at her friend, a blush coloring her cheeks. "Th-that's not true!"
"But you really seem to like him," added Sweetie Belle, smiling innocently, "You usually don't like talking to colts."
"Uh...well...I mean...he's teaching me how to fly, of course I'd be excited," stammered Scootaloo as her eyes shifted one way and then the other.
Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom shared a look before deciding that Scootaloo had had enough teasing for the afternoon. Together, the three fillies began to hash out their activities before they were interrupted by a voice from above.
"Hey girls!" The three fillies looked up to see a two-toned gray blur swoop down and alight on the ground in front of them.
Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom smiled politely when they saw the familiar colt, but Scootaloo simply scowled. The colt smiled, a little uncertain at the unpleasant expression on Scootaloo's face. "Um..."
"Howdy Rumble," greeted Apple Bloom.
Tunderlane's younger brother scratched the back of his head as he tore his gaze away from Scootaloo, who continued to glower at him. "I was just wondering if you girls had anything planned for this afternoon."
Apple Bloom tilted her head to the side. "Well, not yet..."
"And nothing that concerns you," sniped Scootaloo, snorting and turning her nose up in a display of high-hoofed dismissal that would have made their greatest tormentor, Diamond Tiara, proud.
"Oh, uh..." Rumble lowered his head and stared forlornly at the ground, "Sorry."
Once again, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom exchanged glances, trying to figure out what to do about the situation, when Sweetie Belle's face suddenly lit up. "Oh yeah, that's right. I uh...I have something I need to do. Rumble, you wanna help me?"
Looking slightly consoled, Rumble lifted his head up and looked questioningly at Sweetie Belle. "What do you need?"
Sweetie hesitated slightly before rushing forward and grabbing the colt's hoof and dragging him off. "I'll tell you when we get there."
As they dwindled in the distance, Rumble's final shout echoed in the ears of the two remaining fillies. "Get where?"
For a moment, Scootaloo didn't know what to say. It took her a few seconds to process what happened before glaring in the direction of the departed pair and fluffing the feathers of her wings indignantly. "What the hay was that about? Why's Sweetie running off with Rumble?"
Apple Bloom sighed. "Ah really shouldn't have to answer that Scootaloo. More importantly, what's yer problem with him? He's a nice colt."
Scootaloo snorted and fixed her gaze on the ground. The ultimate truth of the matter was that she was jealous. Rumble was practically her opposite. If Scootaloo could be considered a late bloomer, Rumble was a prodigy. It was common knowledge that pegasus foals showcased bursts of energy that allowed them to take flight mere days after being born. Both Rumble and Scootaloo had been no exception to this rule. But for most foals, once they burned through all that extra energy, they returned to the ground and were unable to truly fly for another few years. That had been even more true than most for Scootaloo.
Rumble, on the other hoof, had apparently never stopped flying even after he had grown out of his infancy. Even though he was the same age as Scootaloo, he could fly much better than any other pegasus in his class and as well as many adult pegasi. With his ability, he had even been allowed to participate in the Tornado Day event to send water to Cloudsdale. A lot of the other foals in their class speculated that Rumble would be able to easily join the Wonderbolts once he was old enough as even Rainbow Dash admitted that she hadn't been able to start flying as early as he had.
And yet, in spite of this, Rumble was polite, modest, and unassuming. He never seemed interested in bragging about his accomplishments. When the subject came up, he was quick to turn the conversation in a different direction. It didn't help that he was shy and didn't really like all the attention that his talent brought him. The colt had no interest in fame or being a celebrity and lived quietly with his older brother, fully expecting to join him on the weather team some day.
All of that irked Scootaloo. Rumble had been blessed with the talents and ability that she had always wanted for herself. Even worse, the way he never seemed to make full use of them only served to aggravate her further as she felt that his lack of interest in showing off his talents was a way of looking down on ponies like her, who always seemed cursed to lag behind geniuses like him. It certainly wasn't helpful that Rumble seemed to have a crush on the feisty orange filly, which she regarded as even more insulting.
