• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Monday


Comments ( 10 )
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Thanks for the follow, and welcome to the Legion! Glad you like my writing!

Thank you for favouriting "Equestria 485,000"

Thank you for following me! :scootangel:


Really missing it, but, well, someone had sad it good: take a break, if you need it. We will wait. It's just... I'm not good with goodbyes. :)/:(

Fear not, I miss her, too, and I'll be writing more stories in that 'verse. Not right away; I've got other things planned for the short term, but we haven't seen the last of her.

How could I not after Silver Glow Journal?
Really missing it, but, well, someone had sad it good: take a break, if you need it. We will wait. It's just... I'm not good with goodbyes. :)/:(

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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