• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,961 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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The Canterlot Wedding Pt. 4

"Those are the conditions to the contract. Please, follow through with it."

Pretty much everything was a mess. Sure, the hive and goop were gone thanks to the loving couple's magic, but it didn't erase the damage the changelings caused like craters and what was broken. But it's a small price to pay if it means Equestria is same from the invaded swarm. And as everyone from friends to princesses began sitting down and getting ready for breakfast, they were planning to start. Of course, everyone turned when Xavier and Zenix entered the room.

"Xavier! You're okay-" Pinkie exclaimed as she leapt over to him for a big hug, but was caught by Zenix and being held by the back of her neck.

"Yes yes, it's great to know he's okay." He smiled innocently. "But remember what he went through. He's still a bit sore from everything." Zenix put Pinkie down and did a few quick swipes of her hair. "It's honestly surprising how fast you ponies recover from so much. It's starting to get tiring how much crazy crap happens."

"Eh, you get used to it." Xavier shrugged, his friends noticing he seemed a bit more solemn than usual. Joining the table, Cali brought over some food for the two.

"Hmm, you look pleased Cali. Despite everything." Zenix noted, Cali jolting up a bit but tried to act cool.

"Well... the Canterlot kitchen is quite extensive in what they have when compared to the house, so I may be a bit excited."

"You have quite the passion for cooking, miss Cali." Cadance commented, Cali looking over with a slightly less cool face.

"Hey, don't call me 'miss'. I'm not someone who deserves that from a princess."

"Sorry. It's just nice to finally meet the famous humans that Twilight's managed to befriend." An innocent smile was on Cadance's face, though as Cali went to her own seat she was tilting her hat down to hide her blush. "Now that I finally have the chance to, it's very nice to meet everypony and everyone. My name is princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you don't have to be so formal. I can just go by Cadence if you want to."

"It's nice to meet you, Princess Cadence." Jasmine greeted with enthusiasm.

"I hope you are doing okay after everything you've been through." Huston said with worry in his voice.

"Oh yes, you never deserved such treatment." Rarity agreed, to which Cadence gave an understanding smile.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm doing great thanks to all of you." Cadence thanked.

"Heh, yer too kind." Alex commented. "But we can't exactly take the credit. Xavier an' Twilight did the most work outta all o' us. All we did was stall fer time." As Alex spoke, all the ponies save for the soon-to-be-sisters grew a guilty look on them.

"That reminds us." Shining began, turning to Twilight alongside the others. He bowed his head in shame alongside everypony else, surprising everyone. "I'm so sorry for what I've done."

"...Huh?" Twilight wasn't sure how to react.

"I said terrible things to you and didn't believe you when you tried to tell me Chrysalis was an imposter." Shining began. "I should have trusted you; you love Cadence just as much as me and yet I dismissed them without a second thought."

"We're sorry too." Fluttershy spoke, her friends mimicking her.

"We were so gung-ho about the weddin' that we never even considered your feelin's." Applejack added. "After all, you knew the princess better than us."

"And even when you were outcasted, you kept fighting for all of us." Rarity continued.

"We had no right to turn our backs on you." Rainbow said.

"Can you forgive us?" Pinkie and Spike finished.

"I must give my apologies as well." To add to the surprise, even princess Celestia gave her apologies to add to the shock. "It is my duty to protect Equestria, and I failed to notice the threat was right in front of me while you noticed that something was different with Cadence."

"Princess, everypony, this is too much." Twilight reacted, clearly struggling to take this in. "I-I-I-"

"I mean, I don't think it's too much." Huston commented, getting a glare from her and Cali. "What?! They realized their mistakes and are owning up to it. I don't think it's something to harp on for too long."

"I agree." Jasmine said, getting a few eyes on her. "After all, Chrysalis had everyone fooled for the most part. The only reason we learned she wasn't truly Cadence was when we saw her true form."

