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Pleated · 3:14am Oct 28th, 2013

I'm very lucky to have as many subscribers as you marsupials.

And I do emphasize the "luck" part of that, because aside from the horrendous success of a particular trainwreck, I can't see where I've greatly deserved the attention that I have received on this site. True, I've written many things throughout my two-year tenure, but a lot of it is garbage. Heck, most of it is garbage, and it's garbage that I happen to have enjoyed writing and will continue to do so.

Let's face it: I'm a quantity > quality kind of lemur. I like having a cornucopia of ideas and then bringing it to the table. Do I bring such a meal to the dinner party very finely trimmed? Whelp, no, not really, but I make plenty of meaty stuff to nibble or scarf down at one's leisure. Long story short, if you had the choice to either put a gun to your head or read poni poni poni fiction, then my words would certainly give you plenty of Nietzsche dayum time to avoid following through with the other choice.

I'm really not a good writer. What I do is a hobby, a hobby that I am happy to share with yousa. Through the combined works of myself and your friendly neighborhood Imploding Colon, I've engaged in an activity that's brought me happiness and contentment, and I've been lucky to have others to share in such material. That said, whenever marsupials comment on me "sending my work to Hasbro" or "pursuing professional writing," I can't help but face-tentacle. Sh00r, I'm flattered by such notions, but it's important that we get things straight, though I'm sure the truth is already evident to the majority of you.

The things I write, the way I write, and the methods I use to write are not in any way professional. They're my earnest attempts at creative expression and they completely and utterly deserve to be broken down, disassembled, analyzed, and criticized by loads of marsupials far more intelligent and gifted than I, but they are not in any way examples of what should be done when attempting to impress real life editors or the competitive market of the modern day reading audience as a whole.

The biggest reason for this is that in two years and over two million words of keyboard fappery, I've not improved my style or vocabulary even a shred. Why? Because I've not bothered to. I simply stick to what I know (which isn't much) and tackle it as I've always seen fit. As a result, I've not grown beyond my limits or fixed my mistakes or done anything to float beyond the range of my own comfort zone. I think this makes it so that while I'm a verbose writer, I'm certainly not a creator of noticeable or provocative stuff, and most of my material--though dense and hearty--has a Jupiter-sized dollop of "average" for a cream filling. Think about it: reading my stuff is like chewing on unsalted turkey for hours at a time. There's very little flavor, but so long as you know it's going to go down your gullet at some point or another, then what's to complain about?

Don't get me wrong. I think I'm pretty awesome at stories. I'd say I'm insanely good at dreaming up plots and story angles and character webbings. That said, though I may be a good dreamer, I'm not a very good doer. This is evident in stories that I have begun and not attempted to finish, including a certain pretentious elephant in the room.

It used to be that I could solve this by simply writing all of my stories in one go--from first chapter to the conclusion. There was a time when I found this to be extremely simple and quick to do. We no longer live in these times. It's been implied before that I have a problem with self-control, or that I'm not very good at making plans or end-strategies. I'd say there's a great deal of truth to this. It could be a lack of intelligence or limited attention span, but more than likely it's just a rampant plague of laziness that I've allowed myself to roll around in.

I entered the fandom because I lurved the show and wanted to dabble with the pastel colored characters, but there was another reason for it as well. From day one, all I wanted to do was to get noticed, maybe even get popular. I remember plotting the first few inches of the elephant's wrinkled skin, pacing back and forth in the darkness of my garage outside of Sedna, contemplating plotlines that I would unravel. All the same, I would drool at the thought of a golden day when I would make something so snazzy and famous that eventually it would get its own fanart, something instantly identifiable to the poni poni poni alumni. Well, lo and behold.

And when that popularity hit, I got super addicted to it. I still inject the shiet into my arteries every day or so. As a result, I turned Background Pony into a tumorous twenty chapter behemoth. And then I wrote gratuitous oneshots left and right, some of them hitting all the right angles of Fimfic's enlarged prostate.

