• Published 11th Sep 2020
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Hazy Days and Magical Ways - Dogger807

The Crusaders have finished their first semester at Hogwarts with the second about to start. The Weasley twins may be taking bets on how many professors take up heavy drinking by the end of the year.

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Chapter 29: Just a Morning Talk

Black was dominant in this domain despite the preponderance of light. Regardless of his loyalty to the family, Kreacher was not happy with the departure from the house's traditions. From time immemorial, this was a family of movers and shakers, using their money and prestige as weapons to strike fear into those who dared oppose them. He had no doubt that the son would never come close to approaching the greatness of his forebears, and the elder daughters were hopelessly destined for mediocrity. The youngest, however, had shown great promise. The ambition and cunning she had displayed before her unjust incarceration had marked her as the heir apparent to the Black legacy. Now, however, she was content to waste her time in front of that infernal muggle device.

Kreacher despaired that the name Black was no longer spoken in hushed tones, lest the clan's wrath be unleashed. Now, however, the name was spoken with tones of reverence. Loath as he was to admit it, much of this new attitude was due to the master's first wife. While she was not a proper pureblood, she was undeniably powerful; Kreacher had nearly blinded himself when he had stolen a peek at the mote of magic that had leaked from her disguise.

Despite the unnatural nature of the relationship, the wife had proven herself to be a capable broodmare, carrying within her the promise of a new generation. However, she was no mere plaything, subservient to the master. It was sometimes difficult to tell whether or not she might be the true master of the house; given the passion and energy she threw into her work and the wide berth the others gave her when she was in that mode. In fact, Kreacher had found himself compelled to cast a sleeping charm on her more than once to ensure that she did not exhaust herself to the point of endangering her unborn child.

Kreacher did not like the direction in which the Black family was moving. However, he was still loyal to it. He would do everything he could to ensure that the next generation would return to its roots. Failing that, there were sure to be other generations. It was a matter of time.

Right now, though, the most important thing Kreacher had to manage was seeing that the two pregnant wives were properly fed. To that end, he was preparing a hearty breakfast even as the pink-haired wife bounced around his kitchen, preparing pastries of some kind. This morning, she was especially bouncy as her sister had come for a visit. As of late, there had been too many pastries in everyone’s diet if Kreacher was any judge on the matter.

The old elf was in the middle of frying up some eggs and bacon when the owl arrived. That white one was as likely to be carrying passengers as anything else.

Pinkie bounced past the stove, casually grabbing a rasher of bacon from the sizzling skillet before hopping over to stand before the chair on which the owl had roosted.

“Mistress must not bounce.” Kreacher tried for the umpteenth time. “She has been told it is not good for the child, she has.”

“Right, right, sorry.” Pinkie held her stolen prize out for the bird. “I’m just so excited that Maud is here. I haven’t seen her in like forever.”

“Mistress must take care of herself,” Kreacher scolded.

“I will.” Pinkie produced her wand from seemingly nowhere and placed it on the owl’s pouch. “Ex dimittere.” To be fair, Kreacher wasn’t sure if the woman actually needed that wand. To be even fairer, there were a lot of things with Mistress Pinkie about which Kreacher was not sure. All he knew for certain was that he dared not be on the wrong side of whatever power she truly wielded.

Kreacher wanted to cover his ears to block out the sounds coming from the pouch as the probable count of those needing breakfast increased.

“Thanks, Pinkie,” the final wife said. “Where is everyone? We’ve got some news to share.” She gestured at the three ponies who had accompanied her, one of which was Mistress Scootaloo.

“They’ll be down soon,” Pinkie said cheerfully. “Go wait at the table.” She pulled several vials out of her hair. “Here, they’ll be wanting these.”

Mistress Rainbow looked at the vials just handed to her. “Hangover potions? I take it you had an exciting night.”

“Well, Twilight and I couldn’t join in all the fun. But we managed to levitate everypony else to their beds.”

“Did you get everyone in the proper place?” Scootaloo asked.

