• Member Since 24th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago




It had been a pleasant day, and Starlight went to get some fresh air. Suddenly, as if to make the day more interesting, a comet crash landed outside of Twilight's castle!

In the crater was a stallion with no Cutie Mark, who is taken into the care of the Main Six. Little do they know, the stallion has a secret power inside...

~ ~ ~

Remake of Samneo The Earth Pony from 2017-2019. I don't know if this will be taken down, since I plan to add six new chapters and I've edited a lot. Let me know if this is alright to have up. Btw, if you're concerned about the original, I will keep that story up, so that you guys can see how I changed between 2017 and 2022! :scootangel:

Buuut... I have to be honest here; the actual reason I remade this, is because my brain wouldn't shut up about the idea, let alone let it the fuck go, so this is basically me telling my brain "There, are you happy now!?" I'm curious to know your thoughts about this remake.

side note; Every author's note is as long as the chapter, but if this is your first time reading this, then you can ignore the notes since they go over some trivia involving the previous versions.

Chapters (6)

A New pyramid has been discovered! Daring Do and Rainbow Dash explore the maze-like ruins, but are separated upon taking a wrong turn. With Dash all alone, she soon realizes that not only is the pyramid built like this on purpose, but that something...or someone, is watching her.

You're probably wondering why it's E? And that is because I feel like I should, and it would provide a decent challenge. We've seen in kids media people getting wrapped in bandages, and still retain their rating, so this is meant to challenge myself. Plus this is to help cope with my depression, so hope you're okay with this. This fic is also my own take on another story made by someone I follow.
4/22/23: Now with a new cover done by the wonderful ZettaiDullahan!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was flying one day, when she decided to rest on a small cloud. Her nap is interrupted when a new friend of hers calls out to her. Neocros and Rainbow have known each other for a few months now, and though he is a bit strange, he's rather nice once she got to know him.

The beginning of their relationship begins.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Neocros: The Water Dragon

After the battle in Ponyville, life went back to business as usual. However, Neocros had managed to make a life of himself, with his friends. Recently Sam and Neocros haven’t been talking to each other much, which puts Neocros in to paranoia over whether or not he offended Sam or not. Sam’s birthday was a few months ago, but Neocros forgot to make him a party. Now he and Dash must make him a birthday party...

Set in Season 8. This is the canonical sequel to Neocros: The Water Dragon, even though this was released before that one, woops :fluttershyouch:

Special thanks to ZettaiDullahan for editing

Chapters (11)

Winter is coming, and Neocros, publicly known as Samneo, is stuck inside his cabin with Rainbow Dash. The two spend the night inside the cabin, and Neocros expresses something that he's been working on for the past few months or so.

For CategoricalGrant's contest here

Honestly, this story feels like a Christmas Special, even though this story is not canon to The Water Dragon. This story is a stand alone fimfic.

These songs inspired the fic:
In the beginning of the chapter
Spanish Wolf [Spice and Wolf AMV]
when Samneo sings for the first time
Fire Emblem Fates - Lost in Thoughts All Alone [Full English Version]
I found some art that I know of! :yay:

Chapters (1)

Starlight was wandering around, when a comet hit the ground nearby. She went to investigate, and found a stallion laying unconscious there. Starlight brought him inside Twilight’s Castle, and soon strange events begun to unfold...

Set during Season 6.

Note: The sex tag is only there because it's brought up in conversation.

Also to mention; there’s some hints of romance.

Chapters (15)