• Published 4th Sep 2021
  • 791 Views, 5 Comments

My Fey Lady - Wise Cracker

Discord's mother is coming to visit. Fluttershy offers to help him get through it. Only one problem: Fluttershy will need to pretend to be his match, both romantically and power-wise. Easy, right?

  • ...

My Little Enabler

Sweet Feather Sanctuary was still the same as Fluttershy had left it yesterday, minus the Kirin visitor, who had taken the second day of her visit to go check the antique stores of Ponyville. Aside from a few minor paw injuries and some head trauma cases from the recent jackalope mating season, all was quiet.

She only had one special case to worry about, and now that special case had some company.

“There you go, Apus. You and Priscilla can get to know each other, and you have the whole sanctuary almost to yourself,” Fluttershy said, smiling as she set the starbeast bird of paradise down on one of the perches. Its lower body undulated, and previously non-existing claws emerged from its mass to let it sit upright, if barely.

The phoenix approached the haggard starbird cautiously, before greeting it with a friendly rub of the head. Apus was still shaken, no doubt from the long neglect, but he returned the affection after a little while.

“You know, you really scared me there for a second, Fluttershy,” Discord said.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. But it’s for the best. I take care of Tank and Opal all the time, and even Owlowiscious has been here once or twice. I take care of all the animals my friends bring in.”

Discord nodded sullenly, looking at his former pet. “I didn’t bring him in, though.”

“No, you didn’t. Your mother wouldn’t have let you.” She bit her lip for a moment. “But that’s not something you should feel bad about. She’s only abusing your sense of empathy.”

He jokingly put his claws together and made a halo appear above his head. “Abusing my weakness, you mean.”

“Feeling for others is not a weakness, not all the time. It’s exploitable, though.” She held a hoof in front of her mouth. “Darnit.”

“Still can’t tell a lie, Fluttershy,” Discord reminded her, before dispelling his costume. “It’s alright. I know I don’t have the best track record with these things. Apus should stay with you, get better.”

She looked at him, trying to see any sort of deception in his eyes. “I think I understand why now, actually. The track record, I mean. It’s probably the same reason you do a lot of the things you do.”

Discord braced himself for a stern talk.

“It’s because you’re so used to being able to change things back. Anything you do with a snap of your fingers, you can usually undo with a snap of your fingers.” She stared at her vine-wrapped forelimbs. “It makes it hard to ask for help, I guess, or to apologise. You can get rid of so many consequences so easily, you forget the ones you can’t. I’ve only had that kind of power for a day and a half and I can feel it. I can’t imagine what it’s like after millennia.”

The Lord of Chaos chuckled. “You know, I never thought about it like that. Perhaps that’s why Celestia forgave me so easily. I was starting to wonder, after she sent that filly to Tartarus.”

“You’ll have to discuss that with her, I think.”

“Later.” He stretched out and groaned. “Oh, even with the stars moving differently in my realm, that talk took more out of me than I cared for. It’s barely ten in the morning and I’m already spent.”

Fluttershy hummed a tune and conjured a fainting couch for him to drop back on.

“Thank you, that feels so much better. Do you mind if I stay here for a little while? Just to rest up in the sunlight.”

“If you promise not to cause any mischief in the meantime.”

“Of course, I’m too tired anyway.”

“Discord, promise me.”

“I promise to only rest and not cause any mischief, shenanigans or any other kind of chaotic unpleasantness while I’m here. I’ll even promise to be careful so I don’t do anything unintentionally. I’m on your domain, remember? And I’ve learned my lesson about pushing things on an archfey’s domain.” He winked, before blinking a set of sunglasses into existence.

“Good. I think I’ll go around to Sweet Apple Acres, see if I can keep my promise tomorrow.”

“You do that. Enjoy that phenomenal natural power while it lasts. And make sure that when you try to make anything-”

“It won’t go away when my powers fade. Use things that already exist, don’t conjure anything load-bearing. I had thought of that already, but thank you for reminding me.” She turned away to leave, before stopping. “Oh, and Discord?”


Her wings quivered, spilling nervous glitter over the ground. “Umm, yesterday, when you said no one was really friends with Idun, the same way no one was really friends with you? Did you mean you have the same problem, or that you both didn’t have many friends?”

