• Member Since 4th May, 2022
  • offline last seen July 9th


Just reading and writting stories for and from anyone.

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  • 81 weeks

    I'm really sorry for taking too long to write the next chapter, no excuse here, just got distracted myself.
    BUT, a new chapter is almost ready. Just wait and you'll see it.

    Again, I'm sorry.

    0 comments · 124 views
  • 88 weeks
    The Legend will continue... and soon.

    Since the prequel story is now finished, I wanna let all people that read my story "A Legend Returns" that the second season will be released soon. I'm sorry if I cant post chapters as frequently as I would like, but the exams barely leave me free time.
    Also, this season will be the last one before the last sequel story that I'll do.
    Please read the second season; it would make me happy. ☺

    0 comments · 130 views
  • 93 weeks
    The end is near.

    The end of "The Legend Starts" is almost done, and it will be released in two parts called: "The end is near".

    When it finishes, the story might feel incomplete, so be sure to read the original story: "A legend returns" after the ending.

    0 comments · 93 views
  • 100 weeks
    The 'plan'.

    So, for any reader of: 'A legend returns', or 'The legend starts' I wanted to say what's my writing plan exactly.
    The plan is finish the 2nd season of 'The legend starts' (which will be the last one) then write a new season of 'A legend returns' (which will also be the last one), and last but not least, made a new story called: 'The legend ends' which will be the last story in the legend saga (or at least the last main story). Just if anyone wondered.

    Read More

    0 comments · 178 views
  • 101 weeks

    I don't know what a blog is (I'm a bit ashamed, I know) so I'm testing it.
    I'll just let fimfiction do the magic.

    10 comments · 169 views

Sorry · 2:51am Jan 5th, 2023

I'm really sorry for taking too long to write the next chapter, no excuse here, just got distracted myself.
BUT, a new chapter is almost ready. Just wait and you'll see it.

Again, I'm sorry.

Report 654_nosneb · 124 views · Story: A Legend Returns ·
Comments ( 13 )
  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13

Thank you for favoring my story, Twilight's World.

Let's go thank you so much, now let's hope it doesn't take 2 years XD 😄

Now I just have to wait until it gets approved?

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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