• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 minutes ago


Really should have bought a squirrel...


A family gathers at Double Diamond's ski resort for fun in the snow

Character tags: Powder, Snowcatcher, Snow'El, Northern Lights

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Whinny City's Interactive Storytelling Experience (continued from Ponyville CiderFest 2023).

Special thanks to Sonicsuns & Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (4)

Petunia Paleo investigates the ancient buffalo legend of Cutesaurus.

Character tags: Petunia Paleo, Little Strongheart, Lily Longsocks, Honolu-loo, Cutesaurus

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Whinny City's Interactive Storytelling Experience (continued from Ponyville CiderFest 2023).

Special thanks to Sonicsuns & Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (4)

Daring Do and Flitter explore ancient ruins in Flutter Valley. But the dusty temple might not be as abandoned as they think...

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Ponyville CiderFest's Interactive Storytelling Experience.

More stories from PVCF's 2023 Interactive Storytelling Experience can be found here.

Thank you to the entire Ponyville CiderFest Interactive Storytelling team (Vivid Syntax, Nyronus, Sonicsuns, Note Worthy, SteelTheWarrior, Snowday, Aria E. Diamond, SoloBrony, Skywriter, Ellwyn, Ghost Note, Overlord Pony, RQK, Shade Hunter, Shottsy, Celestilune).

Special thanks to Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and for being the liaison on this with the PVCF staff.

Chapters (3)

Never upset the Balance of Nature or the Frazzits will mix things up.

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Ponyville CiderFest's Interactive Storytelling Experience.

More stories from PVCF's 2023 Interactive Storytelling Experience can be found here.

Thank you to the entire Ponyville CiderFest Interactive Storytelling team (Vivid Syntax, Nyronus, Sonicsuns, Note Worthy, SteelTheWarrior, Snowday, Aria E. Diamond, SoloBrony, Skywriter, Ellwyn, Ghost Note, Overlord Pony, RQK, Shade Hunter, Shottsy, Celestilune).

Special thanks to Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and for being the liaison on this with the PVCF staff.

Chapters (3)

Cherry Pie is having a bad day life. She left Equestria in hopes that Earth was better. It's not. Now she's broke, homeless, and grazing on clover.

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Ponyville CiderFest's Interactive Storytelling Experience. Please note that the hero ending is all new exclusive content and wasn't part of the original app (nor is it in my compilation).

More stories from PVCF's 2023 Interactive Storytelling Experience can be found here.

Thank you to the entire Ponyville CiderFest Interactive Storytelling team (Vivid Syntax, Nyronus, Sonicsuns, Note Worthy, SteelTheWarrior, Snowday, Aria E. Diamond, SoloBrony, Skywriter, Ellwyn, Ghost Note, Overlord Pony, RQK, Shade Hunter, Shottsy, Celestilune).

Special thanks to Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and for being the liaison on this with the PVCF staff.

Chapters (4)

Petunia Paleo is convinced Fluttershy is a dinosaur. She might just be right. Unfortunately, in the Everfree Forest, it's eat or be eaten.

An April Foal's Day crackfic that shouldn't be taken seriously.

Chapters (1)

Lulu Luck tries to repair an old jalopy. It doesn’t go well.

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Ponyville CiderFest's Interactive Storytelling Experience.

More stories from PVCF's 2023 Interactive Storytelling Experience can be found here.

Thank you to the entire Ponyville CiderFest Interactive Storytelling team (Vivid Syntax, Nyronus, Sonicsuns, Note Worthy, SteelTheWarrior, Snowday, Aria E. Diamond, SoloBrony, Skywriter, Ellwyn, Ghost Note, Overlord Pony, RQK, Shade Hunter, Shottsy, Celestilune).

Special thanks to Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and for being the liaison on this with the PVCF staff.

Chapters (3)

Dewdrop Dazzle's magic doesn't work the same as other unicorns. The ostracized pony lives as an outcast in a lighthouse outside Baltimare. Most ponies would be powerless to stop the tsunami racing towards the city, but she's a water mage, and quite possibly the only pony other than alicorn who can save Baltimare. But should she?

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Ponyville CiderFest's Interactive Storytelling Experience. Please note that the hero ending is all new exclusive content and wasn't part of the original app.

More stories from PVCF's 2023 Interactive Storytelling Experience can be found here.

Thank you to the entire Ponyville CiderFest Interactive Storytelling team (Vivid Syntax, Nyronus, Sonicsuns, Note Worthy, SteelTheWarrior, Snowday, Aria E. Diamond, SoloBrony, Skywriter, Ellwyn, Ghost Note, Overlord Pony, RQK, Shade Hunter, Shottsy, Celestilune).

Special thanks to Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and for being the liaison on this with the PVCF staff.

Chapters (4)

Wind Whistler knows all the rules, and she knows how to break 'em, and she always knows the name of the game. But she doesn't know how to get out of a temple that falls apart every now and then. Don't be sad, 'cause three outta four ain't bad?

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Ponyville CiderFest's Interactive Storytelling Experience.

More stories from PVCF's 2023 Interactive Storytelling Experience can be found here.

Thank you to the entire Ponyville CiderFest Interactive Storytelling team (Vivid Syntax, Nyronus, Sonicsuns, Note Worthy, SteelTheWarrior, Snowday, Aria E. Diamond, SoloBrony, Skywriter, Ellwyn, Ghost Note, Overlord Pony, RQK, Shade Hunter, Shottsy, Celestilune).

Special thanks to Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and for being the liaison on this with the PVCF staff.

Chapters (3)

Petunia Paleo digs up dinosaurs in the badlands of the American West.

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Ponyville CiderFest's Interactive Storytelling Experience.

More stories from PVCF's 2023 Interactive Storytelling Experience can be found here.

Thank you to the entire Ponyville CiderFest Interactive Storytelling team (Vivid Syntax, Nyronus, Sonicsuns, Note Worthy, SteelTheWarrior, Snowday, Aria E. Diamond, SoloBrony, Skywriter, Ellwyn, Ghost Note, Overlord Pony, RQK, Shade Hunter, Shottsy, Celestilune).

Special thanks to Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and for being the liaison on this with the PVCF staff.

Chapters (4)