• Member Since 24th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen July 16th


Exactly what it says on the tin.


A thousand year absence from the world would be disorienting for anyone, but when your job is Head of State, understanding how society has changed during your interregnum is vital. Princess Luna, banished in the age of the longboat and the longbow, has returned just in time for the launch of the tablet computer. With the help of her sister, she undertakes to understand the history she's missed and the people she finds herself among, in order to resume the duties of her title.

This story takes the form of a series of conversations between Celestia and Luna that take place months and years apart. It is openly concerned with political ideas and how societies are organised, and not at all concerned with monsters and magic beyond the conceit of immortal monarchs. The Alternate Universe tag is there because I will be ignoring every single one of the thousand year catastrophes that occur in the show after the Nightmare Moon crisis, the retirement of the Princesses, probably the presence of any other Princesses, and anything else in the show I feel like ignoring, because I find them irrelevant to the themes I want to cover.

In short, if you wanted The Audience with ponies, I got you covered.

This story can be considered canon to my comic works such as The Sunjackers, and my other associated worldbuilding projects, and uses the same date system as them (ie. roughly matching our own, with the return of Nightmare Moon happening the same year as the episode aired, 2010). May also be your jam if you like Equestria At War, but not affiliated at all.

Chapters (7)

Okay, I'm gonna level with you here.

I have way more ideas with (and without) this character than is reasonable, so I'm just gonna shove em up here so I don't wind up writing a third goddamn full story. Think of it as therapy for the author. Most of these shorts will be set a number of years after the end of Make Love Not War. Knowledge of both prior Atom Smasher stories is not assumed, but will help (and it's also kind of spoilery).

Oh, and I guess you get more Atom Smasher. Lucky you.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Fallout: Equestria - Duck and Cover!

NOTE: Duck and Cover is not required reading for this story.

Atom Smasher is a special kind of pony. She lies, she cheats, she steals, she stockpiles explosives and relishes their liberal application, and she's one of the good guys. She earned the praise of the locals after becoming the accidental hero of the wastes around her home, but once the day is saved, being the hero is boring. She needs a new adventure.

One day, a letter arrives, inviting her to join her brother in San Palomino on a search for their missing dad.

She doesn't remember having a brother.

It is, however, just what the doctor ordered. Now, if only this desert wasn't so damn hot...

A more serious look at Atom Smasher from Duck and Cover. Also being written at a less breakneck pace. Original by Kkat, cover art by me! Editing by IsiahJacobs.

Chapters (24)

For a while, Lyra has only been seen raiding the fridge and making coffee. Bonbon decides to figure out what she's up to.
A short made on a whim.

Chapters (1)

One day, Equestria stopped being in one piece, and started being in a million pieces. The world literally ended. Life didn't. Any way they could, and any way they had to, ponies survived in the debris of Equestria.

On one piece of Ponyville, they survived quite well. Key Stone grew up with a simple but comfortable life. He spends all his time staring at the sky and buried in books, waiting for the faintest hint that life is out there.

And then it arrives.

Story returning to updates soon!

Chapters (5)

The Fillypine Islands; a tropical paradise, just off Equestria's southern shores. Widely regarded across the land for its crystal white beaches, friendly locals, stunning natural beauty, rich wildlife, and its plethora of ruins from the mysterious ancient Mustangs. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are taking a much-needed break, but each has their own agenda, and she quickly finds herself visiting the Mustang ruins with just Rainbow Dash and her delusions of Daring-Do-esque adventure for company.

(This story uses the prompt "The mane six go on a vacation".)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Harmony's Wrath

Warning: This story is a sequel to Harmony's Wrath. This is an Alternate Universe, many elements of the setting have changed drastically, and won't make sense if you haven't read it. Even the cover picture. IT IS ALSO, LIKE THE FIRST ONE, REALLY OLD WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE

Six months on from its rude awakening, Equestria is still dealing with the fallout. Daily life has changed irrevocably, and it's only a matter of time before the dangers of the real world inevitably rear their ugly head. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are taking the lead in preparing ponykind for its trials, but some unusual reports from the outskirts of Trottingham lead them to believe that the world might be a lot wilder than they had anticipated.

Cover art by me and prequel by me.

Tag update: Reduced character tags to Mane 6, CMC, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. While the Mane 6 and CMC provide most of the ensemble cast, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are the primary viewpoint characters.

Additional Tags: Anthro, conspiracy, high fantasy, gryphons, war.

Chapters (27)

Note: This was originally written between Seasons 1 and 2, and may ignore conflicting lore established by Season 2 or later. THIS IS REALLY OLD WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS

Twilight Sparkle and her friends are snowed into the library one evening, and they happen upon that rarest of specimens - a book Twilight doesn't recognise. However, the ancient tale of adventure and intrigue they find inside ends up shattering their worldview and sending them on an adventure of their own.

This is basically what came to my mind when I heard that Lauren Faust's original concept for the show was of a more arc-based, magical girl style (this turned out not to be true, but my mind ran with it anyway), but this story ended up a long way from magical girls and well into high fantasy by the time I started writing. Also draws on select Homestuck and Dungeons & Dragons themes, and plays with a lot of things the canon leaves unexplained.

Tag update: Reduced character tags to Mane 6, CMC, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. While the Mane 6 and CMC provide most of the ensemble cast, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are the primary viewpoint characters.

Additional Tags: Anthro, conspiracy, high fantasy, gryphons, war.

Sequel now posted!

Chapters (34)