New to the brony fandom and love the Anon-a-Miss storylines and love the Sunlight ship
Welcome to my den of stories and favourites! Returning to the fandom once again!
I'm glad to be here and I hope we all can be great friends
Hey there everyone! Agent Fluffy here! I am a voice actress, an autistic woman, a hardcore brony and wanting to read stories for the masses! Happily taken by thecrimsonpit!
"Everything is the Omniverse. Everything is canon."- SlouchyFall: Artist/Animator, Black Brony, and Earth Pony Enthusiast.
WELCOME WELCOME EVERYONE! My name is ForNeverMore and this is my humble abode! (I am more comfortable that you all call me Nevermore.)
You can pretty much find me anywhere by just Googling up my name if you want to get ahold of me you can find me on YouTube.
a man of few words i love reading crossovers and playing video games
I'm just an humble (wanna-be) MLP fanfic author and fanartist. I also love drawing fancomics and worshipping Applejack (as well as Rainbow Dash and Daring Do. In that order).
Personal quote: Fate and Destiny are not words that stand for predetermined, I believe that every action we make leads to infinite outcomes, I also believe that the future is ever-changing
Skylar ,trans man ,he/him ,loves MLP, absolute Fluttershy Kenny ,shameless Pinkie shy shipper
I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys
A calm collective individual who loves a lot of things, but can be difficult to deal with, and wants help with my stories.
What’s up, everyone. I’m a bat-winged alicorn named Switch Swap. I really like making new friends.
The UFO chaser but a Dragon. | Support me on Amazon
"Nobody is perfect. We all had our victories and defeats… You learn from defeats, and with them, victories are obtained."
Sometimes, I remember it one way. Sometimes, another. If I am going to have a past, then I prefer it to be multiple choice.
"And I thought this could be my chance to make an impression on everypony. You know, for something other than changing shape"- Ocellus
Hello Fimfiction Writers, I am Dalek-Galvo, EQG Fimfic writer, and Supreme Emperor of the New Imperial Dalek Empire!
I love Deadliest Warrior and Sunset is my favorite character... Oh, and I think Celestia is a weak leader, cause she is.