I suppose what I'm trying to say, in less ambiguous terms, is that I'm the brony equivalent of the Outsiders. I became a princessing sell-out ages ago, and I haven't really allowed my ego to shrink since. It's such a silly thing to get a digiboner over, writing fanfiction that is. And yet, the Internet wouldn't exist without certain memes ringing true.

Writing long epic stories has dwindled in favor of defecating super-fast jelly fishes. You know who you are. Just because I enjoy this literary squirting doesn't make it right, and yet I think it's obvious to everyone pretending to be in attendance that there really isn't much about it that's gonna change in the future. I'm sure y'all remember that one legendary moment where I strapped on my work boots and committed whole-heartedly to a rigid itinerary of must-write fics without fear of backsliding. Boy did that work out well. I've been about as straight with that as Liberace at a Canadian Mounty dance-off. Spoiler: nobody touched the moose.

A hideous secret about life is that there are three things that are certain, not two. Aside from death and taxes, it's remorse, and I've sure built up an Andromeda Galaxy of that frothy stuff over the past year. Perhaps it started with Ponky flying off to save the galaxy (from his secret prison cell in Iceland), or maybe it was that lovely month in early 2013 when I failed to see elephants fly. One way or another, I've spent most of 2013 cowering in my shadow, dreaming up story ideas and very rarely following up on them. For the most part, the only stuff of significance I've produced so far have been trite and two-dimensional. In a lot of ways, I can excuse this as a shift in style and tone. But, come on, I'm lazier than frozen poop, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

It's had a noticeable effect on my blarghing, or so I'm tempted to believe. Y'all may notice that long-gone are the days when I would upload copiously long and manically comedic blog posts. Truth is, I always feel big-headed after writing stuff like that (and I'm sure this blargh will be no different), but lately I can't say I've rightfully deserved to boast around like I used to. Every lengthy paragraph I write reminds me of how little I've tackled things of literary importance. I'm afraid of becoming a spokeslemur with nothing to back up his drivel. As a result, I've gotten lethargic and uncreative with my blog entries, oftentimes resorting to nothing but cryptic, inane, or sexy image spam.

I guess there comes a certain degree of shame to the position I've allowed myself to become. It reminds me a bit of where I used to be in another fandom, where everything I ever said or did was overshadowed by the fact that my 2.5 million word fanfic was never fucking completed, and in my own eyes the entire exercise resonated as a disaster.

I don't like living in shame, so I like to think there's a place beyond shame. I like to call it the Fuckitallestia Kingdom. You can only get there by forgiving yourself... or being baptized in panties. I dunno. Just... I think I'm ready to go there.

What does this trip to Fuckitallestia Kingdom mean? No, I won't be bike riding through the park with fellow Elder Lemurs, trying to convert unsuspecting investigators to the virtuous life of using phrases such as "sapphiric," or "spectral," or "furrowed brow," or "simpered." But rather, I think I'll be adding a huge appendix to that certain itinerary that was made, a gold-plated addition that states that Captain Barbosa was a goddayum genius, and maybe we should all be swashbuckling to "guidelines" rather than to commandments.

You can interpret this as a failure on my behalf. Or perhaps you can interpret it as bean salad. I don't effing know. I'm a great white shark with all his cartilage replaced with KY Jelly. I can't swim in one place without self-ejaculating into another stream completely. Maybe it's something innate. Maybe it's something learned. Whatever the case, I wanna write what I wanna write because that's when magic happens.

If y'all marsupials really deserve any advice whatsoever: don't take anything I have to say seriously. Don't hold too much stock in my literary ramblings, don't carry too much faith in my philosophy, and please--for the love of Medea's bloody uterus--do not believe me when I pretend to predict the future of my fanficcing projects whatsoever.

That said, here's a prediction for the future of my fanficcing projects(!)

I'm going to be working on Beachtavia... but most likely not right away. I've got a contest thingy and maybe one or two oneshots I wanna do. Beyond that is a Lyra fic and an Appledash fic. Beyond that, maybe/hopefully the stuff on the itinerary. Beyond that... Dumbo Drops.