In the end, jealousy and resentment colored Scootaloo's view of the colt, prompting her to respond to his presence with hostility and anger. She wanted nothing to do with Rumble, no matter how much interest he expressed in her.
Apple Bloom sighed, not seeing any way to fix the situation. She liked Rumble (not that way, but in general) and didn't like to see him get such cold treatment from one of her friends. Unfortunately, there was little she could do as Scootaloo showed a stubborn streak that could rival Apple Bloom's sister. She wouldn't be changing her mind anytime soon.
"So...what is...all the rush...about?" gasped out Rumble as he and Sweetie Belle finally came to a stop a considerable distance away.
"Sorry," answered the unicorn filly, smiling shyly at him, "I lied about having something I needed your help with. I just didn't want you to have to stand there and deal with Scootaloo's bad attitude."
"Why?" asked Rumble staring at the ground, "Did I do something wrong?"
"No," said Sweetie, "It's just that Scootaloo's really jealous of you. You're the same age as her and you can fly so well..."
"Why is that important?" demanded the colt as he looked up, his eyes beginning to brim with tears, "I mean, I can fly really well for my age, I know that. But I'm not that special. Look at me!" He pointed at his flank, still void of a cutie mark. "I'm a blank flank like you girls. I haven't found my special talent either and whatever it is, it's clear that flying isn't it. Why does it bother Scootaloo that much?"
Sweetie sighed. "I don't know. It just does. You're such a nice colt Rumble. But flying is very important to Scootaloo, especially since she can't do it herself. It's not reasonable of her. But maybe..." Sweetie paused, thinking for a moment.
"Maybe what?" asked Rumble, voice heavy with desperation.
"It's just that...Scootaloo is finally learning to fly. Maybe if she can start flying herself, she won't be so jealous of you."
Rumble blinked in surprise. "You really think so?"
Sweetie gave him her most encouraging grin. "I certainly hope so."
"So there you are." The two foals looked up to see Thunderlane descending towards them. "I've been looking all over for you."
"Hi bro!" exclaimed Rumble, his previous melancholy all but forgotten.
"The boss has us herding clouds again. Wanna help me push some?" Thunderlane absolutely loved his younger brother and enjoyed spending time with him. He was happy to invite Rumble to help him with his weather duties, knowing that the colt liked nothing more than playing with the clouds. Rainbow Dash even spared a few extra bits as a sort of "pay check" for Rumble's assistance. It wasn't much more than a little extra spending money, but appreciated all the same.
"Um..." Rumble glanced uncertainly towards Sweetie Belle, who nodded, her smile not faltering in the slightest.
"Go ahead," she said, "It'll help you feel better."
"Thanks!" Rumble took to the air in pursuit of his older brother, the two of them quickly becoming specks in the sky.
"Don't give up," whispered the unicorn filly as she watched them go.
"Okay, we're done."
Fluttershy blinked and snapped out of her stupor. Having not been in school for quite some time, the mare had quickly begun to tune out the process as Dawn was being tested. Taking a moment to look out the window, she saw that the sun had descended further. The sky was beginning to take on the vivid hues as Celestia's fiery orb set to make way for Luna's moon. A fair period of time had passed since Cheerilee had started testing Dawn.
" did it go?" asked Fluttershy as she hovered up to the front of the room.
Cheerilee smiled. "You have a very intelligent son, Fluttershy. His reading and comprehension skills are well ahead of most foals his age, though his reading speed is lower than average, probably from a lack of practice. He's also proficient in mathematics at his age level, although his mouthwriting could use some practice...or maybe a lot of practice...Let's put it this way, he has a head start if he wants to be a doctor. His knowledge of history is spotty, but that's to be expected considering his background. Academically, I see him having few difficulties with my curriculum. However..." she glanced uneasily at the colt who was listening calmly.
A sigh escaped the teacher's lips. "I had some very interesting discussions with Dawn while we were going through the process. He is very intelligent and observant. He also doesn't hesitate to ask questions or pursue the subject further to get a better understanding. All of these are important skills and very appreciated, but...they may not help him deal with a classroom environment at this level."
"Why not?" asked Fluttershy, "You said they were good things."