“Bella suggested that we just put all the extras in Remus' and Nissy’s bed. Save Kreacher the trouble of having to clean up guestrooms.” Pinkie admitted, “I wanted Maud in ours, but Twilight vetoed that idea. Something about promising Sirius not to put new mares there without consulting him first, when he’s sober.”

“Who’s Maud?” Rainbow asked.

“She’s just the bestest of best sisters.” Pinkie beamed. “You’re going to love her.”

“If she’s anything like you, we won’t be able to help it,” Scootaloo said.

Bow cleared his throat, even as Windy stood next to him, oddly subdued.

“Oh right,” Rainbow said. “Pinkie, this is my mom and dad. I brought them to spend the day with us. I didn’t want to leave them at home alone; they’ve had a nasty shock.”

“Hello Rainbow’s parents,” Pinkie greeted cheerfully. “Follow Rainbow to the table. You’re in for some non-nasty shocks. Just give it a little time.”

“On second thought, this might not be my brightest idea,” Rainbow said.

“Don’t be such a spoilsport,” Pinkie berated. “Go sit; breakfast is almost done.”

The four ponies had just found their seats when Twilight wandered into the room with a seriously green Black leaning on her for more than moral support.

“You’re a sight,” Rainbow said bounding out of her chair and offering a vial using a wing. “What have I told you about going out and having fun without me?”

“Things may have gotten out of hand,” Sirius rasped. “Somewhere after the seventh round if I remember correctly.”

Pinkie said, "Someone's a little hoarse."

The master begged. "Please Pinkie, I'm serious."

Twilight smiled at Rainbow. “Puns aside, we’ve got a date with the waitress. With any luck, we’ve found the human mare needed for our herd.”

“We do?” Sirius looked at Twilight in surprise even as he downed the potion Rainbow had given him. “I don’t remember that.”

“Yes.” Twilight beamed. “She has a foal, but I think she’ll fit in nicely.”

“You wouldn’t be the first stallion who has added to his herd after a few ciders,” Bow said from the table.

“Oh, more visitors?” Twilight focused on the new ponies for the first time. “Welcome.”

“This is my mom and dad,” Rainbow piped up. “I figured now was a good time to introduce them to my herd.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Twilight said as Sirius groaned in relief as the potion took effect.

“This is not the first impression I wanted to make,” Sirius said, standing straighter.

“I’ve seen worse.” Bow shrugged. “Rainbow and Scootaloo say you’re awesome; that’s good enough for us.”

“That’s right.” Twilight smiled. “Scootaloo is officially your daughter now. Congratulations!”

“That kind of fell apart spectacularly,” Rainbow said.

“What?” Sirius started. “How?”

“Oh no,” Twilight added. “Whatever went wrong, I’m sure Celestia can help.”

Rainbow waved a dismissive hoof. “Don’t worry; things worked out. I’ll explain when everyone is here.”

“What did we miss?” Andi staggered into the dining room leaning on Ted; or maybe it was the other way around.

Rainbow hopped over to the couple, offering a vial in each wing. “It must have been a really wild night. I’m disappointed that I missed out.”

“You wouldn’t have made it past the fifth round.” Pinkie entered, carrying a tray of breakfast pastries. “They started on the hard stuff after the third.”

“That’s about the point where everything became a blur to me,” Andi admitted, sitting at the table and waving at the unfamiliar ponies and the small one with them. “She hasn’t taken you back to the school yet?” she asked Scootaloo.

“It’s the weekend.” Scootaloo shrugged. “Professor McGonagall won’t mind, too much.”

“Well, we’re glad you’re here.” Ted sat next to his wife. “We can make plans for the day.” He turned to the two new ponies. “Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“Those are my in-laws,” Sirius offered.

“I gathered that from his hair,” Andi said, eyeing the stallion. “Welcome to our home.”

“Thank you,” Windy said sedately. “Meeting Rainbow’s herd has always been a dream of ours.”

