• Member Since 8th Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2023


Writing is a challenge and a half. I make a lot of artwork which I have been incorporating into my stories (more in the works). If you like Ducktales fics, check out my AO3

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Blog Posts

  • 75 weeks
    New Cover Art!

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  • 95 weeks
    New Chapter Updates

    Sorry it's been so long!! 10 months, I can't believe it! A lot of stuff happened, quite a bit unpleasant, so I won't go into details, but at long last I wrote another MLP update. Check out the My Little Inktober series if you're interested. This one features Spike and Pinkie Pie. Also, if you follow No Longer Alone I have great news: it's almost done!! I poured a ton of work into it today and I went from 30% done to 90%!!!! There's only a little bit more to write and the rest is minor revision

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  • 138 weeks
    Good news! November Update

    The issues with chapter 8 have been fixed! Just figured out the last one tonight, haha. The only thing that might delay the update is my computer. It’s out of commission right now but once that’s fixed I’ll get it uploaded and include the illustration for the chapter. As soon as tomorrow or as late as Monday 11/29. I hope it will be worth the wait! ^^;

    I also have a couple of My Little Inktober stories to share, so expect to see those soon too.

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  • 147 weeks
    Working on Chapter 8

    I'm starting to sound like a broken record at this point, but I'm breaking off another chapter. Where I'm stopping is over 3,000 words and honestly it's a relief. This will be great for the flow of the story and not to mention give you a quicker update. :) I already made an illustration for chapter 8 and all I'm doing now is making slight revisions, so hopefully it will be out soon. Maybe even this weekend.

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  • 151 weeks
    Long Overdue Update

    It's hard to believe it's already been three months since the last chapter! o.o Thankfully I've been getting kudos on Archive for this story so I finally sat down to work on it again today.

    The chapter is currently over 4,000 words aaand I still have a good amount to go before it reaches the end. I'm trying my best to keep the story contained in this one final chapter though, hehe. ^^; Not sure when I'll finish it, but it's looking like I'll have some time on my hands pretty soon here...

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New Cover Art! · 5:48am Feb 13th, 2023

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Report SparkleForever · 139 views · Story: No Longer Alone ·