"They are," said Cheerilee, "Any teacher would love to have a student as inquisitive as Dawn. The problem is that I wonder if he can control that impulse in the classroom. I'm responsible for the education of over two-dozen young colts and fillies who all require my attention. As much as I would like to, I can't just stop class and go off on tangents just because one student would like to make further inquiries. I'm also a little worried that Dawn might not always take the work I assign seriously if his attention is drawn by something else.
"It's clear that his previous caretaker took a much less structured approach in Dawn's education, one that hinged on discussion and conversation in a one-on-one situation where both participants were able to express their thoughts freely. Unfortunately, that doesn't translate well to a classroom full of other foals and a teacher, like myself, who is more limited in what she can say to her students."
"That does not seem to be a problem to me," remarked Dawn, "If that is the case, I can easily restrain myself and behave in an appropriate manner."
"Are you sure?" asked Cheerilee.
"Trust me. I have experience with...restraint." Fluttershy flinched at the cold tone of the colt's voice.
"That's not what I meant," said Cheerilee, prompting a look of confusion from the colt, "I don't think you should have to be in an environment where you feel that you have restrain your desire to learn. You are already well above the level of most ponies your age when it comes to your education. Your time might be better spent with a pony who can meet your needs in that area. I'm not sure you would get much out of my classes."
Dawn thought this over. "Even so, I would still like to attend. Both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy said it was important, if only for helping me experience life around ponies my age."
"I see," mused Cheerilee, thinking for a moment. She had to admit that it was a good point. Even if Dawn's education was well ahead of his age group, there was still the matter of his social development. Going through school was an important part of everypony's life. It was how they learned to engage and interact with other ponies their age.
"You have a good point," admitted Cheerilee, "If you really feel that way, I would be glad to welcome you to our class."
"Wonderful!" exclaimed Fluttershy, "When can he start coming?"
"It's going to take a few days for me to get the paperwork for his admission done," mused Cheerilee, "And it might be best to wait until his injuries are healed. I would say that the Monday after he gets his cast off should be the perfect time."
"Then it's settled," said Dawn, "I suppose this will be a new chapter in my life."
"Your farm is quite lovely," observed Red River as Applejack led him through Sweet Apple Acres. The setting sun cast the trees of the orchards in stark relief, the colors of the sky blending with the subtle greens and browns of the trees in a magnificent tableau.
"Oh...ah...thank ya," said Applejack. With the stallion around, she found herself having to work harder to get a proper sentence out, often making more than one false start before speaking. She felt a certain uncomfortableness in his presence, but not an unpleasant kind.
It had seemed the natural thing to invite Red River to stay with the family in their house, rather than force him to go out and look for an abode of his own. The azure stallion would be able to stay in the guest room. He would then take the apples down to the market for sale each day. Applejack realized that she would have to explain this to her grandmother and brother. She hoped the two of them were not upset by her sudden decision.
The farmhouse came into sight and the two of them strolled up to the door. Big Macintosh came ambling outside to greet them. "Howdy sis," he said, "Ya set things straight with that colt?"
Applejack gave him a smile. "Ah sure did."
"Good." Macintosh then turned his attention to their guest. "Who's this?"
"This here is Red River. Ah can explain it a little more later, but he's gonna be workin' fer us fer a while. Ah figure he can run the apple cart in town while we work the farm. It'll help us run things better."
Big Macintosh said nothing for a few moments, carefully scrutinizing Red River with his gaze. The mercenary stallion was impressed. Big Macintosh was a simple farmer and yet his gaze was as piercing in its analysis as any master martial artist. Red River felt as though his potential, both positive and negative, was being carefully quantified and evaluated.
It would seem that he is a master in his own right.
Finally, Big Macintosh finished his observation and nodded to his sister. "Ya approve?" she asked.
"Eeyup. Now come on inside. Granny's got dinner on the table. Ah don't think she'll have a problem settin' the table fer one more."
Applejack and Red River followed Macintosh inside, where he was introduced to the rest of the family. Apple Bloom, as excitable and enthusiastic as ever, immediately peppered the mercenary with questions about his experiences, his origins, and his cutie mark. Red River answered as best he could, though he refrained from giving a full account of his career, instead only giving a few highlights and generalities If anypony noticed that he was being evasive, they were too polite to let him know. He had rarely felt so welcome anywhere in his life.