He sighed. “You finally thought of that, didn’t you?”

“It, umm, it caught my ears. And it’s been tickling them after that talk with your mother.”

“It doesn’t concern you, Fluttershy, not really. I appreciate the thought, but… as a friend, that’s something I’d rather keep to myself.”

“I understand. I only thought that, maybe, if Idun spreads youth and immortality, she might have a lot of ponies, or mortals, or not-mortals, who pretend to be her friend just so they can get her apples. And if you had the same issue… I remember what Princess Celestia said when she asked us to release you. I remember her words, and I remember not really liking it.”

He snorted mirthlessly. “That would make you the only one of your friends. Yes, that was a problem, long ago. Very long ago. I don’t remember how much it hurt, but I remember what I learned from it. It’s in my nature, I suppose.”

“Well, it’s in my nature to heal, so rest up. I’ll go talk to Sunburst after I’m done with Apple Bloom, he’ll know what to do to help Apus. And after that, you’re staying for lunch, and dinner.”

“Now, Fluttershy, I really can’t-”

“You’re on my domain, what I say, goes. You are recovering. So recover.”

He shrugged. “Heh. Well, if you insist.”

“To Sweet Apple Acres!”

The Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse was in disarray, more than usual. Boxes were set outside, random bits of paper were strewn about with plans and logs of activities, as well as possible blackmail material.

Applejack and Fluttershy stood outside in front of the entrance ramp, looking up as the girls made their best attempt at cleaning.

“So, you done with whatever Discord wanted?” Applejack asked, unfazed by her friend’s sudden appearance.

“Yes. I see the girls are hard at work.”

“Yup. Been at it since dawn, gettin’ mixed results, figured I could spare a few minutes before Filthy Rich comes by to collect his order. How are you getting on? No trouble with the coat? No shedding glitter?”

Fluttershy chuckled. “Nothing I couldn’t handle. It’s fine, Applejack, and I feel fine.”

“And you’re sure this whole winged plant deer thing won’t last?”


“Discord promised?”

“His friend did. And she seemed nice. Very nice, even, you’d like her, and her husband.”

“Did you do what you needed to? You’re sure? No loose ends?”

“No loose ends. I made sure everything is in order, and everything will stay in order once this fades.”

Discord had assured her as much right after she’d given Apus the once-over: an oath sworn in the presence of an archfey will last, even if the archfey in question loses their powers or worse. If the oath could be broken while her powers were gone, it could be broken while she was at full power, that’s how that branch of magic worked. The draconequus had been very insistent on that point, even nervous, as if he’d run into a similar situation before.

Her mind wandered back to Apus then. Poor thing, he was suffering from long-term malnutrition, among other things. She hadn’t found any parasites, at least, and there were no signs of any contamination or illness, only neglect. Apus didn’t eat like a starved animal, either. Usually, such cases ended up with long-term issues of gorging and eating too quickly, but Apus hesitated when presented with food.

He hadn’t been starved of food; he’d been taught not to eat.

“Is Discord happy?” Applejack asked, snapping Fluttershy out of her train of thought. “Just outta curiosity, of course, I don’t want him trying to top his old speed record of the Ten Plagues again.”

“He’s resting. And he’s happy.”

“Good.” Applejack nodded and sighed in relief. “He oughtta be happy. Stars know we can’t handle him when he’s feelin’ bored.”

“Is this a ballistic missile wand or a short-range?” came a cry from inside the clubhouse. It sounded like Scootaloo.

“Can it hit anything in Canterlot from here?” Apple Bloom replied.

Four arcane missiles flew out of the east window of the clubhouse. In the distance, the two mares could hear impacts on Ponyville Elementary’s school bell.

“No, it only goes up to the school,” Scootaloo said, with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

“Probably ain’t ballistic, then.”

Aplpejack snorted. “Remind me to talk to Mudbriar about what exactly constitutes a ‘child-proof’ magical device.”

“Is this an empty Wand of Fireballs or an empty Wand of Magic Missiles?” Scootaloo asked, evidently done with the previous piece of magical artillery.

“Does it smell like burnt toast or burnt eggs?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I don’t know what either of those smell like! Here, Sweetie Belle, you try.”

