This story is a sequel to The Tournament Of Friendship
Months have passed since the Friendship Games. Twilight Sparkle has been invited to join her new friends, the Rainbooms, for an end of the school year trip to Camp Everfree for some early summer fun. But as they settle in for some fun, strange things start to happen... and it only gets stranger from there on...
Continuation of the Shattered verse. Reading Tournament of Friendship is not required
Great start!
Poor Sci-Twi thought. That nightmare was seriously creepy. She might even have it a bit worse than her canonical version did. That being said, it was really sweet to see her morning with her family afterwards, and that she's still allowed to go on the trip with her friends despite Twilight going to a different school and all.
The trip to the camp itself was fun. I got a kick out of Flash's conversation with the other girls about the Dazzlings and technology... and then poor Fluttershy at the rest stop.
That ending though. Good to know that even in an alternate universe, Autumn Blaze is still the same.
This was a lot of fun! Just one thing though:
Both of those "its" should have an apostrophe, because AJ is saying "it has" been a few months, and Rarity's saying that "it" (her mohawk) "is" punk. See?
Came here because of the cover art; please tell me we can expect Stranger Things-esqe shenanigans.
Also, thank you for not including the fashion show, that subplot seemed completely pointless in the movie.
Autumn Blaze is best intern.
This was a lot of good sweet slice-of-life fun to read, especially the mentions of Pinkie and Derpy. So cute! And on the funny side, I got a laugh out of the little side discussion at dinner about "Salty's Sea Palace". The name makes me imagine a Chuck E. Cheese's run by Mr. Krabs or something.
Also, nice twist on the legend of Gaea Everfree for this story. Always fun to see what little tweaks and changes can be made to the source material for the Shattered-verse!
And finally, that ending... hoo boy. First scene of something mysterious going on around here, right? Poor Rara, having to witness that. I don't blame her for not wanting to go back to sleep!
An alternative version of Camp Everfree eh? This'll be interesting!
Poor Twilight!
Poor Fluttershy!
Hooray, we're getting our Stranger Things!
Very good chapter and I like the pairing choices as tent partners!
Is... Rarity secretly having a thing with Applejack or am I reading this scene wrong?
And I assumed no Sci-Twi x Timber pairing in this universe?
I agree! I never saw the point of including that pointless fashion show scene in the middle of camp. ...except showing off characters in different outfits to promote toys.
Autumn Blaze!
I love her in the original show! I'm was super disappointed that she was only in one episode of the whole series.
You written her so perfectly in this scene and I'm already looking forward to see her more!
Well... now things are getting interesting! And I'm also getting some Stranger Things vibes!
Oh jeez! Not only I noticed a FNaF reference, but also BatIM reference too! Both those games are scary!
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Intent was not to have Rarijack be a thing in this story, I had the whimper there just to say she wanted to be in a bunk with her friend, that's all.
And a massive yay for Stranger Things. Wanted to try and give this story a bit of that vibe, think it could be fun. And that Ink Machine reference... I did have a story idea somewhere in my vault for a Bendy and the Ink Machine crossover at somepoint... depending on how motivated I will be
Interesting... very interesting! I like the way you handle Twilight and Fluttershy's scene at the start of this chapter, and the way that we got to look more into the goings-on with some of the other CHS kids too. That campfire scene was really nice, getting to learn more about not just Flash, but Derpy and Thunderbass and Micro Chips too. Good work!
And speaking of campfire scenes... I really liked the concluding bit with Twilight and Timber Spruce. This story's offering an interesting twist on the original character, that's for sure. He seems to have some issues with the camp, but to his credit, he is still trying to be professional and make it a good time for the campers. Good on him. I don't know if I could do that in his shoes.
One little typo I caught, that I missed earlier - Pinkie should be "leaning" her head, not "leering" her head. Leering is a type of nasty smile you make!
Why does the cover art make it look like this is a Stranger Things crossover?
It was an enjoyable chapter, especially with other students sitting down by the fire and talked about their lives.
Really like your take with the interactions between Timber and Sci-Twi!
Once again, great chapter!
So each of this universe Rainbooms have powers now:
1. Fluttershy can shape-shift into any animals.
2. Applejack has super strength.
3. Pinkie Pie controls her hair at will.
4. Rarity is indestructible and heals injuries.
5. And Rainbow Dash can float into the air.
AJ is the only one who has similar power from the main universe while others are different.
Great work with the chapter, Four!
One thing though - you used "it's" claws for the bear, when the correct term there is "its". XD
Also, typo that *I* missed before...
Meant it to be "still looked concerned". Or "still didn't look convinced." I had a brainfart writing that, my bad.
Yeah... as the guy who collaborated on the Rainbooms' powers for this story, I couldn't think of a power that I felt fit Applejack besides super-strength. But I hope to play with that in a bit of a more unique way than canon... and plus, Sci-Twi still seems to have telekinesis powers, like canon, so there's that too!
