• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011


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AHother LEvely DaL in the NeiPhbourhood

Written for The Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary Shipping Contest!

CW: Blood, Implied Abuse, Implied Death

Preread by Bicyclette and Aklinstar

Remaining Chapters posted Wednesday, Friday and Sunday

Chapters (9)

From the stars we come. Hundreds of us, crackling and brimming and burning with song. We dance through the darkness together, my sister and I.

Written for the Quills and Sofas LGBT+ genre mashup contest.

Chapters (1)

They’d ruined it. They’d ruined everything!

Her secret revealed, her community upheaved, all her hard work shattered in an instant by a few nosy interlopers and a bucket of water. 

Why couldn’t they see? Why didn’t they understand that she was working for the good of Equestria? To save it from the dark and shattered future of her nightmares?

But this would not be the end. She still had her magic, her genius, and a little time to come up with a plan. No, her destiny did not end here!

An entry for both the the A Thousand Words Contest III (Horror Category)

Special thanks to Pneu and Flashgen for prereading and feedback.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to We Don't Go Past The Garden Wall

Years pass by too fast. Applejack grows older, but does as she always has: she stays strong for her family. But the heart yet hungers. How long can she keep going alone? How long until her veins run dry? And if she stops, what was all of it for?

Written as part of the Expanding Universes 4 contest, an event in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting server. The intention of this event was to submit a story that someone else would then have to write a story in the same universe, like a sequel or prequel.

My prompt was Caligari87's We Don't Go Past the Garden Wall, an absolutely fantastic short story that I needed to make a sequel to. I would recommend reading that first for context.

The fantastic cover art was made by Silent Whisper.

Chapters (1)

On the eve of the five-hundred-and-thirtieth year of Celestial Peace, a shocking accident befalls one of Equestria’s aviators during the Wonderbolts' performance at the Summer Sun Celebration.

Flaire d’Mare attempted to warn against the danger that caused the incident, and thus, she is commissioned to improve the safety of the Wonderbolts’ uniforms at the behest of their tenth leader: General Flash.

Assisted by the optimistic young aviator Fairy Flight, Flaire will do whatever she must to ensure a safer future for the Wonderbolts. 

Even if that means confronting the inner wound of her long-endured grief.

Chapters (9)

Soarin was getting old. He could fix that. But should he?

Speedwrite from the Quills and Sofa Wonderbolts Contest

Written for the Wonderbolt's Contest.

CW: Body Horror

Preread by The Sleepless Beholder

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash finds herself off flight status after being injured while on Weather Duty, and ends up back at home. In the midst of the pain in her wings, and self-doubts about her future, she hears the stories of her father--and her namesake--that remind her of who she is.

For her future may be closer than she realizes... and there is nothing to fear.

Awarded Medal of Distinguished Aeronautics, Third Class and Medic First Class Distinction in the Wonderbolts Site Contest. Originally written for Haphazred of Quills N' Sofas for the 2023 Hearth's Warming Fic Exchange, based on the following prompt: “Pegasi! Not Rainbow Factory pls” Song requested: “Stress” by Jim’s Big Ego. Preread by DarkCyan. Cover art by Xiaowu07. Story notes in a long-delayed MT File here.

Chapters (7)

The Storm King has attacked.
Canterlot has fallen.
The princesses have been captured.
There is no leadership.
There is no plan.
But there are Wonderbolts.
Wonderbolts do not give up.
Wonderbolts do not know the cost of war.
Perhaps it would have been better if Wonderbolts did give up.

Chapters (1)

On the last mission to save Equestria, Rainbow Dash was hurt. Not critically and she'll heal, but for now she's grounded. But she also promised that she'd do a Sonic Rainboom at the next Wonderbolts show for Scootaloo's parents, and she is not going to let her girl down.

Solution: get another Rainbow Dash.

There's just two problems.

First, Spitfire knows her team backwards and forwards and she's not fooled.

Second, the human Rainbow Dash doesn't actually know how to do a Rainboom as a pony.

I'm sure this won't cause any problems.

Written as part of the Quills & Sofas 2024 Wonderbolts Contest, in which it took second!

Featured 4/30/2024 - 5/5/2024!

Also appearing on Equestria Daily on 5/3/3024!

Chapters (1)

Earning a spot among the Wonderbolts will place you in the history books.

It'll also place you on store shelves nationwide.

Hey, somepony's gotta keep the lights on.

A submission for the Wonderbolts Site Contest

Pre-read (with all my thanks) by Pneu, RB, DarkCyan, Grey, and 6-D Pegasus.

Chapters (1)