You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!
I write fart (and occasionally scat) fanfics and produce fetish videos on SFM. Smelly Mares ahead. If you don't like it, just move along.
I have no idea why I exist, but I'm here and I'm going to make the best of it
I like 'em big. I do commissions! Check out my policy here.
I write scat MLP fanfiction, compose scat EDM, raise money for various scat charities, and I invented the game Scattergories
You would shudder to think of the things I have written
Avid gazer of starry eyes. Female, in divine right I grant thee one greatness above all else; a kind soul to welcome ye home from your weary trip. 21. female. Lexinyxia on Discord.
A simple dude who'll write stories that no one ever tries. Also, Tia is best pony.
The Goal... 200+ mph in the Standing Mile. To Tartarus with academy records, I want to hold a Land Speed Record.