I'm not sure when I'll ever stop taking stool softener, but expect to get a lot of the runs... ew. Ahem. What I mean is, I don't plan on kicking the writing habit anytime soon. I just gotta stop pretending that any of it is gonna be worth while and instead just let the writing speak for itself when it happens. I apologize for being so attention-getting and for making promises that I can't keep. When awesome stuff comes, it's best to let it define itself. I'll leave an itinerary up as a general weather prediction, but just because you expect tectonic plates to shift within a few eons doesn't meant here won't be plenty of sexy tremors in between. And it seems that--for the time being--I'm geologically built for the tiny shimmies. Oh well.

At least I got


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This is fanfiction. Garbage is our fine dining.

Well, that was certainly long... and a tad depressing in tone. I daresay I was half fearing this was leading up to you announcing that you were leaving or something similar. While I'm glad it wasn't that, I still understand and respect the significance of what admitting to all of this means.

And frankly, I think it's about time you did this for yourself. Sure, I know I'm one to talk, what with my incessant rambling on about my obsessive love for certain elephants. But even that was only because you still wanted to believe it yourself, and thus I wanted to believe it too.

The truth is though, anyone who gives a crap about you has already forgiven you for anything you're worried now about having let us down on. Heck, as much as I would love a wasteland revival, I'd already subscribed to the idea of it ever being finished to be an unlikely surprise, albeit a very welcome one. If anything, I'm sorry that I've added to any of that pressure. What makes me happier than that is to see that you're giving up on the notion that you have to write things to please us, and instead just writing what you want to write because it's what you enjoy.

Double heck; you don't even have to write squat and you're still good in my book. I've enjoyed what you've written to an astounding degree (even if it isn't "well written"), but more than that, I've enjoyed the chance I had to meet you in person, hang out together at megacon, chat up on Skype about things poni and non-poni alike, and stalk you around in my off time. You're an awesome guy even aside what you write, and I would rather just have to be yourself and do what you want here than hold any expectations over your head to make you feel like you owe us anything whatsoever.

So please, write as the wind carries you. Create as you wish free from expectations of those who read it, and don't let the weight of the past hold you back unless you feel compelled to revisit those things. More important than any of that: just enjoy what it is that you do, and especially the people whom you've met on this crazy journey. After all, isn't the point of stories the people they affect, bring together, and how they change? Look at all the people you've gathered together behind what you've created. I think that's awesome enough =)

Dog-eyes will still be here watching and stalking, and enjoying the rare late night chats about whatever stuff is worth chatting about at the moment, as well as reading whatever stuff you end up throwing this way. I'll probably keep snuggling up with that elephant and throwing my loud snores onto the internet, but don't take it as pressure to try and revive the poor thing. I'm just not good at much else, and it's not like I've got anything better to do =P

- Prismic

You know, you could always use the "Dog-Eyes" ending and be done with it. I wouldn't mind that XD

Eh, trying to write everything for everyone is a lost cause anyway. I've always said the only person you should write for is yourself.
...or did Steven King always say that?
Someone said that, and I think it's pretty sound advice. Writing is a hobby for you to enjoy, and anyone else that manages to slurp up some of the runoff joy is just bonus.

But I'm a lizard, not a lemur D:

>tfw never read Background Pony

You're too hard on yourself sometimes. I think anyone who can create something that captures the genuine interest and dedicated thoughts of those around them has something to offer the "professional" writing world (trust me, I've read oodles of legit published books a lot less inspired than certain pieces of your fanfiction, and I'm being completely one hundred percent honest. I'm a fourth year English major, if that means anything. It probably shouldn't :derpytongue2:)

Not everything anyone writes is gonna be a gem, but if there are a few hits mixed in with the misses I think you're doin' alright. Plus you're funny, so there's always that if all else fails.

So yeah, to end this sap-fest, if you keep on writing, I'll keep on reading, "trite detritus" and all. :twilightsmile:

Azusa #7 · Oct 28th, 2013 · · 7 ·

What if you tried publishing something on Amazon? You're popular enough that I imagine it would sell pretty well.