“I told you I don’t work with gas ovens!” came a squeaky reply. “Oh, and that’s cucumber, definitely a Wand of Sun Burning.”

Fluttershy’s nose curled at the thought. Then she noticed Applejack fiddling with what looked like an engraved monocle. “What’s that lens you have there?”

“Well, accordin’ to the label, that’d be a Spyglass of Magical Detection. Any eye lookin’ through it instantly sees the make and type on any of the mass-made magical items, and a rough idea of anything that’s a little special, or older.” Applejack blew on the lens and wiped it on her hide. “Little somethin’ I got from Scootaloo’s mom, she had a box full of’em, said it might help in case we ever stumble across anything in the Everfree Forest. You know, for safety’s sake, not to touch anything that might still go off.”

“Wouldn’t having that make it easier on the girls?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Sure. And it will, once they remember we have these things lying around and they bother to ask.”

Apple Bloom poked her head out of a window, a set of bottles bound together in her hoof. “Can I leave these potions outside? I need more room for my staff stacks.”

“Yeah, sure, just don’t let them break,” Applejack said.

Curious, Fluttershy approached the bottles once they were deposited. “Umm, Applejack? Why do those potions have heart-shaped bubbles in them?”

“Good question. Apple Bloom! What kinda potions have you been making?”

“Just stuff I’m practisin’ with Meadowbrook, now that Zecora’s in jail!” the filly called out from inside.

“Uhuh. And these ain’t love potions, by any chance?”

“What? Nah, no, of course not. That’d be ridiculous.”

Applejack inspected the labels after Fluttershy shot her a knowing glance. “Then why are they labelled ‘Rumble,’ ‘Tender Taps,’ and ‘Eligible Unicorn Colt,’ with the names ‘Snips’ and ‘Snails’ crossed out?”

“D’err… it’s a pro phylactery!”

“A whatnow?” Applejack asked.

“Somepony’s trying to make a living as a necromancer?” Fluttershy asked.

Apple Bloom came outside to drop more potions off. “Not like that. They’re all pretty talented boys, so some no-good filly’s bound to try and slip’em a love potion sooner or later. We figured we’d get them immune early on, with a low dose.”

“Uhuh,” Applejack said. “And Snips and Snails are crossed out because…”

“Any filly who wants to bother making them a love potion deserves to keep them,” Sweetie Belle replied, before going back to cleaning duties.

Applejack grunted. “Do the boys know you’re plannin’ to boost their immune system?”

“Hey, we all got mandatory vaccinations against the Feather Flu, even though only one of us can get it. And love potions cause way more damage in the long run. Just wait, Princess Twilight will make this kinda love potion treatment mandatory in a couple months, we’re ahead of the curve, is all.” Apple Bloom held her head up high as she strode back into the clubhouse.

Fluttershy sniffed the bottles. “For what it’s worth, these are pretty weak. I don’t think any of these bottles would work for longer than four days, and they wouldn’t do much. Except the one for Rumble.” She sniffed it again. “I’m pretty sure Rumble’s getting a triple dose for some reason.”

Applejack picked that one up after checking it through her lens. “Thanks for the warning, I’ll let Thunderlane know.”

“And the other potions? Those are what they say they are. I think the strong one might be their first brew, they probably just forgot.”

“I’m all for prevention, but that’s still way too many ethical quandaries beyond my purview, Fluttershy. I feel like I should put these away, but at the same time…” She shuddered. “Apple Bloom knows how to make more.”

“Maybe we should ask Meadowbrook for a universal antidote?” Fluttershy suggested. “I’m sure there is one, for love potions. I mean, there really should be, with how often they were used back in her day.”

“Good thinkin’. Speaking of ethical quandaries, are ya sure you don’t mind redecorating the clubhouse? I don’t want ya to think we’re taking advantage or nothin’, it feels uncouth.”

“I know, and thank you. But these powers will only last until tomorrow night, and I do want to take advantage of the opportunity. Besides, I know Apple Bloom had her heart set on catching the Great Seedling. She should get a little something for catching a different fey creature.”

“Just so long as she doesn’t start makin’ a habit out of it, I suppose.”

The two mares went silent for a moment.

