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Perfect has seven letters and so does meeeeee. Ko-fi|Patreon

More Blog Posts243

  • 9 weeks
    Cancelling The Enchanted Carousel, restarting as a new story

    Hi all!

    I've already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change.

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    23 comments · 1,552 views
  • 10 weeks
    Hiatus on Story + Thoughts

    Hi all!

    Just letting you know this story will be hiatus'd for a bit.

    Not because I'm not writing anymore, but because life got in the way so I wasn't able to finish it all in a fugue state as I wanted, and the reality is right now... I am not in the headspace necessary to write it.

    Though, since I'm not doing that, I do at least want to talk about it.

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    23 comments · 1,034 views
  • 13 weeks
    Okay, here we go.

    As some folks may know or have seen, I'm currently working on a story that is very important to me. It is still not finished, and will likely be updating in the next following days because I want to write it and get it done in one go.

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    38 comments · 1,063 views
  • 25 weeks
    Quick Note re: contacting me!

    Hi all!

    I hope you're doing well.

    I've been meaning to say this for a while, but keep forgetting because my life has been a dumpster fire for the past year, but I did post a fic today so now's a good time as any!

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    15 comments · 1,033 views
  • 33 weeks
    Re-uploaded Someone To Hold On To as a complete oneshot


    Just wanted to get ahead of any confusion for anyone following this story to say that I ended up doing a speedrun of the entire thing and then deleted the old chapters and just posted the entire complete story as a new chapter.

    That was it.

    I hope you have been well!

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    3 comments · 727 views

Question for Active Readers - When did you start reading? · 8:35am May 26th, 2020

Hi everyone!

I have a question for active readers of TEK mostly because I was going through Enchanted Library comments looking for something and saw familiar faces all the way back to chapter 1, and now I'm curious.

How many of you that are actively reading TEK have been reading since Enchanted Library was being actively posted? And if so, do you remember at what chapter TEL was at when you started reading? Particularly anyone who's still here since Chapter 1 got posted?

...Or even the original oneshot?

If you don't remember, or otherwise don't want to comment, I'm posting a comment below and just upvote it if you're still an active reader that's been here since TEL was being posted.

Thank you, and thanks as always for your support!<3

Report Monochromatic · 847 views · Story: The Enchanted Kingdom ·
Comments ( 78 )

Upvote this comment if you're an active TEK reader who's been here since TEL was being actively posted!

I think I've been reading since the beginning of TEL Act II? I seem to remember the dragony chapters being the first that I had to reread every once in a while to remind me what was happening.

I can't fairly say that I'm actively reading TEK, but I do want to get back to it. The last chapter I read was chapter 14 (eleven months ago?!).
Pretty sure I started reading TEL back when the one shot was new.

TEL and TEK have just been stories that I always procrastinate reading the newest chapters, but never regret having read them after I do.

I'm pretty new- been reading since October of last year.

I don't post comments nearly as often as I should, and I can't recall exactly which chapter TEL was on when I started reading it. But, it would have to have been October 2015, so Act I chapter 10 or 11.

Since chapter 10 or 11 of TEL. And left my first comment in chapter 15.

I remeber when the origonal one shot was posted. I remember reading it and wishing there was more.
Needless to say its been quite a ride since that point.

I don’t remember which chapter, but it was definitely sometime during active TEL

I've been here since the original one-shot. ...Oh gawd, did I just say that? I feel like a hipster...

I believe I started towards the begining but I don't remember exactly when. You were updating TEL still I can confirm that. I just don't comment too much but to leave an upvote for good stories I find. Thanks to real life I havent finished the Library yet but I got it up to finish when I can and then I'll go on to TEK when I can. I will say this you are a great writer and I very much enjoy your work.

I'm a little behind on TEK but still consider myself an active reader... basically one long story to catch up on and then TEK is next. As to when in TEL's publishing timeline I started... it would've had to have been around Chapters 12 or 13 I think, 15 at the latest because it was shortly after that chapter's publish date that I offered to edit for the story.

...Or even the original oneshot?

Hi there.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I know at some point before TEL was really an institution I read either the first few chapters or the one-shot, but then I dropped off because that was all there was. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new av--I stumbled into in on the feature box somewhere before... I think Curse arc? And have been here ever since.


Hmmmm... think I read the one-shot but did not start reading TEL until about the 5th or 6th chapter or so... around the time Rarity was incarcerated. I kept up pretty much except for early 2017 due to six months of life debacles.

I have been a bit out of the loop for TEK due to work and the present kerfuffle sadly leaves me even less time to read.


I'm not that much of a veteran here. TEK was already underway by the time I finally read TEL. I'd seen it in the featured box from time to time but never read it. Until one day I did. Not sure when, though. Sometime during Act I of TEK probably.

It's been a while since I've been any kind of active in any comments but I remember waiting for new chapters of TEL.

I learned of TEL via a Discord server and have been following it since the Interlude II of The Enchanted Library.

Author Interviewer

I thought this was gonna be like... When did you first start reading books? <.< Which for me was age 2.

I remember reading the one-shot before the long-form story was posted, but I don't think I found the long-form until a few chapters in.

Very clever of you miss, not putting an "upvote if reading since the original oneshot" comment to drag us out of the woodwork :trixieshiftright:

Not that we should mind, the stories are great and you should feel amazing! :raritystarry:.

It's really hard to remember, but I do think I started reading well you were writing act three of TEL, definitely didn't really get into it until after TEK was posted though

I've come into this section of the fandom fairly late, so I didn't get the chance to start until deep into Act II of TEK.

