"Goodbye dragon, hello snake,” 2024-2025
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Awesome first chapter! I can't wait to see the upcoming chapters!!!
Villain Deku?
Nope just vigilante deku
That's a little optimistic, don't you think?
Let the man be toa tahu
Toa Tahu. Now that's a name I have not heard in a long time.
The OG toa of fire and poster boy of Bionicle, his original mask is used alot
Keep up the good work
Good thing I'm already spoiled for how this Arc Gets wrapped up
Don't really care about spoilers they just make it better to actually see it sometimes.
Also I absolutely love antihero's.
Well someone is salty. Most of the comments have 2 dislikes and I feel like it's for petty reasons. I'll save this fic in my RL for now.
What are you confused it seems like you're missing a step you're putting your right in front of the other but yet you keep switching to left
Looking forward to more.
Possible from people who hate the Displaced and anyone who says any positive comments will end up getting a dislike.
Ummm... it's left then right.
Hi Drak! Do you take a look at every new Displaced fic?
I search for it once or twice a day.
I-Is that a Daddyphatsnaps reference??
This is the last thing I expected to see on Fimfiction.
can hardly wait to read more

Doomguy's armor is green, so yes green is the color of legends
You wrote down instead of done
Damn, that image alone is massive spoilers for the new chapters! But that's their fault for not reading the manga. I might take a read of this
He better not pull his punches when dealing with the main six
I hate it when MC gets an idiot ball dropped and nerfed while the main 6 got boosted
They have no experience to deal with someone, realistic and professional, all they were dealing with were villains that behaved like they were in a drama and on stage.
Ohhhh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiii-
Should I change the cover?
noo.... the foxes......
nay you good fam keep it
Keep up the good work
Agreed, I really F********** HATE IT, when that happens in Wattpad, and sometimes in here.

Ooohh... That's a spicy tag salad.
Someone's mad at this fic. He had to make two other accounts just to dislike comments.
Great first chapter btw
That poor ninja vixen.
It wasn't funny the first time or any time after that
I just call them like I see them, man.
Oh no, not the Vixen🥺. Sorry bud, but I read through the story and can't connect to the character. Seems a little over the top to me, but it is a good story, just not my cup of tea... For now. I'll keep reading to see if things get better.
Red Japony (Japanese)-Style blade? Jetstream Sam’s VT7 HF Blade from Metal Gear Rising Revengeance?!
There are thousands of them and just so happen to comment on mine
I'm trying a different version of the character realistic in some ways but not super edgy
I was going for both of Samuel's blade and Adam's Wilt and blush blade but without the gun sheath, I did say I wanted to add some metal gear.
No problem, I appreciate it, but I'd think he'd get some code oh honor. You know how the old Boss in the Overhaul Arc was. He was a crime boss, but he had ethics you know. This character seems like he's just lost at the moment with no direction. Still, I hope there's no more fox killing (big fox lover here) but that's for you to decide. I can tell that right now, you're just putting up foundations for the story.
10909674 Adam Taurus? I like his blade and his Semblance