• Published 7th Apr 2013
  • 381 Views, 0 Comments

The Adventure of Lorraine and Hank - Dragonfire2lm

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Where they're from

"Well I'm from another universe entirely" Lorraine said.

"And telling you where I'm from would require a long and boring explanation of equine religion" Pinkamnea stated.

Sam laughed "Well, give me the brief version then" He sets himself up with a chair and a box of popcorn.

"Really? that usually works in detering others from asking, well long story short, the very first pony sacrificed her horn, wngs and hooves to form, uniconrs, pegasi and earth ponies respectively and when a pony dies they gain the attributes of the other two races when they ascend to the astral plains, when I ascended I was given the task of watching over most of reality alongside a small group of other ponies that represent the forces of time, magic, spirit and i represent heart by the way" the pink mare replied.

Sam frowned. "fair enough" He turned to Lorraine. "And what about you, by any chance. Any HEROIC BACKSTORY!" He flung his arms up, flinging the box of popcorn all over Trixie and Twilight.

"Hey!" Twilight squealed, which Sam ignored.

"Well I was once a celestrian, a humaniod with wings and halo and a long lifespan that watches over mortal knd, like the rest of brethern. we collected crystalised gratitiude and offered it to the sacred tree that is our god. one day a disgraced member of our kind rose up and caused havoc in the land and it was my duty to stop him, in all honesty I was the only that could since everyone else stronger than me was either held captive by an evil empire of too injured to do anything. so I travelled the mortal world after losing my wings and halo after I fell from my home, became an all-powerful gladiator, slew dragons and beat the crap out the guy trying to destroy the world and now I'm here because I'm finally bored of running around dungeons and killing the same boss over and over" she explained.

Sam's eyes sparkled with interest. "That's some backstory you've got there"

He turned to Hank "And what of your back story, young colt?"

Hank frowned "Nothing on interest, or nothing you need to concern yourselves about. Also, this rune is definitely what I would call top quality. Something that only a demi-god can use, even better than my skills as an arcanist"

He turned to Trixie. "Seems to me that we are walking into something bigger than first anticipated"

Hank turned to Lorraine "You want to contiune with me? I mean, I could pay you, and you could get a job out of this."

"hm nah no offense but I'd rather find out why I know this place, I mean equestria just seems familiar you know..."

"Hey I'll jion you hank, I literally have nothing better to do" Pinkamena offered. "oh and Lorraine takes this bag of bits, it should get you to canterlot, maybe the princesses can help you"

"Thanks, well see ya" Lorraine said and left to go on her own journey.

"I'd better go with her, she could get lost" Twilight stated and hurried after her.

Hank cursed, and threw a needle into Lorraine's leg as she left the room. As it was so small , she didn't notice.

Hank muttered "and she didn't even give any warning. Women these days..." He stood up and handed a contract to Pinkemena. "Sign here please..."

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