• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 2,422 Views, 102 Comments

Cheerilee's Date for the Grand Galloping Gala - Blackbelt

Cheerilee doesn't have a very special somepony. A few students in here class will attempt to remedy that. Hilarity ensues.

  • ...

Cheerilee's Day Part 2

Cheerilee walked the familiar streets of Ponyville.

And yet she walked the opposite direction from her home. Her young unicorn student, doing better but still a bit worse for wear, followed her slowly on her friend’s scooter. Cheerilee was the tiniest bit worried that Sweetie Belle might be worse off than she appeared to be, though a quick test (Slightly based on the drunkenness test Cheerilee had been administered so often by various law enforcement back in her youth) revealed the young filly to be fine. Still, in any case, Cheerilee thought it best to escort the young filly. An arrangement the filly did not argue with at all, and in fact had a big smile on her face as she scooted along next to her teacher.

But, like all good things, it had to come to an end as Sweetie Belle’s two-story abode came into view.

What otherwise would have been an otherwise simple act of a respected educational professional escorting one of her students home was immediately complicated when the door was opened revealing two unicorns (or was it one Unicorn and one Earth pony? Cheerilee never saw him without that hat) that Cheerilee recognized as being Sweetie Belle’s parents.

The third (second?) unicorn in the room, whom Cheerilee knew....intimately.....was a pony Cheerilee did not expect to see.

“Oh Cherry, hello!” Rarity exclaimed. “What brings you here today?”

Cheerilee took the somewhat overly enthusiastic greeting in stride. “Sweetie Belle had a little accident in town. I thought it best to get her home safely.” The teacher explained as professionally as she could.

“Oh, well thank you kindly for escorting our daughter home.” the stallion earth (unicorn?) pony said. “We were just about to sit down and have some dinner. Would you like to join us? The wife made a delicious pasta.”

“No thank you. I have work to do. Maybe some other time. See you.” Cheerilee said as she walked out, aware of the somewhat dubious quality of the food that existed in this particular household.

She got no further than ten steps away from the front door when Rarity’s voice called out. “Cherry, wait! I need to ask you something.”

Cheerilee thought back to the previous encounters she’s seemed to be cursed with. She thought about running like mad. But Rarity knew where the teacher lived. “Can I help you with something Rarity?”

“Um....well, it’s rather....embarrassing, but.......” Rarity began, a small blush appearing upon her cheeks.

Ok Cheerilee, if you start running now, you should be able to catch the next train to Canterlot and hide there until this whole thing blows over.

“....I was wondering, what color hats do you usually wear?”

what. “Excuse me?” Cheerilee asked.

“Well darling, I’m working on a fabulous looking magenta dress, and I’m trying to figure out what color hat would go best with it, but I’m drawing a complete blank. I thought maybe you would know?” Rarity asked, putting on her best puppy dog eyes she could.

“Uh....I usually stick with white or black.”

Rarity frowned. “Well, I suppose those colors do go with everything after all. I won’t keep you longer. Until next time Cherry.”

and Rarity returned to her parent’s home.

…...Maybe I’m just being paranoid......... the once thought to be cursed teacher but now thought to be paranoid teacher thought to herself as she turned around, intent on finally getting back home.

But instead of that, she came face to face with Big MacIntosh’s partner in bounty hunting, Caramel.”Hey Cheerilee. Big Mac told me you were headed this way.” The stallion stated.

“Can I....help you?” Cheerilee replied, wondering whether she was paranoid or properly paranoid.

“Well.....”Caramel scratched the back of his head with his hoof, “It wouldn’t work out....You’re a bit intimidating. I’m sorry, but......you’re not really the dating type. I mean, there might be someone out there for you somewhere, but......yeah. See ya!”

And with that, Caramel walked off. Leaving Cheerilee alone with her thoughts.

….that was strange....I wonder what made his say all of that.....wait a minute...WHAT DID HE MEAN BY NOT THE DATING TYPE!?



Caramel ran. He ran as fast as his hooves could carry him. Always running, never looking back.