Applejack behaved strangely throughout the meal, her eyes frequently shifting nervously around the room, responding awkwardly to any attempts to get her to participate in the conversation. Apple Bloom, too busy being enthralled by the new arrival, naturally failed to notice any of this. However, both Big Macintosh and Granny Smith were quick to pick up on the subtle hints that something was off with Applejack.
Once the meal was over, Macintosh offered to show Red River to his room. Apple Bloom, who faced the prospect of school the next day, followed. When they were alone, Granny Smith turned a knowing eye on her eldest granddaughter. "So, Ah see ya brought somethin' more than a new friend home."
Applejack blinked and looked over at the elderly mare, confusion evident on her features. "Granny, what the hay are ya talkin' about?"
"Ya can't fool me hon." Granny winked. "Ya've taken a fancy to that there stallion, haven't ya."
For a moment, it seemed that a pair of red delicious had taken up residence on Applejack's cheeks as she sputtered and stammered, searching for a retort or protest, but coming up short each time. Granny Smith merely chuckled at Applejack's flustered state and began to slowly totter off to her own bed.
"Ah ain't complainin'. That stallion's a looker fer sure. Ya sure know how to choose 'em."
Silence descended on the house, leaving Applejack alone in the living room, quietly wishing she could dig a hole in the floor, climb down into it, and never come back out.
Dawn yawned widely from his position on Fluttershy's back. It had been a long day for the colt. He and Fluttershy had been invited to join Scootaloo and her mother for dinner, where they were once again congratulated on the adoption. Melon Cream seemed especially pleased with the development and had been more than happy to invite the pair back another night. Scootaloo's energy and enthusiasm, on the other hoof, had been exhausting for Dawn to deal with in his current state. His introverted nature seemed to only be heightened by his injuries and had been further compounded by having to deal with several more ponies than usual.
Dawn and Fluttershy hadn't managed to make their planned stop at the Sugarcube Corner to see Pinkie, so Fluttershy suggested that they try again another day. The shop had already closed for the night and Dawn was much too tired to try and deal with the energetic pink pony in any case. As it was, he was nearly asleep on Fluttershy's back as she slowly opened the door to her cottage.
"Welcome home."
"...It's good to be home mom."
Dawn had to visit the hospital two more times for additional, albeit less tiring treatments from the doctor. Within three days of his injury, his ribs were sufficiently healed that Dawn no longer had to wear the bandages around the midsection. Four days later, his wing was declared healed and the cast removed. The injuries and the conflict that had caused them seemed a fleeting dream to the young colt, who was faced with a future that promised to bombard him with novel experiences.
Most daunting, in the immediate sense, was his upcoming welcome party by Pinkie Pie, who, at Dawn's insistence, promised to keep the affair relatively tame (by her standards) to help him be more at ease. As it turned out, she simply compensated by also making the party a welcome party for Red River and Storm Front as well, giving her the excuse to make it a larger affair, much to the exasperation of all three guests of honor.
Then, of course, there was something even more important looming in the future, one that filled even the serene and calm Dawn with an overwhelming sense of anxiety; his first day of school. The prospect of spending an extended amount of time with colts and fillies his age made Dawn (who could flatten a timber wolf without even trying) more than a little nervous.
Finish one chapter, and 20 minutes later another appears! It's my lucky day! Congrats on the feature- I found the first of this series through that handy-dandy box, and I was instantly hooked. I'm quite looking forward to the rest! May it never end, and may your pen never run dry!
When the chapter was done I. Was like nooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Another good chapter.
"Pinked"? . Also good chapter?
Just one thing....
and your ability to write long and enthralling stories!!
A- (that is good!)
I would prefer the chapters be published in the morning.
School. Nobody likes their first day. Dawn's gonna have one hell of a time considering what he's been through.
Also, I think Big Mac is the Master of the über Earth Pony martial arts, whatever it's called. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest haha.