Rainbow looked at her mother worriedly as the final occupants of the house staggered in.

Noting that Bella, Maud and Grace were each wearing one of Nissy’s robes, Sirius gave a wicked grin. “So, are we looking at the house’s newest herd?”

“We haven’t had the courage to go check the tapestry yet,” Nissy admitted as Rainbow flew over and started distributing vials.

“Yay!” Pinkie hopped. “Maud has got a herd. Isn’t that great?”

“Pinkie, keep it down, please.” Remus winced. “At least wait until after the potions kick in.”

“What’s this?” Grace stared bleary-eyed at the vial she held as Nissy, Remus and Bella quickly downed their own.

“Hangover potion.” Rainbow came to hover before her. “Trust me, you want to drink it, despite the taste.”

“You let Maud drink the lot of you under the table.” Twilight commented, “I’d be surprised if you didn’t need two of those.”

“I was just getting started,” Maud said, taking the cork out of her own vial.

“Is she bragging?” Sirius turned a questioning look on Pinkie.

“No,” Pinkie said with a smile.

“Right, no more challenging Maud to drinking contests,” Sirius acknowledged.

“At least she’s loosened up,” Bella said. “I think she has, anyway.”

“Things may have loosened up a little too much,” Nissy said as Remus held out a chair for her.

“Yes,” Remus agreed. “I woke up in a bed full of naked women.”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this for a second time in my life,” Ted said. “Are you bragging or looking for pity? Help me out here, because I’m getting mixed signals.”

“You were all wearing your clothes when we dropped you off,” Twilight stated, scrunching her eyebrows together.

“I’ll get started arranging the stipends,” Sirius said enthusiastically, grinning at his oldest remaining friend. “Looks like Lupin is going to end up being a cadet branch of the Blacks.”

“Are things always this exciting in the morning?” Bow asked with a grin of his own.

Remus raised a questioning eyebrow at the new pony as he held a chair out for Grace then one for Maud.

“My in-laws,” Sirius said. “As first impressions go, I’ve pretty much already flubbed it.”

“I could get used to this,” Bella said as Remus held out a final chair for her.

“That may be a distinct possibility,” Nissy said, somewhat puzzled as Bella deflated slightly at those words.

“I told you that you should share,” Pinkie said, plopping onto Sirius’ lap. “Aren’t you glad you did?”

Nissy sighed. “Strangely enough, I am not as upset over it as I thought I would be. The way the three of you share Sirius without jealousy has been eye opening. Still, it would not have been something I would have sought out.”

Remus let out a relieved sigh at this declaration.

“It has to be good for Bella.” Rainbow snatched a pastry from the platter. “Mmrr maa mrrrrr a loving herd. If you know what I mean.” The first part of her sentence may not have been as intelligible as she may have wanted.

Andi sighed and pulled out her wand. She got up and proceeded to wave it over Grace, Maud, Bella, and, almost as an afterthought, Rainbow.

“Well,” she said after retaking her seat. “There is good news and surprising news.”

“Don’t keep us in the dark, dear sister,” Nissy sniped.

“None of them have engaged in relations with a man in the last twenty-four hours,” Andi said.

“You hear that, Sirius?” Rainbow piped up, “We’re behind schedule. We’ll need to pop up to the bedroom after we’re done eating.”

“Which brings us to the second bit of news.” Andi smirked. “Congratulations, Rainbow; you’re pregnant. Sirius, you are three for three now.”

“Woo hoo!” Rainbow raised a hoof in triumph, while the rest of the table applauded and otherwise expressed their approval. “Finally.”

“That’s wonderful, dear!” Windy had regained some of her enthusiasm as she left her seat to grab her eldest daughter in a hug while Bow observed with a proud look on his face. “We’re getting a grandfoal after all.”

“I’m surprised you went this route,” Twilight commented. “You do realize how this is going to make your dream of joining the Wonderbolts that much more difficult.”

“It’s only a delay.” Bow smirked. “Our Rainbow is a shoo-in for the Wonderbolts. They’ll be lucky to have her.”

