• Published 30th Nov 2022
  • 1,001 Views, 223 Comments

A Dazzling Trio - Spyder27

Now that Adagio is engaged to the love of her life, she only has one more thing she wants to do before they make it official. She wants to find the other sirens she lost years ago and try to make things right. Will she be able to?

  • ...

Time to Rest

Author's Note:

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT endorse overdrinking or other unhealthy binge habits or life choices. This chapter does include a lot of alcohol consumption, but please be moderate with your own life and take care of your health.

Chapter XXXIII: Time to Rest

Unlocking the front door, I shove my keys back into my bag with a small sigh. The door opens to a dark living room, making me realize just how long I’ve been out running errands today. The morning was spent working in the music studio to prepare it for my plans. By noon, I had to go over to make sure Rarity’s designs were coming along as expected. Then I had to see if Pinkie Pie was done with the decorations. About an hour ago, I had to go over to Rainbow Dash’s place to ask her for a favor as well. It wasn’t so much a favor, actually. She is one of the few people without a role in this wedding. She isn’t a bridesmaid, catering the food, or helping with the planning. So I figured I would ask her if she wanted to be the bouncer.

I honestly thought she would not like the role, but Dash was actually ecstatic about it. In her words, being a bouncer is twenty percent cooler than any bridesmaid. We won’t even need a bouncer. I just wanted to give her something to make her feel included. From the way Rainbow Dash automatically started planning for what suit and sunglasses she is going to wear, I would say that worked tremendously.

Dropping my bag to the floor next to the coffee table, I can’t help but sigh. Even with my magic, it is still tiring to be out of the house all day. I’ve been running errands for the past week, trying to make sure everything for this wedding is coming together. It feels like I barely have time here at home from how much work I’m doing and the preparations for my nuptials with Sunset. I wonder what Sunset is doing right now anyway… She’s probably asleep, curled up in bed. I would tease her for being tired, but I am too. She’s cute when she’s tired anyway.

“She’s cute all the time,” I whisper to myself, slipping off my boots. I can’t help but roll my eyes at the thoughts of all the work I’ve done in the past week. If I knew marriage was going to be so much work, I would have just put a ring on her finger and been done with it. The government doesn’t classify you as next of kin unless you’re married legally though. I guess that just gives me an excuse to wear a nice dress and have a little ego trip.

Slipping off my leather jacket, I rest it on the arm of the couch. I try to make a mental note to hang it up later, but whether I will remember that is up to my future self. Yawning, I slowly walk towards the stairs. A part of me thinks about checking up on Sonata and Aria right about now, but they’re probably asleep too. Honestly, I wonder how they like it here… It’s been one week and I haven’t talked with them much about the whole living situation… I guess that’s a conversation that can wait until morning. It doesn’t stop my thoughts though.

Walking up the stairs, I take a deep breath, gently opening the bedroom door. Just like I predicted, I can see Sunset’s frame on her side of the bed. A small smile creeps onto my face, closing the door as quietly as I can. I pull my socks off without making a sound. Sitting on my side, my shorts and tights come off a lot easier than I expected. Then again, my mind is getting progressively tired, so I’m probably having a hard time forming accurate expectations. Another yawn escapes my lips as I slip under the covers, trying to be as quiet as I can. There’s no good in waking her up if she has gotten to sleep already.

Before I can take a breath, Sunset’s body turns towards me, throwing her arm over me. At this point, the blanket is now all messed up with half her body outside of it. Her leg wraps around me as well, making me smile. I guess she isn’t asleep.

“How was work?” a muffled voice asks me, sounding tired. She rests her head on my shoulder, pushing into my neck. Her breath tickles my skin lightly, but I don’t mind. Her embrace just feels fresh after the day of errands. Her lips gently press against my neck, making butterflies swirl in my stomach. Despite getting my magic back and being a siren overall, she still has the ability to make my mind flutter.

“Boring considering that I’m still trying to renovate it into an actual music studio rather than a place to learn how to sing.” I kiss her forehead slowly, trying my best to not stress out about work. Once I have everything I need, I plan on advertising and hopefully getting a couple deals. People can record their music and we can even help them publish it for a fee. However, I am keeping lessons in one room. It can help to earn some extra money by helping aspiring and established musicians. “How long have you been in here, trying to sleep?” I ask her quietly, rubbing my chin on the top of her head. Sunset groans with a slight movement, pushing herself onto me even more.

“A couple hours… It’s been hard to sleep recently.” I need not ask her why. The answer to that question lingers in both of our minds at this point. The wedding is getting ever closer and while I am not faltering in my decision to marry this bitch that stole my heart unfairly, the date is still a little… nerve wracking. Nothing could sway my love for my summer breeze. She can be annoying though… In a good way.

