• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


No way of knowing, where we'll be going, our adventures never end!


Tradition dictates that Pennsylvania towns ring in the new year by dropping things. Harrisburg has a strawberry, Lebanon drops a 100-pound bologna, Dillsburg drops a pickle, Cornwall has a cannonball, Mechanicsburg drops a wrench, while York and Lancaster drop roses (white and red, respectively).

Buck Motorsports Park is dropping a truck after a demolition derby and fireworks extravaganza? Okay, you’ve got my attention…

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Did you just say Mechanicsburg?
Agatha Heterodyne would like to speak with you!

Also, i would recommend New Credomar

“In addition to winning ‘best-looking car’ tonight, the driver is competing in her first ever demolition derby. Introducing Lulu Luck in car number sixteen.”

Well, now we see what the canon choice from the app story was. :heart:


Wrong Mechanicsburg. :raritywink: This one has no castle and fewer Jägermonsters.

As for New Credomar, seems like a Tough place to hang out. Might need some mercenaries or there could be a LOTA problems....

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