For what it's worth, TEL was basically the first longfic I read.

I’d say I wouldn’t know, but got more or less the exact date here; :3

I started when TEL had already finished, but i was here since TEK started. I remember when read the first chapter i was like "wait, what happened?"

I started reading TEL when its third or fourth chapter came out.

I haven't read like the last 10 chapters of TEK yet.

Actually waiting for it to say completed to read it in one go.

If you remember me, I was here right after the One-Shot and been actively reading 'till now.

Just curious, why do you want to know?

Of course you'd be there :P

I was here midway through TEL I think. I remember following it as it updated for a while, and then my excitement when I saw TEK. So I would hazard a guess, saying I was there from when TEL was at ~70% completion?

Edit: I just went through the comment pages, and my first comment (on chapter 1, no less) was September 12th 2017. So I was here after TEL was finished, and after the first few chapters of TEK was out.

Hek, i think i joined after TEL ended.

I'm a relative newcomer to your universe (compared to a lot of people), and I don't comment very often on much of anything. But if I liked a story, I favorite it, and according to my notes, I favorited all three stories in this series in late October 2018, shortly before "Act 2, Chapter 11" came out (and going by the last set of favorites I added before that - I favorite in batches of at least ten, if not more - I probably read the three fics in the month before I favorited them).

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

I'm pretty new, I only read after TEL was complete and most of what's currently in TEK was written.

I am currently waiting for TEK to accumulate some more chapters before I dig in again, because getting a sucker punch to the emotion center every month was... well, a little iffy.

-GM, master of inks.

I came in during Act 1 of TEL, (apparently chapter 4, going by my first comment.) I know I wasn’t around from the very first chapter, because I remember seeing the story show up and update and being intrigued before I actually took the plunge. (In fact, I remember discussing wanting to check it out with Ponydora Prancypants before he vanished, as he had seen it and wondered about it as well, as it seemed right up his alley as a Rarity Adventure.)

I started reading the Enchanted Library around the time you posted chapter 12.


I believe I found you when you’d posted the original oneshot. I remember looking forward to the upcoming expansion when you announced it. Had no idea what a ride it would be, of course … :raritywink:

I have been reading since the first chapter of the first story. However, I did tend to read in large binges so that usually meant waiting for a backload of chapters. I only finished The Enchanted Library after it was complete. But writing a lot of my own stuff also has to do with that.

I read the original one shot too! But I also don’t read when it’s entirely complete and I don’t usually read as things are being posted.

I don't know exactly when I started reading TEL, but I'm pretty sure it was when the first act was still being posted.

I took a break from mlp while TEK was being posted, so I still haven't picked TEK up since chapter 6 of act I but TEL is still one of my all-time favorites.

I put it into my "Read Later" folder when it was still a one-shot, but didn't get around to reading it until it was maybe 5 or so chapters in. And I've loved every new chapter along the way!

Waving in the background :pinkiehappy:
I've been here since TEL early chapters but don't remember exactly which one

Can't quite remember for sure, but I think I came across TEL around a quarter of the way into it? Or at least somewhere close to that.

And I'm obviously still reading TEK since they are off such fine quality. And especially now that we're at two down and two to go! Welcome back Luna!

Checking my forum posts, the latest chapter when I caught up was the first chapter of TEL Act II, though the next chapter came out the day after, on February 8, 2016.

I'm not sure I'm I'm sure I'm not supposed to comment since I came quite a while later… March, 2018. according to the comments I've left.
But too bad, Mono, you're gonna have to read one more comment, think of it as revenge for all those times you made me cry, aahahaha waahahaha :pinkiecrazy:
I saw the hype in TEK comment section, which meant that everyone considered TEL to be fantastic, so I decided that I needed to check it out :scootangel:

Original oneshot. I think I followed you before that though.

Somewhere near the beginning of TEL is where I started

Third or fourth chapter of TEL.

June 2018, fourths pointed me your way. I then proceeded to subsist on Mono fics that summer, with no access to television for canon. So.. I finished TEL and what was updated in TEK by August something and have been following since~

I don't know the exact date I read TEL, but I do know the first chapter that was posted after I tracked it was chapter 17, so sometime in late April to mid May 2016 was when I finally read it. It's been a wild ride since.

I read the oneshot when it came out and followed EL from the beginning. Didn't create an account until much later though. At some point I signed up so I could finally comment and track stuff instead of manually checking your userpage for updates all the time. I have no idea how I found your stories, because I arrived shortly after IE concluded, but at the time I mostly read the old classics which were recommended on other forums, and I wasn't much into shipping (well, I barely knew what it was anyway).

Hmmm, if I am not mistaken. I think I started reading TEL right when the very last chapters were being written.

I remember binge reading the entire story in like a week and a half. Then thought, “I need more!!” Then a bit later TEK came out and I read the first chapter of that. Been following since then:twilightblush:

It's hard to remember, sometime near the start but not the original oneshot I want to say? I'll have to try pinning down when exactly at some point but man, it's a pain sorting through all this stuff.

TEL was in the middle of Act II when I first came across it. I think I was reading some of your Bodyguard!AU works before I started reading TEL (I could be wrong but I definitely became a fan of your stuff)

Then I started binge-reading a bunch of RariTwi fics :twilightblush:

I came along during the early chapters of TEK and went to read TEL first. I read the first third or so of TEK and then decided to wait for more chapters before blowing through it like I did Library (you owe me nine and one half hours of sleep, btw) and got roped into my own projects and life, but I have done my best to stay caught up.

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