Since AJ's counterpart is an earth pony, maybe her power could be geomancy? Like bending the earth and stone to one's will. Kinda like in Avatar: The Last Air-bender?
Maybe. I did kick that around at one point. I did kick around one idea kind of like it and her canon powers - that AJ can draw on her super-strength as long as she's in contact with the ground. Kinda like this giant from Greek myth, Antaeus; he was invincible until Herakles defeated him by lifting him up into the air, whereupon he lost his super-strength and the Herk won.
Aww.... poor Twilight. She's really being put through hell with these nightmares.
That being said, I really enjoyed the flashback scene (heh) about Flash and Aria. That was really sweet - and then became funny in the present where Thunderbass ribs him about dating a girl who's a giant seahorse.
That flashback between Flash and Aria was really sweet!
Poor Twilight! I hope there is someone around to stop her from leaving the camp and help her.
Twilight's scene with Fluttershy was really wonderful. It shows just how the two of them have come in some ways - Twilight now caring so much about her friends, and Fluttershy being kind enough to support and comfort a friend. Really wonderful.
And also, that scene with Timber and Gloriosa promises some interesting potential for down the road, methinks...
I'm glad that Fluttershy was able to convince Twilight to stay. The friendship between these two are so sweet!
While I'm glad that Timber and Gloriosa get along well, but I'm curious that something is going to happen.
I can't help but wonder: what's with the wolves? Why are they acting this way?
Um... FourShadow, you kinda repeated a big chunk of text in the latter half of the chapter.
EDIT - thanks.
Now, this was still a lot of fun! I really liked Twilight opening up to her friends, that was sweet. (And also had a funny punchline at the end too... oh, Rainbow Dash. XD) Also fun to see some insight into one of the principals in that scene with the camp gift.
And Timber, yeah... those stories you're discounting at the moment, may very well be truer than you might imagine...
Yeah, I thought I had accidentally scrolled up.
I'm glad to have been of service, Four. This was a good chapter to work on, I think, and I really enjoyed a lot of the scenes here - in particular it was really fun and sweet to see that bit with Rarity, AJ and Coloratura
And on a more serious note... I'm definitely invested in the story as we go further along. There's some spooky stuff going on at Camp Everfree, for sure! Wonder what it all entails, hmm...
I'm glad that Sci-Twi is opening up to her friends!
And who (or rather what) was sneaking around the camp?
I definitely like the bonding moment between Applejack, Rarity and Coloratura. It was sweet!
And yikes! What caused the tower to be destroyed? And Gloriosa did not take the geodes? Interesting...
It's all right, Four. Glad I was able to be of assistance to you.
Poor Twilight. She's really gotten herself into a predicament this time.
Oh crud!
What happens if the Dazzlings sees the rain booms with power?
Very fitting music at the end.
It was a lengthy wait, Four, but it was most definitely worth it.
Definitely worth the wait!
I figured that it was Timber who was behind this. After all, his sister is the culprit in the original EqG.
Now I wonder what will happen next?
This was a nice chapter. Glad to see the other characters being brought up to speed, and start to make a plan for going forward.
(Also, I got a laugh out of poor Principal Luna at the end. XD)
This is awesome!
Excellent chapter!
I am very excited for the blooper reel chapter
Is this story dead?
It is not. I'm just a very slow person. Production is still working, I can assure you.
The story IS. NOT. DEAD.
I know it's moving painfully so, but it's not dead. Until it's marked with cancelled, it is not dead.
It's okay, I understand. It was worth the wait!
I don't think them splitting up is a good idea. When it comes to horror movies, that usually doesn't end well!
Who or what did Timber see at the end? Something tells me that it's not good!
Great chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one whenever it comes out!
It's fine, Four. This was a good chapter!
Definitely eager to see where this story will go next from here.
Not bad, Four, not bad at all.
Glad to see more of this story again!
Oh, man! This isn't good at all!
Excellent action-packed chapter!
Finished reading the last two chapters and it was definitely worth the wait!
The final battle between the students and the Timberwolves were epic, Twilight overcame Midnight Sparkle, Timber appreciated his family's Campsite, the Rainbooms learned about their powers and Songs of the Sea (The Dazzlings and the gang) finally appeared in the end.
Really enjoyed your take on Legend of Everfree and I couldn't wait to see what else is in store in the Shattered verse series.
This was a nice climax, Four. Maybe a little rushed in the resolution at the very end, but still, really nicely done - I quite liked the moment of Twilight rejecting the memory/fear of Midnight Sparkle. And I'm never gonna turn down Fluttershy as a freaking T-rex either!
This was a nice finish and I am very glad to have been a part of this story's making, Four. Give yourself a pat on the back for having completed this reimagining of Legend of Everfree - you deserve it.
So, what's actually happening with the Shatteredverse? I recall a setup for a crossover between it and EqG Prime but it looks like you've just kinda dropped that plot.
Prime? What are you talking about?