Interesting chapter; I felt that you did address serious issues dealing with the difference between Homeschooling and Public schools. Throughout pre-K to the end of my high school career, I've personally seen home schooled kids come into standardized schooling. Now at first they did have some serious issues, both socially and educationally. However after a while, they did blend in and do very well in the school system. So I do hope you incorporate that into the story. Great chapter overall, keep goin and stay golden^^
The Everfree can suck it but...the school "shivers" scares me.
Okay. We've established some important things here. Great. I especially loved the mentioned difference with homeschooling and standardized schooling. I expect great things from this story. Only because the writer is great
I just spent 7 hours reading this story and the one before it and I cannot express my love for your writing abilities. I have read stories by published authors that cannot compare to the quality of this. The pacing of the story is brilliant. Keep up the good work.
I'm loving this story. I've read the first one and these two chapters in one sitting.
The only thing I'd suggest is adding some kind of marking to define a shift in PoV. You do a good job as showing it's a different pony, but it would still be nice.
Keep up the awesome work!
Here we go again... MOAR!
Do not stop Writing you are a master at it DO NOT STOP!!!!!!
Can't wait for the next chapter!
i love it and are we going to be able to see Fluttershy adopted Dawn Lightwing in this story or not
Ye, I'm sorry but this story is getting way out of hand for me and I just can't continue reading this. I'll explain a bit of my reasons for this in my wall of text down below as constructive criticism.
First of all I want to say that I was completely hooked already after the first chapter and got only more into it as the first 5 chapters came along. Sure there was some things here and there but nothing that couldn't be overlooked.
The first thing that started making me raise an eyebrow was how Dawn was as a character once he "got out". I think Dawn had a very interesting and beliveable character the first few chapters but the more he talk, the less beliveable he becomes. In essential he is exactly what people are so worried that Twilight will become as an alicorn. Infailable. Dawn is a young colt in the age of the CMC and yet he acts as if he was a 30 year old with home schooling from the age of 5 with his knowledge, manerism and controll. Somehow this 10 (estimated CMC age in my eyes) year old colt is as wise as Twilight, MUCH stronger than applejack, faster than Rainbow Dash, has more controll of his emotions than Princess Celestia and smarter than all foals in his age in every subject (accordingly to Cheerliee).
The second thing I have some problem with, though I admit this might be more of a personal thing, is the adoption. Am I just a dense douche that don't see the supposedly very important part of adoptions and calling someone mom, son, dad or daughter? I see this so often in stories here on Fimfiction but I never understand it. Why do Fluttershy suddenly have to call Dawn "son" and why do he have to call Fluttershy "mom" for the reader to understand they have a very important bond? Can this really not be accomplished without that? I can understand that Dawn would be very emotional to hear a thing like this but I can't understand why Fluttershy would. Why would it be so important for Fluttershy to adopt Dawn? Quite honestly I cringe every time I see this and I'll openly admit this may very well be a very personal thing for me rather than something negative, so feel free to ignore this second reason if you feel it so.
Thirdly is the subplots in the story. Oh, so many subplots. Why does it have to have so many subplots? This is also something so common not only on this website but out in the real world as well. Why does everything need to have so many subplots and just make a mess out of everything. Focus on one thing, make that one thing really good and your story will be great. That's all that you need. You don't need 25 subplots that all somehow come to a closure in the last 2 chapters in a mess of 10k words that makes no sense whatsoever. In this particular story I think that the main plot of Dawn coming out of his shell and slowly being pulled into society and all the hard parts of seemingly everyday things would be for him would make this story very interesting. Now why do all these romances have to pop up everywhere? why did that Spark dude, that tried to rape Fluttershy, be in the story? he litteraly had half a chapter then just dissapeared. What was the reason for the shortcomings on the storm and weather ponies having trouble with the clouds? so many chapters where we, in great detail, get to read about how bad this might be for the town and then it's just forgotten. Put on hold. Not important anymore. Why? Why did we read about it in the first place? The last things in this chapter we skipped forward quite a bit where Dawn is now out of his cast and fully healed. So by now they have either gotten their clouds and everything is fine. Or they didnt get the clouds and things went to hell and we didnt get to read about it rendering everything we read about that completely useless.
