• Published 17th Dec 2012
  • 8,847 Views, 498 Comments

In the Service of the Goddess. - Blue Print

Applejack and her friends and family deal with the day to day problems that follow her coronation in Appletheosis.

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Chapter One: The Next Day

In the Service of the Goddess

Chapter One: The Next Day

Merry May trotted happily through the woods. A faint rustling sound nearby attracted her notice. She peered into the shrubbery that lined the path. Whatever it was had retreated into shadow. After a moment she shrugged and continued on. Ahead of her was something important. The path continued and twisted onward more than a path had any right to do, nevertheless, Merry May doggedly pursued her course. The trees were taller here, blotting out the sky, but also laden with fruit and dripping with fresh dew. Something ahead of her was pushing her path to the side. Frowning, she stomped on the ground, demanding that it stay still. She felt that she was almost there.

Ahead of her, the trees arched and bowed outwards to form a massive bower. Something under the path heaved and tilted her course until it was a sheer angle, almost too steep to climb. Merry was still undaunted. She would reach her destination, come Tartarus or tornados. She crested the painfully steep hill; there it was. She could almost- A massive stone burst through the canopy, smashing silently in front of her, an impenetrable obstacle. There was no way around or over it, but thankfully there was a small window in it. At least she could see.

Peering through the tiny aperture she finally saw what she had been seeking the whole time, Princess Mara. The goddess sat, immense and beautiful, in her little hidden glen. The alicorn was faintly glowing in the mist that lazily wafted around her. Merry was transfixed by the mare. Her hair drifted gently in a nonexistent breeze and framed her timeless face. So single was Merry’s focus that she failed to spot the other pony in the glen for quite some time. Finally it registered, Mara was talking to somepony. May squinted, it was… Applejack?

Merry May sat back, confused. She didn’t have much time to ponder as something rustled in the bushes behind her. She felt a sharp pain as something stabbed her from behind. Looking down, she spotted a sharp, blue horn sprouting from her chest.


Merry May sat up with a start. She wasn’t in her own bed. That wasn’t unusual for the past week. What was unusual was the fact that she was in a bed at all. As she shook off the muzziness of sleep she thought back on the last few weeks. Finding out that one of her neighbors was a goddesss, chasing after her, traveling about with camels, witnessing a fight between goddesses, swearing herself in service to the new goddess, the coronation yesterday, it had all been so much. She had probably done more in the past two weeks than she had in the past two years.

This was the guest room at Sweet Apple Acres. On the little nightstand beside her was her trusty red turban. It had been a gift from the camels, and Merry had grown quite attached to it. Leaving it for the moment, she trundled over to the bathroom and took a quick shower. The water was at best lukewarm. When she was finally dried, cleaned and combed she grabbed her hat and headed downstairs.

Despite how early it felt, Applejack was already up and sitting at the table. She had her Stetson in her hooves and was busy trying to mouth the bronze off of the brim while leaving both intact. The matching hatband was sitting beside her on the table. Merry clomped a little louder on the last few steps to announce her presence.

Applejack, the newly crowned Princess Mara and Merry’s liege lady, looked up and spotted her. She spat out the hat and nodded at her amicably. “How’d ya sleep?”

“Pretty good. What time is it?”

Applejack glanced at the clock. “Little after seven.” Merry May frowned; that was very early. Applejack spotted her expression. “Don’t feel bad, Ah slept in too. Ah think Ah woke up jest before you did. Yesterday felt longer’n tha first day a cider season.”

“I… see. What were you doing while I was coming down the stairs?”

“Tryin’ ta get all this flash off a mah hat. ‘Tain’t very practical, even if it is pretty.”

Merry frowned again. “Isn’t it part of, like, your uniform?”

“Yeah, but Ah can’t risk gettin’ it dirty ‘n’ dinged up.”

“Um, can’t you afford to get a new one, new bronze I mean, if it does? It’s not like bronze costs that much, and you probably have all kinds of princess money now. What if some ambassador or something shows up in the middle of the day?”

Applejack stared narrowly at Merry May. Before she could reply, a scroll popped out of the air over her horn with a little ‘plink’. Merry caught it before it fell. It was sealed by Celestia. Applejack nodded at Merry. “Go ahead ‘n’ read it ta me.” As soon as Merry was distracted she went back to worrying at the bronze rim of her hat.

“Um, Dear Princess Mara, I’m writing to notify you of various duties associated with your new title. I understand that your background and expertise is in other areas, so don’t worry about getting it all at once, or even this year. One important facet of Equestrian government is that there is precedent for various numbers of sovereigns. I am currently dusting off the charter of the ancient tri… um-vir-ate.” Merry May shook her head. “What does that mean?”

Applejack shrugged. “Ah donm know. Ah fink Nuna faid fomefin’ ‘boud id.” she said around a mouthful of bronze.