If he looked back, she would catch him.

His running eventually lead him to a small, dimly lit alleyway. It was here that his hunter chose to strike. The only thing Caramel could see before he found himself forced against the wall was a flash of magenta that came from seemingly out of nowhere.

“Explain.” Cheerilee ordered.

“I....I...I...” the farm stallion stammered, fearful for his well being, “....I-I-I-I-I-I-”

“Yes Caramel, I is a letter in the alphabet. There are twenty-five more letters you could be using to make words. I suggest you form words quickly

“I’m the victim here!” Caramel finally shouted. “Some students said you’d be interested in that ad I put in the personal section of the newspaper, but I don’t think it would work out, so I did the responsible thing and told you so! Why are you chasing me!?”

Cheerilee made a mental note to find out which students put him up to this. “Oh, I’m not bothered by all that. What I am bothered about is you saying I’m not the dating type. What’s THAT supposed to mean?”

Caramel’s eyes grew wide, and the thoughts of his head moved quickly. Ok, if I don’t answer, she’ll kill me. If I answer honestly, she’ll kill me. If I lie about it, she’ll know I’m lying about it, and she’ll kill me.......you know, I always figured I’d die in the line of duty, hunting down some dangerous criminal, not in a back alley with my back against the wall at the mercy of a school teacher.

“Uh....” Was all Caramel managed to get out before another pony came onto the scene.

“Cheerilee, what are you doing?”

The schoolteacher looked up, and saw Heavy Roller, father of one of her students (and oddly absent so far, considering insanity followed that filly around wherever she went) and also a good friend.

It was Cheerilee’s turn to begin stammering.

...did I really just corner somepony, who I had no intention of dating, in a dark alley just because they said they didn’t want to date me?.....I miss the days when cornering stallions in dark alleys lead to fun.

“I....was just leaving.” Cheerilee stated. “I’m sorry for the trouble Caramel, I’ve been having a rather stressful day. No hard feelings?” Cheerilee smiled as cheerfully as she could manage given the circumstances.

Caramel stood up, nodded, and then bolted away as fast as he could.

….at least he wasn’t screaming..... Cheerilee thought.

“...does my daughter have anything to do with this?” Heavy Roller asked nervously, a hint of resignation in his voice.

Cheerilee was about to answer, until something else answered: Her stomach growled. “....what time is it?” the teacher asked sheepishly.

“It’s a little after seven. I was actually on the way to get some dinner, and then I saw....that....Would you like to join me?”

Cheerilee was instantly on guard. “Have you been talking to my students?”

What?” the confusion in the repair pony’s voice was obvious. “No, I’ve been working on a special project for the representative all day. Why do you ask?”

“...I’ll explain at the restaurant. It’s been a very strange day, and I’d love to join you for a bite to eat.


“...and then you showed up, and all I could do was realize how ridiculous everything had been.” Cheerilee finished her story with a laugh, and for the first time in a while, in good spirits. Heavy Roller, for his part, seemed amused by the whole thing.

The two of them were sitting outside of a small restaurant, which was barely big enough to qualify as one and was more of a big sandwich stand. Nonetheless, the two were sitting across from each other at a table that was just outside the restaurant, the stars above beginning to dot the sky.

“You know” he said, somewhat absentmindedly as he chewed on the salad that lay before him, “I’m kinda surprised you haven’t found yourself a nice pony either.”

“....I find myself wondering the same thing lately. Am I ugly? Weird? Frightening? Are my standards too high? Are everypony else's standards too high? Is it all some kind of evil plot to keep me single in order to take over the world? Is-”

“Cheerilee, you’re rambling. Again.” Heavy Roller gently told her.

“But even my students can tell I should have a very special somepony by now. They’ve been throwing dates at me all afternoon, and I’m convinced that somepony I don’t know is going to walk up any second now and-”

“Madame?” A voice said from right behind Cheerilee, causing her to yell and hide underneath the table she sat at. “Madame, as nice as the ground is, I was just bringing you the check for your meal.”

