• Member Since 9th Oct, 2012
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Gamer Script

Writer, singer, dancer, voice actor, gamer, streamer, and wide open for commissions.

Comments ( 23 )

Interesting start so far, looking forward to the next chapter, keep up the good work, I expect great things from this fanfic 👍

Okay so this was just one of his dreams right twilight's not dead right, because if she says I'm sorry but I can't keep reading I'm sure it's a great story but I cannot handle a story with a major character death

Does this fan fic involve violence on a war scale? Just asking due to curiosity.

Someone that craves warfare. Anthro, Human, Normal Ponies, sticks and stones, bronze and iron, steel and gunpowder, tanks and planes, lasers and nukes, ancient or modern, anything goes. As long as I get to see something great from my prospective.

Time will tell. If you don't want to continue on, that's fine. Not every story is for everyone.

I see... Well, my warmongering friend, I may just have a few treats in here for you. May not be for a while, but treats nonetheless.

"Wha-- No, of course not, dude! You're my friend, I'd never try to off you!" he says in a minor panic at the very thought that I'd think he would. That's one of the reasons I like Script. He's a dweeb with a heart of gold but the brain of a goldfish... Sometimes. Otherwise, my best friend. Has been for around the last ten years. We may as well have grown up together given our history. "You're with me on this, right Flash?"

Why do they call him flash?

"Wait a sec. Sonic, you said you heard her from across the street, right?" Script said confusedly with seemingly growing concern as Sonic nods and chuckles with a little strain.

Why does that matter?

"Tried telling Rainbow Dash, she blew me off. Tried telling you, you said I didn't know what I was talking about. Tried Pinkie Pie, but... Y'know... Too much energy to unpack there, so I left it. Figured three tries was three too many." I say with a shrug as I put my pencil down and cross my arms leaning back, "So what do I owe the... Interaction?" I say a bit disgruntled. The two stare at me for a second and soon, carry on.

Ok, I’m liking this guy so far. He’s willing to do the right thing, but knows when to cut his loses.

"Make an exception this one time so you can help your new friend I've never met and/or heard of to overthrow Sunset for reasons I still don't know cause you don't seem to want to explain?" I interrupt with a blank stare as I chuckle, "I can be petty, AJ. But that takes incentive and effort. Two things I highly lack. So, sorry, but I'm gonna have to make it a hard n--"

He can be petty? I’m liking him more.

You seem a bit lost. Anything I can answer?

Ok, last chapter we saw him ge blasted, where is his body?

You misunderstand. He's in his body, He and the others have been turned to anthros. Combined with their other world counterparts.

Just saw your other questions, so I'll just go ahead and answer those:

1. His name is Comet Flash.
2. He was asking because that means Sonic had to have darted across a busy road to get to them, in which case he injured himself.

"Wait... You're saying that all this is happening..." Script said with a seething breath as crimson began to take over his teal and gray hair as he turned in a flash to glare at him, "Because of some stupid concert tickets!?" the raging teen before them shouted, his usually greyish-blue eyes flashing to striking emerald greens as he seethed, bursts of visibly hot air slipping through his bared teeth.

Technically, this is happening because sunset got power hungry.

The blazing behemoth seemed to continue growling in a feral fashion before he suddenly closed his eyes and began taking deep breaths, flame escaping upon exhaling. He slowly shifted back to Script's normal form before opening his eyes, "Sorry about that. Big guy seemed pretty peeved... But yeah, can't blame you too heavily. You're a big Coluratura fan and I'm sure AJ had you covered. Who'd have even guessed Sunset had that kinda malice in her..." He said scratching the back of his head in thought.

I could’ve guessed.

"Probably, but knowing Sonic he's eating this up depending on what his Other is gonna be--" he stopped short as a strong gust of wind suddenly kicked up, the two of them bracing against the gale before looking to see a royal blue, one-winged hippogryph standing at the doorway. Panting in what one could assume was either excitement or terror as a familiar smile broke out across his face. Seeing this new creature appear before them, Cloud simply turned to Script with a simple gesture towards them and stated nonchalantly, "Told'ja."

Only one?

"Or else you'll what, Dash? You have no power here..." She said with a grin as she was holding her now red, clawed hand out, the aura surrounding it as she dragged Rainbow Dash over and forced her onto her knees to look the lied down Sunset Shimmer in the eyes, "You all will do as I say... Don't want anyone else getting hurt like poor little Scootaloo, do we?" She said as Rainbow's eyes widened with shock and dread. She went silent for a moment as she hung her head and let her arms slump down.

She does realize that she needs them right? She can’t do it by herself.