"Not only that, but Chrysalis was manipulating your mind." Flint added. "I may not know much about the magic of... well, magic, but you were under her control from time to time, so it can't all be your fault.

"Even still, I still had control for the most part and I never listened to Twilight when she gave me the signs." Shining Armor retorted. "If only I had listened to her-"

*CLINK* "Like that is the only reason."

Everyone jumped when they heard a glass slam onto the table, but became concerned when they heard the tone of voice coming off of the perpetrator. Xavier.


"You heard me. Those are just excuses for your actions." Xavier glared at Shining Armor, a cold and slightly venomous aura coming from it. Almost everyone was past concerned when he began to speak, but Twilight was confused, Jasmine was panicking, and Zenix simply sighed. "If anything, everything is your fault."

"You're blaming everything on him? Why?" Rainbow spoke up, realizing what he was saying.

"Because he could have called out Chrysalis as soon as he saw her."

"What do you mean?" It was Cali's turn to speak, slight irritation in her voice. "She had us all fooled at first glance. We probably couldn't have known if we didn't see her transform."

"You really want to say he couldn't recognize the one he loved at first glance." Anyone could practically feel the venom from his voice, enough so to shut his critics up. "Cadence is the love of your life. You've been together for how long and you were fooled for how long?" Xavier's voice became harsher, raising the tension of the room as the venom was swapped for fire. "If I couldn't even see the slight differences in the one I loved, I wouldn't even think about deeming myself worthy of having a relationship with them. Let alone marry them!" A slam to the table caused clattering amongst the dishes on the table, startling some of the ones at the table.

"Xavier..." Out of the ones that didn't flinch, she felt like she was the one he was talking about.

"Because of your ignorance, you were taken control of and caused the invasion of Canterlot to happen."

"But we were given a threat warning, how was I-"

"That excuse doesn't give you the free card, after all you've had more than enough opportunities to see the truth." Xavier cut off the royal guard captain. "If anything, did you even think about where or who that threat came from? It was an obvious ploy in retrospect."

"I-it was?"

"They wanted to distract you from the outside, knowing that they were already inside." Xavier growled. "You had all the signs, from strange actions to suspiciously timed warnings, and all you could do was blame Twilight for everything to the point you said you didn't want her as your sister!" Everyone in the room flinched at this and looked at the victim.

"..." She stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

"Why should I forgive someone like that, huh?!" Xavier was practically shouting at this point, getting out of his chair with another slam to the table. "If anything, he's getting off too easily!"

"Hey, calm down!" Alex took action and began to walk over to Xavier. "Listen, ay'm upset at him as well. But we can't just send all the blame his-" As Alex went to put his hand onto his friend's shoulder, he was smacked away.

"Big talk coming from you!" Xavier shouted, giving pause to Alex. "Everyone here is missing the big picture!"

"Hey, we know what he did!" Alex shot back. "But everyone has some blame in this! What about the girls an' the princess!? They treated her poorly too an' yer not goin' off on them!"

"Because they have passable excuses!" Xavier spat. "The girls don't know the princess, so they could think that's how she was. And the princess has even more responsibilities than a royal guard captain does. But Shining Armor is her husband, he knows her best and has the time to see her!" Suddenly, a smack could be heard, and everyone gasped as they saw Alex slap his friend.

"Why are ye so focused on makin' Shinin' the bad guy?" Alex asked, Xavier still looking down from the force of the hit. "Ay get it, ay really do. But we can't be actin' like she fooled everyone. Ay'm not sayin' he's fully forgiven, but even ay have ta concede at a point. What yer doin' is cruel, just calm down-" As Alex was trying to slap some sense into Xavier, he stood up straight. What happened next caused the entire scene to go in slow motion. No one saw the possibility, but it happened as Xavier wound up. And in one swift motion, a haymaker was swung that sent Alex to the floor, that blow was enough to cause blood to start running.