“Yeah, about that.” Rainbow squirmed in her mother’s embrace. “I would still love to be a Wonderbolt, but I’ve come to realize that there are dreams more important than that.”

“What?” more than one person at the table blurted out.

Rainbow shuffled uncomfortably in her mother’s embrace and looked at the ground discontentedly. “You see . . . well . . . there was this time I sat on a cloud for a couple days. It came to me then. The first day I thought to myself, ‘I’d give my wings for the girls to come back unhurt’. You know, that thing ponies say sometimes when they really want something badly.”

A round of acknowledgment went around the table.

“I did the same thing on the second day. Truthfully, I didn’t pay it much mind. On the third day, after thinking that, I realized it wasn’t an exaggeration. I think it was at that point that my lifetime goal of becoming a Wonderbolt took on less of a shine.” Rainbow looked up from the floor to look at everyone across the table. “It just wasn’t as important anymore; there was something I wanted more. I haven’t been able to muster the same energy for my practices since then.”

“I’ll help you practice,” Scootaloo stated proudly, spreading her own wings. “There’s no way I’m letting my sister miss out on her chance at becoming a Wonderbolt.”

“Sister, hmm?” Remus said. “Shouldn’t that be mother?”

“About that,” Rainbow said. “A funny thing happened on the way to completing the adoption.”

“Haha funny or ‘Twilight step away from the workbench’ funny?” Nissy asked.

“Bella enjoying a plot twist on her soap operas funny,” Rainbow said. “The medical tests showed that Scootaloo and I have the same mother and father. We were always sisters and never knew it.”

“Thus, the reason the adoption fell through.” Twilight mused. “That invalidates your surprise as well.” She nodded at Sirius.

“Surprise?” Scootaloo turned her attention to Sirius, wagging her tail slightly.

“I’ve filled out the paperwork to bring you fully into the House Black,” Sirius said, “making me as much your father as Rainbow would have been your mother. This complicates things, however. I’ll have to settle on being your brother-in-law, instead.”

Sirius suddenly found he had a lap full of orange fluff as well as the wife who had already been sitting there. “Thank you! I know it’s not going to happen now, but thank you!”

“I’d have been lucky to have you.” Sirius hugged Scootaloo. “We’re still family, but I would have been proud to call you, my daughter.”

“I have a family.” Scootaloo sobbed as she buried her face in Sirius’ shirt. “I have a family.”

“That’s so sweet.” Bella declared, “I’m getting cavities.”

“Bella, please,” Nissy reprimanded.

“You know what?” Bella said. “I’m through tiptoeing around the issue. I want little ones of my own. Come along, Remus; we’re doing this herd thing after all.”

“Bella, you can’t just declare something like that!” Nissy scolded.

“You’re the reason no one was wearing clothes this morning,” Twilight noted with a glare at Bella as the realization sank in.

“That’s right. I borrowed Nissy’s wand and vanished all our clothing.” Bella said. “I figured it would be good for a laugh. Besides, I got to snuggle with Maud.”

“You pranked Remus and Nissy.” Sirius beamed as tears of joy started to form in his eyes. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Bella tricks,” Maud stated.

“Good one,” Pinkie added.

“We’re wasting time.” Bella smiled gleefully. “Breakfast can wait.” She produced Nissy’s wand and waved it at Remus. “Wingardium Leviosa.”

“Bella you can’t just . . .” Nissy started.

“Come along, girls; it’s playtime.” Bella said to Maud and Grace. She then stood and left the room, floating Remus after herself.

Nissy stood and quickly followed. “Bella, come back here! Give me back my wand! And my man!”

Maud and Grace shared a look. “Shall we?” Grace asked.

“Yes,” Maud replied in a manner that was remarkably quicker than those at the table had come to expect.

The two women rose and left the room at a sedate pace.

Those remaining at the table stared after with varying levels of shock showing on their faces. “Well, that just happened,” Rainbow said after a minute.