Cheerilee looked out from under the table to see a well groomed waiter staring down at her. “OH! Oh, right. The check. Right. Of course.” She blushed in embarrassment as she sat back down on the comfortable cushion she was sitting at before her mild overreaction.

The school teacher sighed depressingly, looking down at the table.

“Cheerilee, there’s nothing wrong with you or anypony else.” Heavy Roller answered, his voice suddenly more serious than Cheerilee has ever heard. Cheerilee looked up, and met Heavy Roller’s eyes. “You’re just waiting for the right pony to come along that’ll make your life complete.”

Cheerilee stared for a moment before she found herself laughing. “Ha! Do ponies sound this preachy when trying to give relationship advice?”

Heavy Roller laughed too. “Yeah, they do. Then again, I never had to deal with the whole dating scene, so I’m probably the wrong pony to ask anyway.”

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow at that.

“I never really dated till I met Nocturne, and well....” he sighed wistfully, a look of nostalgia coming to his face. “It was just perfect, you know? So as preachy as it sounds, I really do think you’re just waiting for the right pony to come along.” Heavy Roller flashed the best smile he could.

Cheerilee’s eyes suddenly became half lidded as she leaned forward towards Heavy Roller. “Um....Heavy Roller?” Cheerilee asked in a sultry tone.

“...yes?” Heavy Roller asked nervously. Off in the distance, he swore he could hear romantic music playing.

The two stared into each others eyes for a few seconds, until.....

“You have some lettuce stuck in your teeth.”

“OH COME ON!!!!”

Heavy Roller and Cheerilee were shocked out of the moment (with Heavy Roller running his tongue across his teeth in an attempt to dislodge the errant leaf) and they saw, peeking out from behind a fence, was Silver Spoon, who looked frustrated. Her expression quickly changed when she realized she was in full sight of her teacher, and she snuck back behind the fence.

Cheerilee sighed. “Would you excuse me for a moment Mr. Roller? I have to take care of this.”

Cheerilee stood up and slowly advanced towards the fence as she spoke. “If you don’t come out right now, then you’re getting detention for the rest of the school year!”

Cheerilee was thankful when Silver Spoon came walking to Cheerilee without too much of a fuss.

At the same time, she was horrified when a good portion of her class came out of hiding too.

Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, Snips, Snails, Featherweight, Alula, Applebloom, Twist, Sweetie Belle, and Beebop.

Cheerilee could feel her left eye twitching as the foals lined up in a row in front of her.

“.....Could one of you please explain why you’re spying on me? And also why I’m suddenly the center of a love dodecahedron?”

“What’s a dodecahedron?” Applebloom asked.

“ A dodecahedron is a twelve sided shape.” Cheerilee said, getting straight to the point.

“And what’s a-”

“A love dodecahedron is like a love triangle except with alot more ponies involved, now can somepony PLEASE tell me why I’m in one?”

The foals looked at each other, before one of them stepped forward.

“This is all my fault.” Sweetie Belle began. “I put the idea into everyone’s head that we should get you a very special somepony, and it kinda......I just wanted to make you happy.......”

The rest of the nodded. Except for Beebop, who Cheerilee just noticed was holding a to go bag from the sandwich place. “I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT’S GOING ON! I WAS JUST PICKING UP SOME SANDWICHES FOR ME AND VINYL!!!”

All the gathered foals, and their teacher, stared blankly at the living noise machine. “You can go Beebop. Have a nice weekend.”

“THANK YOU!” Beebop yelled as she skipped off into the night. Unbeknownst to Cheerilee, Beebop thought to herself, OK, so getting Vinyl and Cheerilee together would be a bad idea.......

Cheerilee looked back at the line of foals. “My little ponies.....you shouldn’t try to force love. Love is something that happens naturally. And trying to force it does nopony any good. Do you understand?”

The line of foals all nodded and stated words of understanding. Except for Diamond Tiara. She had that same ‘Just get on with it’ look she usually had on her face. Still, she probably got the point. Probably.

