• Member Since 14th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


A lovable goofball who delights in spreading positive vibes and writing stories. =3 (AKA Orangie1984 of Derpibooru!)


This story is a sequel to TimberTwi Tales: Their First Date

Timber Spruce and Twilight Sparkle have been going out for a few months now.

Timber is fully head-over-heels in love, but he's starting to have doubts regarding Twilight's feelings. Will this weekend change things for the couple?

Volume III of TimberTwi Tales. Takes place during "Not Just Any Old Day" and "Not Just Any Other Old Day".

Part of "Not Just Any Old Continuity" which includes:
Not Just Any Old Trilogy
The Anon-A-Miss Saga
The Crystal Prep Chronicles

This series can be read on its own.

Here's a list of all my stories for easy access!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 12 )

This was a very nice start. Glad to see some followup to the previous TimberTwi Tales story! Will definitely be keeping an eye on this one and seeing where it goes from here. :pinkiesmile:

Just checking, but did you read this one too?

TTimberTwi Tales: Their First Date
Timber Spruce and Twilight Sparkle go out on their first date together. TimberTwi Tales #2
CapNTilfy · 4.6k words  ·  15  11 · 513 views

It's in my Read it Later folder. Thanks for the reminder :twilightsheepish:

Hah, this was fun. Especially the punchline to the whole chapter. :raritywink: :rainbowlaugh:

Nicely done. :pinkiesmile:
Definitely enjoyed seeing Timber and Twi's outing at the museum. ^_^

Glad that I finally got around to finishing this story. :twilightsmile:

Man, Timber is over the moon right now. Or maybe, to be more specific, experiencing ALL the feelings right now.

Nicely done. :raritywink:

“Trixie?” Timber raised an eyebrow. She didn’t seem to be much of a gamer girl, but then again, he hardly knew anything about her!

Same here, revolving video games. :applejackunsure:

Twilight laughed. "I actually said the same thing to myself earlier today." She found herself blushing again. "We think alike, don't we?" she paused for a moment. "Let's check out the new exhibit about caves and bats!"

And is why I ship you and Sunset Sci Twi. :ajsmug:

Karst is a landscape made from the dissolution of soluble rocks.

Interesting. :rainbowhuh:

Gloriosa cupped her chin in thought as she hummed. “Twilight sounds a little confused… maybe it’s teenage hormones?” She shrugged.

This is also her first ever relationship with someone so that could be another reason. :fluttershysad:

“Why does romance have to be so complicated,” Timber muttered under his breath as he started washing his hair. He wished his parents were still around to give him some advice on how to deal with this situation. It’s not that he wasn’t grateful for Gloriosa’s help or anything, he just wanted help from someone who’d had actual experience with romantic relationships.

Your question is as good as mine. :applejackunsure:

"Yes...actually. You've been on my mind practically all day, not to mention most of the time since I've known you. You're kind, you're funny. You're so incredibly supportive when I need it. I just wanted to hear your voice so very badly tonight. Timber Spruce...I love you."

Sometimes being patient with get you the stuff you want in life. And love is one of them. :twilightsmile:

Aside from a few scenes where Timber daydreamed what his possible future be like with Sci Twi, I indeed enjoyed this story, and am now caught up with all the stories I've wanted to read made by you CapNTilfy. :twilightsmile:

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