Lastly I want to point out your writing style. Where as this is alright and I normally wouldn't point it out but since I'm already doing this wall of text I figure I might aswell cover this as well.
The way you write is very much around "explaining things" if that makes sense. I'm not sure how to put this myself. Thing is that you generally will want to SHOW the readers what you mean, not EXPLAIN it. This is something that can be very hard to do and I'll freely admit that I would probably fail misserably at this myself. Just a thing like this.
Don't explain that it was a long day. If we read the chapter we know it was a long day for him and Dawn yawning while resting on Fluttershys back is enough to tell us that he is tired. We don't need you to point out the obvious. Another way to do this could be by simply having Fluttershy ask him a question where Dawn responds by mumbling something incoherent. Perfectly 'showing' he is on the edge of dreamworld without 'explaining' that he is.
I hope that helps a bit of explaining what I thought. I'm sorry if I got a little heated somewhere but know that I mean no offense in any way and that I simply try to help you become a better writer out of this. If any of you who suffered through my wall of text dissagrees or generaly want to voice your oppinion of how much of a jackass I am, please reply and explain why.
// Sphex
another great chapter. So much stuff happened, and I feel like this is the part that this story is really starting. the biggest problem I have with this chapter is that the entire scene with Sweetie and Rumble was completely unnecesary. any information we got there was minimal at best and could've been explained at a more convenient time later down the line or we could've inferred about what happened.
I agree with you on all three points that you bring up, as well as your complaint with his writing.
As it is, Dawn is completely OP; he can decimate any pony he meets. His reading shouldn't be at a strong level if he hasn't read something since he entered the Everfree forest.
Dear whoever pushed the dislike button. Would you be so kind to own up and give a reasonable answer as to why you pushed it. That would be grand, thanks.
Great chapter and a great story as well. I really like how this story is going and where it may lead to. I'm hooked for more.
Though one thing the shipping. You're doing a lot of it. Scoot and Dawn, AB and Spike, AJ and Red, Sweetie in love with Rumble who likes Scoot and I'm gonna guess Rarity will fall in love with Storm seeing from the hint you gave about his clothing or Twilight from his love for books and such.
I also like the way you depicted the school system and how Cheerilee says it would be better for him to not join for educational purposes.
You wrote the truth about our current educational system quite right. I myself was like Dawn whereas I was always ahead of the rest and had to restrain myself. The current system is actually bad for smart people and in some ways is made to make them lower themselves to the speed of the slower ones in the class.
There's always "that one guy" who has to dislike.
Ahhhhg, you and your MOAR...Things take time my friend! -Lightfox lowell
More content please...
2995148 I appreciate your criticism and admit that you bring up some valid arguments about my writing issues. I'll try to address them, starting with your issues with Dawn as a character. I've had a bit of a long day, so sorry if this comes up as snarky at times.
Welcome to the island of Conclusions, which can only be reached by jumping. In spite of everything that's happened in the past seventeen chapters or so, it's important to keep in mind that we've only really seen Dawn during a very limited set of circumstances. While his abilities are phenomenal in some areas (having said as much myself), don't go throwing around GS accusations just because you haven't yet seen them in their proper scope (particularly in this setting). Calling him infallible is where I really draw the line as his faults as a character are taking center stage in this story arc. If you really think I've made him out to be infallible (particularly the whole "wiser than Twilight" thing), then you haven't been paying attention. I've given a fair number of hints that not all is right in the world with Dawn and that he has some serious issues to deal with. He gets a lot of leeway because of his background and the circumstances in which those glimpses we get of the flaws in his character come to light. But he is a long ways from being as perfect as you make him out to be. As for the young child who talks like an old man thing...I admit you have a point there. Admittedly, this is a kind of character I'm fond of. I like the idea of a young child speaking almost like a full adult. While I admit that it's unrealistic to the extent that Dawn does, it can mostly be chalked up to him having a very thorough education in the few years he did get, but one that focused strictly on academics (in a "sound mind, sound body" martial arts oriented kind of way), while his experience with socialization is where he's deficient.