Merry May shrugged back and continued. “Trium-vir-ate and giving it a look over to ensure its relevance to modern Equestria, so, in a sense, this will be a learning process for the three of us. I have taken the liberty of dispatching a doctor of history and civil law to tutor you in the niceties of government and legal theory. I hope you will receive him well and make him at home. As another consideration, do know that the treasury is, within reason, at your disposal. It will be important to consider expanding your lodgings to accommodate large numbers of guests, as well as providing a barracks for other guards you may wish to hire. Again, I implore you not to consider this a burden on Equestria, but rather a necessary extension of your new calling. Your sister, Celestia.”

“Well, that’s quite neighborly of her. Ah don’t much look forward to those lessons though. Ah should send a reply. Ah’m gonna go deliver a letter to Spike, will y’all make sure Apple Bloom gets ta school?”

Merry May thought about this for a moment. It wasn’t exactly what she had in mind when she thought of what the Captain of the Goddess’s guard ought to be up to. Then again, she was pretty much the entire guard. “I, um Ah ken do that Applejack.”

Applejack grinned at her. “Thanks, ‘n’ keep workin’ at that accent.”


Applejack had headed off immediately, regretfully putting her ostentatious hatband back on since the brim had proved so impossible to remove. Merry May had knocked politely on princess Bloom’s door for several minutes before finally just entering. Apple Bloom was sprawled out on her bed, snoring uproariously. The ceremony and coronation party yesterday had taken it out of everypony.

“Ahem… Uh, princess? Hay. It’s time to wake up.” Merry May gingerly poked Apple Bloom in the side. Apple Bloom simply swatted her hoof away, somewhat painfully, and kept on snoring. “Ow! Apple Bloom! Get up!”

The foal in question started awake with a jerk. “Wha, who, ya, hunh?”

Merry nodded respectfully at Apple Bloom, “Good morning Princess, Applejack told me to make sure that you… ya got ta school.”

“Whut tahme ‘zit?” Bloom’s accent was considerably thicker than her sister’s, especially first thing in the morning.

“Um, seven-thirty? ish?”

Apple Bloom immediately rocketed out of bed with a yell of, “Ah’mgon’belate!” Merry May was nearly knocked flat by the backdraft of her passage. She heard the water in the bathroom switch on for the barest of moments before Apple Bloom stumbled and scooted back out while simultaneously drying and tying a bow in her mane.

“Can I help? Pegasus magic can get you dry pretty fast. It’s a shortcut I use sometimes.” offered Merry.

“Sure. Go fer it.”

Merry buzzed her wings rapidly at Apple Bloom’s mane for a short while. Soon it was completely dry, but extremely poofy. “Now you do have to…” As soon as Apple Bloom had felt her mane dry, she had been off like a rocket out the front door, barely snatching her book bundle on the way. “…comb it.” Sighing, Merry grabbed a brush and chased out the door after her little charge.


Applejack flew into town at a fast clip to avoid getting crowded. After the coronation yesterday, the townsponies might have gotten used to the idea that there was a princess in their midst, but AJ was taking no chances. She landed on Twilight’s balcony with a gentle thud, managing to keep her balance this time. Her landings were slowly getting better. She rapped gently on the glass of the door and stepped back to wait. After a moment, Twilight trotted upstairs and spotted Applejack through the door. Her face lit up with a smile, flickered unreadably, and then settled back into a smile. She opened the door and invited Applejack in. “Hi AJ, I’m glad you stopped in for a visit. What’s the occasion?”

“Thank ya kindly Twi, but Ah’m actually here ta see Spike. Ah gotta send a letter ta Celestia. Uh, could Ah also trouble ya for a pencil ‘n’ some paper?”

Twilight’s expression flickered again. Still, the smile hung determinedly to her face. “Sure, but wouldn’t you rather use a quill?”

“Nah, Ah never liked the feel a them in mah mouth.”

Twilight smirked at Applejack. “You do have magic now.”

“Twi, Ah have about tha steadiness of one a Pinkie’s jellies in an earthquake. Ain’t no way Ah’m up ta writin’ a letter with it.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “Well, practice! You won’t get any better unless you do.” The delivery came out perhaps a bit sharper than Twilight intended.

Applejack hesitated. “Y’alright, sugar cube? Ya seem a bit tense t’day.”

It was Twilight’s turn to pause. “I’m fine. I guess I just didn’t get enough sleep last night. Sorry.”

Applejack considered. If Twilight wasn’t going to be forthcoming, that was her business. Perhaps a peace offering would work. “Tell ya what, Ah’ll practice mah magic. Jest point me in tha direction a some exercises ta try and Ah’ll get ‘er done.”

“You don’t have to do that on my account, Applejack. I’m just tired. It meant nothing. You have centuries to get the hang of magic anyways. Why rush?”

“Nah, Ah can tell it means somethin’ to ya, ‘sides, Ah gotta be the best princess Ah can be.”