“Do I need to ask what about the day is making you nervous?” I ask her after waiting for a few moments. Sunset takes a deep breath. The kind of breath that she uses when she rolls her eyes. Not at me, but more so out of pure annoyance from whatever thought is on her mind. I don’t even need to see her face right now to know what kind of expression is on it.

“Nothing about the wedding specifically annoys me. I’m just annoyed at what won’t be happening,” Sunset whispers, her embrace tightening around me. “You remember how I said I don’t have the best relationship with my parents? I can’t help but think about what it’d be like if you and I had family to be here. Other than our friends.” Sunset lets go of me, turning over to lie on her back. She stares up at the ceiling while she thinks.

Slowly, I wrap my arm around her, resting my head on her shoulder. While it’s just a simple cuddle, I hope it helps her feel better…

“This may not mean much to what you’re feeling right now,” I whisper, closing my eyes to focus on her heart, “but I consider you as my family, Sunset…” In a moment, Sunset holds me close to her, breathing in and out with a slow rhythm.

“You’re my family too, Adagio,” she responds while kissing the top of my head, a happy tone in her voice. “My home will always be where you are. Ever since you took my heart.”

“Says the thief that took mine,” I tease her back, rolling my eyes for dramatic effect. The sound of the wind outside tells me it will probably storm soon. It’s a good thing that everyone is inside and in bed. I would hate having to call Sonata or Aria to make sure they’re coming home. I’m sure Aria would probably say I’m not her mom. While that is true, I have been looking out for them for years since I’m the leader.

Was the leader… That’s not how things are going to be structured anymore. We’re equals. Even if Aria and Sonata act like idiots half the time. Still. They’re my idiots. I wouldn’t have life any other way than it is right now.

“Hey, Sunny,” I whisper, hearing Sunset hum inquisitively. “Did you want to have our wedding in Equestria? Since you were thinking about your family and all.”

“God no. I wouldn’t invite my family to our wedding. Unless I had a better family that is.” Sunset starts to slowly stroke my hair, playing with it between her fingers. “I did think about having it in Equestria for a little bit though. However, that would cause a lot of confusion with our friends and their pony counterparts. And uh… You know… Um.” Sunset trails off, seemingly trying to find the right words to say. I can already tell what she’s thinking though.

“The size difference between a pony and a siren would be pretty comical too,” I say with a shrug, making Sunset giggle.

“Hey, you said it. Not me.” Sunset tries to play it off that she was only thinking about the size discrepancy, but I know her. She was thinking about our reputations in Equestria. While Princess Celestia may have forgiven her previous star pupil, I am not as lucky. Not that I would necessarily want to apologize to that princess. She was the one who banished me with the help of that wizard. God, I hate that stupid wizard. As hard as I have tried to redeem myself in this world, it is kind of hard to let go of my resentment for the ponies back in Equestria. “Adagio. I have a strange feeling that I won’t be able to sleep tonight, even with you by my side,” Sunset informs me with a stumped tone to her voice as if she has run out of ideas.

“So, are we going to lay around the whole night or do you want to do something?” I ask her with a chuckle, knowing damn well that I won’t be able to sleep either.

“Do what? Watch a movie? You know the other two are sleeping in our basement, right?” I almost envy Sunset’s basic thought process. She is not imagining the big picture here. Limited solely by what we can do without some work.

“You lack imagination, Shimmer,” I whisper to her, leaning my head upward to kiss her cheek. “Come on. Follow me.” Sliding out of bed, I reach into my nightstand for a spare pair of pajama pants. They are just a simple blue with some dolphins scattered about, but they will do for now. Slipping them on, Sunset curiously follows my example, getting out of bed with a raised eyebrow.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this little idea of yours?” she asks me as soon as we leave our room. Quickly but quietly, I lead her down the stairs. Sunset can’t help but giggle at this point, trying to shush me. “Whatever it is, you need to be quiet. The other two are in the basement,” she tells me with a finger to her lips. Walking over to the TV, I motion for her to follow me. However, that just seems to make her more wary of my plan. “Nuh uh. You can’t be serious.”

“Come on. It isn’t that heavy,” I tease her while sticking my tongue out. “All we have to do is bring it to our room, make ourselves some snacks and we have an impromptu movie night, just in our room. All while lounging in bed like royalty.” Sunset crosses her arms, still not convinced with my idea.

“Of course you thought about it. Your whole life has been one mission of chasing royalty and luxury,” Sunset remarks with a smirk, making me narrow my gaze.