"Good. Now that I'm sure you all see where you stand at the moment, we have business to take care of." She said sitting back up and standing before them, "First and foremost, I'm sure you all want to get revenge for that dumb Sparkle, right? Well, you know I wasn't the one that caused it. Not directly, anyway." She said as she swiped her hand across her table and it showed what could only be called some form of a hologram of their home, the modern and the magic shining through equally in the architecture of buildings, the mountainous cities, high rises flying in the clouds. To them it was both fantastical and somehow... Normal in a strange way, "Who you want is that idiot coward, Cloud. He lives over here," she said as she pointed to a more sophisticated neighborhood on the border of Canterlot Commons, "But, just like the rest of us, he seems to now have powers... Which makes him unpredictable and far more frustrating. So what we'll do is--"

This is actually interesting. We don’t see a lot of fics with people that have similar powers to the girls. So does that mean we’re gonna see a super powered brawl?

"N-No." The room went quiet as they all peered over to the shivering and confused form of Fluttershy who held her skirt, ruffling it and seeming to try and calm herself down. Sunset heard this and glared towards her, "What was that?" "I-I said 'no'! Twilight... She wouldn't want us to hunt someone. To hurt someone for our own selfish reasons." She said as her shivering stopped and she grew a more determined look, a flash coming to her eyes, "Twilight knew that there were risks to leaving. To going to that world. Though she isn't here, I know she wouldn't want anyone being hurt because of her. I know I wouldn't. So I say 'no', Sunset Shimmer!" she shouted before being shoved away suddenly by a burst of magical flame, sending her reeling as she fell to the ground across the room.

So everyone has their own counterparts inside of them?

Cloud sighed and looked to the ground before nodding, "I see... Figures. You and my idiot brother never seem to be able to do anything without causing trouble. For others or yourselves... But this time, you put, what, the entire world in danger with this stunt?" He said plainly as Cloud clenched his teeth, "Don't get mad." He said as Cloud's head shot up, "Don't get upset or something, it'll only make you think less. You, of all of your little group, usually keep your head clearest. So keep doing that and think of how you can fix this instead of dawdling around and feeling sorry for yourself."

He’s not wrong.

"We are to take Canterlot and take down anyone that gets in our way." They all stated mechanically as the demonic grin on her face only grew. 'Get ready, Celestia. You too, Cloud... Soon, neither of you will be able to stop me...' She thought as she snapped her fingers and the seven girls left Sunset's abode, 'Let the games begin.'

So that means she has to find principal celestia?

She simply rose up her demonic clawed hand with a snap towards Applejack who's head turned at attention instantly and said, "Get them out of my sight." Once the order was given, she nodded and leapt into action. Being used to moving bipedal in comparison to the guards, she gained the upper hand quickly. Sounds of cracks, breaks, screams and bludgeoning like music to Sunset's ears as she snapped her fingers once more, the farmhand powerhouse stopping as she moved back to her side as if nothing had happened, nor that she had blood upon her hands as they walked past the bloodied and beaten men and women. Before she left however, she kicked one of the less injured onto his back to reveal a teen holding his twisted right arm and stepped on his chest. She leaned down and said, "Tell Celestia that I'm coming. And that I'm bringing Hell with me..." She said as she released him as he ran screaming from her only making Sunset laugh maniacally upon his rushing away.

Something tells me applejack is gonna have trauma after that.

"Putting it simply, Tia... I know he can..." At the front of the school stood Comet, his posture straight with his hands neatly behind his back, a cold, dead expression on his face as his eyes glazed over, a gentle snowfall around him standing in a white, silver trimmed suit and tie with his glasses neatly placed upon his nose as he stood still as stone, "For he knows not the ways of peace in times of dire straits. He will crush Sunset should she show her face... She will understand why the guard proclaimed his title unto him." she said with a sense of pride as Sunset came around the corner of the school from the left, Script and Cloud appearing from the right.

Does that mean he’ll kill her?

Your prattling is annoying, boy. If you won't do it, then I will !' An enraged, voice echoed as Script groaned and clutched his chest, taking deep breaths as he wavered around atop his board before slumping over a bit and standing still. Rarity took the moment to raise a hand as a crystal pointed much like that of a rapier appeared in her hand. She pulled it back and rushed forward on her platform to run him through before a sudden strike landed dead center of her face as she was sent off her platform and into the arms of Pinkie Pie below as she was placed staggering on her feet, her nose bleeding and a bit burned at the tip as the two looked back up to see what had changed. Standing above them upon the board was the flame-haired man Cloud had met at the door of Script's home glaring down at them as he waved his hand and the board vanished as he went into a freefall to the quickly snowing over ground around them. Though as he touched down, the snow around him quickly melted and evaporated from his overwhelming heat as h stepped towards the four girls ahead of him. He cracked his knuckles and neck to the side as he took another deep breath and glared with burning lime green eyes, "Only three of you? This won't take long." He seethed as he moved towards them.