“Well, I’ll help. Pick a time each day to come by and I’ll tutor you for an hour or so. Sound good?”

“Sure thing. Ah gotta do a bit a organizin’ a mah schedule ‘ n’ such first though. Speakin’ a which… Hay Spike!”


Merry May trotted back to Sweet Apple Acres, her mission of mane management and coiffure correction completed. As she arrived at the farm gate, her triumphant traipsing tapered off into a tentative trot. What now? She was pretty sure that she had been fired from her day job by this point. Most managers frowned on employees chasing after a pair of rogue goddesses and joining up with a camel caravan for a couple of weeks without notice.

As in uffish thought she stood, a faint thumping noise came to her ears from one of the nearby orchards. Aha! Big Macki… Prince McIntosh will probably have something for me to help with. After a short flight, she found where he was bucking apples off the trees. She watched him appreciatively for a few minutes. The stallion was a juggernaut. It seemed like it took more of his effort to hold himself back when he bucked than he actually exerted. Finally, Merry cleared her throat. “Uhm, Hay Prince McIntosh! Anything I… Ah ken dew fer yew?”

Mac paused his kicking and glanced at her archly. “Nnope.”

Merry deflated. “Oh, you sure? I really don’t have anything to do right now, and I’m pretty sure I was fired from my old job. Technically, I think I’m a knight, but I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.”

Mac chuckled once, “Ah been there.” He leaned down and tossed a pair of baskets on his back and gestured towards a third. Merry May took the hint and loaded it onto her own back. “Now, ya feel useless?”

“Yeah, I mean, I swore an oath to Applejack, well, I made a promise anyway. I don’t even know if it’s official really… But I don’t care! I said I would help out, and Ah intend to do just that! I just don’t know how. I wish she would just tell me what to do. Do you have any ideas Prince McIntosh?”

“First, don’t call me McIntosh. Ah hate when ponies pronounce mah name all proper like that.”

“Oh, sorry.” Merry hung her head.

“Ya done good bah mah sister though. Call me Mac.” He smiled encouragingly at her.

“Thanks… Mac.” Merry grinned sheepishly back.

“Well, ya ever consider she might not know what ta do with ya?”

“I… Well… That makes sense I guess. This has all been kinda crazy. I mean, look at us. A prince bucking apples and a knight whose greatest quest in the service of her goddess has been combing hair.”

“Ah bucked them apples ‘cause it’d be a shame ta let this crop go ta waste. Don’t matter if Ah don’t have ta work another day in mah life. Ah do what needs doin’.”

Mac was silent for a few minutes while they walked to the crop cellar. As the two of them unloaded the apples into their cradles he spoke again. “Maybe that’s what’cha can do fer mah sister. Figure out what yer for. Find a reason to be there. She’s got a lot on her mind. Be tha one thing she don’t have ta worry about.”


Applejack’s correspondence with Celestia had been swift, punctuated by the belches and magic flames of Spike. As the last letter formed in the air, Applejack gazed uncomprehendingly at the figures on it. “Stars above. That’s mah dis-cretionary money? Ah ain’t never seen a bigger sum in mah life. Ah’m gonna have ta get Mac ta look at this. Ah don’t have tha head for it.”

Spike peered up at the scroll held loosely in Applejack’s magical grip. “Stop waving it around. Why do you need the money anyway?”

“Well, part of it is gonna be fer repairs an’ a bit a remodelin’ and makin’ sure Granny’s meds ‘re paid for. Then Ah was gonna see about hirin’ some extra hooves fer tha orchard. If Mac and Ah‘re gonna be busy with other things, we need somepony to pick up tha slack. Seriously though. Ah can’t even wrap mah head around this sum. Mac’ll know what ta do.”

Twilight tilted her head, “Big Macintosh handles the money on the farm?”

“He handles tha math, period. Ain’t nopony quicker with a sum than mah brother, present company included, no offense.”

“Wow, if you’re saying it, I believe it. Where did he pick it up?” Twilight asked.

“He was in tha Royal Artillery fer a few years. He got jealous of mah time in Manehatten when we were young. It chafed on him, so as soon as he was old enough he signed up. Served a tour in Zebrica, didn’t see no action, thank Celestia. Got to be a bit of a wiz at doin’ vecters ‘n’ trajecters ‘n’ whatnot.”

“… Vectors and trajectories.” Twilight made no attempt to hide her frown this time.

“Right, he didn’t want ta make a career of it, so he didn’t reenlist when his tour was up. If ya want mah opinion, he woulda got his cutie mark in math if he didn’t already have one. That was all years ago… Before… Well, nevermind. Ah gotta go. See ya tomorrow sometime, alright? We’ll figure out a time ta practice magic then.”

Twilight waved at the retreating alicorn. “Yeah, that’ll be fun…” As she turned to re-enter the library, her face told a different story.