“Are you meaning to tell me you never thought about having a TV in our room? Even if you haven’t, miss goody two shoes, we can always move it back in the morning.” My statement hangs in the air for a moment before Sunset rolls her eyes, grabbing the other end of the TV.

“Fine. But only if I get to choose the movie we watch and the snacks,” she states with a tone that tells me there is no bargaining with her on this. I guess I do owe her that much.

“Could I at least make a suggestion on the snacks?” I ask her with a frown, picking up the TV with her help.

“If it is cheese and crackers, the answer is maybe,” Sunny mentions with a slight shrug, leading the way back to the staircase. As long as we can have something salty, I’d be fine. After all, she is all the sugar I need.

I can tell the movie is still playing, but I can’t quite pay attention to it. My eyes are stuck on Sunset’s face, taking in every detail. She’s so pretty. The sparkles around her cheeks make her look like a goddess. I have no idea how she has sparkles hovering around her, but maybe it’s due to some kind of magic. It’s frankly unfair of her to look this cute. I can barely hold back from kissing her. She’s so…

Biting into a cracker, I can’t help but giggle. Sunny looks at me with a weird expression that I can’t put into words. Pushing my finger against her nose, I smile at her. For some reason, everything feels light. Almost fuzzy.

“Have I ever told you that you’re beautiful?” I ask her, scooting closer and hugging her tightly.

“Seven times tonight, in fact,” Sunny responds while hugging me back. “Something tells me you’re not even watching the movie anymore and instead analyzing my face.”

“Your face is just really pretty for a pony. What can I say?” Pressing my head against hers, another involuntary giggle escapes my lips as I grab the cup from Sunset’s hand. “Also… Are you gonna drink this?” It’s… hard. Hard to form words right now. I wanna tell her… something. That she’s important to me, but I can say it better, right? Maybe I’m just super super tired by now… Trying to take a sip, something pulls the cup away from me. “Hey, why-”

“I think not, Alligator,” Sunny tells me with a tone to her voice. A stern tone…? Is stern the right thing? I don’t know. “You’re way too drunk to have my whiskey as well. I knew it was a bad idea for you to bring the whole bottle up here. Especially since I have only had one glass.”

“Hey. I am not…” I hold my hand in the air, staring her in the eyes. Her eyes are so sparkly… I am not what. What is that word? I can’t remember.

“Drunk?” Sunny says with a smirk.

“I am not drunk. I am just tired. And thirsty.” Grabbing the cup again, Sunny pulls it away from me. Her hand is playing with my hair. Hmph… “For someone so pretty and cute and… cute, you don’t let me do what I want.” Sunny simply laughs at me, making me narrow my gaze. I don’t know what is funny about what I said. But her laughing is so… god damn adorable.

“I’m only trying to look out for you, Adagio. I love you too much to let you drink yourself to a coma.” Sunny kisses my forehead, making my cheeks blush for some reason.

“I love you too. You’re the only one worthy enough to be with me,” I state with a slight stutter, trying to keep myself from falling over on her.

“Is that right?” she asks me with a laugh. I have no idea why she is laughing so much. But it’s nice to see.

“Mhmm. Or maybe it’s… the other way around. And I don’t deserve you.” I try to say more, but my mouth trails off just as I sit on her lap. Grabbing her shirt, I smile before kissing her. Maybe this will wipe that stupid smirk off her face. “You’re also really sexy, Sunny. Know that?” I try to pull up her shirt, but she stops me again. Am I that boring to her? Ugh…

“I would love to under normal circumstances, but you’re too drunk right now.” Her hand holds my cheek with that… that stupid smile of hers. That warm smile that makes me feel happy and fuzzy inside. That’s cheating. I can’t stay mad with that kind of smile. “How much have you had to drink exactly?” she asks me with a giggle, picking up the bottle. It still has half of it left. I try to reach for it, but she gently pushes my hand away. “I only have this one cup, so… You’ve had at least five drinks.”

“And maybe a couple more when I went to get more snacks,” I say with a laugh, trying to stop this dizzy feeling.

“You have work tomorrow, Alligator. Then again, I guess we both started this. I’m just glad your magic has given you some immunity to alcohol poisoning. Still. You can’t have any more tonight.” Sunset looks towards me, shaking her head as if I didn’t hear her.

“I can’t have any more of what? The whiskey? Or you?” Dragging my finger along her jawline, I can’t help but smirk. Sunny’s blushing again. It’s always so fun to see her like this. She’s em… Emba… Something. My mind is not wanting to work.

Sunny grabs the remote, turning off the TV. It’s really dark again, but I can still see the sparkles in her eyes. She quietly grabs the snacks, putting them on her nightstand. She holds me close and kisses me. I never get tired of this feeling. The feeling of her lips.

