• Published 7th Apr 2013
  • 382 Views, 0 Comments

The Adventure of Lorraine and Hank - Dragonfire2lm

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Lorraine looked at Hank with a confused look on her face and then dismissed whatever thought she had.

"So Trixie do you know anypony here?".

"Well" she began. " I only know a few ponies around here, although most of them not really appreciate my magnificence ( she flicked her hair). Even though they attempted to invite me to parties to say sorry, I dont think....."

"Did somepony say party!?" an upbeat, slightly high pitched voice spoke up as a pink mare with a dark pink mane and tail that resembled cotton candy popped up out of nowhere.

"AH what the--?" Lorraine yelled in fright as the pink pony startled her.

"Hi I'm Pinkie Pie!" the pony introduced herself. "Are you new in town because I know everypony in ponyville and since i haven't seen you before I figured you must be new and then somepony mentioned parties so I went and said-"

"I get it" Lorraine said flatly.

Hank groaned audiably, and raised his book higher. Nothing could be seen of his face, except a tinge of yellow hair above the top. A large puff of smoke arose from the top of the book

Trixie's face slowly became slightly happier (however forced was unknown). "pinkie" she said "its a pleasure to see you. How's your... partying going?"

"Great Trix!" Pinkie answered and then turned her attention to hank.

"Hay there!" she said with glee. "Welcome to ponyville!"

Hank slowly sunk lower into his seat, attempting to ignore Pinkie.

"."What's the matter? can't you speak? Oh is this a game?" Pinkie rambled on. "Do you like parties? 'Cause i was gonna throw you and Lorraine a party-"

"Wait how do you know my name?" Lorraine asked.

"Fourth wall" Pinkie replied simply.


The pony ignored her and went back to Hank and contined to barage him with questions comments and mindless rambles.

Hanks sighed "The forth wall eh... I thought that was only available for demons. Oh well.."

"I'll guess i'll have to reseach that futher", Hanksaid and poked PInkie in her cutie mark. "I that we'll have to go".

Hank reached over and whispered something in her ear.

PInkie giggled "We sealed her away last time silly!"

Hank frowned. "And iIthought that would scare you". He continued to read his book. Pinkie continued to bound around the place.

"Sealed who away?" Lorraine asked.

Pinkie began with a large intake of breath

"Well "Hank cut in. "Needless to say, its a long complicated story filled with adventure, drama and large piles of boring bits, but needless to say, lets just say that there are more than 1 personalities in that thick skull of hers" and Hank poked Pinkie in the side of the head. "i mean, you could hear Pinkie tell it, but really, would you want to? Its already the best selling book in Sirgil".

Hank threw a book at Lorraine, which read "The Murderer Inside me, Authored By Amethyst Brilliant".

"Right....." she replied and stowed the book away for later.

"Anyway" Hanksaid and clapped his hooves together. "All I need are a few supplies, and we'll be off to return Trixie to her home! After all, I do get a bonus if the jobs done well"

Trixie starts nervously "You don't think that I will pay you for this?"

"Of course not" hank laughed "It wouldn't be worth the time if that were the case"

"Anyway, Ms L, lets leave this place and see what we can do" Hank walked outside briskely.

"Food first then leave" Lorraine grunted as her oder was finally presented to her.

Author's Note:

Pinkie Pie gets her own chapter, enjoy.

the "fourth wall" explanation is a running gag in a few of my stories.