"Just shut up!" Xavier practically exploded with rage. "A bastard like him shouldn't deserve the chance! He caused so much pain and the only thing he could do was abandon his own blood for some jerk who couldn't give two shits about him or anyone around them! He only has one family, and he left them behind!" Xavier turned and began to storm out. "Let me make sure of one thing, I don't care what anyone says, what he does, or even if my life depends on it. I will never forgive a person or pony who deserts family like he did."

"Why?" Twilight was the only one to speak out, emotions flowing.

"...Because someone who betrays family is destined to meet a terrible fate." Xavier stated, walking out of the room. It took moments to finally start moving, but the first ones to move ran over to Alex who was still shell shocked at the punch.

"Alex, you okay?!" Rainbow questioned, concern on her face as Cali and Huston helped him up.

"Huh, y-yeah." He said, taking a tissue from Applejack to stop the bleeding.

"What in the world is his problem?!" Cali shouted. "I get it, but that was so out of line!"

"You can't really blame him." Zenix spoke out after such a long silence from him, swirling the liquid in his own glass with an uninterested look.

"Really? And how can I when I barely know a thing about him?"

"You ever think about why no one knows much about him?" Zenix asked, raising questions. "It's because he never wanted you to know about him. He kept everything a secret."

"What are you, part of his fan club?" Rarity asked.

"In a way, yeah since I was in his corner before I came to Equestria." He admitted, getting gasps from everyone.

"So you did know him!" Pinkie pointed out dramatically for everyone.

"Why tell us now?" Huston asked, trying to connect the pieces.

"It's because of a contract I made with him." Zenix explained as he traced the rim of his glass. "For every penny outside of personal belongings he owned at that time, I would keep his secret to our graves."

"...That secret being...?"

"The story about his past."

"Wait, why now?" Twilight asked. "You're breaking the contract now of all times?"

"Because it broke when he left the room." The merchant explained. "Last night, he put a part to the contract for a price. If he retaliated on anyone physically and left the room without an explanation, the contract would be voided and I can tell everyone I know about him."

"That's quite specific." Applejack mentioned.

"Yeah, but it's for a friend." Zenix then finally told Xavier's story to his friends. From his old life with his family to the accident that caused his pain. From his life with Zenix and his true feelings to the day Xavier attacked someone. Everything was spilt to them, and every single one of the listeners were at a loss for words at the story. The only one who wasn't was Jasmine who knew the story, but still gave a sad look.

"As you've seen, he's got a vindictive side to him that only comes out when family matters come out." Zenix began to finish up, and while his face stayed the same throughout, his voice held a tinge of guilt. "And I don't think that he's going to drop that side, even with all the help you've given him."

"I-I don't see how we've been helpful to him." Twilight said sadly.

"Please. I've seen the guy actually smile with you guys." Zenix said matter-of-factly. "Hell, he's willing to give life and limb to protect all of you and Equestria. I may not have seen it, but I know he risked his life for a gamble of a plan. He wouldn't have used such a treasure as a gambling chip." Zenix leaned back, sighing.

"...Wow..." There was little sound from everyone, the only thing said was a low exclamation from a few of them. They had a lot to take in.

"I'd like to continue this conversation, but I'd like to do it when everyone's here." Zenix broke the silence, looking at everyone.

"Yeah, we should talk to Xavier directly." Twilight concluded.

"No, I mean without him." Zenix corrected, everyone looking at him confused. "What I mean is that we're missing Rainbow."



When Rainbow heard everything that Xavier went through, she didn't hesitate like everyone else. She left before anyone noticed, and went directly into the sky to search for him.

"C'mon, where are you dude." She wondered with anxiety. She looked around for a bit, but a glint that hit her eye caught her attention. She got a bit closer to where the glint was, and fortunately for her the glint happened to be Xavier flipping the balisong in his hand once in the garden Zenix and Jasmine were the night before the confrontation. Though he was now looking at the photo he kept as well. "There you are." Rainbow said as she descended, though Xavier didn't react. "Hey, I'm sorry for everything everyone said. I never realized-"

"Zenix told you everything, didn't he?" Xavier stated, never looking away from the photo.