“You’re so sweet, Adagio.” Kissing me again, Sunny lays down, pulling me with her. “But it’s time for us to sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.” Feel better? I feel fine. Just dizzy. And really tired… Fine. I lay my head on her shoulder, trying to forget about the fuzzy feeling in my brain. Closing my eyes, I hug Sunset with a sigh. I still want another drink, but if I am drunk, I guess she knows better than me. After a few minutes, Sunset kisses my forehead as gently as she can like she thinks I am asleep. “I love you so much, Adagio,” Sunny whispers with a kind tone in her voice. “You mean the world to me… My life without you would be so hard. I know you often try to hold our relationship together by yourself, but you’re equally important to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to remember that because… I never want to be separated from you again.” Scratching my head lightly, Sunset holds me close. “I love you for your strengths and weaknesses. I love you for your humor, your personality, your viewpoints. I love you with all my heart.”

She thinks I’m asleep. That’s… nice. If I wasn’t so dizzy, I would want to say something similar. She means a lot to me too. I just can’t come up with the words. For now.

“Sleep well, siren. I’ll be here when you wake up,” she whispers again, her hug tightening slightly. I love you too, Sunny.

Pulling myself off of the pearl throne, I try to get the vitriolic taste out of my mouth. The bitter taste of my own stomach’s acid is an experience I would only wish upon my greatest enemy. Why in the world did I think it was a good idea to try my luck at seven drinks of whiskey last night? Maybe it was because I was caught up in the felicity of the moment, but drinking that much is not advantageous. To any degree…

“Are you feeling better?” Sunset’s voice asks through the bathroom door, reminding me how my stomach is still threatening to expose its contents to the world again.

“Barely,” I respond while rolling my eyes. Sunset opens the door just as I stand up from the ground, still unsteady from my recent sick spell. Pulling myself over to the sink, I look at my reflection with disdain. “Sunset. Remind me to never drink whiskey ever again.”

“Even Four Roses? That’s your favorite drink in the world,” she mentions with a compelling argument. Well, this world. I can’t even remember what my favorite drink was in Equestria.

“Maybe not forever. But never in the next week at least.” Splashing my face with water, I hold my hand out. Sunset hands me my toothbrush, resting one arm around me in an attempt to console me. If only my magic made me immune to the effects of a hangover… Unfortunately, I never learned a spell like that. For now, I need to focus on getting the malicious taste out of my gums.

“Well, that will be a little difficult,” Sunset whispers with a sensual tone. “Our wedding is in a week, after all.”

Turning my gaze to her, I question her expression heavily. Is she implying that… No. Surely not, right? That stuff is expensive. Unless you get it through select vendors, but… still.

“Did you seriously get that kind of drink for our… wedding?” I hesitantly ask her, not wanting to believe it.

“I didn’t want to spoil the surprise, but I might have to get a refund now since you’re sworn off whiskey for this week,” Sunset teases me with a wink, knowing damn well I will have to make an exception. It’s almost enough to make me forget about my hangover.

“You really did that? For me?” Let’s just say I am not used to such unadulterated kindness. My life has been filled with hate for my kind after all. So, these few years having Sunset and our friends has been nice, but this? This is on a whole other level. “I love you,” I state without thinking, feeling my heart swell at her gesture.

“I love you too, dummy. Of course I did it for you~ I’m marrying you after all. It’s a day about us,” Sunset whispers with a humorous giggle, gently pressing her lips against my forehead. “Don’t start crying on me. Save the tears for our wedding, sentimental siren.” Without another word, she wipes the single tear from my eye, making my heart beat faster.

“It’s cruel how much of a hold you have on my heart,” I mention with a slight pout. In response, Sunset messes up my hair as if it could be worse than it already is.

“Like you don’t have the key to mine. Be careful cleaning yourself up. You still have to wake the other two for breakfast,” Sunset reminds me with a small kiss on my cheek. “I’ll make some bacon and eggs.” Huh. Funny considering her hair color. Bacon sounds fine I guess. But honestly? My appetite is nonexistent at this point. Before I can tell her bye, Sunset leaves the bathroom, leaving me to my business. Exhaling, I finish brushing my teeth, spitting into the sink. I really shouldn’t have drank that much last night. It won’t stop me from drinking some at my wedding, but definitely not this much.

I quickly splash my face again before walking out of the bathroom. Running a brush through my hair, I do my best to make myself decent. Pajama pants aren’t exactly the most professional for work, but they will do for breakfast. I’m not looking forward to work in general since I’m running on a few hours of sleep and my head is starting to hurt like one of my frequent migraines.

