• Member Since 6th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 19th, 2022

Night Soil

I write scat MLP fanfiction, compose scat EDM, raise money for various scat charities, and I invented the game Scattergories


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Night Soil is ready to "F" you in the "A" with exclusive stories on a FurAffinity Account · 10:57pm Feb 15th, 2017

Everyone knows that Night Soil's FimFiction account is the discerning reader's number one web destination for wonderful stories. But did you know that there's also a Night Soil FurAffinity account?

It's true! It's the truth! I would not lie to you about this!

http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nightsoil/ is the newest frontier in your Night Soil experience! The Night Soil brand places its mark of quality on such non-MLP canon characters as:

- Princess Peach!

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Comments ( 8 )
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Farmpony. Poop=Fertilizer. And I hoped you would see the double meaning, too!

I was just trying to come up with a username that meant "poop," but sounded like an MLP pony name. I haven't put too much thought into what a Night Soil OC would look like...

That is a... Interesting username. Do you have a farmpony OC or something?

Well, you've got to use euphemisms when referring to you-know-what. :derpytongue2:

2336954 Heh, nice! I actually didn't know the term "honey wagon."

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