“Pinkie,” Sirius asked suspiciously, “you didn’t happen to make these pastries using love honey, did you?”

Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. “I used twice as much as I normally would. I thought I’d try something different.”

Twilight sighed. “I saw Bella eat at least three of them,” she told everyone.

Andi grimaced. “Grace put away at least three herself.”

“Four,” Pinkie corrected proudly.

“These things need to come with a warning label,” Ted said as he munched on one of his own.

“How many did Maud have?” Rainbow eyed the platter.

“Six.” Pinkie smiled.

“Remus is going to need some pepper-up potions,” Sirius noted.

Everyone went silent again as Windy and Bow looked on in confusion.

“So,” Sirius tried. “Where are Dan and Emma? I distinctly remember them being present last night.”

“I teleported them back to their house,” Twilight said. “I do know where they live, after all.”

Sirius nodded. “Kreacher, deliver a couple of hangover potions. They’re going to need them.”

“Kreacher will,” the elf said before popping out.

“Why didn’t you leave Grace with the Grangers?” Andi asked Twilight.

“She was getting along rather nicely with Remus and Nissy,” Twilight said. “That worked out a lot better than I was hoping.”

“You are hereby banned from playing match maker in the future,” Sirius told his wife.

“She’s apparently very good at it,” Ted countered.

“You don’t think they’ll actually go through with it?” Rainbow looked in the direction their friends had departed.

“Those mares looked determined,” Windy said. “And the head mare already said she wasn’t averse to having additions to her herd of two.”

“You think Nissy will end up being alpha?” Pinkie mused.

“She already dominates Bella in most circumstances,” Rainbow said. “And don’t get me wrong, but Maud doesn’t strike me as the alpha type. What’s more, I’ve met Grace before, and I know she’s a follower.”

“Well,” Ted wiped a few crumbs from his fingers “Andi and I are going to head back to our room and get a few more hours of sleep,” he declared.

Andi looked at his plate then looked into the eyes of her husband. “How many of those did you have?”

“Just a few.” Ted said.

“Five,” Pinkie informed everyone.

Rainbow snorted. “Yeah, right. Sleep.”

“Well,” Bow said. “It looks like there is going to be a break before we have that family outing. Maybe Windy and I should head home and come back later.”

The rest of the table turned to look at Pinkie with questioning eyes. “Four each,” she said helpfully.

Sirius smirked. “We have a guest room you can rest in. It’ll save you the trip.”

“We’d appreciate that,” Windy said, eyeing her husband with a shy smile.

“I’m feeling it now,” Twilight said, looking at the half-eaten pastry sitting on her plate. “Pinkie, you are banned from making this recipe again, without due warning.”

“Why?” Pinkie asked, popping one into her mouth whole. “They’re tasty.”

“Pinkie,” Twilight said with a bit of steel in her voice.

“Okay, okay,” Pinkie said.

Twilight got up and started to walk from the room. “Come along girls.” She said, “You too, Sirius.”

“Coming,” Rainbow said as Pinkie pronked after, holding Sirius’ hand. “Follow us, Mom, Dad. We’ll show you to that guest room.”

Scootaloo sat at the table and shrugged. Having been too excited to eat earlier, she pulled a bowl of porridge toward herself and picked up a spoon with her wing. As she munched on her own breakfast, she eyed the platter of remaining pastries with a contemplative look.

“Kreacher!” she called out, waiting for the elf to pop in before continuing. “Would you mind packaging these and placing a stasis charm on them? If I time it correctly, I’ll win the pool for sure. These are going to make the perfect gift for Professor McGonagall.”

Kreacher scowled at the platter. They were eating entirely too many pastries as of late.

Author's Note:

I'm going to end it here; so it's a bit of a short chapter this week. Which is okay, because it was a filler, only meant to resolve the last minute joke from last chapter. Which, by the way, did not go according to plan. I blame Pinkie and those darn pastries ...... And then, I realized they left Scootaloo alone in the room with them.

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