"I'm not looking for an apology, so don't. I won't accept it anyway." He motioned for Rainbow to join him, to which she obliged. "Can't accept nothing anyway."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean you and the others have nothing to apologize for." He said as Rainbow sat down. "The only one who should feel sorry is Shining Armor for doing what he did."

"I don't get it, why are you holding him to such high standards?"

"Because what happened to me could have so easily happened to him." Xavier answered, the answer clicking in Rainbow's head. "We were lucky that me and Twilight were just sent to the caves under Canterlot and not somewhere that could have killed us in an instant. If we were, then even if you and the others were able to stop Chrysalis, he'd have to live with the guilt that he caused those he loved to die."

"So does that mean-"

"No, I'm not forgiving him." Xavier gave a cold glare, but it lightened up moments later. "I can't forgive someone like that, no matter how good-natured they are. If anything, I'm being merciful in letting him and Twilight interact like they've always have." The two sat in silence for some time, not really knowing how to continue. "I'm sorry for how I've acted."

"You really were out of line inside."

"No, I'm not apologizing for that. I'm apologizing for everything." Rainbow looked at him confused. "Ever since I met you and accepted you as a friend, I haven't exactly been acting like one."

"What do you mean? You've been great."

"And yet I've only been distant when it really matters." Xavier said, getting concern from Rainbow. "Every day it felt like every step we got to bonding, something came up that distanced me from you guys by two steps. I'm sorry for making you guys worry, but I will try to stop." Xavier stood up. "Can I make a few requests for you to tell everyone?"


"One, please be patient with me. I haven't been this open in a long time, so it may take some time for me. Two, promise me that no one will turn their backs on another and separate from the group. I don't think I can handle that. The third one is the most important."

"What would that be?"

"To not let anything that's happened recently stop Cadence and Shining Armor from having a wedding that is one to remember." Xavier's last requests shocked Rainbow. "I may not like Shining, but I don't want to wish tragedy on him. And doing so would hurt Cadence and Twilight, so I want them to have the wedding they dreamed of. Just don't expect me to come, I'd just kill the vibe." Xavier put his hands into his hoodie's pockets and began walking. "I hope I'm not asking much."

"...No, I can tell everypony. And trust me, I won't leave you at all, even if everypony else does." Rainbow paused for a moment but agreed to his requests with a promise of her own. Xavier gave a nod, but Rainbow didn't see the soft smile he had as he gave a wave, signaling his will to change for the better. For him, and his friends.

"And that's everything he said."

After Xavier left for who knows where, Rainbow took some time to take everything in. Once she did, she rushed off to collect everyone and told them what he said down to the letter. After all, he trusted her enough to tell him. Everyone stared at her, not knowing what to think.

"H-he wants the wedding to go on?" It was Shining Armor who broke the silence, in confused awe that him out of everyone would want the wedding to go forward.

"He's not malicious." Zenix said on his friend's behalf. "He's an idiot and violent at times, but he's not someone who hates for the sake of it. He just needs someone to help guide him." Everyone outside of Jasmine and Zenix looked amongst each other, but nodded.

"If that's the case..." Twilight began.

"Looks like we have a wedding to take care of." Huston said with a smile.

"Let's make this one for the ages!" Cali said with enthusiasm.

"YEAH! This is going to be great!" Pinkie cheered while bouncing about. Everyone else gave their agreements, ready for anything.

"Glad you guys are still able to bounce back from everything." Zenix cackled. "There is something I want to say though."

"And what's that?" Suddenly, Zenix fell to the floor, positioned in a groveling pose that startled everyone.

