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Interesting start so far, looking forward to the next chapter, keep up the good work, I expect great things from this fanfic 👍
Okay so this was just one of his dreams right twilight's not dead right, because if she says I'm sorry but I can't keep reading I'm sure it's a great story but I cannot handle a story with a major character death
Does this fan fic involve violence on a war scale? Just asking due to curiosity.
Perhaps... Who wants to know?
Someone that craves warfare. Anthro, Human, Normal Ponies, sticks and stones, bronze and iron, steel and gunpowder, tanks and planes, lasers and nukes, ancient or modern, anything goes. As long as I get to see something great from my prospective.
Time will tell. If you don't want to continue on, that's fine. Not every story is for everyone.
I see... Well, my warmongering friend, I may just have a few treats in here for you. May not be for a while, but treats nonetheless.
Why do they call him flash?
Why does that matter?
Ok, I’m liking this guy so far. He’s willing to do the right thing, but knows when to cut his loses.
He can be petty? I’m liking him more.
Ok, what just happened?
You seem a bit lost. Anything I can answer?
Ok, last chapter we saw him ge blasted, where is his body?
You misunderstand. He's in his body, He and the others have been turned to anthros. Combined with their other world counterparts.
Just saw your other questions, so I'll just go ahead and answer those:
1. His name is Comet Flash.
2. He was asking because that means Sonic had to have darted across a busy road to get to them, in which case he injured himself.
Oh ok. I think I get it, now.
Technically, this is happening because sunset got power hungry.
I could’ve guessed.
Only one?
She does realize that she needs them right? She can’t do it by herself.
This is actually interesting. We don’t see a lot of fics with people that have similar powers to the girls. So does that mean we’re gonna see a super powered brawl?
So everyone has their own counterparts inside of them?
He’s not wrong.
So that means she has to find principal celestia?
Something tells me applejack is gonna have trauma after that.
Does that mean he’ll kill her?
That’s very interesting. Having yourself take over yourself.
That was so satisfying.
Is the crown controlling her or is she willingly doing this?
Was it her element?
She’s waking up?
I feel sorry for script. Imagine insulting yourself.
What does the gray mean?
1. You shall see
2. You Shall see
3. You. Shall. See.
4. Yeah, he's kinda going through it right now.
5. Essentially I was trying to show when they tap into their own magics, not that of their opposing side.
So they technically have access to two magics?
It'll be touched up on later, patience is the name of the game.
Ok cool
Honestly, Sunset deserved that beating.