• Member Since 9th Aug, 2020
  • offline last seen September 7th


Recovering from being more cringe when I was last active.


I like All Tomorrows. I like My Little Pony. I also like to mock stereotypes at times. This is the braindead monstrosity that came from mixing that. It's literally just All Tomorrows but replacing the humans with ponies. Be sure to drop a dislike!

The Sex tag is included due to the fact that the Hedonists and Satyriacs exist and that means I have to make a pony version of them. So oof, I suppose.

On perpetual hiatus for the foreseeable future. Sorry, you all.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 2 )

It's about damn time somebody wrote this crossover! Can't wait to read it!

Hope you ended up liking it despite the tone shifting randomly! I am really not good at writing....

Also, I really should start putting work into this soon, I've just been having too much fun with an unrelated Amphibia AU I've been concocting.

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