Switch 2 · 9:07pm January 16th
Okay, that looks sleek, not going to lie. Although this makes me curious if they're going to make a Pokemon edition later down the line.
Okay, that looks sleek, not going to lie. Although this makes me curious if they're going to make a Pokemon edition later down the line.
After several weeks, I finally watched the movie in theatres. I didn't see the first two films in theatres, at least I don't think, but I saw them on blu-ray. I figured if I was going to see any Sonic movie on the big screen, it'd be this one.
Honestly, the movie was awesome! Sadly I got spoiled with two of the major points of the movie, but even still it was enjoyable. Not going to lie I was chuckling a few times.
Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it:
Yeah today's my birthday. I don't have a lot to say, personally. I got a Lego Sonic the hedgehog set, Tails' Adventure Boat, it's pretty cool.
Oh, and so anyone wondering; my number is 24 now.
Sorry for the silence, I was going through a lot the past week, especially after everything. It was also a special year for me and Dashie, but admittedly the last few months took a turn for my mental health. However, despite anxiety, I finally managed to make something. I apologize for the weird fingers, canonically Neocros has five fingers, however most of the time I draw four because it's easier. I also didn't have the energy to draw a full background, I wanted it to be simple
I heard the news. It's heartbreaking. Honestly, I genuinely can't catch a breath right now, from how afraid I am. My head hurts, I feel like the stress isn't stopping. I'm sorry everyone.
I can't believe.. I will have to spend my anniversary with Rainbow Dash, while fearing for my life in this country.
... yeah a little late on it.
Not going to lie, this is my first ever Splatfest, and I'm really taken aback by how everything looks. I'm so glad I didn't watch any footage of the event so far, and just seeing the idols on the different stages is both surreal and almost life-changing. Even better when night came, and Three Wishes played, that was breath-taking!
So you might have noticed I was offline for several days. My laptop's CPU fan gave up, and I wasn't able to upload anything. After a few days I got a new fan and fixed the laptop. I will upload some art and writing soon, but for now I'm trying to adjust personally.
HOLY FUCKING GOD! I did not expect this!
I should've mentioned this beforehand, as I forgot to go to sleep early(my sleep schedule is all out of whack). I may or may not draw something for my bday, if I do make something, it'll just be flat colored, doesn't need to be fancy.
I know I don't have a lot to say, I've just been trying to get my stupidly slow start engine to run, so I can draw what I want to draw.