"Please, stay by Xavier's side for as long as you possibly can and show him what friendship truly is." He said, practically pleading. "Nothing is more valuable to me than him learning to connect to people. If he loses any of you over this or anything in the future, I don't know if he could start anew ever again. So please, do this one thing for me. I'll do and give anything, just please. Stay by him." Not even Jasmine saw this coming, as Zenix was either eccentric or scary, so seeing him begging was strange. And yet...

"We wouldn't dream of it!" Rainbow announced. "He's done so much for us, it'd be a crime to do so now and forever."

"He's right." Applejack joined. "I'll never see him as anything but a friend, and that's the truth."

"Hear hear." Rarity said. "It wouldn't be right to send him away."

"Neither would leavin' him." Alex agreed. "I'll stick by him, he'll need someone ta knock some sense inta him once in a while."

"YEAH!" Pinkie cheered. "If he wants to smile, I'll make sure he does!"

"Me and Ms. Fluttershy will stay too." Flint said, Fluttershy nodding. "We will always be there for him if he needs something. He just needs to ask."

"Mmhm." Huston nodded. "I want to help him learn to love, so I'll stay with him."

"Here's the question though, will you?" Cali suddenly asked Zenix, who raised his head in confusion. "You're someone he holds close too, or did you forget that he was worried for you ever since you got hurt?"

"I-I..." Zenix looked down for a bit, but began to get back up. "Is that a question? Of course I will. If my word isn't enough, I'll be willing to write up a contract here and now."

"That's fine." Cali gave a light punch to Zenix's shoulder. "But you promised. If you break that, I'll break you."

"Eheheh, I'll keep that in mind..." Zenix said nervously, Jasmine patting his shoulder.

"Let's all help him." Jasmine concluded, Xavier's friends nodding with willpower.

"With that out of the way..." Celestia interrupted, getting the attention of the group. "I believe we should make good on Xavier's request."


To say things went smoothly would be an understatement. Cadence loved practically everything that was prepared for her big day when Chrysalis hated it. When she was given an apple fritter from Applejack, she and Cali watched with joy so see her not only love it but go for more of them. Then when she tried on the original wedding dress before any altercations, she fell in love with it to Rarity's delight. The princess also took her time enjoying the song Fluttershy's birds made, swaying to the beat. And the biggest surprise was seeing her dance alongside Pinkie with a big smile on her face. All the while Twilight and Zenix oversaw everything, happy to know that nothing was going to get in the way this time. Finally, the big day arrived, and no one was in objection. Especially since the humans were standing up on the alter as best men and women to the bride and groom, with fancy dresses and tuxes. And of course, Twilight returned to her position as the best mare to the groom, giving one last adjustment to the emblem on his chest.

"There." She said, backing up from her brother. "Now you're ready."

"Thanks Twily."

"By the way, how'd you do it?" Twilight asked. "Seriously, though. I get why the queen of the changelings wanted to be with you, but how did you get someone as amazing as Cadance to marry you?"

"I told her she wouldn't just be gaining a husband. She'd be getting a pretty great sister, too." Shining answered, getting a smile from Twilight. Once he answered, Fluttershy's birds began to sing the classic wedding tune, cuing the walking. As the door opened and the CMC (who came the day the original wedding was) began to scatter petals. What came next however was yet another shock, as while Cadence was standing at the door, standing next to her was Xavier in a tuxedo, adjusting his tie before standing at attention with a calm yet slightly proud smile as he and Cadence began to walk. Halfway down, Xavier turned to Cadence, bowed, and walked off to the side of the room, leaning on the wall. His friends stared at him like he was an alien, but he simply put his finger up to his mouth to shush them and jerked his head to the princess to get them to focus. They did just in time as Cadence and Shining met face to face on the day they were waiting for.

"Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza–"

"Princess Cadance is fine." Cadence interrupted, giving Celestia the go-ahead to say her nickname.