Issue two: You have a point. I admit that Dawn's whole transition to thinking of Fluttershy as his mother and switching to calling her "mom" is a good bit quicker than it should have been. I do have some reasoning behind it, but that doesn't change the fact that you're essentially right.
Issue three: Unfortunately, this is gonna be one that you're gonna have to just deal with. I said that I was going to be doing some worldbuilding on the side and part of that is creating a world where hints occur that things are happening outside of the immediate context of the main character's situation and giving the impression that he is not the center of the universe. If you are desperately wondering about where said subplots are leading to, you're just going to have to keep reading. While there's nothing really wrong with this approach, I was not interested in writing a story where conflicts, villains, supporting characters, and other situations simply pop up out of thin air. So I drop hints. I lay the groundwork for future conflicts and story-arcs ahead of time so that readers can savor that "aha" moment when those hints and subplots I laid out in previous chapters suddenly come to a head. It also helps give other characters I like and other OCs I've created their own opportunities to shine as, while Dawn remains (and will remain) very much this story's center, I never started with the intention of it being solely about him (one of the reasons I decided to make this a series of smaller stories instead of one big whopper of a story). Granted, as you point out in the next issue, it is somewhat hampered by my tendency to draw things out mercilessly.
Final issue...Point. I admit that this is a flaw in my writing. I'm gonna keep working on that one.
Hey moguera I was wondering why don't you have a profile picture I mean your such a good author why not express your self a little more
This story, and its prequel, are great! Really enjoyed what I've read so far!
By the way, I found a spelling mistake in the chapter- when you introduced Rumble, you said he was 'Tunderlane's younger brother', instead of Thunderlane.
 haha the fun as bee doubled
"Welcome home."
"...It's good to be home mom."
totally saw it coming slowly but coming
I would like to see Diamond try to pick on Dawn, And then see her puny little neck snapped like a dry twig, then throwing her limp corpse to the diamond dogs so they can have their way with her... What? She is a bully and a nasty one at that... she deserves no less.
I see what ya did there.
Hmm, trying to use Rarity to get close to Twilight...that's not nice.
I thought that's what Applejack was doing, but there is something off about these two.
I don't think anything needs to be said.
Oh my, diamond tiara and silver spoon are going to be just awful.
Don't slice them in half dawn. Somepony somewhere might get upset....maybe
Haha! You could have given him a two word answer and that would have been the end of it:
Ender Wiggen.
I rest my damn case.
Second time reading this. like a boss
Still enjoy it. like a boss
Giggle like a boss
Read again? His catch phrase
have a
you get a...
Bro Hoof
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree and, unfortunately, dislike. We all know Diamond Tiara is a fucking heartless bitch who would throw her best friend in front of a moving train for a prettier necklace, but still. Love and tolerate, my good friend. Love and tolerate.
"In the next chapter, Dawn gets pinked" Is that supposed to be a play on words, a reference to getting "punked?"
4451990 Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine.
I can see big Mac knowing the earth pillar
She's actually mulberry-colored. Rose colored is more along the lines of Rainbow Dash's eyes, although I guess there are some less common color of roses that share a color with Cheerilee's coat. Although I still think mulberry is more close [shades of violet with varying degrees of red added in].
Cheers is an awesome teacher, and I feel pretty bad for Rumble.
Big Mac: Everyone respects him. Even if he isn't a martial artist, the raw power he can exert means that he needs to have exceptional control over his own body, so he might be similar in some respects.(headcanon that ive seen in over a dozen fics)
5137403 He's also a sweet piece of plot.
5338078 *gentle slap* >:C Bad Stallion crazy mare, BAD!!!
It was a while, but ya got your artwork! Just noticed it when i started rereading the series
Rose colored for Cheers still feels odd. Especially since when you think of a rose, it's cerise like Dash's eye color, or a soft pink. While Mulberry, or shades of magenta / purple are more closely tied to Cheerilee.
Still good fic.
dawn is kind of a gary stu but for some reason i don't really care
How is he a Gary Sue?
Personally I've never seen him as such.