Personally, I'm dying for someone in this fandom to write an original story of lesbian romance. I figure that could start a trend of more books with lesbian characters getting published. Though I suppose it wouldn't change much if it was a "self published" story.

Two years. Impressive.

And you know what? 1460008 got the right idea.

Just keep writing. I'll keep read. Or we all will. At least me.

But do me a favor and tell me which fan base you jump to, yeah?

~Skeeter The Lurker

Whatever the case, I wanna write what I wanna write because that's when magic happens.

Really, this is all that matters. I've always told myself to enjoy what I'm writing, and if others happen to latch on for the ensuing ride, then cool beans. Just keep snorting friendship and don't forget to dash your apples.

Skirts, we know that you are a living, breathing, human being.* We know that people can't always stick to rigid guidelines and assorted itineraries. You have may have failed in the past, yes, but that's just what that is: the past. You move on; you get over it. I wouldn't worry about the unfinished stories until you are fully ready to write them and nothing else. There's no need to apologize.

*Still under review of the Jury, as we have yet to determine if you have a corporeal form.

If y'all marsupials really deserve any advice whatsoever: don't take anything I have to say seriously. Don't hold too much stock in my literary ramblings, don't carry too much faith in my philosophy, and please--for the love of Medea's bloody uterus--do not believe me when I pretend to predict the future of my fanficcing projects whatsoever.

Too friggin' late, buddy.

I really hope you aren't implying that you've canceled EoP with that last image :twilightoops:.

What a delicious buffet of self-effacing metaphors.

But I don't care what you think of yourself. If you're true to any of the words you've typed, let it be to the part where you keep typing words.

That's enough. Everything else is detritus.

Whatever the case, I wanna write what I wanna write because that's when magic happens.

I cannot tell you how much I agree with this. It's something that I've always struggled with on my own, and it's refreshing to see other authors, especially one who I respect and am friends with like you, going over the same points.

Always write what you want to write and when you want to write it, you glorious mad Scott Hall And Kevin Nash man.

Harsh but pretty true.
No one has the right to tell you what to write or that you should improve.
Just fly, write, and live free, ya lemur princess !

P.S. : "oh my god he just ran in !"

Dude you make great bad fics! Your basically the lloyd kaufman of mlp fiction. :twilightsmile: (Look him up bitches)

Also that elephant in the last picture sure is hung......wait not like that! :pinkiegasp:

Short skirts, just little ol' me here. IT sounds like you have great ideas, and great road maps for those ideas, but are a wee bit reluctant to then write those ideas out? Have you ever considered doing a collab then perhaps. I'll volunteer to collab with you! (What, pigs can fly, right? I could win the lottery too, you never know.)

Sincerely, slowly trudging through the masterpiece that is the Austraeoh saga, Bryan Chandler


I don't think he's cancelling it per se. Rather, he's finally admitting to himself and to us that he isn't going to pretend to plan out if or when he will go back to it, or anything else for that matter. He will write free and without the weight of expectations holding him back, and that's a good thing =)

Also, just noticed:

I've got a contest thingy

I like contests, do contests! =D

You have the gift of quantity; something I sorely lack. I can write well, but unlike you, I can't write long. Not even long enough to make a proper story.

Although I would love to see the elephant completed, I believe it to be more important that a writer enjoys what they are writing, than that they please their readers; for in acieving the first, the second will inevitably follow. It is more enjoyable reading what the author enjoyed writing, than what the reader thinks he wants.

You write whatever makes you happy, and I will gladly read it.


Go where your inspiration takes you. I suppose it is up to you to decide how great you want your works to be, what ideas you want to be realized.

Thanks for writing this up. It's a good retrospective of what you've done since then, but unfortunately I don't see much in the way of what you want to do moving forward, since you're basically writing about yourself as an outside observer. Same advice always applies, write what you want, but that seems to be giving you some distress. I can't tell if it's because you don't think that would help you improve as a writer or because you think you've let us down. But it sounds like your new appendix to the schedule is for your sake, so at least that shouldn't cause you any stress. Self acceptance and stability is something, and it's good to see you have it.

See, a blog like this I can understand.

