• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 23rd, 2024

Twisted Visions


To the 10 who would be interested! · 12:22am Feb 22nd, 2015

Around now, I am writing two stories. Jokes on us, which is the primary as I only have 2 chapters left to write before the planned conclusion, and a Fallout Sidefic

So, if any of you would be interested in reading that, I would love to see your support ^.^

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Comments ( 10 )
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1539829 Bad enough that I probably wont be able to draw the comic... Ever... I can type out the story though, so everyone will know how it ends.

NNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!! ( ok, hope you get fixed soon and write more of this)( how'd bad you break it?)
(who knows If it might actually be inspiring, break a characters arm and know how to describe the feeling, my friend broke his fingers so much as a kid that he can bend any finger, except pinkie finger, back to his wrist, it inspires people to gag or vomit when he does.)

1531733 Haven't made it yet. Life is getting in the way, and other more pressing projects are coming up. That and the fact I broke my hand ((Second time for that one)) at work after a fight broke out at the Nightclub I work at soooooooooo That MAY not happen >.>

What is your tumble for "The Jokes On Us" story?

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