“I’ll have a talk with her after I grant her wish, tell her to stop tossing nets around,” Fluttershy started.

“Please do. I don’t wanna give the family lawyer another excuse to up his monthly rates.”

“Doesn’t he get paid by the hour?”

“We got a discount about… Apple Bloom! When was your first lawsuit again?”

“When I was six, disturbin’ the peace! Why?”

From in the clubhouse, there came a cry of “Ha! I got to judge Snickety when I was five and a half, mass speeding tickets.”

Fluttershy glanced at Applejack again. Then she heard a distinct grumble, followed by “Four and three quarters, environmental hazard. Which is so unfair: charcoal biscuits are supposed to help against food poisoning, it all balances out!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “So yeah, we got a monthly rate for a few years now, way more cost-effective.”

“I’ll take your word for it. They won’t be finished cleaning up before tomorrow, will they?”

“Nope. Not a chance.”

“I’ll come back tomorrow, then.”

“Are ya gonna talk to Twilight about this?”

The fey bit her lip. “I was wondering if I should, but I can’t help but think she’ll want to do some experiments. Maybe tomorrow, in the evening, right before it wears off?”

“Good thinkin’. Mind if I ask what you’re gonna do with the rest of the day, then?”

“Visit Sunburst to talk about my newest patient, wake up Discord from his nap, check on my animals, and then… I don’t know. I'll still have a day and a half with this magic. What do you think I should do?”

Applejack was taken aback by the question. “You’re askin’ me? You’re the one with weird faerie tale powers now, you decide. Or ask somepony who might have a good idea.”

“What would you do if you had these powers?”

“Well, after Filthy Rich comes by, my chores are done for the day, so not that. Maybe do something to make life easier after those powers fade, but you’re already doing that for my sister.” Applejack thought for a moment. “Honestly?”


“I’m not sure what I’d do with magical powers, but I know what I’d do if I had wings: I’d go flying sometime, with you and Rainbow Dash. See what all the fuss is about, you know? Seeing as now you’ve got magical powers like Discord’s… maybe you two should hang out while you can.”

Hang out with Discord.

Have some fun, together, now that we’re both on the same level of power.

I didn’t think that was an option.

“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, actually.”

“Just don’t cause too much of a fuss, please? I don’t think Twilight would appreciate the hassle of cleaning up after you two.”

“Oh, that won’t be a problem. With our powers, nothing we do does any permanent damage.”

Day two and three of Fluttershy’s archfey form and powers had come and gone. She’d patched up the clubhouse, as promised. She’d also had some fun with Discord.

Harmless fun, she reminded herself.

No one was hurt.

But still, she was in trouble, and standing before a tribunal consisting of an alicorn and a small dragon, with her draconequus co-conspirator by her side.

On the bright side, it was nice to see her royal friend again.

Princess Twilight pressed a hoof to her forehead, reading the list of incidents. She’d had her head buried in paperwork since Discord and Fluttershy had entered. The throne room was a good twenty paces long, giving guests plenty of time to contemplate their greetings to the Princess. It also gave lawbreakers a nice little walk of shame for everyone’s enjoyment.

“Honestly, Fluttershy, what were you thinking? You’re supposed to be a good influence on Discord, he’s not supposed to be a bad influence on you!” Twilight never looked up from the floating papers.

Fluttershy and Discord had gotten around.

“Oh, I thought it was some harmless fun with my friend,” Fluttershy said. “We had the opportunity to do some activities together, and we took it.”

“Right, of course: fun. Fun all over Equestria and beyond. Let’s see: you challenged the Wonderbolts to a race and then cheated.”

“To be fair, neither of us ever specified ‘no teleporting,’” Fluttershy started.

“And it’s not our fault they never noticed that waterfall, that’s all on them going faster than their eyes could see,” Discord added.

Twilight huffed. “Okay, that part I can understand, I’ve been talking to Spitfire about that already. But then you organised a beauty contest? Why?”

“That was entirely my idea, I take full responsibility.” Discord said, raising a claw with his head down. “It’s an old habit, something I used to do to entertain myself, I thought Fluttershy might enjoy joining me once. But it is a bad habit, I know, I am trying to kick it, and I am sorry.” He slapped a patch on his right shoulder. “In my defense: that particular beauty contest didn’t start a war this time. That’s progress, right?”