I've always been put off from you, and from your stories, because of the culture surrounding your work. The impression to an outsider like me is that there is a very exclusive in-crowd of people who have read enough of your stuff to be able to comment intelligently on it, and then there are the fawning masses who don't really matter. Your blogs have reinforced this impression. I don't have any interest in disney princesses, dammit, and cryptic ARGs aren't my thing. So there's been nothing for me to do but kind of sit in the background and watch you do your weirdly enjoyable thing. But this--I can actually see hints of a real human being behind all the words, here.

Anyway, to the point, I think your self-assessment is largely accurate, and I am encouraged that you are self-aware enough to understand that your fics really aren't very polished. And I think it's good that you're okay with being that kind of author--it wouldn't do to have you getting all perfectionist and shit, and burying your muse under self-loathing or whatever.

So... yeah, that's all I have to say.

I got to read some stuff that I really enjoyed reading, for the bargain price of not a fucking penny. If you enjoyed writing it, that's plenty. You owe me nothing, I'm just happy I got some enjoyment out of the process too.

Anyone who tries to force you to confirm to some kind of schedule can go fuck themselves. Even if that someone is you. Have fun at your own pace. The internet will find things to amuse itself with in the meantime.

Also, you should sell your ideas to Disney. They seem to work with quantity over quality too.

I'll offer a few simple choice words of encouragement.

Background Pony is far and away the best story this fandom has produced in its brief, but storied history. Its ending left me markedly disturbed and quivering for the next several days, and I may or may not have cuddled my Lyra plushie the next few mornings, because goddamnit, she needed the hugs.

You're phenonmenal. Stop beating yourself up and being so silly. That follower count isn't an accident.

I like elephants.

Aside from that, dude I'm amazed you've stuck with that itinerary as long as you have. I know I'm one of those people who tries to crack the licorice rope on you in an attempt to get you to write EoP but I do support your creative thinking, why would I want you to kill that creativity?

If I seriously was desperate to get EoP out there that bad I'd bribe you with a 2 year supply of Dr.Pepper. I think six hundred 2 litre bottles would be a great motivator.

Oh no, please don't hang the elephant D:
I would have really loved to know how you planned to end it...

Your followers aren't just an accident--far from it, in fact.
Hell, your blogs are lengthier and more entertaining than half the stories on this blasted website.
You're fantastic at what you do, and that is providing us with free, poni-based words jumbled on our screens.

don't take anything I have to say seriously.

Don't worry. Already waaay ahead of you.

I just really need to see the conclusions to EOP.:rainbowkiss::rainbowwild::scootangel:

I still say you're too hard on yourself. Yeah, your stories can be unpolished sometimes (this is true of the vast majority of fanfiction), and you write plenty of ridiculous crackfics (which isn't inherently a bad thing). But - and I think I speak for most of your readers - your stories are some of the most interesting and entertaining in the fandom. Whether they're making me think, making me cry, or making me laugh my ass of, reading your stories always seems like time well spent. And Background Pony, in particular, had a rather profound impact on me, in more ways than one.

You say you write for enjoyment. That's good. That's what you should be doing. And it sucks if you've felt obligated to subordinate that impulse to satisfy your readers' expectations, when in reality, all we want is for you to enjoy yourself, because you doing what you enjoy is what brought us here in the first place. As someone else said, your subscriber count is not an accident. We're here, each and every one of us, because something in you or your stories drew us. We're not stupid. You didn't trick us or take advantage of us. We're here because we enjoy it, too. And maybe that's what counts.

As long as you're enjoying yourself, keep doing what you do. There's no need to feel guilty, or to beat yourself up over things. Life's too short. And as for End of Ponies, don't sweat it. I hope you continue it, certainly. But I wouldn't want you to force it. Again, that would only make you miserable, and, if nothing else, that would probably reflect in the work.

My goodness, for someone who has decided not to publish Petra twice now because it wasn't up to your standards, you sure do like to get ranty about what you consider a lack of them.

Just keep writing and we'll all keep reading whatever delicious effluence spills forth from your write-hole, and if you ever decide that you're going to once again tackle that pachyderm filling all the space in the apartment, then we'll all be waiting once more to see the results, splat or no.