"Hm. The union of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. The strength of their commitment is clear. The power of their love, undeniable. May we have the rings please?" With the question, Spike walked up in his own tux holding a pillow with two rings. Using her own magic, Celestia levitated them up and onto the horns of the now newly-weds. "I now pronounce you mare and colt!" The audience cheered, happy to finally see the union between the two. As the two newly-weds walked up to the balcony to see those who couldn't fit into the cathedral, the heroes watched Xavier walk up to them.

"So why are you here?" Alex questioned, a bewildered face staring his friend down.

"Yeah, I figured you weren't coming after what you said." Rainbow mentioned, looking back at her confrontation.

"Yeah... Funny story."


Amidst the hustle and bustle of the wedding preparation, Cadence decided to sneak off for a bit to take a break. She was walking the garden, enjoying some time to herself-

"AAAAHHHHH- GROOFF" At least until someone practically rushed straight into her and caused both of them to fall to the ground, the culprit sliding for a bit due to the momentum.

"Mmm, huh? Xavier?" Looking at who ran into her, she saw Xavier face down in the ground, a little bit of dirt moved out of his way with the way he slid."

"Princess?!" He however recovered quite fast when he heard Cadence speak, popping up with a shock. "I'm sorry about that. I didn't realize you were there. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but why were you running so fast?" Cadence asked as Xavier helped her up.

"Oh, w-well... Okay look there was this gigantic spider that landed on me and crawled around on my head! How can I not run off like that!" Cadence began to laugh at Xaiver's reaction, which caused him to blush. "HEY! There's a distinct difference between a changeling threatening my friends and a giant spider that's crawling all over you!"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry for laughing." Cadence said as she brought down her laughing. "It's just you're quite different from how I imagined you."

"Yeah, sure." Xavier rubbed his arm in self-contentiousness. "Hey, is everything okay with... you know."


"Well, everything." Xavier said. "Not just Shining, but with everything. I'm not trying to pry, but I just don't want any regrets, alright." Xavier looked nervous, but Cadence couldn't tell if it was because of the spider or the questions he's asking. She however simply smiled.

"I want to make sure there are none, so yeah. Everything is fine."

"Okay. In that case I should get out of your hair-"

"Now hold on, I want to thank you for saving me." Cadence cut Xavier off from leaving. "After all, I never got to thank you personally before... you know."

"It's no worries." Xavier shrugged awkwardly. The two stood in silence, not really knowing what to say.

"...Are you really opposed to coming to the wedding?" Cadence asked.

"...Well, I don't know." Xavier admitted. "It's complicated."

"Hmm, what if I gave you a job that made you come?"


"She then offered me the chance to walk her down the aisle. I tried to talk my way out, but she somehow managed to get me here." Back in the present, Xavier finished his story with looks of disbelief aimed at him.


"Hey, don't ask me on how I was convinced." Xavier defended. "I swear, you and her could have taken classes together, Zen."

"Right..." As Zenix looked to the side unimpressed, Xavier's friends all looked a bit sympathetic.

"I don't want to hear any apologies." Xavier said. "I don't deserve it after what I've done, alright. Just know, I'll stick around." Xavier began to walk away.

"Wait, you're leaving now?" Rarity asked.

"All Cadence asked me to do was walk her down the aisle. I'd rather not stick around."

"But there's going to be the reception party." Pinkie said with a tinge of sadness.

"I'll be around. I just won't interact. I'll see you later." With that, Xavier was off yet again, seeming just as distant as he was before.

"Lad, wait-"

"No, let him go." Jasmine said, stopping Alex and his friends. "He just needs to be alone for a while. Let everything sink in."

"You sure, Jas?" Cali asked.

"Yeah." Jasmine then looked at Cadence and Shining Armor, seeing how much they loved each other. "I just have this feeling." As everyone looked at the loving couple, Celestia leaned close to Rainbow.

"Rainbow Dash, that's your cue." She said, sparking Rainbow's memory. She shot up into the sky, leaving her dress behind and before long, the iconic Sonic Rainboom rung out across the sky. When it was heard, Xavier paused to look out the window, giving a smile.


