• Member Since 13th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen June 17th



Followers · 1:46pm Apr 29th, 2014

Followers are friends not stalkers. Followers are friends not stalkers. Followers are friends not stalkers. Followers are fri... OH GOD IT SAYS THEY'RE WATCHING ME!!!!

Report Sean66067 · 425 views ·
Comments ( 112 )
  • Viewing 108 - 112 of 112

Thanks for the favorite!

Thank you for favoriting Zebrican Warlord!

Sweet thanks for the favorite and for giving me the verified condition for Bone Daddy, I hope you really enjoyed the story and see you soon for more.

The fact that the changeling went through the pain of destroying its wings to keep up the act is dedication. The effect of its speech was also good along with the responsibility it put itself through astounding. But the best part the care for the orphaned foal is the best... Also the uprising good job.

  • Viewing 108 - 112 of 112
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