• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,963 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

  • ...

A Beginning Lust

In an Unknown Location

It was a foggy, dark, and unnerving place where not even the moon was willing to shine it's light. Nothing moved, nothing grew, nothing even made a sound save for the occasional wind. No life was nearby, not even the hardiest of creatures and the vary limited amount of water nearby churned and bubbled quietly, green and black with decay. There were barely any trees, those left were crooked and dead. Large boulders, cliffs, and pillars surrounded and scattered the area. The place was unnatural to both the humans and the ponies of the land, almost like something wanted it this way. But there was movement, that being from a flowing cloak standing in the middle of the wasteland alongside a gaping hole.

Hmmm, he's late. The figure hummed, almost like it was waiting. Purple eyes suddenly flashed from under the cloak, pointing up to something smoky in the sky. Ah, there he is. The unidentified flying object descended rapidly, landing heavily on the ground with a clang. So what's you're excuse for being late, Commander?

"Ap0log1es, 6ene4al. It spoke, revealed as another cloaked figure with a glowing rectangle inside it's hood. Th3 Cap1in w4s l4t3 in th3ir 4ep0rt.

Whatever. C'mon, let's not keep the king waiting much longer. Turning to the hole, the duo jumped in, landing despite the shockingly long drop. Though the darkness was even stronger, the two lit up the cave slightly with lights from their hoods. They began to walk, almost like they were drones in a factory. But as they descended, strange noises could be heard. What they heard wasn't anything innately creepy, but it was out of place as it sounded like guitar strings. They never slowed down however, knowing they had a mission. Then, they heard singing.

You can break down my lights and my doors
But I won't let you back in no more, no more
I'm sick of getting stuck in the same routine, again

These nights it shouldn't seem so long
But it takes forever when you go all about it wrong
These halls are lined with blood I can't have on my hands
These walls they seem to call my name
But I refuse to be another puppet in your game
Your eyes are dead inside but tonight I leave alive

You can break down my lights and my doors
But I won't let you back in no more, no more
I'm sick of getting stuck in the same routine, again

Tie me up
Put me into a suit
But I'll never ever be like you no
I know what happened here and you can't erase your past

Done what I can to try to hide
But even you can tell who I really am inside
It's not my job to watch you
I'm leaving here tonight

But maybe one day you will find humanity
Until then don't you dare say that we are the same

You can break down my lights and my doors
But I won't let you back in no more, no more
I'm sick of getting stuck in the same routine, again

Tie me up
Put me into a suit
But I'll never ever be like you no
I know what happened here and you can't erase your past

And I, crave the light of day
Cause I've been keeping you away
It's driving me insane
It's driving me insane

You can break down my lights and my doors
But I won't let you back in no more, no more
I'm sick of getting stuck in the same routine, again

Tie me up
Put me into a suit
But I'll never ever be like you no
I know what happened here and you can't erase your past


As the song neared its ended, they reached a large opening in the cave. Inside was a massive room that, despite the candles that were lit up around, was still incredibly dark. In the middle of the room was a figure in yet another cloak sitting down, though the hood was down to show a human's head with black hair, though nothing else could be seen as they were turned away.

"...Forgive me, I just thought that the cave would make good acoustics." The figure said, surprisingly his voice was pretty normal.

Y0u hav3n'1 u2ed you'43 gu1t4r in a wh1l3. The Commander said as it and their partner walked closer.

"Well we're going to be sitting around for a while." The guitarist, presumably the king, said. "I really hope this plan is good enough. You know I hate waiting around." Bowing down, the duo kept their heads down

The Captain just reported in. Looks like those humans and their little pony friends have conquered yet another adversary

"And where is he anyway? I would figure he would report to me in person. I'd say in the flesh, but'haa... y'know."

S1r, you h4d h1m tr4ve1 to th3 n0rth to ac1vat3 th3 cas7le.

"Oh right! I forgot about that!" The king said. "This is why I like you, commander. Your memory is second to one. That being the one besides you"

You flatter me, but I assure you your majesty. This plan will be much more entertaining than our previous endeavors.

"It better be." The king put his guitar to the side and stood up, cracking his neck. "For now though, is there the possibility to go off on a little hunt? I imagine that a few hunted game will be fine, right?"

Pl3as3 4efr4in fr0m hun1in6 p0nie5, s1re. 1 mus1 in5is1 th4t if y0u hun1, it'5 som3wh3re no0ne wil1 no1ice, l1ke th3 Ev3rf4ee Fo4es1.

"Tch, lame." Rolling his head, the king used his left hand to adjust his hair. "Eh, it'll be fine. Because in time, I can have all the game I could ever want to hunt. At least..." As the kink began to walk, he paused and turned his head lightly, revealing a smile that was very unnerving "...Until they are all extinct. Then onto the next hunting spot."

Author's Note:

Hmmm, darkness lurks in the shadows. How will this play out?
Thanks for sticking around, cause I've just dropped my last chunk of motivation on this. Thankfully, I've got things to do that will help me get back in the groove, like some paper that needs to be stomped and hammered. Time to check out the namesake, Koops is out!

Comments ( 3 )

Ah, yes, the classic hunter villain: One who hunts with no regard for the ecosystem they're hurting in the process, and with no regard for the sapience of the species they're hunting.

I hope to see more of it and I can't believe that there's a human working with the king and the other creature words I can't understand them

pony friends have conquered yet another adversary.(——

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