I only went into psychology to learn how to better manipulate those around me. Instead I learned something about myself. The road to redemption is a long one, and I'm amazed I've come this far in all honesty.
Written for Admiral Biscuit's challenge/request/not-a-contest for more slice of life fics featuring ponies working on Earth:
Pre-read & edited by: Admiral Biscuit
So the changeling's attempted brainwashing-by-force eventually results in a creeping political takeover by Chrysalis? Seems quite poetic to me, I like it!
I'm downloading this just for quoting one of my favorite Gordon Lightfoot songs.
It's one of my favorites too.
Awesome work on here a good story ^^)
Thank you!
Not an avenue I'd expect to see a Cozy-fic coming from... but it works! Good "redemption" ideas for each of the Trio, too.
(I do wonder how well-known her identitty is on the human side... if plenty are going to Equestria and vice versa, the story of what she did probably isn't a huge secret.)
Thank you! I like thinking outside the box.
As for how well known she is on Earth, the information is available for anyone willing to do the research, but that's why she uses an alias (End Game). If anyone's figured out her true identity, they haven't announced it to the world. The locals know her as 'that pint-sized pink horse that you don't want to make angry'.
I expanded on this a bit in the author's notes:
Their response was to exile her to Earth for a decade. She was monitored very closely the first few years, and has had to check in periodically in the years since. While they never threatened to turn her into a statue, knowing the option was on the table was enough motivation to keep Cozy on the straight & narrow.
For obvious reasons, Princess Cadence & Shining Armor didn't trust her at first (and sent Royal Guards to keep her under surveillance until she was done with college). They still don't trust her entirely, but she's earned some of the trust back with continued good behavior. She's not where she'd like to be, but she's doing better than she was.
This is lovely.
Do you think Twilight could allow her body to age? And if she could, would she?
Thank you!
If Twilight doesn't know how to solve it, I'm sure she'd be happy to do research into it to try and determine what's wrong and how to fix it. The better question is how much is Cozy willing to put up with. There's nopony else with a similar problem, which means she's going to be a guinea pig for anything Twilight comes up with. When does Cozy's patience run out and she decides the potential cures are worse than the problem?
I do like the worldbuilding you've incorporated into this story, what with Cozy's* stunted puberty, Cozy prescribing herself medication, her relationship with Flurry Heart (I kind ship them, based on the way you portrayed them ), and Chrysalis's forced reformation. The asterisks at the end really add a nice twist.
I do wish Cozy's fiendishness were more apparent in the dialog. For example, some snarky criticism of her patients could be appropriate in the narration. Though perhaps she's so hopped up on meds that she's just become apathetic to everything? It's hard for me to tell.
Thank you for writing this.
*i.e. the pony known by the pseudonym "Cozy Glow"
Thank you!
I wanted to do a different kind of redemption story. It's not as easy as flipping a switch in her mind and deciding to be good. As if it wasn't hard enough, why not add a few extra problems for her to cope with?
I don't do shipping as a general rule, but... I support this ship too. They're so cute together! This probably won't be the only time I write them together (I'm 20,000 words in another fic with these two...it just needs to be finished & published ).
Part of it is the meds, but mostly she's trying to temper that side of her, though a little slips out with her first patient (and also on the the one who leaves early). She mentions what she would've thought of him years earlier. So the thoughts are still there, but she's trying to repress them (sometimes more successfully than others). Some of her patients have even wormed their way into her heart and she's still trying to figure out how they did so, and how to deal with it. The urge to be evil is always there, lurking, and I probably didn't emphasize that enough.
You're welcome! Thank you for enjoying it!
Great work with Cozy Glow, one of my least favorite characters in the show. Not necessarily for what she did, but more because I didn't ever feel that she was given any personality besides being evil, a ponified Darla Dimple. I am still adamant that Chancellor Neighsay would have been a better villain.
Anyways, the little hints of her inner daemons and the struggle to control them worked nicely. One thing you might pass along to her is a nugget of wisdom that I've heard, the very fact that she recognizes the problems and regrets her actions are indicative that she is not a bad pony, anymore at least.
I'll look forward to seeing what you have in store for her next.
Wow this was quite excellent, deep and meaningful. Well done.
Though I would make the point that Cozy was about to murder Twilight along with Chrysalis and Tierk and was only prevented from doing so by Rarity throwing that boulder.
As a result I've had a hard time feeling sorry for the maniacal filly over her punishment.
But this was so well written made me feel a twinge of sympathy for her, congrats.
"You are hereby banished-"
"Ha! Do your worst!"
"-to Chicago!"
At least they're not Detroit.
Even Discord's not that cruel.
That was an interesting take on Cozy. Like a lot of other people, I didn't really like her more for the fact that she was never given a back story and was just evil for the sake of being evil. Then again, it left her open for us fanfic writers to give her our own. But Cozy being a 'cuddle therapist' definitely seems like the kind of thing that would work for someone her actual age with her stunted body. Great thing to use to her advantage on Earth.
I've really enjoyed all of these Not-A-Contest stories, and this one wasn't any different. Great job!
oh please... it is not like it is... JERSEY
I remember other fic where Sunset spotted human Cozy and decided to investigate her in case she tried world domination too. Turns out that Cozy was mentally ill and under medication, which opened a can of worms regarding pony Cozy's actions.
Like others, the world building is nice. Good read too
Thank you!
Well, it was a little strange, but not bad, I like the idea of a Dwarf Cozy