• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen Nov 2nd, 2024

Within Dusk

Welcome to my Fimfiction account! I just do stories for fun! hope you enjoy them!


This story is a sequel to Minxy's New Adventure

Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, had a vision of a powerful hero, after visiting the human world once more to gather data, she began her work on this said hero, hoping that it would protect Equestria for years to come.

During her tests, Twilight feels she should hide this, though that doesn't last long when a burst of power causes light to flash in Twilights home. How will her friends react to this? Is this truly the hero she envisioned? Only time will tell.

ObabScribbler, Vermillion, and Lurking Brony for: Concepts from Friendship is Tragic

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 9 )

Wait is this a reboot of the original and will their be a romance tag?

Yeah reboot, basically a new timeline, as for any romance, maybe im not sure yet

Ah got it thanks for telling me.

And anyone else who might’ve had the same question too

So who’s the romance character?

I decided to have Rainbow Dash and Twilight hook up, as well Minxy is gay like myself irl XD so uh not many characters to ship with in all reality, chapter 5 "Calm before the storm" should have the romance scene, which yes the relationship will evolve as time goes on.


Oh you mind take it a look at my story and see what you think in the comment section of course if you want or have time of course

Is this really a sequel, or is it actually a rewrite?

this is a rewrite, but the original is canon, just in another timeline, in fact the original timeline will make an appearance in this story

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