• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 7th, 2016

Dream Bolt


Rarity has nothing to worry about. Fluttershy is the kindest, sweetest mare in all of Equestria. She wouldn't cause any trouble at the mall.

So why does Rarity still feel anxious? It doesn't help that a certain draconequus is lurking about, watching her every move and awaiting the chaos that Rarity's previous trips have caused.

Read the prequels! I mean, um, if that's okay with you.

At the Mall
At the Mall Again
Return to the Mall

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

This has got to be one of my favourite series of fics on the whole site, you don't know how glad I am you added another story.
Thanks man! That's just made my day :raritywink:

"J.C. Bit"
Ha! Nice parody of J.C. Penny's

your Discord is great. You combined his reformed side and chaotic side nicely

Another hilarious story! The touch of sentimentality between Fluttershy and Discord is very touching, and adds depth to the piece.

Now onto Twilight! Will she rage at a bookstore being neglected? Will she nerd out at some obscure Neighponese video game? Maybe she'll find some way to humiliate herself in front of a shopping Princess Celestial? Can't wait!

That bit with discord's alternate universes theory made you officially one of my favorite writers.

Btw, quite possibly the best one yet. Note to read the twilight one!

Another great mall story!. Fluttershy was very in character. More great pony puns!.

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