That’s very interesting. Having yourself take over yourself.

As the other girls dealt with Cloud and Gamer, or whoever he'd become, Sunset's razor sharp teeth only clenched with anger. 'How in the name of Tartarus are they being held back so damned easily!? What did I expect from a bunch of idiot high school girls! Fine then! I'll just get rid of that idiot myse--' As Sunset moved to charge towards Cloud, a pillar of ice shot up from beneath her and sent her screaming skyward before she forced her claws and a burst of her tainted magic through it, shattering it twenty feet up. She roared in anger looking around before seeing the ice retreat back to it's source: The cold-eyed form of Comet glaring up at her. She smirked and charged back to the ground in a crouch before moving towards him slowly, a sway to her as she spoke. "Comet? Why do you turn your anger towards me, huh? I'm not the one who killed Sparkle, that was--" She was once again interrupted as another pillar shot out from her right side beneath her and sent her into the side of the school with a crash.

That was so satisfying.

Meanwhile, Comet continued to fend off the enraged demoness that was Sunset. Her attacks had become erratic and predictable, allowing him to quickly counter her and send her flying away with his pillars or even bring up shields of ice when a torrent of magical fire was blown down upon him. Being sent into the air again, she growled in seething rage flipping back up into an upright position before spotting that Cloud and the others seemed to return to normal. She grinned monstrously and called down, "What are you waiting for?! Kill them!" She called out as the five of them began to rush towards them with intent.

Is the crown controlling her or is she willingly doing this?

"Duck, bitch..." he groaned as she looked confused at him and then behind her seeing Fluttershy's foot land against her head, sending her rolling with a groan of pain. She flew up and growled as she went for a dive before her wings were suddenly held back, chains of shimmering ice gripping them at the base of her back as more began capturing her arms and legs. Fluttershy panted and leaned down to pull Cloud up onto his feet, "Flutters... Thanks for the save." He said with a grin as she nodded, her eyes clear of their haze as she pulled him back up.

Was it her element?

"It sounds bad out there... There must be others out there fighting back against her," Luna reasoned as she turned to Celestia, "If that is indeed the case, I believe would should take this time to try and move Twilight Sparkle somewhere more secure? Perhaps attempt to get her to a proper hospital?" She said looking through the infirmary window cautiously. Looking back to Celestia, she noticed that she seemed completely unresponsive to her suggestions. All her attention still centered on Twilight. Seeing this, Luna came over to her and placed a gentle, careful hand on her shoulder, snapping her back to reality as she slowly peered up towards Luna, "Sulking for her does her no good, dearest sister. If you want to help her, we should--" She was cut off as the two felt a sudden surging of magic, peering over quickly to the unconscious girl at their side in shock.

She’s waking up?

'Say that word and you will forever be a weakling unfit for our body.' The burning voice from before growled as Script's eyes widened. He turned and found himself in a sort of void standing across from a bright flame in the shape of some sort of equine, their eyes bright white as they marched up to him, 'Your pathetic whining disgusts me, but I know you have the heart of a warrior somewhere within you, for we are one. I will not lead you through every battle, for your actions must be your own! I refuse to allow a weakling like you to further sully my power, and so, you will carry out this fight!' He shouted as he repeatedly jabbed his hoof into Script's chest, 'Remember these words! We do not waver before the enemy, even if they were once ally! We do not stop until the battle is done, lest we lose another day! We are not simply a being! We are Kirin !' He roared as the flames burst out and surrounded Script before he found himself back looking at Sonic and Rainbow.

I feel sorry for script. Imagine insulting yourself.

He panted and nodded, "Heart of a warrior? I'm no fighter..." He said before smiling as he quickly scrambled away from Pinkie, Applejack and Rarity, going into a dive roll and skidding away as he leaned a hand back, "But if there's one thing I know I am," He said with a bright grin as he slung his fist back, a large gauntlet appearing along with the rest of his arm being clad in a golden spiked armor as he clenched the fist with digital electricity surging up it and into his eye, "It's a gamer!" He shouted as he summoned another shield on his opposing arm.

What does the gray mean?

1. You shall see
2. You Shall see
3. You. Shall. See.
4. Yeah, he's kinda going through it right now.
5. Essentially I was trying to show when they tap into their own magics, not that of their opposing side.

So they technically have access to two magics?

It'll be touched up on later, patience is the name of the game.

Honestly, Sunset deserved that beating.

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