• Published 7th Apr 2013
  • 381 Views, 0 Comments

The Adventure of Lorraine and Hank - Dragonfire2lm

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While her knowledge of Equestria was hazy at best (much like everything else she tried to recall after arriving on sirgil) she felt something was off about the pony she was soon going to work with. finding no answers in the dregs of her mind she attached her sheild to her left arm, her back on her back ans carried her sword in her right hand anf followed hank out the door.

"So Hank...what exactly will we be doing on this mission anyway?" she asked.

Hank sighed. "Today, we will be delivering her back to her home plane. As this is the city of doors, all we have to do is find the right one"

The streets outside were nothing but mud and slime. The people looked filthy and ready to callaspe and any minute. There was a market outside, with multiple shady characters of all different races selling their wares. Lorraine noticed that all the people seemed to have a shady look, as though all decency was snubbed out from life in the ghetto.

Althought still on Hanks back, Trixie looked around with interest at all the different magical items.

She sighed. "i remember when I used to have power like that"

"What happened?" Lorraine asked the pony.

She sighed "I used to have power like you have never dreamed of. But after that Necromancer dumped me out... i dont know what I could do." "Suddenly, a voice spoke to me. It told me about things i could have. It said it could help me"

Hank snorted "*pfft. You're lucky you caught up with one of my contacts. Otherwise the only thing you'd find was a big ol lot of death."

"After all, this universe is one of despair and madness. Why do you think I kept this sword, one of Muramasa's finest?" Hank drew out his sword slightly, with a black and red blade. A feeling of forboding filled the party. Hank smiled "and this is why you should never betray me. So Ms L...." He turned off into a side street, and started to draw cryptic runes into the wall. "this should take a while, why dont you run off and keep yourself out of trouble Watch out for any races with any order magic traces" Hank throws L a watch. "Just use that".

Trixie snorted and mumbled under her breath "I could do better"

Lorraine caught the watch and sat down, dumping her gear to her left and pulling a bag of herbs out of her bag.

Turning to Trixie she offered some of the herbs to the pony.

"Want some, I picked myself back at home" She asked.

Trixie sniffed at one and started to eat ravenously. She seemed happy for the time being

Suddenly, while Hank was distracted a strange feeling comes over Lorraine. She noticed a man in a white cloak watching over the whole event and the watch started to hum softly.

"Ok humming watch..that can't be good" she said as she eyed the man in the white coat and grabbed her sword just in case.

"Trixie we're being watched.."

Trixie looked up from her pile of herbs "He looks nice enough. I mean, its not like today can get any worse."

Suddenly the man stepped forward, and went through Hank as he did so. "So, Ms Lorraine, I believe me and you can come to a business deal After all, what do you owe this guy? For all you know, he could be a spy from your world So, here is the deal"

He walked around Lorraine slowly.

"You keep a VERY close eye on him, don't even hurt him, and I will let you know about all of your new memories. Dont' you want to know what happened?"

Lorraine's mind turned slightly. The truth became slightly clearer. Flashes of memory danced before her, images of a human life, of an equine exsistence and finally her life in the world of a video game as a Celestrian.

"I supose so...what's in it for you?" she asked the figure.

The man chuckled. " Oh dont worry about that" he said. "For now, just keep doing what you're doing. I'll be in contact very soon."

Suddenly, Hank turned around. The runes had slowly turned into a swirling vortex. " So, you ready to go L?"

"Don't call me L.." she muttered

Hank looked at Trixie, who was well satisfied with her herbs. He smiled. " So I guess you aren't just a gladiator."

He gestured to the vortex.

"Lets go"

Lorraine followed Hank with Trixie by her side.

"Let the weird stuff begin" she muttered as she looked at the vortex.

Author's Note:

*Groan* Honestly AbsolutHysteria learn to write in third person I've had to correct ALL of your posts in this thing....