• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen Nov 2nd, 2024

Within Dusk

Welcome to my Fimfiction account! I just do stories for fun! hope you enjoy them!


Waking up at the outskirts of a forest, Bardock, a Saiyan warrior now must figure out how to live a mostly peaceful life, well again, mostly. Threats loom across the horizon for Equestria, being a fighter in this new world has it's perks and Bardock's gonna take full advantage of it! Bardock knows his son is safe and that's all that matters.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 19 )

Good job. Buy try and write longer chapters. Also you jumped around a lot with transitioning. It makes it a bit confusing on where he's at and who he's talking to. Eitherwise good luck.


“Bardock in a frail attempt to overthrow the evil tyrant Frieza, is seemingly destroyed along side Planet Vegeta, until he wakes up on the outskirts of a forest.”

Typos before I even begin. Or is that word correct? Sure he was beat up and half dead but to call his attempt frail? So harsh. He gave his all yet it was as frail as paper in a stiff morning breeze…

the word is spelled correctly but yeah, calling it just frail is a bit disrespectful i'll change it now ^^ thank you!

I look forward to The next entry of this story as i am interested aswell as I’m eager to see more

appreciate your comment ^^ i've been getting a lot of support both from friends and people like you! I can assure you a chapter 2 is coming, i'm just working on some art once that's done i'll see if i can talk to the admins of this site on how many images i can put in a story at a time

Good Start ^^ when come next chapter ? out of curious*

Chapter 2 is in the works, im working on art to add as i've confirmed with admins that images are allowed on stories so i will be making a few images to go along with the story, in terms of writing i've made sadly little progress as i've been focused on making the art for this chapter! thank you so much for everyone and your patience!

I will confirm that I have notes and concepts for 3 future chapters!

2. Proof of Power
3. Meeting with a Goddess
4. Glimpse into Darkness

So far it's good and this story is good quality But the Aspect of such little opening or entrance and the characters trust factor by having going through a event that makes the bond of them feel’s off but to a extent it isa good read so far

I understand that the trust factor is a bit quick but this is mainly due to the fact that I wanted to reverse the trope that the ponies would be hostile upon meeting someone and something completely new, I always felt that with how the show was it never sits right with me that the ponies would attack first and ask questions later, sure I can see that with Rainbow Dash or Applejack but as seen in Chapter 1: A Final Stand, A New Life Applejack is witness to Sweetie Belle treating Bardocks wounds, I also wish to mention that (Spoiler warning for DBS Manga and Old DBZ movies) Bardock isn't exactly a conqueror or unnecessarily violent, in Episode of Bardock aka DBZ: Father of Goku, Bardock after the loss of his crew wanted to avenge them, which according to Vegeta later on, Saiyans are usually brutes who may fight together but care not who lives or dies, Bardock is different, he is the father of goku after all =)

thank you! and yes there will be more! I'm now finalizing concepts for chapter 3 and working on more concepts for chapter 4

put this on your tracking cause it's coming

3. Meeting With A Goddess

thank you so much! everyone's kind comments keep me going with this series! I hope people enjoy the images! I'm thinking of adding more images per chapter but if people prefer I'll keep it to 3 images per chapter but of course there may be exceptions depending on the chapter

Take your time with writing but please continue because this is amazing and you're really good at writing.

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