Personal quote: Fate and Destiny are not words that stand for predetermined, I believe that every action we make leads to infinite outcomes, I also believe that the future is ever-changing
Don't mind me, just your run-of-the-mill luvbug.
A badly written published story is better than a perfect unpublished one.
I'm a Sonic fan who lives and loves Sonic X, Need For Speed, Trains, Pokémon, and Hot Wheels including Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor because some how they remind me of certain blue hero Hedgehog.
“And the greatest spell you’ll know is how the magic of friendship grows.”
Only by studying the past can we win the present.
Come back! I have to tell you the plot of a fic I'll never write so we all can be disappointed with me later.
Hi. *tips fedora* love to make stories on the spot which is unprofessional and reckless but oh well. #YNWA.
I like violence, heavy metal and talking multicolored ponies
Yo, im a dude that likes writing. Am I good at it? Idk but I like to think I'm at least decent at it. Been a brony for years and still am.
A human bean with an over active imagination and really likes Sunset Shimmer :P
I'm a creative and autistic guy with a big imagination and I'm also a pure Christian.
just a dude with minor autism trying to get through this little thing called life
I am retired if you wanna fine my work follow the link.
Ash. they/them. Loves Fluttershy, Pokemon, and the color pink.
Most of my MLP stories feature meetings of G1 and G4.
Just interested in Changelings and making alt universe's with events being similar but changed slightly
Just an unknown person who likes writing stuff.
I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all
Pegasister Since 2020, loves the Anon-a-Miss storylines, loves the Sunlight ship, is a Published Author IRL, & A Voice Actress
It's true some days are dark and lonely, and maybe you feel sad but pinkie will be to show you that it isn't that bad
I have conflicting emotions and everything sucks
I make the angel's cream...AND THE DEVIL CRY!
"Something random a day keeps the boring away." - Teyeson Bee
I can't write, but I got a decent imagination and a minds eye for story telling. Need a story idea? Send me a message.
Joined the site just when the show ended. Funny how things work.
A Christian at heart, soon to be cartoonist, and love Ninja Turtles. I'm also known as TMNTony on Deviantart
This is MASTERMIND360, new FIM author here. A brony who always enjoys making Equestria Girls stories that took place after season 2 ended. Stay coolio and stay tuned...
Newbie writer and fanfiction enthusiast, brony since 2016 (always late to the party ;D)