He's actually been fasting Dr. Pepper for a couple months now, either for health reasons or because he's possessed by the timely spirit of a vengeful Mr. Pibb.

Go forth and to Fuckitallestia, good pone er marsupial er whatever it is you are—tentacled elder nightmare? :applejackconfused:

Jes' bear this in mind:

You are not your celebrity. You didn't ask for it more than every damn writer that ever wrote, and you're not responsible for it. :ajbemused:

I know what I'm doing in my own peculiar way and I'm doing it, and from that vantage point I can tell that part of the secret is JUST to write and write and write. It's nice to try and grow too, but even without the attempt you will still find more things becoming second nature.

That gives you the freedom to choose what you want to do rather than be stuck on mechanical things, and then it's just a matter of asking what STORIES you want to tell rather than getting hung up on who you want to be when you grow up. Which thing did you want to have tried, in the event that a big rock comes and squishes you? Nothing wrong with weakly struggling toward whatever that goal is.

Keep calm and poni on :rainbowdetermined2:

1460107 Austreaoh is pure unedited SS&E's mind. It is not recommended to be taken undiluted as it may cause madness. No editors were harmed in the making of this fic.

I think I made an offer like this in the past. You probably ignored it, and with good reason. But I'll extend the offer again, if for no other reason than why the hell not.

If you need any assistance, whether editing, brainstorming or just someone to bounce ideas off of, I'm available any time.

I think you should stop thinking that your work is garbage or something. We, the reader, the follower, read your story because it's entertaining, it's interesting, it bring tears after we read it.

Just do what you like, what you want, what makes you happy. You love to write, we love to read. Everybody happy.

Some writers stop and ask themselves: "Is my story realistic?" I like writers who ask: "Is my story entertaining?" #DeepMandoQuotes -MandoPony

PS: I don't know why but just from this fandom, there are so many artist, musician and author (I've come across a case like this from another author) etc that has skill and has proven their abilities by making a great piece of art but still think that they weren't good enough and their works garbage.

Author Interviewer

They're my earnest attempts at creative expression and they completely and utterly deserve to be broken down, disassembled, analyzed, and criticized by loads of marsupials far more intelligent and gifted than I

Will do, sir.

Will do.

I feel as though for the sake of confusing your mail lemur we should start a group devoted to mailing you panties for your upcoming baptism. In truth, it's unlikely, simply because of how awkward it would be to have to admit to mailing undergarments to a person online without receiving payment or being a Japanese schoolgirl.

I suspect at times you're harder on yourself than you need to be. There's a lot to be said for the ability to know where you are comfortable and happy.

1460171:twilightblush: that good eh? damn. I guess i need to get back to reading it; if i recall i stopped somewhere around chapter three. (I also need to finish Fall out Equestria; I stopped around chapter 10.) That's what I :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: about the austraeoh series: The chapters are really short. I'm fond of that. I'm a lot less intimidated by 200 chapters that are 1000 words each, than by 20 chapters that are 10,000 words each.

Allow me a few short words: As it has been stated already, anyone who gives half an orange chicken about you knows what to expect from your writing. Let's face it, you're a whole heck of a lot less complicated than most people think you are. I think the only one who had any illusions about you sticking to that "rigid" schedule was you. As much as I would love having more time in the colourless clamboring wastelands, anyone who is actually expecting it is kidding themselves. It may or may not happen in the distant future, but that's neither here nor there. Regardless of the quality, you're still churning out some kind of comprehensible (I use the word loosely) content at an impressive pace, and if your drive leads you to horse words of a different pasture, well, who can fault you? So why are you faulting yourself?