Taking a deep breath, I make my way downstairs. I see Sunset already preparing the materials for our food. I just hope the girls had a better night than me. Not that I hated cuddling with Sunset and all. I just hate the hangover part… Knocking on the basement door, I wait for an answer. Nothing comes to respond though. Knocking again, I can’t help but raise my eyebrow. I’m guessing they did get some sleep.

“Aria? Sonata? Time to wake up,” I call out, trying to get their attention through the door with another knock. However, they don’t answer my attempt to communicate with them. Taking a deep breath, I sigh to myself as I open the door. If they really don’t want to get up, they could at least tell me to go away. Staying silent does nothing to tell me what they want. If they’re still asleep, I’ll just have to wake them and ask if they want some breakfast.

Walking down the stairs, I can hear Aria and Sonata saying something. The exact words are not clear enough for me to make out. Making it to the bottom of the stairs, I look inside the basement. Instantly, I can’t help but notice motion on one of their air mattresses. A mass of light blue is moving on top of a purple mass. Both of them are breathing heavily and not a single piece of clothing is shared between the two of them. I…


“Holy shit! Adagio, what are you-” I can’t seem to hear Aria anymore. I can tell they’re trying to cover themselves up in my peripheral vision. All I can focus on is the texture of the ground.

The urge to vomit comes back like the wrath of a raging shore.

Comments ( 12 )

The last part caught me off guard

Well, that last part seems to indicate you worked out your dilemma.:rainbowlaugh: I do hope that Adagio's throw up was from the hangover and not from seeing her fellow sirens in an activity she frequently does with Sunset (On that note, Sunset and Adagio better remember to keep their bedroom door locked otherwise Aria might end up doing the same to them).

You know, I do hope that the engaged duo will at least invite Princess Twilight to the wedding. Also I can only imagine what Adagio's reaction will be when she finds out the Pillars are back.

Regardless of whenever the last two chapters are out, I do hope they'll be worth the wait.:raritywink:

Like Saddle Arabia the country in Equestria? :rainbowlaugh: Also, why Adagio feels sick will be explained at the beginning of next chapter, but yeah. Adagio and Sunset do the same thing a LOT :rainbowlaugh:

“Boring considering that I’m still trying to renovate it into an actual music studio rather than a place to learn how to sing.” I kiss her forehead slowly, trying my best to not stress out about work. Once I have everything I need, I plan on advertising and hopefully getting a couple deals. People can record their music and we can even help them publish it for a fee. However, I am keeping lessons in one room. It can help to earn some extra money by helping aspiring and established musicians. “How long have you been in here, trying to sleep?” I ask her quietly, rubbing my chin on the top of her head. Sunset groans with a slight movement, pushing herself onto me even more.

Wait, they're having their wedding at the music studio Adagio works at!? :applejackconfused:

“You’re my family too, Adagio,” she responds while kissing the top of my head, a happy tone in her voice. “My home will always be where you are. Ever since you took my heart.”

And who's says she can't have a found family? Plus, as they often say, home is where the heart is. :twilightsmile:

“I am not drunk. I am just tired. And thirsty.” Grabbing the cup again, Sunny pulls it away from me. Her hand is playing with my hair. Hmph… “For someone so pretty and cute and… cute, you don’t let me do what I want.” Sunny simply laughs at me, making me narrow my gaze. I don’t know what is funny about what I said. But her laughing is so… god damn adorable.

She's drunk alright. :ajsmug:

“And maybe a couple more when I went to get more snacks,” I say with a laugh, trying to stop this dizzy feeling.


Walking down the stairs, I can hear Aria and Sonata saying something. The exact words are not clear enough for me to make out. Making it to the bottom of the stairs, I look inside the basement. Instantly, I can’t help but notice motion on one of their air mattresses. A mass of light blue is moving on top of a purple mass. Both of them are breathing heavily and not a single piece of clothing is shared between the two of them. I…

Did... did make out or something?!? :pinkiegasp:

Stupid auto-correct. I meant to say Adagio's reaction to learning Starswirl and the Pillars are still around.

Wait a minute.:pinkiegasp: You're not implying that Adagio and Sunset are gonna be-?

I have no idea what you think I am implying :rainbowlaugh:

No, they aren't having their wedding at the music studio. XD But yeah, I definitely found this chapter interesting to write since Adagio was definitely drunk lol

oh... I guess I read it wrong or something? :twilightblush:

Are they considered biological siblings ? I was never clear on the relationship

No, they are not in this story. They are really close friends, but they are not sisters. It's still kind of a shock for Adagio to see that though lol

Also, isn’t it porcelain throne?

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