“Now run on home everypony. Your families are probably wondering where you are. Have a nice weekend.” Cheerilee said, smiling. And sure enough the foals did disperse. Except for one.

“I’m sorry again Miss Cheerilee.” Sweetie Belle sadly said. “I just wanted you to be happy...”

Cheerilee knelt down so she could face the young filly face to face. “It’s ok Sweetie Belle. I understand. But I’m already happy. I’m at my happiest when I’m doing my job. When I’m in the schoolhouse, teaching you and everypony else. You don’t need to make me happy. I’m already the happiest I could be.”

Sweetie, before she could stop herself, gave Cheerilee a quick hug. “Thank you Miss Cheerilee....oh!” Sweetie quickly broke the hug, a blush coming to her face. “I-I’d better go. I did kinda sneak out. Bye Miss Cheerilee!” And with that, Sweetie ran off.

Cheerilee gave a sigh of relief, confident her love life wouldn’t be meddled with by her students again. As she turned to walk back to return to her half eaten sandwich and dinner date (a word she did not want to use given the circumstances, but she could not think of a different word to use) but then she spied something sitting next to the fence: Scootaloo’s scooter. Cheerilee picked it up and headed back to the table, sitting down comfortably upon her cushion.

“.....now who’s the preachy one?” Heavy Roller teased.

“Oh shush.”


A mare and a stallion walked through Ponyville. They were not a couple. They were not business acquaintances. They were not family. They were good friends.

The mare carried with her a saddlebag with food for her pets. The stallion carried a precious keepsake belonging to his daughter.

And quickly, the two came to the abode of the stallion.

“You know, you didn’t have to walk me home.” Heavy Roller said.

“It’s the least I could do after you payed for dinner.” Cheerilee replied, barely hiding the teasing tone of her voice.

Cheerilee found it odd when, instead of walking to the front door of the house, instead circled around to the back yard. Cheerilee, ever curious, followed.

In the backyard was a ten foot wall. More to the point, it was a rock wall, like the one the Night Guards in Canterlot had.

And sure enough, there was an orange pegasus filly climbing the wall (and Cheerilee was surprised by the fact that Scootaloo was actually using proper safety gear)

“Hey little flyer! How’s the rock climbing going!”

Scootaloo looked down from the rock wall, and a smile came onto her face when she saw her father. “Hey dad! I keep getting better and better! I’ll need a bigger wall pretty soon!”

Scootaloo methodically kicked off the wall and lowered herself to the ground. She unlatched the harness she wore from the catch rope, flung off her helmet, and gave her dad a hug. Cheerilee couldn’t help but smile at how cute the display was.

After the hug ended, Scootaloo noticed her teacher. “Hey Miss Cheerilee, what brings you down here tonight? You came to check out the rock wall? Or do you need a wheel fixed?”

Cheerilee shook her head. “No, I was just stopping by....did your father make this?”

Scootaloo nodded vigorously. “Uh-huh! He’s the best dad ever!”

Cheerilee chuckled. “Well that’s impressive. Maybe I’ll come by sometime later and see you climb. Until then, it’s getting later and I have to get home.”

“I’m not tired! You can watch me climb now!” Scootaloo’s suggestion would have been a bit more believable if she hadn’t just stifled a yawn.

“I’ll come by tomorrow, ok? See you tomorrow you two!”

And the school teacher walked away, a smile on her face.

...Today was a good day.......


Cheerilee was lying in her bed, her now finished book sitting upon a small end table. With a yawn, she blew out the candle that sat upon the end table, and closed her eyes so that the sweet embrace of sleep would come.


and her attempts at sleep were quickly ruined by a knock on her front door. The teacher briefly considered just ignoring it until it went away, but the thought that it might be something important crossed her mind, and so she found herself stumbling in the dark to answer the door.

Cheerilee opened the front door and came face to face with an earth pony mare she did not recognized. Her dark indigo coat blended in with the night around her, though her aquamarine eyes and mane contrasted quite easily.

“...are you here because Ponyville, Canterlot, or Equestria in general is in any sort of danger?” Cheerilee made no effort to keep the sleepiness out of her voice.


