• Member Since 10th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Don't spend your whole youth saving up for your old age, instead spend your youth doing what you want. Deal with the rest later. You'll be forgotten in 100 years, so might as well enjoy life now.

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Reign of Chaos Online is the only game of its kind in Equestria, the only game that allows ponies to play together in an ever changing world, and thanks to the new machine that it is played on, everyone can experience the game themselves by actually putting themselves in the games world.

But when everyone playing the game is suddenly unable to leave it, it sends everyone in the real world into a panic. This is where Vinyl Scratch, famous mute DJ, comes into the equation. While not a gamer herself, her roommate, Octavia Melody, has gotten herself stuck in the game along with everyone else who was logged in. Fearing for her friends safety, Vinyl must go into the game itself and put herself at risk, and come face to face with the true meaning of Chaos.

Chapters (1)

Set in the Alternate Dimension with the war between Equestria and Sombra, three strangers from two different worlds are thrown into the middle the whole mess.

With both Celestia's and Sombra's armies after them, can the trio make it back to their respective worlds? Can Wyntir get his maiden, Kara, out of this world alive so she can continue with her duty to become a Fire Keeper? And can Loric, a Hunter, make it back to his world to continue his hunt? Or will the three be forced into something none of them thought they'd ever have to face?

A crossover between Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and MLP.

Chapters (10)

Valentine "Val" Cox has been part of the Revelations Agency for most of his life, but he has never received high end orders. That is until he is told to check out a demon's portal that was manifesting in a destroyed building. But little did he know, the portal he steps through leads him to find the one person the Agency had been looking for, the source of all the destruction and death that had plagued the world.
But, he never expected to find a city full of people being attacked by demons, or that the people were actually talking pastel ponies!
Follow Valentine as he saves the lands of Equestria from a demonic plague of horror and death.

Credit for the Cover Art goes to: PoisonSt

Chapters (2)

The Doctor always travels with a companion, usually a human. But when he appears on a world that he has no prior knowledge of, he picks up a new companion. One that is not human, but a pony named Twilight Sparkle.

Now that the Doctor has a new companion, what crazy adventures will they encounter in space and time?

Note: The Doctor being used in this story is the tenth incarnation, and he is not a pony, he is the humanoid Doctor. And this is not a romance, it's an adventure story.

Chapters (5)

Imagine being in paradise, but be completely blind to it.
This is what Travis McLuck has to deal with. Arriving in a world of pure beauty, and no way to actually see it.
Being blind can be one of the worst things to happen to a person... but in some cases, it makes life more enjoyable.

Chapters (2)

Follow Big Macintosh as he fights his way through the ranks to become the Heavyweight Champion of Equestria.

Watch as he relives his past, telling of all the challenges of becoming number one in professional boxing. All leading up to one final event that will change him as a pony.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie learns a new word that starts with 'F' and ends with 'K'. No, it's not firetruck.

How will she use this new word? Let's find out.

Chapters (1)

What happens when Larry The Cable Guy is sent to Equestria? What kind of trouble will he cause? What will the ponies think when they see him, and hear what he has to say?

All will be revealed when, Larry goes to Equestria.

(This story will be a full on comedy, so, expect to laugh, or at least smile.)

Chapters (1)

When the Cake's go on vacation, and decide to bring Pinkie Pie and her friends, craziness is sure to happen. Can they all enjoy a day on the beach, or will everything become a little crazy?

Chapters (1)

Have you ever wanted to know more about the bronies and characters from 'Living the Dream'? Have you ever wanted to know more about Lance's life before the rapture? Have you ever wanted to know what happened to Cody during his year of living on the streets of New York? Well look no further! Because we here at 'The dirty truth!' are going to be interview everyone of them, all for you! They will be answering your questions! That's right, we said YOUR questions.
A side project from my story, 'Living the Dream'.

Chapters (5)