Rarity realizes she has no idea where Scootaloo lives, and thus has no clue who to contact in the event of an emergency during Sweetie Belle's sleepover. Pinkie Pie helps Rarity on her quest to obtain Scootaloo's contact information while Rainbow Dash does her best to thwart her efforts.
Another Scootafamily fic. Cheerilee as the big sister. Interesting.
I like how you write Pinkie and Rarity.
The way the characters were done in here was almost perfect, and when I say "perfect," I really mean how Hasbro does it. At first, I thought it was gonna be a sort of "Scoota-orphan" thing. But this was good.
I'm really glad you didn't go for the whole 'Homeless Orphan' trope.
This was a lot more interesting.
dashie sis or mom is better but well done nonetheless
Headcanon accepted.
Good story.
Now that's an explanation I haven't seen before, and it makes good sense why she'd want to keep it quiet!
Makes some sense. It's how she was in G3, and nothing in canon so far has refuted it, so the only reason against it is it would mean admitting G3 exists (It's not terrible to admit this. G3.5 on the other hand...).
Is it sad that this is the 5th or 6th time I've read this story and I just NOW got the joke there?
Not at all. And I'm flattered that you like this story enough to have read it that many times.
Lovely story, and yes I decided to read other stories you wrote besides the Mareiott verse, now after years we know Scoot's parents isn't that silly?
It's sad that it took almost nine seasons to find out Scootaloo's lineage. And thank you for digging through my archives!
Thank you!
you’re welcome