“Then good night.” Cheerilee slammed the door closed.


Cheerilee tore the door open, ready to unleash a torrent of annoyance at the mare that would dare disturb her slumber.

Instead, she came face to face with Princess Luna.

“.....was that mare from earlier you in disguise?” Cheerilee hoped beyond hope that this was not the case.

“Yes.” Luna replied flatly.

Cheerilee instantly bowed. “I’m so sorry! Please don’t banish me! I’m just tired! I didn’t know it was you!”

Luna seemed a bit surprised at that last sentence. “But Cheerilee, you invited me.”

Cheerilee looked up. “What?”

Luna pulled a letter out of what seemed to be thin air. “I received this letter today from you asking that-”

Cheerilee, annoyance beating out proper etiquette, interrupted the princess. “Is it a letter that suggests in any way, shape, or form that we should get together as very special someponies? Because if it is, I didn’t write it. My students tried helping my love life today.”

Luna nodded slowly. “Indeed. I am....familiar with others trying to help along one’s love life. It is an exhausting affair......at least this saves me the trouble of explaining why a relationship would be a bad idea.”

“I’m sorry that my students dragged you away from Canterlot.”

Luna shook her head. “Do not worry yourself Cheerilee, I am still tending to my royal duties in Canterlot. I apologize for disrupting your sleep. Sleep well this night Cheerilee. You dreams shall be happy this night.”

And Cheerilee observed Luna dissipate into smoke and fly off into the night.

Though the cloud of smoke forgot to take the letter with her. Even at a glance, the hoofwriting was recognizable. “Diamond Tiara.....she always did like reaching high........I’ll figure out what to do about this in the morning.” Cheerilee grabbed, walked into her home, and collapsed upon her bed.

Sleep took her quickly. And as promised, her dreams were happy ones.

Author's Note:

I had way too much fun writing this.

I have to give so much thanks to GrassandClouds2 for this. He helped so much.

Comments ( 16 )

And then they had sex

Maybe she should talk to Luna about giving the class a special field trip

What? Over with no special somepony chosen? Nooooooooooooo! Wait, Gilda, maybe?

OH, well. She has bigger things to worry about than an escort. (She doesn't know about them yet but she does.)

Also, nice catch on the "What tribe is that guy?" thing.

Aww. That was a lovely ending. I really liked having all of the foals there in the bushes for the lecture. It was sweet to see how much they all care about her, especially Sweetie Belle.

I also like the relationship between Cheerilee and Heavy Roller. I get the feeling that it might be heading towards a romance, but it's going nice and slowly if it is.

And then suddenly Luna. Good job, Diamond Tiara!

Heh, lovely ending. :D I actually wanna see Cheerilee finally rehook back up with Big Mac. ;) Good ending there with Luna, too. :trollestia:

That was a sweet ending! Nice job BlackBelt! Nice job!

Great ending. I'm really in the corner for Cheerilee & Heavy Roller at this point, I could see something developing from the not-a-date they had this chapter.

Almost makes me wonder what mental prep Luna had to do while figuring out a speech to turn down one of the EoH and try to do it in a way that it wouldn't ruin everything...wait a second...

Been cleaning out my unread favorites; not sure how this had slipped through the cracks, sorry bout that. Anyway just thought I'd drop my favorite quote.

...did I really just corner somepony, who I had no intention of dating, in a dark alley just because they said they didn’t want to date me?.....I miss the days when cornering stallions in dark alleys lead to fun.

:rainbowlaugh: ... also ... :trollestia:

I lost it when it read the Beebops part. Great job filly :yay:

Cute. :pinkiehappy: I feel like it's missing a chapter or two though...

4128688 Aparently according to a ame generator, if I were an MLP villain my name would be Twisted Tears.


Wonder what my name would be if I were an MLP villain? Can you post the link please?

4133152 Here you go! Use the dropdown to select Dark/Villain.

Preposterus, Diamond Tiara likes Cheerilee.

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