“Wonderful progress,” Fluttershy agreed. “I am so proud of you.”

A royal groan filled the throne room. “I’d feel a lot better about it if you didn’t decide to hold it in the changeling hive, of all places! How do you even manage to set that up in less than a day, never mind doing the whole thing one day later?”

“You’d be surprised how much teleportation speeds things up,” Discord started.

“And it is the off season in Canterlot," Fluttershy added. "A lot of fashion and show ponies were available for a quick event. And for everything else, we had magic. Thorax thought it was a good idea.”

“Why?” Twilight asked.

“I think he was hoping to join in at some point,” Discord replied. “Although things did get awkward when we started selecting judges. You’d think Thorax would love to be on the panel, but no.”

“He was only trying to keep every changeling happy. He was probably scared of upsetting anyone,” Fluttershy said.

“That’s not what I meant!” Twilight yelled, staring at Discord. “They’re shapeshifters! What is the point of even giving them a beauty contest?”

Fluttershy snickered. “Well, for starters, Ocellus was looking to impress a boy from two caves over. She’s had a crush for a few years, apparently. And she does have self-image issues.”

Discord nodded. “She did look very fetching in the swimsuit section. For her age, obviously, modest yet stylish, excellent look, the judges all agreed.”

Fluttershy nodded in kind, before tilting her head in thought. “We probably should have been a little more specific in how we worded it, though.”

The draconequus’s eyes went wide. “I’m still trying to figure out how a single changeling can transform into a two-piece suit. Shouldn’t that be a superpower for them? That feels like it shouldn’t be something they can do.”

Fluttershy nodded, having pondered that same question. “I know. Doesn’t that hurt? And they can still see and hear things when they turn into a rock or a tree. Does that still work as a two-piece?”

“That's exactly my point," Discord agreed. "Where do the eyes go? What happens to the mouth? Never mind that, what happens to their bu-”

“That’s beside the point!” Twilight interrupted, in Royal Canterlot voice. “Do you have any idea how much damage you did to their Hive?”

“I didn’t think we did any damage.” Discord replied. “What are you talking about?”

“All of their females changed shape after that contest. They all turned into the winner. Now all their females look the same!”

Discord shot Twilight a glare. “Now really, Twilight, that’s just the sort of racist talk that got Zecora arrested.”

"You know, we really should have seen that coming when she said all that stuff about dragon greed and me," Spike said. "At least Smolder got some evidence."

“I agree,” Fluttershy said. “Not all of the changeling girls turned. Ocellus stayed the same, and she finally told that boy the truth. She took a risk, and she came out of her shell, once, for something she thinks was important. One of our students learned a valuable lesson about self-worth and the image you project to the world.”

“And everyone who needs to still learn that lesson is now very easy to spot, so it’ll save your ambassadors a lot of time in the long run," Discord added. "Besides, turns out changelings haven’t figured out the whole pair-bonding thing yet. I thought you’d appreciate some efforts to preserve the species.”

“Right, of course, that makes it all fine,” Twilight remarked sarcastically. “Parade some under-age changelings before a crowd, no problems there!”

“Technically, they weren’t all under-age,” Fluttershy remarked. “And we made sure to keep it appropriate, you can ask Coco Pommel and Hoity Toity. They help host those events for all ages too, they're very strict on these things.”

“I will.” Twilight angrily flipped the page in her magic. “Then there’s this. Do I even have to ask about the mess you made in Ponyville Hospital? All those noodles!”

“We were having fun! And it was cleaned up... eventually.” Discord argued. “What’s an afternoon of fun without a noodle incident?”

“Besides, Twilight, you know what’s been going on in that hospital, it was long overdue.”

“Ugh, fine. I can let that one go, too, I suppose. But what about this?” She pointed at another floating scroll. “You sank a ship belonging to the Hippogryph royal family?”

“Oh, you mean Silverstream’s ship? No, that was Ocellus,” Fluttershy clarified.

“Fluttershy, you cannot possibly try to blame Ocellus for sinking a vessel.”

“No, I mean Silverstream thought Ocellus looked cute with Smolder and, well, that’s not going to happen now.”