Like any celebration, Pinkie knew how to bring a good time. And unlike what happened during the Grand Galloping Gala, Zenix was there to make sure she didn't go overboard. But at the same time, Cadence was happy with what they had, and that was enough to get many of the upper class to settle down. Now, as the sun finally fell below the horizon and everyone left for the garden, everyone watched as the bride and groom performed a slow dance. Among the crowd, the heroes all watched them happily, and while he wasn't nearby, Xavier watched them as well, giving a small smile of his own. Pinkie seemed antsy however, and Twilight noticed. Instead of scolding her however, she gave a nod to her, which allowed Pinkie to run off and over to the DJ booth.

"Let's get this party started!" She announced, a white pony with sunglasses putting a record into place and Pinkie tossing a mic. It was time for a certified Pinkie Party with Twilight taking the wheel (or mic in this case)

Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom,
Two hearts becoming one
A bond that cannot be undone because

She began to sing, and suddenly the vibes went from a classy party to one sick rave. Unlike last time it happened however, everyone began to dance around, even the princesses. And as everyone had pictures taken and danced the night away, there was only one thing certain and that was that everything would turn out well for the newly weds.

Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
I said love is in bloom
You're starting a life and making room
For us

Of course, everything has to end, and the married couple had to leave. They walked to a carriage with Twilight chaperoning them. As Cadence entered the carriage, Shining held off to look at his sister.

"Twilight! None of this would've been possible without you, little sis. Love ya, Twily." He said, thankful for his sister and proud to see how much she's grown.

"Love you too, B.B.B.F.F." Twilight replied, returning the love and giving a hug. And as Shining entered the carriage, he looked at his wife happily.

"Ready to go?"

"Oh! Almost forgot." His wife noticed, leaning out of the carriage with a bouquet. And with a toss, just about all the mares nearby aimed to catch it.

“IT’S MINE!" At least until Rarity barged right through everypony, aiming for it with crazed determination. This was her downfall though, as it just barely managed to clip her hooves, which sent it flying into the humans where Jasmine fumbled with it before holding it firm.

"HA! Ye got it!" Alex shouted with a point.

"Looks like the next wedding will be between you and Xavier." Huston chuckled.

"M-me and..." Jasmine began to imagine her in Cadence's place on the alter, wedding dress and all with Xavier facing her. Her face lit up beet red fast before escalating to steam exploding out from the top of her head, collapsing.

"Whoa, saw that coming." Cali said as she caught her. At that moment a thump could be heard, and everyone saw Xavier nearby, face down and red as well.

"Heh, looks like he wasn't lying about being nearby." Zenix cackled, everyone joining in.

"Now this was a great wedding." Twilight said, happy to know that everything was sorted. And as everyone watched the carriage ride off, they knew everything went according to the original plan.

"Oh, yeah? Just wait until you see what I have planned for the bachelor party!" At least until Spike spoke up.

"Wha- Spike. The bachelor party as supposed to be before the wedding." Flint said. Even still, everyone could only laugh at the ridiculousness. Everyone was finally together as friends, and they couldn't be happier.

Up at the highest point of Canterlot Castle, something was perched up on top. What it was wasn't easy to see, as even with the celebration and lights going on down below, it was far too dark to see. Almost like the figure itself was stealing the light away. The only thing that could be used to describe it was it was cloaked and that some strange fog seemed to float around them.

Iiitt seeemss tto be gooingg ttoo pllan. The figure spoke ominously. I muust repportt to thhe otttherss. I hhavve anottherr mmissionn tthe kkiing ggaave mee The figure began to sink into a black hole underneath them, leaving like they weren't there in the first place.

Author's Note:

*sips tea* ahhh, finally done. I hope you've enjoyed. Dang, may have burned a lot of motivation for a while. At least I have plans for the next chapters, so it'll be here. Buuuttttt... I have one last thing I need to do before then, so stayed tuned.

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