• Member Since 18th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 13th, 2020


I'm an average writer and an okay artist.....Have fun~! Edit: I'm abandoning this account, sorry


I'M BACK!!!! · 12:49am Nov 7th, 2018

FINALLY BACK! AFTER HOW MANY YEARS!!!??? Anywho, I think I'll edit my story, though I need to also edit about twenty on Quotev and three on wattpad, those aren't published though, so good luck with finding them. I may not be as fast while uploading due to this, but if muse strikes me, I'll edit 'Forbidden Love'.

Report Princesscrystalwriter · 217 views · Story: Forbidden Love ·
Comments ( 10 )
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Thanks for adding "Rossy & Patricia" to your favorites!:pinkiesmile:

Hey! Thanks for the favorite! :yay: You wouldn't mind voting it up if you liked it, would you? :scootangel: *bighug*

Definitely let me know your thoughts! I love feedback! :heart:

Thanks for the fave! :yay:

Thank You for adding, "The Promise to Snowdrop" to your Favorites!


Thanks for taking the time to read 'Quit it, Zeph!'. If you enjoyed that, perhaps you'll enjoy some of my other stories:

'Nightmare In Rainbow' is my highest-rated story to date. It's an amusing short revolving around Rainbow Dash and a nightmare she has.

'Remembering, Mother' is an emotional short story following Applejack after she finishes a hard, gruelling day of work.

'Dash & the Gala Apple' is a dramatic tale involving AJ and Dashie as their relationship hits the rocks just days before one of the biggest nights of the year: The Grand Galloping Gala.

And I have many more besides. If you get around to reading them I hope you enjoy, and thank you again for the love you've already shown :heart:

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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