(Here's where I leave the well-trod path of the other commentors) Get off your sorry ass! There is no point whatsoever to remorse if it's not inspiring a change, and no point in feeling guilty about not changing even though you're full of remorse. Stop it! I mean, you've got to be drinking your own koolaid in the worst ways if you think you need to be perfect or anything. So what if you're in a lazy slump? Yeah, that's bad, but if you're not going to change anything about it just yet, may as well revel in it. If there's anything about you that I've gotten sick of, it's the public self-flagellation. You beat yourself up about all this shit you're supposedly writing (and I'll be the first to tell you that I don't care for most of it) and for what? So you can feel like you've done your penance until the next fic is done? Give me a break, Skirts. You are in a cycle of buildup and disappointment, and you know what? Your friends, even your fans, DON'T CARE. Damnit, I'm not here for the stories anymore; I haven't been even when I was helping with EoP. I'm here for YOU. For all the people I've been introduced to and built connections with--pretty much just the SATGF folks--but you know what, it was YOU who introduced me to them.

God, this turned into more of a rant than what I had planned, but I think you need to hear it straight from someone without the sarcasm, empty praise, or blanket apologist rhetoric. So have fun with your pone pone pone and to hell with the consequences. Or something like that.

P.S. If you're still feeling guilty or like you owe something, at least to me, I'm going to shoot you a PM about that story idea that was better than Spike Trial. Ass.

So what would you call putting out a completed story of 93K words all at once? I actually got a little pissed off at that, since I couldn't bring myself to read or comment on any story or forum until I finished the entire thing. I went two whole days without doing anything contemporary!!

Well, now you're being serious. And that's the first time I've seen you do it. :rainbowlaugh:

Blah blah blah blah no End of Ponies blah blah blah.
:duck::raritywink:, does saying no more End of Ponies mean that ponies will never end?
Geez, I'm not sure that's achievable, either.

No need to worry. He used the image to indicate that with this blog, he's finally addressed and put to rest the proverbial elephant that's been in the room for some time now. :twilightsmile:

I get the feeling that I won't return from my 2 year mission (like Ponky) and be greeted by at least one arc of EoP. Shame. But a bit selfish to expect it. Clearly it's gotten you in a sinkhole, and begging you to complete it won't help you get out of it. So I wish you luck in all your endeavors.

Hey just finish twistclops before anything please :pinkiecrazy:

I read a lot of fanfiction, and imo you are by far the best writer out there. EoP is amazing, BGP is the best story I've ever read, and even most of your one shots are well worth reading.

Not much more to say. If you think your work is garbage that's fine, but I couldn't disagree more.

Idk man, background pony islike my favorite story of any medium ever.

Heck, most of it is garbage, and it's garbage that I happen to have enjoyed writing and will continue to do so.

Alright. I did some reading. I'll try to explain why you're not a fuckup.


Really, now. If what you have before you is garbage, then how bad is everything else beneath you? And you call it shitty - well, shit, could anything be further from the truth? Someone back me up here. This isn't even me praising you, either, it's not even a matter of praise where praise is due and all that crap, it's that the way you write is just how it is - it's the fuckin' elephant in the room, man. Writers envy your talent to craft such beautiful, cohesive and touching stories. That storysmithing, jesus. Just bothered to read Austraeoh the other day after reading end of ponies sometime last year, and background pony in January. That's three out of three for 'stunningly good'. I'd be a joker if I said I didn't want to pick your brain to see how you plan yourself out - or if you don't, how you write full-blooded novels from the get-go.

Real human beings envy you. I once wrote you an angry letter to that note. I'll assume others do as well.


I say I'm practically a psychotic bookworm, and even I find that your particular way of describing things is just... is just magical, man. I have read a lot of authors, and I have read a lot of 'good' authors, and I have read a lot of 'shitty' authors, and none of them have found their way into my heart the way you have. Really.

And if you can touch at least one human with your work, regardless of who it is, and if you can make them happy, then you're doing ok by me.


Yeah, whatever, you get the point. I won't call this blog post indulgement, but - come on, son. You're leagues and bounds ahead of the rest of us, fic writers or fic enthusiasts or people who just enjoy a damn good story. There's no need to question that or yourself. Do not despair in anything or any rate of progress or any deemed lack of quality.

In fact, if you're reading this, may I please ask that you try not to shit on the clouds. It gives those of us still on the ground a very unpleasant shower. :ajbemused:

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