“Unless that boy decides to turn into Smolder for the occasion,” Discord mused. “It’s not like they can’t do it.”

“Don't change the subject! Just look at this list!” Twilight held up a scroll in her magic. “Never mind the diplomatic nightmare you two caused, all these little things add up! Rose gardens covering skyscrapers, statues turned into bird feeders, the unauthorised expansion of the Royal Hennery? Do you have any idea how much paperwork is involved pertaining to that persnickety poultry?”

Right as she was about to answer, Fluttershy felt her wings go back to their old selves. Leaves rustled around her hooves, a weight on her head vanished, and glitter exploded out from her, before dissipating harmlessly.

She gasped. “What? Oh my gosh, Twilight, I am so sorry! Discord, you really should have warned me how much that magic was going to affect me!” She glared at him, nose curled in anger. "I haven't been thinking straight for three days and you couldn't tell me? I am very disappointed in you."

“I… forgot in all the excitement.” Discord looked away and fidgeted.

“Twilight, I am so sorry, I’m sure every problem I caused is back to normal now,” the Pegasus pony lied, before marching off. “You come home with me right now, Mister, you need a stern talking to.”

Discord shrugged and followed Fluttershy out. “Well, that’s my cue to leave. Sorry you couldn’t dissect your friend while she was all-powerful!”

Once she’d cleared the twenty paces and Discord walked past her, Fluttershy turned back one last time in the doorway, making sure everything was in order.

Twilight, oblivious to Fluttershy’s spying, blinked before facing Spike. “Wait, what? What just happened? What was that glitter? Did I miss something?”

“Yeah, I’m surprised, too,” Spike said. “You didn’t even mention the antlers.”

“Fluttershy had antlers?”

“Guess you were a little too focused on your papers again,” the dragon remarked.

Fluttershy quickly made like a hare and split.

“Nice job on the bait and switch,” Discord started once she joined him in the corridor.

Fluttershy giggled. “That was a fun prank. Do you think she fell for it?”

“I heard that!”

They both stopped in their tracks. They exchanged a quizzical glance.

“Listening devices in the corridors? How pedestrian.” Discord looked around for any magical bugs.

“Alicorn Princess! I have bat pony hearing too!” came the reply.

Discord nodded in appreciation. “Oh, of course she does, silly me. These past few days have been very educational. Alright, then, what do you think I’ll get this time, Fluttershy: marble or granite?”

Fluttershy smiled up at him. “I guess it depends. Do you think it’ll be for me: walnut or oak tree?”

Discord let out a hearty laugh. “Ah, well, she’ll have to catch us first.”

He snapped his fingers, and made them both vanish in a getaway starburst.

The End.

Author's Note:

So this one was the most expanded upon from the original concept. More comedy, more randomness, and some nice feels. Fluttershy getting advice from Applejack, and the response to what she'd do with those powers, seemed obvious.

The CMC shenanigans are just easy to write and kind of obvious once I get the angle. The love potion thing and Zecora getting arrested for hate speech towards dragons is mainly a way to show that time's been passing and things have been happening since the coronation. And it's not too far-fetched: watch Zecora explain dragon greed again sometime, and then pretend she's talking about any other minority character the show's introduced before or since. And also note she's wrong: Spike fails to steal a scooter right after and still gets bigger.

Anyway, then the changeling beauty contest. That feels like it should be its own story, and maybe I'll get around to writing it one day. The idea that there's a swimsuit section and they all just flop down in the form of a piece of lycra is too hilarious to pass up, there must be comics about that by now, or there ought to be. Can tie in with the cheerleading episode, too, if Ocellus did that because her crush happens to like cheerleaders.

Hope y'all enjoyed, see you in the next one, no spoilers in the comment section :raritywink:

Comments ( 3 )

And all's well that ends well.

that was really cool! I wish I could see how Fluttershy's fey form looked

I can't promise anything, but never say never. This was written in a period (a still ongoing one, in fact) where making art became a more solid interest, but not one I could find a good workflow for. If I do ever make art of Flutter-Fey, I'd probably do it in 3D, or at least sketch out the proportions in 3D. But it'd be from scratch, though, SFM models aren't fit for that purpose.

Anyway, glad you liked it! 'Twas a blast to write, especially in some areas.

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